
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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115 Chs

Chp. 94 Got a Suit?

"So let me get this clear, you are not a genetic experiment of sorts nor are you related to the human species in other ways except for the similar build of body and height." Curt Connors asked as he looked at the Elf in front of him, Sapphire, who was assigned by Paul to help Sofia in hosting the guest.


Other than her there were others present as well and the most crowded one was at the corner as the one being observed right now is Rita who was there to make sure the presentation Paul prepared would go well.


Because what he wanted to introduce to these people is the process of evolution as emulated in a controlled terrarium using a variant virus which Rita can control.


Paul can do it as well but he did not want to since he wanted Rita to be there as she now got used to her mutated form which looked ethereal and divine, especially with the unique eyes of hers.


All the women were doting on her as their instincts kicked in seeing the confused shy expression of Rita as she looked at the various academics looking at her with curiosity.


"Young Lady, it might be rude for me to ask you of this, but are you human perchance?" Hank McCoy asked as he looked at the obvious mutations of Rita.


"Uhuh, I am human." Rita nodded and answered them which made the others hear the distinct accent within her voice.


"Is that so? Are you perhaps one of the mutants being reported in television?" the one who asked was Bruce Banner as he showed a curious look since he genuinely wanted to inquire.


"No, but Uncle Paul said I am not much different. Since the mutants in this planet were supposed to be a result of alien experimentation on earth while my mutation is caused by an alien virus." Rita answered as she had studied and learned what she could in her time here.


Other than Paul, there was Yinsen as well as Ying Li who was somehow quite knowledgeable but Paul found it normal since she came from Talo where the civilization there was much advanced than that of Earth's.


She and the others could also browse the net without limitations except for the minors who had some parent authorizations.


"This planet?" Melina pointed this part out as she had not yet been told by Natasha the real nature of some people in Paul's employment.


Only Nick Fury knows which Paul gave an okay to Natasha since she also knew these kind of information was quite mind blowing.


"Yeah, you said something about this planet and all that. What do you mean by that?" this time it was Maya Hansen who asked as she admired the beautiful hair of Rita.


"Uhmm…" Rita looked towards Paul's direction and saw him nod which made her understand that Paul wanted to give these intellectuals a shock. "..well, I am not of this Earth. I am from another reality entirely, I was brought here because by Uncle Paul with his powers and because I wanted to thank him from saving my family."


"…" the people around her were wide eyed as they processed what she just said.


"I came from an Earth where the moon was destroyed by a comet that passed by, but it was in reality a seed sent by some alien virus to other planets. So while the earth experienced rain and storms for years…" Rita did not care about the reactions of the people around her as she started talking without stop.


On another corner was Stark, Radcliffe, Selvig, Osborne and Thrain who Paul also assigned to entertain and he did by taunting the four men into a drinking game which somehow Selvig is winning.


They didn't know that Selvig developed a much better gut when he spent some time drinking with Thor. Even before they were invited, Thor would visit occasionally and have a night of booze filled fun.


Even Thrain was amazed at the capacity Selvig can drink, Stark along with Radcliffe were slurring while Osborne was already tipsy but he enjoyed feeling the absence of worry about his life for a moment.


"So you're a dwarf, how come you are here on earth?" Selvig asked as he felt Thrain might be one of the dwarves mentioned by Thor.


"Why am I 'ere? Well Lord Paul brought me here, I owe that man me life as well as the life of my kin. Nuff of that and let us drink 'nother pint of this cold brew, for a human you are quite a great drinker. Almost as tuff as those woodland elves back at my world." Thrain was jolly as he took a liking to Selvig.


"Okay, so you…aren't a short man but a dwarf. A real life dwarf like those in the movies." Stark asked as he looked seriously at Thrain who he had a discussion earlier and found the short burly old man was quite knowledgeable about advanced mechanics that made him, Otto and Radcliffe interested.


Osborne was there when Thrain said he was a few hundred years old making him want to know if it was a Serum or something else that made this short old man in front of him live long.


Other than that, Osborne was waiting for the promised offer to him in that letter he received. His eyes look at Paul from time to time as they relished in the banquet prepared for them.


Some were quite confused still at this event but they held on as most were lured by promises that gnawed deep within their hearts.


Paul could feel it, the anxious thoughts and desires which are brewing within them. He did this to know what kind of person they are, peeking through memories are not enough.


Sure they are not that much of a person in their memories but they did no wrong that warrants them unredeemable.


Yet he wanted to see what would happen if they are faced with a choice that would flip their world over and even be tempted with many things that stirred the heart of the ever so curious intellects.


