
The Miracle Clinic

[NEW CHAPTER EVERY THURSDAY!] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 20 - Driving Without A License

Inside the gymnasium at Starlight High, the carnival is still going strong as several people are going to different stations and all enjoying themselves. However, despite most people enjoying themselves, a small group of people sitting at a table seem to be on edge. Those people are Selina Gulvonac, Ray Ramirez, Christopher Wrinkle, & Zesti Champion. Sam Penningberg & Ivan Turnip are also at the table but trying to calm the others down.

"Man, I came here because I thought there was going to be cake," Selina says as she looks around the table.

"That cake is the only thing that got me through my roughest moments," Christopher says.

"I wouldn't be the person I am without that cake," Ray Ramirez croaks as he wipes a tear coming down his face.

"I think you're overexaggerating about how much this one cake means to you guys," Sam Penningberg sighs, "and besides Ray, I thought you were trying to be presentable today."

Ray, instead of having a man bun, is having his hair down and is wearing a blue hoodie and white shorts instead of the more formal clothes he wears to work.

"Hey get off my back Sam, you didn't tell me about this carnival until a few hours ago," Ray retorts.

"Please you two, you're setting a bad example for the kids," Ivan Turnip states, "besides I thought Miss Champion said she has someone getting the cake, right?"

"Oh- uh, yes I am," Miss Champion replies, "we just need to be a little bit more patient."

"Whoever that guy is sure is taking his sweet time," Selina says.

"His sweet time?" Ivan Turnip says with a smile on his face.

"I didn't mean it as a pun!" Selina says as she storms off.

As the carnival continued, the question everyone had on their mind was 'When is the cake going to get there?'


Fortunately for them, Alex Smith, the person delivering the cake, was being driven by X to the high school at a fast pace. Unfortunately for them, however, they were being chased by The Three Ts who all were driving motorcycles.

"NOWHERE TO RUN SMITH!" Tim-Tom yells from his bike.

"On the contrary, we have a ton of road left to go," X says in a Texan accent as he drives just a little bit faster.

As the orange jeep X is driving begins to go over 80 mph, Alex begins to write an obituary for himself. Tim & Tom drive up next to the orange jeep and they both take out crowbars. They go to smash in the windows of the jeep however X hits the brakes and turns the car in reverse so the thugs miss him. Tim-Tom gets out of the way as X drives the car in reverse. The Three Ts follow X backward.

As X drives the car backward, he waits until he gets to an intersection and performs a bootleg turn causing the car to start driving back the way it just came. As The Three Ts try to turn their motorcycles around, X guns it on the car causing it to go over 90 mph. X weaves his way through traffic as he effortlessly avoids any pedestrians.

"How are you so good at driving?" Alex asks.

"It's easy really," X says as he begins to see Starlight High up ahead in the distance, "I took driver's ed!"

However, despite X's enthusiasm, Alex begins to pray to any god who would listen as The Three Ts catch up to them again.

"Hey, did you think you could lose us so easily?!" Tom The Second Thug yells.

"Hey Thomas or whatever your name is," X begins to say in a Texan accent, "a motorcycle is nice and all but you want to know what cars have over them?"

Tom looks and sees that the orange jeep is swerving toward his motorcycle.

"They carry much more weight!" X yells in his fake accent before swerving the jeep into Tom's motorcycle.

The motorcycle crashes, sending Tom off his ride. Though before Tom can land on the ground, Tim-Tom catches him and puts him on the back of his motorbike.


"And aren't you trying to kill Alex?" X remarks in his fake accent.

"Why are you doing that accent when talking to them?" Alex asks.

"I've been meaning to use it for a while but never got a chance," X admits.

Alex looks and sees that X is driving into the high school parking lot.

"All right, just drop me out at the front," Alex says,

"Yeah sure sure, just one tiny problem though," X replies.

"What is it?"

"I think I broke the brakes."

Alex's face drops as he & X are driving full speed toward the school. X takes his foot off the gas pedal and as the two get to the entrance of the school, they both jump out of the car. Alex manages to land without getting himself or the cake injured but X takes a bit more of a tumble. As the orange jeep crashes into a tree, the Three Ts pull into the school.

"X are you alright?" Alex yells.

"Don't worry about me," X begins to say as The Three Ts stop their motorcycles right next to Alex, "just focus on getting that cake to the gym!"

Alex nods as he runs into the school. The Three Ts follow him in as they chase him down the halls. Alex looks and sees that there are a few different paths he could take to the gym but decides to go down the furthest one from the entrance. Unfortunately for him, one of The Three Ts takes the other way and beats Alex to the gym door. As Alex is getting surrounded by The Three Ts, he pushes the gym door open just as the gang tackles him.

As the gym doors fly open, the cake that Alex was holding is tossed out of his hand and lands on the ground, smushed and ruined.

"We did it, we got him!" Tim The First Thug says cheerfully.

However, Tim, Tom, & Tim-Tom's happiness soon fades as they look up to see a room of people who all have murderous intent in their eyes. 

Ronnie Everst, Elizabeth Moore, Ray Ramirez, Sam Penningberg, the volunteer dressed as a clown, Hamster & Bennet, Rebecca Jenksin, Zesti Champion, Christopher Wrinkle, Ivan Turnip, X Locke, & Selina Gulvonac all glare menacingly at the intruders,


The ruined starfruit upside-down cake is cut up by Miss Champion and slices are going around to a few people who desperately want some, including The Three Ts.

Marcus is trying the 'bobbing for apples' station and competing with Christopher.

Selina is running around trying to grab a piece of cake but everyone effortlessly dodges her attempts.

X Locke is also running from an infuriated Ray Ramirez since Ray finally learned what happened to his car.

As X is running, he passes by Alex who is sitting in a chair. Ronnie walks over with a can of soda and hands one to Alex.

"Thanks, Ronnie," he says as he opens the can and takes a sip.

"So it looks like you had a rough night huh?" Ronnie says teasingly.

"Yeah, I guess that's what happens when you make a lot of enemies huh."

"I guess," Ronnie replies as he tries to find something to say before deciding on, "but at least you also have friends like us."

Alex smiles at Ronnie's sincerity before masking it by jokingly saying, "Yeah, yeah, but just so you know I totally would've beat you in that fight if it didn't get interrupted."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Ronnie retorts.

As Alex finishes his soda, Ronnie suddenly gets a bright idea.

"Hey, you want to do an easy job?" Ronnie asks.

"Finally something easy!" Alex sighs in relief before asking, "What is it?"


Alex has a look of pure apathy as he sits in the dunk tank.

Ronnie with a microphone yells out to the crowd, "Ladies and not-so-gentlemen step right up for a chance to dunk the one and only…Alex Smith! The first one to wash the smug grin off his face gets a special prize!"

As Ronnie finishes his speech the two see several people, most from Alex's math class, getting in line to try and dunk Alex. Alex sighs as he accepts his fate.

See You Next Chapter!~