
Dark Problems

Nathan and Blake ran as fast as they could. They could still hear the terror in Mika's voice. Something had happened, and they needed to know what.

Before long, the two arrived in front of Chief Sawyer's home. The front door had been torn open, and there was a trail of blood near the doorway. Anxiety was holding them hostage. Nathan was worried that a Demon Beast had managed to find its way inside.

"Dad!! Mika!!" Shouted Blake as he ran inside the house.

Nathan quickly followed with worry torturing his soul. As soon as he ran inside, he stepped into a pool of blood near the doorway. He then looked before him only to realize that Chief Sawyer was slumped against the wall with a knife wound to his stomach. He was bleeding heavily.

"Dad! What happened?!" Shouted Blake as he ran to his side.

"Urgh..! Please, hero..." He groaned weakly as he looked at Nathan. "They took Mika..."

"What? Dad, who took Mika?!"


"Dad, please!"