A good man can turn rabid once a reason is given but a better man can control their impulses, which is why Paul did this party. Sure he did invite others as well but they did not answer or respond which is a bit of a loss.


Yet who is present are going to face a fact that they are going through tumultuous tides of emotions right now.


It was then Bill Foster came to him with a rather worried expression as he inquired to Paul.


"What you've said in the letter, can you really find a cure for Ava?" Bill's face seemed hopeful as he asked this as he had now considered Ava as his own child.


"I know what the girl is going through, but I am not the one who has the solution Bill." Paul smiled as he looked at the man who behaved like a worried father.


"Wha-what? B-but I came all the way here with the escort from agents of SHIELD making me have hope that yo-" Bill Foster was about to get upset but Paul just raised his hand and interrupted him.


"I didn't say I do not know how to cure her, just it is not on me but rather on an old colleague of yours." Paul gave Bill a knowing look but he knew he was hinting on another person.


"You mean Hank? That guy is a selfish bastard, seeing you invited us here means you could have sent an invitation to him as well. Let me tell you this, one man you would not want to work with is Hank Pym." Bill's brows furrowed as he thought about his former friend.


"I was not talking about him, rather I was talking more about Janet." Paul said as he picked some food on the table and ate while talking to Bill not caring for proper decorum at all.


"Janet, but she died. She was killed on a mission back at '87 and from what Hank was she surely would not have survived." Bill stopped and looked at Paul with a frown as he felt it was a bit disrespectful to talk about a dead person like this.


Even when he hated Hank, he respected the guy when it comes to his intellect and luck on getting a woman like Janet.


He too respected the woman as she was also a very gifted scientist in her field.


"What if I told you a way to one up Hank for once in your life and then find a way to save Ava while rubbing it in the face of Hank who could not do such a thing?" Paul looked at Bill who's face shone a bit thinking about the fact he can do something better that Hank Pym could not.


"Sounds interesting, but still for this to work Janet must be alive if she is the key." Bill said but hit eyes looked carefully at Paul's face that smiled at him and said.


"She's alive Bill and she'll be the one to solve Ava's problem, so don't be tense and relax, yeah? I've already started the plan to take her out of the place she is trapped to." Paul patted the worried man's shoulders as he too wondered where Janet Van Dyne is.


"Trapped huh? It seems Hank is going to miss out a lot for not answering the invitation this time, heck I reckon he did not even read it at all and burned it in the fireplace." Bill scoffed as he thought how he might be able to rub the fact he knows something Hank doesn't.


Also doing something about his own problem which is like killing two birds with one stone, this made Bill smile as he finally has a clue on how to cure Ava.


He had watched the girl grow up and feel pain in so many degrees as well as how SHIELD used her to be their dagger in the dark(A/N: Which I think was mostly HYDRA using her for their agendas but Paul had not disclosed this yet.)


Thankfully the missions she received got sparse the few past weeks which made Bill happy that she can stay safe in the room he built to stabilize her.


Soon the dinner continued as the guest intellectuals mingled with the fantasy like beings that were with them, Paul seeing it was time was about to stand up but he paused a bit as he felt the shift in fates in the air that he glanced where this feeling was originating.


It was then he saw how the accidents happened and how the future Jessica Jones was born as she experienced the trauma of losing her whole family.


There was also the birth of a few super powered individuals like Diamondhead, A mafia working for King Pin called Tombstone and a random bystander named Zebediah Killgrave.


Paul found the name familiar until he remembered his father telling him once not to search this name up in the net. He did not so he has no idea who this man is but some connection between him and this Jessica Jones seemed to be forming.


What he does know was this guy might be a villain thinking of how his father stopped him from searching about this further.


This was one of the woes of Paul, he is a very powerful telepath and could read all the minds in this planet but he does not know who's bad and who's good.


Only the large villains were known to him and a few small time ones, yet he still placed a mark on those given powers by the accident in case he wanted to check on them from time to time.


He also took a peak in Fisk's area since two of the men present were his goons and found that there was a person he had wanted to invite present there.


A North Korean spy with a genius intellect and passion for mechs that had piques his interest as well but it seemed Fisk was able to employ here in his empire.


For now Paul did not try to remove King Pin in the equation because he still feels that this fat bury rich guy is still essential to the development of some heroes.


He saw how this small woman is operating on a person right now and is giving him a new skull cap made from titanium carbide alloy as well as some mechanical augments in his bones that would make this thug named Hammerhead able to exert at least 5 tons of strength.


