
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Sally has now been going to Redwood for about three months and has become friends with Nick, Jessy and even one of her teachers, Mr Mark.

One day in English class something caught Sally's eye, there was a creature- like-shadow that moved across the doorway. Her hand shoots up.

"Yes?" Miss Corkscrew asks.

"Can I use the bathroom, please?"

"May I," she corrects," and do you really have to , break was 50 minutes ago,"

Sally nods her head with her eyes still locked on the figure.

"Fine, make it quick!"

Sally gets up as quickly as she can. When she leaves the classroom her eyes scan the passages, she spots the shadow going around the corner and into the grade 10 girls bathroom, she enters knowing no one will find her there, Sally knows this because she uses it regularly and for some reason no one is ever in there. When she gets inside her eyes scan the room, her eyes lock on a red substance dripping down from one of the bathroom stalls door. She hesitates for a second but sticks her fingers in it,"What is this?" she whispers. She slowly opens the stall door but is in some way disappointed to find nothing there.When she turns around she has to catch herself against the stall's doorframe. She rubs out her eyes to make sure it's really there,"No it's really there," she thinks.


Written on the bathroom's window in the same sticky red substance. She slowly walks closer still gasping for air. She walks even closer to investigate more. She finds a rose, as white as snow, covered in the red substance. She jumps up as she hears the bell ring,"English!" she says. Without hesitation, she grabs she rose and runs back to class.

"Of course," she thinks as she bumps into Miss Corkscrew. But instead of yelling, Sally expected, Miss Corkscrew just looks at Sally, then to the bathroom, the. back at Sally, she slowly lifts her finger, points it at the bathroom awkwardly, opens her mouth as if she is going to say something, but just shakes her head in disappointed and walks off to her next class in a rush. Sally doesn't question anything, she runs back to English class, fetches her stuff and half-runs-half-walks to Mr Mark's class, as that is the only plan she has.

When she walks into his classroom, she finds him doing work on his laptop. With the look on Sally's face, he instantly knows something is wrong. She fills him in on everything and within minutes they're walking to the bathrooms. When they reach the bathroom, Sally looks back at Mr. Mark, she can see that he is hesitating to enter, she tilts her head, signing that it's fine to come in.

He shortly follows her into the bathroom. They both look around but there is nothing there.

"Sir, but..."she starts.

"No," he tells her,"I was busy with important work and you knew it!" He starts walking back to his classroom."What! No, it really happened," she said quickly. He turns around and looks at her in the eyes. "Okay, now please, a joke is a joke but now it is over," he says firmly. Sally starts going after him, but soon stops, as she knows there is no hope.