
The Hero's Words

Sindy was almost unable to avert her eyes. She sat on Nathan's bed and keenly watched as he changed into his AA uniform. Over the past month of intense training, Nathan had been working hard, and the results began to show on his body. His abs were developing, and his chest was much firmer. Even his arms were starting to look like the perfect size. It was almost a miracle how much he had transformed over such a short period.

"What's wrong, princess? You seem lost all over Nate's body," teased Andrew to Sindy.

Sindy blushed with embarrassment, "I just spaced out a little. Stop making it sound weird."

"I'd say you're spacing out in more ways than one. Hehe..."

Sindy then took a deep breath and tried to ignore Andrew's remark. She wasn't sure why, but as of late, she became slightly frustrated whenever Andrew teased her about Nathan.