Paul felt the talents of this woman were great, for her to even make this in the short time she arrived in Fisk's hands just shows the intellect she has would not lose out to Stark.


Which made Paul look to the side where Tony was happily drinking with Thrain, he had given them some pills which will make them sober in a short time but Tony just continued drinking after getting it as he started to like the old guy.


"Good evening everybody, I trust that everyone has satiated their curiosity in asking my people but I think it is time for me to show you one part of why I called you over here. Rita if you could be so kind to demonstrate to our guest a fraction of your powers." Paul smiled towards the nervous girl who somehow was in Betty's arms being hugged like how a bigger sister would to her sibling.


The people were curious as they watched a large water tank with some small minnows swimming about inside. It was then they saw one of the hair like appendage on Rita move and dip on the water then released a bluish liquid that dispersed in the water.


They were a bit confused as to why Rita did that but they were looking at her hair like appendage and found it moving like an extra limb making some marvel at her uniqueness.


"Look! The fishes, they're changing!" it was Doctor Newell who noticed first and pointed out the minnows in the tank slowly getting bigger and it was then a few pounds of mashed food were thrown in making the minnows zoom there and eat voraciously.


Everyone stood up and walked towards the tank and saw how the minnows transformed into some sort of armored fish that was about a meter in length and have sharp teeth as well as spikes on its back.


"Evolution my dear audience, I have controlled evolution within my hands. Why am I showing this to you all? Well one of which is related to Doctor Hank McCoy…" Paul said making those present look at Hank who was stunned being called out but he saw Paul nodding at him seemingly with meaning.


Hank somewhat understood what Paul meant as he had remembered him promising Charles that the image of mutants will be put into good light so he does not feel Paul was going to drag him down now.


Nodding, Hank slowly grew bluish Fur making the people present gasp at his transformation.


"As many of you might notice. Doctor Hank is a part of the small percentage of people in Earth that your government calls mutants. But don't be alarmed, he is not like what the news depict them to be. I can attest to that myself." Paul smiled as he saw that even Thrain was shocked at Hank transforming but Sapphire was not as she used to see Paul transform as well.


"Powers and mutations have existed much longer than you think. It was not only recently they have surfaced and some even gaining their own just like Doctor Richards here. But the world had powers for so long…" Paul looked at Reed who had been deep in thought for quite a while as he deduced many things from the few info Paul provided.


"…most of these are humans who have the underlying gene we call the X-gene, but what if I tell you that the so called small percentage your government told you about was 40% of the overall human population?" This time the people present looked at Paul as they frowned at the fact that he had just shared.


"40? But that doesn't count as a small percentage at all!" said Doctor Otto as he stood up in surprise like many others.


"How were you able to come by this information?" Radcliffe asked as he frowned as he thought about something.


"As much as I would love to believe you, I do. But if what you are saying is true then there is a high chance someone would awaken their latent powers that would manifest in stressful conditions, that would be a massive danger for many people." This time it was Banner who said this as he knew how much damage powers could be once in human hands.


"Seems like our work will be cut out for us then, I propose we make a solution about this even if it is not true. The fact lies that there are going to be confused people getting powers, also correct me if I'm wrong here but aren't they all random?" Stark said as he nudged Reed on his sides then asked as he looked at Hank's blue fur with interest.


"But if we go about that way chaos will ensue, I think it is more probable for us to study this X-gene which I feel you might have an idea of how to detect." Curt Connors added his opinion as he looked at Hank with some hope in his eyes.


"First of all, stop treating it that being a meta-human is going to be a problem. I use the term meta-human because it is not only us out there but other people too who got powers different from ours." Beast was frowning at some reaction of the people present but he did not mind as he was used to such looks already.


"Meta-humans, that sounds much better than being called a freak or a monster. If we'll ever spread word of it later then let us use that for future references. But still the fact remains that having nearly half of humanity a possible holder of this gene is quite a problem to tackle." Reed said as he crunched numbers up his mind thinking of how long will it take to solve such problems.


"I think Hank is right though, there was Captain America and also many other people out there being experimented on trying to replicate the Super Soldier Serum for many decades. In fact even my company has a contract with the military in relation to this, I think you might have met the results combined with yours Doctor Banner." Osborne's words made many look at him then at Banner.


"You made the Serum used on Blonsky?" Banner was surprised as he felt that it was surprising already Ross has a spare weaker version of Super Soldier Serum in his hands but to think it was made by Oscorp was also no less shocking.


