
The Missing Goddess

Alessia was an ordinary young adult striving to live her life to the fullest until a car accident disrupted her world. Currently, she is battling her inner demons, encountering the gods, and possessing the power granted by a goddess. While exploring the supernatural realm, she encounters Zagreus, a god who initially appears aloof and distant but later develops feelings for her. Alessia discovers that the myths about Greek gods she read are factual, and her fate is intertwined.

Ccleavell · Fantasy
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98 Chs


It's been a few months since Alessia entered the human realm. The days and weeks pass in a blur.

She didn't think the world she knew would change, but it did. It seems a war broke out, and some cities were destroyed.

Alessia picks up a crumbled piece of newspaper, and the headline says, '1 million causalities." A weird feeling goes through Alessia. She looks around the city. It was empty.

The air was heavy with the scent of death and despair. Alessia could feel the pain of those who had lost their loved ones, their homes, and their sense of security. It was a feeling she knew all too well, having experienced it in herself.

She walks through the rubble, her feet sinking into the broken concrete and shattered glass. The sun was setting, casting an eerie glow over the destruction. Alessia couldn't help but wonder how a once beautiful world could turn into this.