
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

xChapter 19 - On The Run

In the gymnasium at Starlight High, several people, both students, and citizens of the city, are gathered together to celebrate the small carnival that the school is hosting. Among the several different stations, one of them happens to be a dunking station where Ronnie is sitting above a tank of water as people try to hit a target that'll cause the platform he's on to fall into the water.

"Hah! Is that the best you can do?!" Ronnie says arrogantly, "I'm as dry as a desert up here!"

As Ronnie continues to taunt people as they walk by, Elizabeth & Marcus are collecting tickets from people which is how people can step in line and try to dunk in Ronnie.

"He's really getting into this role huh?" Marcus says.

"Yeah well, it looks like my skills as an acting coach came in handy today," Elizabeth responds.

"Wait you're an acting coach?"

"No, I just told Ronnie to act like Alex."

Marcus chuckles at Elizabeth's joke as a group of people walks over to them. Elizabeth looks and glares at the person standing in front of them, which is Rebecca Jenksin. Rebecca is one of the most popular girls at the school and she's only wearing designer clothes.

"So, what do we have here, huh?" Rebecca says.

"Oh if you hit the target, Ronnie falls into the tank, you wanna give it a go?" Elizabeth begrudgingly informs Rebecca.

"Sure, why not."

Rebecca hands her a ticket and walks over to where a basket containing a tennis ball lays.

"Uh, she probably doesn't even know how to toss a ball," Elizabeth whispers to Marcus.

"Woah I've never seen you this upset, are you good?" Marcus whispers back to Elizabeth.

"I am, it's just she was a bitch to me all through middle school, probably why I hated it so much," Elizabeth whispers back.

"Sorry, that happened to you," Marcus whispers back.

Rebecca looks up at Ronnie who has a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Hey, Rebecca!" Ronnie yells, "Are the rumors true?!"

"What rumors?" Rebecca scoffs.

"Oh, just those silly rumors about how you wear a wig-" Ronnie begins to say however Rebecca chucks the tennis ball at the target and hits it dead on. The platform Ronnie is sitting on collapses in on itself as Ronnie falls into the tank. Marcus laughs while Rebecca has a proud smirk on her face.

"Congrats you've just won this free book coupon to the Starlight City Bookstore and this opened bag of silly bands," Elizabeth replies unamused.

"Oh...thanks," Rebecca says as she grabs them.

"Wait that's what we're handing out?" Marcus whispers to Elizabeth.

"Most of the budget of this carnival went into the dunking tank, not much else we have to offer besides some desserts," Elizabeth replies.

Ronnie floats up to the top of the dunk tank completely soaked and asks, "hey speaking of desserts, did Alex ever come back with that cake?"

"Oh not yet," Marcus says as he looks over to the crowd of people waiting for the 'cake walk' game to begin which includes Ray Ramirez, Mesto-Presto, Christopher Wrinkle, Hamster, Bennet, & Wilsten.

"Wow, I wonder when he's getting back," Ronnie asks.

"I bet he's having the time of his life right now," Elizabeth adds.


In a random dark alleyway somewhere on the north side of Starlight City, Alex Smith is not having the time of his life at the moment. In fact, he's being chased by a trio of three thugs who want to beat him up for money. A group of thugs by the name of Tim, Tom, & Tim-Tom who are also known as 'The Three Ts' gang.

"Hey, why the hell is this dude so fast!" Tim The First Thug yells, "can you slow down for us!"

"I'm good," Alex says teasingly, "and maybe you need some lessons in boxing if you want to be as fast as me."

"But we do know how to box-" Tom The Second Thug begins to say before Tim-Tom shushes them.

"You may be able to run, but we'll catch up to you soon!" Tim-Tom The Third Thug yells.

Alex, who's managing to get a good distance away from the three, looks at the cake he is holding to see that it is still safe. He also notices up ahead there's a dumpster so he quickly runs passed it and hides behind it. The Three Ts all run passed Alex's hiding spot and Alex sighs in relief.

As Alex gets up to continue running, he notices a rat by his feet looking up at the cake he is holding.

"Sorry rat but you can't have this," Alex says, "at least, I think you can't."

As Alex goes to walk away he hears more and more squeaks as more rats begin to come out from the crevices in the alleyway until there is an army of rats all wanting the cake that Alex is holding in his hands.

"Fuck it," Alex says as he books it away and the rat army chases after him.

The rats are somehow gaining on Alex as he makes his way down the alleyway. Alex notices a few mice trap up ahead so he leaps over them while a few rats get caught in them. However, there are still several rats on Alex's tail as he tries to protect the cake and get away. Eventually, he sees the light of the city street up ahead which gives him enough determination to escape the alley and the rats.

Unfortunately, as he does just that he happens to run into Tim, Tom, & Tim-Tom.

"...shit," Alex says.

"See I told you guys he was going to come out soon," Tim-Tom The Third Thug states, "now then prepare to be beaten up!"

As Tim-Tom goes to chase Alex, an orange jeep driving by manages to ride over a puddle causing water to splash all over The Three Ts. The Orange Jeep comes to a halt right next to Alex and the passenger door swings open.

"Come in, hurry!" the driver says,

Alex without hesitating enters the jeep as the jeep then drives away. Alex puts on his seatbelt as he glances inside the box to see the cake is still looking good.

"Thanks for the save," Alex says.

"No problem buddy. I know a lot of people were looking forward to getting their cake so I thought it would be easier if I sped things up," the driver says.

Alex, recognizing the voice, looks over and realizes the driver is none other than X Locke.

"X?" Alex asks.

"The one and only."

"I didn't know you had a car."

"Oh, this is Ray's I'm just borrowing it...without telling him."

"Well, I'm glad you have a license. You really saved me back there."

"What's a license?" X asks.

Alex groans as he realizes just how fucked the situation he is in is. He glances at the rearview mirror and sees three motorcycles driving towards the jeep, with those three motorcycles being driven by each member of The Three Ts.

"X, they're following us!" Alex yells.

"Is that so, well them..." X smirks as he cracks his knuckles, "I guess it's time to embark in a little bit of reckless driving."

See You Next Chapter!~