"Yeah, I've seen the vids about that. Quite a mean guy you have in there though, big fan of all the rage and anger." Stark said as he looked at Banner with shining eyes as if he wanted him to transform too.


"Even then that does not address the fact almost half of Earth might just awaken and be targeted. I know how most government leaders are, highly likely some are already in captivity and being experimented on." Radcliffe said making Hank show a said face.


"Sadly we have not yet solve everything about that, though we rescued some kids recently from secret laboratories and it is making me rather mad seeing their fates." Hank was frowning a bit but he knew those kids are now safe in their care.


"I've heard of those Black Sites, quite hard to get in even for me." Melina quipped which made some look at her.


"Oh, I haven't taken you others up to speed yet. She's a former Russian super Spy like her daughter I presume, am I right? Something about some Red Cross or Red something…" Stark felt that since Melina does not seem to want to hide it he introduced her to the others.


"Red Room, a former Soviet Spy group made by raising young girls into deadly assassins. Anyways those black sites you speak of, a lot of those are in Russia so I guess you've been there a lot. Not many liked answering to the new regime so they craved power and created such places. Thus we were created to prevent that from destabilizing the government." Melina sipped a few in her glass as she explained.


"Horrifying, that begs the question of how does the public not know of this if there are many of these places?" Selvig said as he frowned hearing these information.


"Well we have had help, our headmaster has an agreement with the presidents over the years to keep this silent since we still aim to coexist with most of humanity." Hank answered as he looked at the eyes of those present.


"I think you also do not want some to hate humanity if they ever hear of the atrocities done by their fellow men. I think I can relate a little bit if it comes to oppression due to prejudice built by some people." Bill Foster nodded at Hank as he felt a feeling of camaraderie to the guy.


He grew up as an African-American man and experienced many things in life that no man should have had to live with.


"I've had a fresh experience as well, but it was mostly my friend Ben who got the leers and the glares but it is no less hurtful seeing people look at you like you are a monster." Reed Richards nodded as well as he looked a Hank.



"Hello! Mutated fish here, is that not enough to pique your interest guys? She just made a few minnows transform into an armored prehistoric looking river monster, it's fascinating." Newell a doctor expert in oceanology was very well pasted to the tank as he observed the transformed fishes.


"Are they still minnows at this point or did they change into another organism in overall structure?" Maya Hansen was interested as well as this might give her a clue in completing the extremis serum.


"How did it grow so fast in that short amount of time?" Jane was also looking intently at the tank as she wondered about this, though not her area of expertise, seeing such scientific marvel does pique her interest.


"A Virus, Rita is a producer of an alien Virus within her universe that could imbue other characteristics of other beings into other living beings." Paul said as he looked at the bunch of scientist push out many ideas in one sitting after his brief explanation.


"The reason I am showing this is that Rita can also produce a harmless strand that can scan another being's DNA to the cellular level and determine if they have the X-gene as well as giving a rough estimate of what the ability might they gain if they are awakened. This also includes the option of being able to awaken them without the outward stress needed to push out their potential." Paul's words made the people widen their eyes.


"Then that means you can have people gain powers if they have the gene." Franklin Hall said with some fear in his eyes as he imagined a world with a large group of people having powers.


"Yes, also chose to eliminate it as well if they want to. Some abilities brought by the X-gene are not beneficial at all, some might just be a hindrance to day to day life. Imagine if you have a power to produce a lot of snot and that's it, quite a problem for someone to live like that. So here I am offering a solution which will enable others to choose and I need you all to complete the plan with me." Paul said making the people present become thoughtful.


"Or if you could stretch like this guy, hey I know this is rude but does the equipment also expand and elongate?" Stark looked at Reed with a knowing smile as he winked his brows as well with a suggestive expression.


"Stretch? What does he mean stretch?" Banner looked confused as he saw the face of Stark.


"Reed Richards here just became a superhero, I've watched the news on the way here and it seems your group had some luck out there in space." Osborne smiled as he looked at Reed.


"I have not explored the extent of my powers yet as well as my friends' but I think it is better we focus on the fact that this guy knows way too much of the secrets not known to people even in our respective fields." Reed said as he looked at Paul with curiosity.


"Well I can see everything Doctor Richards." Paul smiled as he looked at the people present.


"See everything?" Betty asked as she stopped focusing on Bruce as she sat by his side.


"Every rock, every leaf, every grain of rice as well as the number of pores on every human being I can see them all. Though it is a hassle having such powerful senses but I was able to tone it down into seeing what my eyes are looking at. I can still hear and smell stuff rom very far so I know you just farted Stark and please stop with the tacos cause man that stinks." Paul said as he looked at Stark who looked like he was a child caught doing bad things.


