
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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106 Chs

Chp. 35 We have a land lord

[Marvel World]


"Damn, Tony is really resilient isn't he?" said Paul as he watched over the first ever members of Avengers. He had sent Fury a note not to show the other recruits he found yet and wait for them to be trained first before he adds them to the mix.


Even when Fury is extremely cautious against him he still heeds his opinion since they hired him as a consultant. He still gave pointers to those that wanted to practice in his Gym that has been renovated again and is filled with more training equipment. Free of course for the public but the private rooms and training classes has a price.


Paul didn't appear much and stayed dormant as he only cared in handling the charity group he owns and some small companies that were privately bought by him. Most were the various companies that handle in recycling Junk, this is where Paul gets more metal to transport as one of his clones is handling the companies.


Some were even paid fairly to dive down and clean the seas of the junk humans caused. Recently the spies of Wakanda was able to track the original town where sightings of water people were rumored to have appeared.


Other than that, they were also able to attack Klaue but somehow the guy is like a cockroach in human skin. He was able to escape but with only three canisters of Vibranium with him while the rest was taken by the Dora Milaje.


N'jadaka or known as Erik Stevens was also found by the Royal family, a great family drama started as the son and mother argued against the King learning of him killing his own brother. The man named Zuri tried to defend the king but the prince still was angry that his cousin was left in America with no family to care for him.


The Elders were also given heads on what is happening and they too were split in the idea of bringing back prince N'Jadaka. Paul just watched as he found no mention of him yet to the elders which meant they do not plan to reveal where they learnt of this knowledge.


The X-men on the other hand are dealing with their own problems as the Thieves Guild seemed to want to get the blueprints of Cerebro in the X-mansion. Paul doesn't know what that Candra wants as this was her orders to get the blueprints.


Now Magneto has come into terms with Charles when knowledge comes that some sort of ancient Bacteria had been causing the feuds between the humans and mutants, now there are more students in the mansion for the teachers to handle.


Somehow Wade became one and was the president of the student's class he was in. The ages do not match since some were thugs that Magneto picked up in the streets but now they are behaving since their PE teachers were Logan and Sabertooth and was also the heads of Disciplinary Committee.


Charles and Magneto was then contacted by the Hellfire club since Charles could be counted as Old Money rich. But he declined, Paul then sent a file to him showing Emma Frost's biography as well as her family's history.


And how a large laboratory is in the Hellfire Club's name is experimenting on making clones of her, then the possibility of the lead scientist to be John Sublime made the X-men gather and reach out to Emma Frost.


There they learned that she too has a school of her own that teaches mutants like theirs and was struggling to survive but the Hellfire Club provided protection from other parties wanting to get mutants to experiment on.


Now a battle was happening and they were able to find the laboratory but found only five small girls about the age of 5. The mutants were appalled learning that John Sublime killed every failed experiment when only five showed signs of having Emma's powers.


They weren't able to find the guy but they all somehow now have someone to point their hate to. Even the former members of the Brotherhood were incense learning of the atrocities this ancient enemy of theirs did.

Paul, know where the guy is right now but he'll stay silent and let them solve this on their own. Then he'll point them towards the Island of Krakoa once this is over, Magneto's Genosha is not enough to hold all of these mutants if they are ever united in the near future.


Paul felt that he should also find ways to capture these Externals and use them to become batteries of some sort for the Island. Their immortality seems to be a great way to circumvent the island taking the mutants as food from time to time.


The Fantastic Four has also returned and showed signs of them having powers, Doom was also empowered which made his magic more potent and stronger. Paul doesn't want to kill the guy since he knows if there is one that could lead Earth to the space Age then it would be Doom.


He just needs to help the guy a little bit, his rivalry with reed is inconsequential since it all started in their dorm when Reed changed the equation of the guy causing Doom to go into massive pettiness spree against the guy trying to prove who's smarter.


Now he is in the mini workshop in the RV making various gas propelled weapons that were used as Harpoonist weapons in the other Earth. He was able to make smaller canisters with large amounts of gas stored in it using a special Tungsten carbide alloy that was very durable and highly resistant to heat.


He also made a series of gas powered harpoon guns that looked like modern guns. But the successful ones were the P90 looking harpoon gun and Paul was able to make an increase in magazine load since the bullets were only small harpoon pins.


It looked like a normal P90 but the gas canister are stored in the butt of the gun and the maximum load of the magazine is about 120 harpoon pins. The fire power is stronger and range is better, another gun is a pistol similar to the Ruger Mark IV.


It has 30 bullets and is semi-automatic and a small rectangular gas canister is installed hidden in the handle of the gun.


Though he still made some guns similar to what the people in the drowned Earth did. Like the gun of the girl Kana, the rifle owned by sea monkey, the mounted automatic harpoon guns and many more.


Then there's the Heavy Harpoon Gun similar to the m60 in appearance and has a maximum of 600 rounds per box and powered by a larger gas canister that appears as a detachable butt of the gun.


Lastly there is the self-designed Sniper rifle that only has ten rounds of one inch thick harpoon pins that could pierce through 4 inch thick steel easily with a maximum effective range of 2 kms and high spec scope that could be adjusted from 500-3km range.


Paul was happy with these since they don't give out explosive sounds when fired as the gas were muffled once they reach the barrel of the gun.


*Knock 2x*


"Hmm?" Paul was skeptical because even Shanna wouldn't knock if she wants to enter as the doors were programmed to open for her.


