

Just for fun Something of a THRILLER short story

kingslayerXV · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 13

As Sasuke continued to fend off the incoming army of Otsutsuki, other villages were not far behind in preparing themselves for the impending war. They knew that they had to work together and unify their forces if they were to stand any chance against such a powerful enemy.

The leaders of the allied nations came together in a secret meeting to discuss their strategy. They agreed that they would create a unified army consisting of their strongest warriors and shinobi from all the allied nations. They also decided that they would use all their resources to gather intel on the Otsutsuki and their capabilities.

The villages started their preparations by training their shinobi and building new weapons and defences. They also sent their best spies and intelligence officers to infiltrate the enemy's territories and gather information.

The village leaders were in constant communication with each other, sharing information and coming up with new strategies. They knew that they could not afford to make any mistakes and that their only chance of success was to work together.

Meanwhile, Sasuke continued to fight off the Otsutsuki army with all his might. He knew that he had to keep them at bay until the allied army was ready. He was determined to protect the village and his friends no matter what.

As the days went by, the allied army grew stronger and more prepared. They had gathered enough intel to know the enemy's weaknesses and strengths. They had also trained their shinobi to use new jutsu and techniques that would give them an edge in the upcoming battle.

Finally, the day arrived, and the allied army marched towards the village, ready for the battle of their lives. They knew that they were facing an enemy unlike any other, but they were determined to protect their homes and loved ones.

As they arrived at the village, they could see the destruction caused by the Otsutsuki. Buildings lay in ruins, and the streets were empty. The allied army knew that they had to act fast if they were to save the village and its people.

Sasuke, who had been fighting alone until now, was relieved to see the allied army. He knew that he could not hold the enemy off for much longer. He joined forces with the allied army and together, they launched a massive attack on the enemy.

The battle was intense, and the ground shook with each attack. The Otsutsuki fought back with all their might, but the allied army was too strong. They had prepared well and had trained for this moment.

The shinobi from different villages fought side by side, using their jutsu to complement each other. It was a true display of unity and teamwork.

After a long and gruelling battle, the Otsutsuki were defeated, and the village was saved. The allied army had proven that they were stronger together, and that their unity was their biggest strength.

As the shinobi celebrated their victory, they knew that their work was not yet done. There were still more Otsutsuki out there, and they would have to stay vigilant and continue their preparations.

Meanwhile, Sasuke and Naruto discussed their next move. They knew that they could not let their guard down, and that they would have to continue their fight against the Otsutsuki. The two friends were determined to protect their village and their loved ones, no matter what