"Sorry, they taste great though. You should try them down by the 107th street, nice Mexican family and they serve you good tamales as well." Stark said as he shrugged his shoulders not caring of the judgmental eyes of the people around.


"But anyway the plan is that I hope you can all help me in making this world develop peacefully as matters have been brought to light that might need my utmost attention." Paul said making the people look at him curious as to what is holding him in place.


"Excuse me, I know this plan is grand an all but where does that leave us? We're Astrophysicist and our field does not add up to this group." Selvig said as he and Jane looked confused at their involvement here.


"Oh, thanks for reminding me. Gi-ah come here." Paul said and a door opened at the back where Gi-ah came in without using her powers and appeared as a full-blown Skrull.


"Everyone, I would like you to meet Gi-ah. A Skrull which is also an Alien, she and many of her kind have been residing within earth as refuges of an intergalactic war." Paul could see the shock of those present as they looked at Gi-ah.


"Holy shit!" Jane along with Maya Hansen said as they were slack jawed at the new arrival.


"Yer surprised by a green lassie? I've seen a lot of green things and they are much more nastier than this one, she looked like a normal person compared to those I use to see." Thrain scoffed at the shocked faces of other as he felt Gi-ah looked cute compared to the goblins and orcs he had met.


"She does seem more refined than those Brutes." Sapphire nodded as she found Gi-ah more affable than the others present.


"I know you and Doctor Foster have met with someone beyond the stars. I'll give a brief explanation, mythology isn't simply myths but rather they have truths of their own. Our planet has a lot of mysteries and one of those is the people of Asgard." Paul then gave a brief explanation about Asgard, Odin, Midgard as well as Thor who Selvig met.


He waved his hands and showed some footage from New Texas where Thor landed and the fight with the Destroyer that was more devastating compared to the movies.


He then added the gods of each religion are real and they exist somewhere out there in the vast sea of stars.


But after that Paul showed some clips of mutants all over the world and said something that made the people present perk up.


"If evolution is let to be developed in a natural and brisk manner, one day humans will have become a species that has the common denominator of all mutations that have appeared over the course of history. Which are predicted to be Super Strength, Speed, Adaptability as well as many aspects that are common in powered people." Paul waved his hands and showed a graph with detailed information about when Humanity would get these common traits.


"One day, all humans will be as strong as a normal super soldier which has a high chance of being in the next century." Paul looked at the thoughtful faces present as they read the graphs in front of them.


"But what are our roles here then if it is to be at the next century." Banner asked as he seemed to have relaxed since he was not the center of attention present in the room.


"Haha, that is if you have a century left but I have some really upsetting news." Paul chuckled at the words of Bruce then showed an image that made those present unsure of what they are looking at.


"What is this, some golden statue of some sort in fetal position?" Stark asked as he looked confused as well as the others.


"That mister Stark is a Celestial…" Paul then gave a quick explanation to what it was and how it is related to humans. They were shocked and dumbfounded as their worldview has been overturned again and again within such a short amount of time.


Normally some would have broken into a panic but oddly enough they were calm and attentive even though some still felt fear inside them.


Paul made sure to raise a calming aura area of effect spell that ensure the minds of the people present doesn't buckle through the massive info he is dumping on them.


He had been tackling problems on his own along with the use of his clones but even then he would rather like to have some time to himself so why not have some smart people come over and learn a lot making them worry and help people on their own.


Thus this meeting, also he is placing small suggestive thoughts in their heads of doing good things and have some moral ground which was a bit invasive but Paul did not care.


He wanted some peaceful moments and he could not do that if he has to babysit earth all by himself. He had robots working for him as well and the super assassins on his employ but they already have roles given to them to play.


Now he needed big names in the scientific industry to do some work that he doesn't want to handle, he is explaining that he has done a lot already and he'll be busy handling the Celestial Problem so he'll have these men and women handle what he found too easy for him to do.


He wanted to obliterate the mutant hate as well as spread awareness of many activities all around the globe, he had Fury and Ophelia work together because of this as well because a good HYDRA is a dead HYDRA for Paul.


Other than HYDRA, there is the HAND, AIM as well as many other problematic groups. Yet if he just went and killed them all in a snap them the world might react differently.


Sure he can erase all memories but why bother when he can just lay back and have others do the job for him.


In that night, Paul made the group soon to be known as Illuminati which was a gathering of likeminded intellects that wish well for the prosperity of the world.