"Nobody's here!!" Paul shouted as he ignored the knocks.


"Is that so? I thought this car has someone living in it!" Fury's voice sounded out which made Paul look outside as he saw the face of the guy. The RV had just landed and was now on its way to Chad but they did a quick stop since Shanna wanted the cubs to acclimate slowly with the change of scenery.


"Hey, if it isn't my favorite black pirate. Come on in." Paul said as Fury came in with Coulson following behind him.


"This is quite a car you have here Mr. Esteban. Really hard to look for the real you when some people that look exactly like you appeared in other countries too." Fury said as he looked at the interior of the RV.


"So instead you tracked Shanna here then. Come here I want to show you something." Paul waved at then and dragged them to his Mini Work shop.


"Motherf- where are we?" Fury noticed the room doesn't seem to be right. He is in an RV bus and no bus in his knowledge is as wide as this.


"Basic Quantum Space folding tech, no biggie. Coulson here, try this over there." Paul then dragged the confused incognito agent to the small firing range where a target already is present.


"Okay…" Coulson looked at the pistol in his hand and weighed it, feeling something different but he still aimed and shot.




"What in the hell?" Fury walked over as he thought about what Paul said in Quantum Space folding.


"This is a prototype gun I made which is only powered by high compressed gas. No gunpowder needed and makes less amount of noise than a pistol with a silencer." Paul then handed the submachine gun to Coulson who then tested it on the dummy target.


"Let' me try this one, how the f*ck are you supposed to hold this?" Fury asked as he picked the weird looking gun similar to what the Kana girl used.


"Like this, this is a burst fire kind of gun. You press this here to fire and this here to adjust how much ammo per second you want to release." Paul gave Fury directions as he held a book to write the notes down of the results.


"I look like a punk holding this." Fury said as he held the gun sideways and pressed his thumb on the trigger sending bolts of pins towards the dummy target.


"Sh*t I'm starting to like this thing here." Fury said as he saw the damage done by the harpoon pins.


"Okay this one next…" Paul then made the two agents test out the various things he just made.


"When you sent that letter saying I should hold for a minute when I have the whole of HYDRA in their neck, what do you mean by that?" Fury asked as he tried the gas propelled swords which dragged him around the room with great maneuverability.


"If one day you'll need to call upon a group of heroes to fight for the planet, better to not show everything you have. Because if one day the said threat does attack, then he/she will be ready for such people. There is a special way other alien civilizations know the technology of a certain planet but if we suddenly gain a weapon so advanced while our own planet is still divided with countries due to petty wars then we'll be suddenly attacked on all sides." Paul said as he scribbled in his notebook.


"What do you mean gain a weapon so advanced?" Fury raised his brows at these words.


"It means Director Fury, once a certain project of yours called phase two is continued. It'll be a signal that this planet has what it can to fight back, thus galactic laws will not protect us if swarms of alien ships wants some grabs for resources in this planet. As much as great it would be to have guns powered by an energy source you don't know off, it is still not enough to fight back aliens who have already stepped in their space age. If you want confirmation then go call Danvers and you'll learn that some already has eyes on this planet." Paul could see Fury's face frown as he said Danver's name.


"But this thing I'm making is still below the threshold that the devices aliens use to detect weapon advancement. Besides, why make things when there is a group of Aliens already protecting Earth." Paul said as he knew the Asgardians were present and shortly Thor will arrive.


"What do you mean protecting Earth?" Fury stopped firing the sniper and looked at Paul curiously.


"Like I said director, there are facts when it comes to the legends and myths that surround Human history. There had been so many races of super beings that existed long before and are still present within modern society, they just behave since they know who the landlord is." Paul's words made Fury frown as he just revealed something much larger than the problems Earth currently has.


"I'll take note of that, any chance I'll get to meet the land lord you speak of?" Fury walked out leaving Coulson who was enjoying the gas powered M60. Coulson was still assigned as the designated watcher of Paul and he doesn't mind at all. He even gave him keys and access to the minilab which does not have much to learn from.


There Coulson found out the extent of how large the place was and wandered around.


"It's like a small mansion packed in a very small place, is it possible for you to share this technology Mr. Esteban?" Coulson wished he has a bus like this too full of interesting thing, his eyes were on the weapons rack where there are mostly cold weapons.


"Nope, maybe later but not now. And you know why, I am just keeping low for now. But there are projects of mine that I would like your input on so I'll call you to try them out." Paul denied immediately as he knew Quantum Spacefolding could be achieved but his version here is using a spell formation that was a different branch of study compared to physics.

Sure there are principles that could be learned form the formations as well as their effect but that would be for later once Paul gathered enough data as well as knowledge to confidently complete the tech safely.

That afternoon Shanna returned with the two cubs behind her and has lots of souvenirs with her. Paul knew that she won't have trouble taking care of problematic people since he gave her a small baton she can carry around that could turn into a spear.


She also got help from Paul to hasten her body's function in digesting the medicinal properties of the special bath he gives her. Now she could carry about 400kgs each arm with her strength and could run for about 50kmph maximum.


Even her skin was tough enough to handle small caliber pistols without her knowledge as Paul made her stronger than she can ever be. He was happy too since it gave her more endurance thus some nights were literally sleepless.


She was not bothered by Coulson's presence in the RV and even welcomed him, that night Paul cooked and Coulson again was able to eat good food. He treated this time with Paul more of a vacation thus observed the daily life of Paul.