
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

The bell rings and children fill the passages, "She is so mad at you," Nick says laughing from behind. He puts his arm around her, and starts walking her outside, Sally, wrapped in her thoughts doesn't even notice Jessy that had caught up with them. " What's wrong?" she asks Sally. Nick also realises this," OMG, what happened?" He asks. He starts pulling her to their spot faster. When they finally get there he sits them down."Okay, now tell us everything!" Nick says.

"...And then when the bell rang, I grabbed the rose, THE ROSE!" Sally realises.

"What rose?"Jessy asks.

" The one that was on the sink, covered in blood, or at least I think it's blood,"

"BLOOD!" Nick says concerned.

"Shhhhhh," Sally and Jessy say at the same time. Sally starts digging in her bag and pulls out the rose, Jessy quickly covers the rose with her hand,"What are you doing!" Jessy says.

"That's so cool," Nick says shortly after.

" Are you stupid, everyone can see it here!" Jessy says firmly."True," Sally says looking at Nick. Sally still can't believe they are twins, Jessy is the only one with brains in the group and all Nick can think about is food, games and other stupid things like that, Sally thinks of them as family, since they are the only REAL FRIENDS she's ever had. Sally snaps back to reality when Jessy starts talking,"Okay, we all have to meet up after school,"

"Okay," Nick and Jessy say together."Whose house are we meeting at, though. Nick asks. "Sally's, mother has a meeting. REMEMBER!" Jessy says sarcastically. Sally can't help but laugh when they fight.

The rest of the break they talk about how mad Miss Ray was when Sally wasn't there for their test. The bell rings and the passages swarm with children. It's crazy. Everyone is pushing to get to the second last class of the day on a Friday. Sally can hear teachers yelling at children to line up in the background.

Once she finally got to class, she doesn't do much work, her excuse to herself is that her mind is on a lot of other things, but she doesn't tell anyone else that. She closes her eyes and listens to the clock. Tick tock, Tick tock. Eventually the bell rings," Last period, Finally," she thinks.

The last period felt forever, but eventually when Sally looks up at the clock,"Three, minutes," she says softly, " What?" Nick says confused, looking up from his book."Nothing, minds just on other things,"she whispers. The bell rings and everyone runs out. Children swarm the passages, once again, but eventually when Sally reaches the door, she grabs her bike and starts riding home, she calms down a bit, when she feels the wind blowing against the side of her waist. When she reaches her house she enters and starts making sandwiches and tea, while she waits for Nick and Jessy.