Other than this he gave each one a gift that made them glad they joined, Osborne got a stable SSS version of that from Blonsky which is enough to cure the neurodegenerative disease that he has along with another for his son.


This will also prevent further resurgence of such disease on their family line, Paul did warn Osborne that to only give this to Harry when he is at least 16 years old which Norman gladly obliged.


Curt Conners, Maya Hansen, Melina, Betty, Kate Caldwell as well as Bruce Banner were offered a laboratory with ample resources to help in their research along with access to some knowledge Paul has.


Though Kate already has this but Paul wanted her to be part of the group and not show she already is working for him.


Franklin Hall was also given an offer which he agreed with a condition, Paul agreed and found incriminating evidence on Ian Quinn, a former friend of Hall who was obsessed with the element known as Gravitonium.


Franklin Hall was happy about this and did not hesitate to join, Bill Foster was also added as Paul's offer to him also interested him.


He even got a special room large enough for Ava to live on, it was one of the small terrariums Paul built equipped with some dampeners that makes Ava stable inside.


Other than that, Bill was able to study again his past research of Pym particles and cooperated with Newell, Otto and Stark in making his own suit that resembles the Ant-man suit of Hank Pym.


Jane and Selvig was with Gi-ah as they were given special labs in the spaceship that enabled them to do more extensive research on their own field.


Doctor Newell was given a chance by Paul to meet and study with Rita on mutations of organisms in the ocean.


Then Paul also helped him in completing a prototype design he made of a suit that could help him in deep sea explorations, thus the Stingray has been born.


Hank was there as well but his was to develop a device that could be coupled with the variant virus to enable determining the mutation someone with the X-gene would gain or develop.


Otto Octavius was with Stark in developing a clean energy plant which uses the H3 found on the moon that Paul readily provided.


Stark cooperated too when Paul said he'll give him a 1,500 tons of vibranium which was inside an asteroid within the belt of Saturn.


Hansen was also helped by Stark in perfecting the Extremis Virus which somehow Rita was able to duplicate gaining her another set of powers.


This made Paul realize Rita might be the one with the most potential within those he has in employ.


They were also introduced to the Man-cave by Sapphire and Thrain where they got to meet some people with Norman having and interesting meeting Marcus.


Both were shocked seeing each other but Norman was most surprised at seeing Marcus and even thought maybe he did have a long lost twin brother when he thought about how much of a dead beat father he had growing up.


But it was then Paul also clarified to them the existence of the multiverse as well as where the others came from.


Reed was the most interested in this but Paul had warned him to never do an experiment that includes other dimension without him because there are things that might just be too dangerous for earth to handle if Reed is left alone in his experiments.


Paul warned him again and again that if he does something without his supervision then he'll make sure that Reed Richard could feel the breaking of his bones again even if he is stretchable and flexible.


Paul did so many project left and right as he handled affairs day and night. His original body is still in his RV bus in Africa with Shanna where Natasha visits from time to time since Paul gave her a vehicle of her own.


It was a modified one as well that could go amphibious as well as fly in stealth but only has a 125 cubic meter secret compartment under the back seats.


It was a nuclear fission powered electric clubman mini cooper built with inert carbonadium which was weaker but with no harmful radiation that could kill people.


Natasha liked the small inconspicuous car that could change colors and plates with a built in AI because it made missions more easier for her.


Even Clint was jealous when he followed for one, he found that Natasha and Fury seemed to have these kind of cars that has a large space to hide inside.


Fury got an SUV for him which was also equipped with a 500 cubic meter space that has an arsenal of weapons he has that he borrowed from Paul.


Clint also got a new suit which came from Fury that was made to be bullet proof as well as puncture proof similar to the new trench coat Fury is now wearing.


He and Ophelia had been moving left and right that it was slowly choking out Pierce and the other HYDRA heads in hiding.


Steve Rogers was also back in action but he was given an all-black suit with a mask to hide himself for now as Fury was saving him for later.


Coulson had been busy as well as he was given the task to cooperate with the inhumans that started to open up when he showed that SHIELD was really trying to help when they offered Jiaying Whitehall when he was caught.


Fury was able to build a separate team with Coulson in charge, their members are Agent Leopold Fitz, Agent Jenna Simmons, Agent Bobbi Morse, Agent Grant Ward, Agent Antoine Triplett, Calvin Zabo(aka Mister Hyde) & recently rescued Agent Akela Amador.


