
Mission Complete

"I thought Amanda was distracting that thing!"

Sindy panicked as she gazed into the blood-red eyes of the Threat Level 10. Everyone was left motionless, almost completely paralyzed with fear.

With a powerful swing of its arm, it slammed its massive hand down at Blake. Nathan quickly jumped into the path of danger, kicking Blake out of harm's way just in the nick of time. The ground shattered into pieces, sending rocks and debris scattering everywhere. Even a small shockwave was generated, knocking both Sindy and Mika away.

Sindy scurried to her feet with her heart pounding against her chest. Her eyes were filled with worry as she scanned the area for Nathan. To her horrific realization, he had not managed to get away in time. He had been crushed under the Demon Beast's massive hand.

"NATE!!!!" She screamed with dread.