(A/N: Jenna and Fitz graduated SHIELD Academy at 17 in 2004 so they would be 22 since the timeline is currently in early 2009 months after Stark's Iron man debut which is somewhere in 2008.)


They gained assistance from the Inhumans from time to time as they unraveled many HYDRA facilities which they started to attack after Garrett has been proven to be a HYDRA spy.


This caused his partner Triplett to almost kill him at the reveal but this incident was coined by Fury as a mutant attack to not alert Pierce of Garrett's role being HYDRA compromised.


Fury still gate-kept Calvin and Jiaying from meeting young Daisy Johnson but he promised she is doing well and one way will meet them if he finds them not a threat to humans.


Fury even gave Calvin a paper that has a formula of a more stable Hyde Serum (courtesy of Paul) which helped in a great deal of dealing with some problematic parts of HYDRA bases.


Just as mentioned in the meeting of the intellectuals, many have already experimented on powered people and now Fury was meeting them left and right but he did not worry as he has his own people that fight for him.


Paul found some familiar plots but also saw some new ones as well, he knew he changed a lot by being here yet he did not worry as the world seemed to find a way to let fate still follow its course.


One of which was happening right now as Paul gave Fury a file that made him frown a bit and called for the people that will be involved in this mission.


"You called for me sir?" Steve came in as he knocked the door making Fury look up and see the resolute face of an icon of history.


"Come take a seat, we'll have to wait for another person. Coffee?" Fury stood up and went to the side of his office where a coffee machine was.


"Yes sir, I could use some right now." Steve said as an obvious tiredness can be heard from his voice.


"Bed too soft isn't it? Makes you feel your drowning, seems like the world is still confusing to you Captain but it has been like this since who knows when." Fury said as he placed a cup in front of Steve who thanked him.


"There is just too much going on sir, before it was just HYDRA but now they seem to have branched on many things that others have different names." Steve sipped some coffee as he talked.


"Heh! MIC, THEM, Secret Empire, Typhon and whatever they name themselves to be they are still HYDRA and I know most of them to be bad people. No need to think much cap, that is not the job for us." Fury scoffed as he too found how HYDRA had so many offshoots all over the world.


"You said most of them sir, but from my experience there is rarely a good man in within that organization." Steve said as he looked at Fury who raised his brow.


"You'll find out soon why I said that Captain, there is much more to HYDRA than you can ever imagine." As Fury said that the door opened unceremoniously as Stark came in looking like he hadn't taken a bath for a few days.


While it is true as he got into the zone when he collaborated with Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, Otto Octavius and Doctor Newell in developing an armor to fight against the Hulk per Bruce's request.


They also got busy making upgrades on Newell's own design that made Stark praise the man in his unique style of making a powersuit.


But he suddenly got a message from Fury that he is needed urgently making him curious as to why he was called so abruptly.


Yet seeing the blonde tall man sitting in front of the table of Fury made Stark pause as he knew who it was, his whole life he wondered about the man his father talked about and now a spitting image was right in front of him.


"Stark, glad you could be present because there is a lot to talk about and I think you really need to pay attention to this." Fury said as he saw Tony walk forwards slowly looking at Steve's face with focus.


"Stark? He's Howard's kid?" Steve looked at Tony and found the likeness of his old friend making him stand and look at Stark properly.


"I know you, my father wouldn't shut up about you. Talking day and night of what kind of man you are." Tony said as he looked at Steve, others might think the man in front of him is a double but seeing the familiarity he has with his father as well as the face that boggled his mind made him sure this was the real deal.


"If you're going to kiss I'm gonna puke." Fury said interrupting the two men staring at each other.


"Anyways, this here is a machine we found in some places we recently raided. It's called Memory Suppressing Machine which as it name implies, suppress memories." Fury's words made Stark and Steve look at the picture of the machine.


"We had thought we destroyed the last of these back in 87 but it seems recent findings saying we did a poor job. But what came with finding this was rather a surprise even for me, it's related to the both of you." Fury paused as he looked at the two men in front of him confused.


"Like you both know, HYDRA is still out there and many have been harmed by their actions. They are very adept in brainwashing that they have this thing called the Faustus method. But if that does not work, they go for this thing here with the bigger shock and a surefire way to make mindless soldiers for their plans." As Fury ended the sentence he placed a file with the name of Winter Soldier.


"This here is one of those mindless daggers sent to kill a lot of people, he was thought to have been a myth but some of my agents had to pay dearly to know he exist." Fury showed a picture of a man with a metal mask as well as metal arm.


Steve frowned as he found the eyes of the man in the picture to be very familiar.


"Okay so what does this have to do with me and him?" Stark asked as he was impatient to return to his workshop.


"The Winter Soldier, said to be very successful in his missions that he was deemed to be the boogeyman. HYDRA wiped this man's mind clean he did not even know who he killed, sadly he had one mission during December 16 1991…" Fury's voice got low as he looked at Stark pausing and slowly realizing what he meant.


"Mind you that the machine is a Memory Suppressing Machine, it suppresses. So if you want to know who ordered the hit Mister Stark on your parents heads then you will need to track down this man and have him remember who called the shots." Fury's words made Steve wide eyed as he looked to his sides seeing a silent Tony Stark who's still processing.


"And you want to know why the captain is included? Well because the Winter Soldier is Sargent Buchanan Barnes, a personal friend to your father as well as the childhood friend of Steve here." Fury again shocked both as Steve stood up in surprise.


"You think he died when he fell? No, it seems HYDRA got to him and used him for decades to kill their targets. Including his own friends, so if anyone is dragging those memories of his own just to get the name of the one who ordered the hit then it has got to be you Captain Steve Rogers." Fury then handed the entire File to Steve who still processed what Fury had told him.


"So mission here is, you and Stark capture Barnes and wake him up. Then find out who ordered the hit because this is something personal for SHIELD as well. Howard was one of its founders and now the mastermind is out there still living life without worry. Does that not get your nerves Captain?" Fury said with some anger on his voice as he too disliked knowing someone had targeted their founder.


"We'll find the one who called the shot sir." Steve said as he looked to the side at Tony who looked up with red eyes and visible anger at Fury.


"How are you sure the one who called the hit is still alive?" Tony asked as he held himself in.


"A hundred percent, records says that whoever it was they became some sleeper agent for HYDRA. The man is still at large Tony, so I'm giving this mission to you and I hope you can save Barnes as well as get more info about this Winter Soldier Project." Fury sat down as he looked at Stark gaining a deadly resolve in his eyes.


"You need the man alive sir?" Steve asked uncertainly.


"I don't remember saying anything about that, just the Winter Soldier program is needed." Fury looked at Steve who nodded at his words.


"Got a suit?" Steve asked Tony who looked at him and nodded.


"Then let's go suit up." Rogers then turned and walked out along with a seething angry Tony besides him.


"Heh, whoever you are you motherfucker, you dead as heck haha…" Fury chuckled as he saw the two angry men leaving.

[A/N: So this took over a week to write as I tried to make some interesting conversation for the intellectual characters that two of my brain cells gave up leaving me with the few scant still struggling to think for me.

This chapter now starts the metahuman boom that will happen all over the world, MC has made a crude plan to tackle it as to make sure the world has a direction to go to that would not need his intervention.

I've realized I've made such an OP character that there is rarely another that could fight him in equal standing so I'll just have him use his clones to be an active hero while the real body gets to enjoy some bountiful fruits of a blonde and a redhead.

I still want this to be a harem but I don't want it to be like collecting pokemon left and right. Rather I want to try and make it seem like I'm the one trying to woo the female characters even when I have zero experience in dating and such.

If any of you have an idea how to develop a relationship with meaning then please advice this padawan cause I dearly need it in real life.

Anyways, I made Cap and Iron Man team-up in getting Bucky without Tony going ballistic trying to kill Barnes since it had been implied someone else called the assassination of Howards and Maria Stark.

Also good guy Norman is an idea I wanted to put in hoping to make the guy into a hero that might become a regular character for me to expound upon.

I've looked at some possible female characters to have romantic relations for our MC but found it hard to think of a scene to make them meet and have some dialogue with development unlike the one I made with Natasha that seemed like forced then became some sort of Stockholm type of plot that I just went through with it to the end.

Seems like writing while high had some drawbacks in my plans on trying to make this fic work hahahaha....

Anyways harem candidates will be...(feel free to add pics if you have one of these characters.)



Jezebel or Mephista(Mephisto's daughter)


Aunt May(Marissa Tomei version)

Emma Frost

Umar maybe...


Asp(Cleopatra Nefertiti)

Madame Hydra


Selene Galio


And as I wrote I realized most of them were kind of the bad ones, am I attracted to bad girls?

Man, most of them would step on me if they were real. Damn I have a thing for hot bad chicks who I have no chance of getting, what does that make me?

I've gotta contemplate on this now cause maybe I have some problems of my own if these are my type which are mostly mature women with great curves.

Anywho I was glad I was able to eke out an 8K+ chapter so hope you like it.]