
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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106 Chs

Chp 14. Mt. Tai

"AAAHH!!!" Paul screamed as he fell from a very high place, curiosity really won over him as he tried one of the abilities he has in teleporting. And that is his power to travel across other realities, he does not know how it works but he can.

He just knew how to do it and this is the first time he tried using it, it was like being able to sense the other boxes outside his own and jump through there from where he came from without disturbing the walls between realities.


His senses made him realized that he is now close to the ground so he used his telekinesis and slowed his decent and found himself in a middle of a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Paul stood there and dusted himself as he tried to sense the marker he left back on the last reality he came from and could still sense it.


[Marvel Universe, year 2007 January 15]


That was all he could feel but he did think that maybe he could jump there on the exact moment he left even if he spent years in this new reality but he could not appear on the time he already existed or is in close vicinity of.


"Mwuahahaah!! I can travel the Multiverse in anytime I want!!" Paul realized how broken his powers are but what he did not understand was the amount of energy that existed in the wishing well that gave him his powers could make another Multiverse entirely and now it is concentrated on his very being.


Thus his powers though simple is at the strongest they can be and even came with an Instruction manual in his head. But downside is that Paul could not know which universe he'll end up so he chose randomly.




A weird horse drawn chariot stopped in front of Paul as it almost hit him because he was in the middle of the road. Paul looked at the weirdly looking horse that has scales similar to that of a fish and even has whiskers and eyes similar to a goat.


"Who dares!! State your name for daring to offend the Young Master of the Lin clan for standing in the way of his majestic chariot! I shall let you see the height of Mt. Tai as you grovel at the ground!" an obnoxious carriage driver shouted as he looked at Paul condescendingly as he felt pride for driving the personage within the chariot.


'Oh shit, is this some sort of wuxia or xianxia genre of a multiverse?' Paul wondered as he dodge a sudden attack from the driver with a whip. He then stared at the crack in the ground and realized that his assumptions might be true since normal humans couldn't do that and since the guy is just a driver then the level of power in this world is different.


"You dare dodge?! Receive you punishment for such audacity!" the driver thought Paul was a commoner with such weird clothes that does not even radiate any kind of regality.


"Wow, people in this world really are unreasonable, they attack without rhyme or reason." Paul was amazed at how such idiots really exist in this kind of worlds. Not even thinking that they might attack someone they could not afford to offend by judging people through their clothes.


"What is going on out there Er Zhou? Quickly dispose of such trash and get on our way." A lethargic voice was heard in the carriage along with giggles within meaning the guy inside did not even care they almost ran over somebody and even flirted with the girls inside.


Paul got irritated and realized how those MC's of the wuxia novels feels during times like these. Not caring about if he offends people, Paul started levitating which made the driver pause at what he is going to do and paled as he saw Paul do that. He suddenly got down his carriage and prostrated as he felt fear over his life.


"Esteemed senior please have mercy! I am just a humble driver and didn't know that we have offended Mt. Tai!" the driver's voice made the one inside the carriage pause and look out and seeing Paul levitate without using any Qi at all made him pale too as he hurriedly ran outside and prostate as well.


"Esteemed senior please forgive this ignorant Young Master for offending you, I come from the Lin Clan of Thunder City 50 kms from here. You might know our ancestor who is also a Nascent Cultivator like you." The guy was scared but he still found time to make his status know trying to deter Paul from attacking him by giving face to his ancestor.


He was followed by three young women who also prostrated in front of Paul who read their minds discreetly and understood where he is. But he did not recognize this world on any fiction his father had recommended him doing so maybe this was just a random Xianxia world.


Not saying anything he studied the energies existing within the people in front of him and realized this energy also existed in the air. With his enhanced senses he could also differentiate them with colors but that was for future research later.


"You think I am afraid of your ancestor? Go ahead bring that kid to me and let's see if he can scare me, and for punishment for you blatant disregard for safety means that you have done this many times before, I shall take something you value very much." Paul had read their memories and found this guy to be an A-tier douchebag for being a typical fourth generation young master not fearing anyone in his city.


Using his telekinesis he gave the guy a small operation on his nerves near the coccyx that would render his 'junior' useless as well as give a slight vasectomy while at it. The guy suddenly screamed in pain because there was no indication at all for Paul moving who did not even care for them as he flew to a nearby city to explore this world.


[Marvel World, Paul's gym]


In the repurposed storage unit which Paul changed into a mutli-purpose gym with other activities that are available for the public for a small price which he only used to pay the electricity, water and maintenance for the equipment in the gym.


Coulson like his laid back duty of being the guy on the counter, many old people did like exercising here and no signs of offenders because the Agents training could take care of the guys that has bad thoughts. Not that the agents have time because the ones mostly taking care of them were the young college football teens that were very close to Paul who took a liking to them and ever trained them for free.


Fury even got some of their names on a list for potential trainees of SHIELD since they showed great care of their neighborhood. Other than that some sports team in their same school, Columbia University, like Archery, Basket Ball and other sports that could sue the equipment in the gym.


Fury even found out to be very sturdy even when some men got roid rage for being over excited. Paul's schedule might be sometimes erratic like how he said he'll be gone for a week without giving any reasons. Unbeknownst to them Paul was wreaking Havoc to many sects on another world who got word of his capabilities.


Barton on the other hand found interest giving some archery pointers to those interested. This gained him a small amount of fans when he showed his great skills to the teenagers.


[In another reality]




Paul appeared on a portal in another reality as he escaped in a hurry when his exploits got the attention of many ancient fossils on the last world. The whole debacle got him the nickname of "Demon Dragon Emperor" since his 8th Gate shows a dragon silhouette every time he went serious.


"Damn… those old guys are really tough. Who would have thought they would use such a suicidal move on me at the end." Paul did not mean it but somehow he got notorious after his encounter with that Lin dude who spread bad rumors about him.


[Flash back]


The rumors made him mad because he got nicknamed "Nut breaker" and went to that Lin clan and publicly defeated their ancestor easily. Which should have made them try to clear up his name but somehow a obnoxious young man appeared out of nowhere challenging him and calling him a demon.


He defeated the guy easily too but it sparked the idiot's misplaced sense of justice saying he'll take revenge for the dignity of the Lin clan. A brain dead idiot to the end when even shown facts of the Lin clan's atrocities he did not budge saying it was just a lie since he is a demon.


Paul got irritated and threw the guy to outer space but it opened up another jar of hornets since the guy was a wandering prince who dreamed of being a hero. It got a whole Kingdom chasing after him which led to their defeat, their old fossil coming out to get beaten up and another brain dead wanna be hero from a larger Empire appeared and did the same thing.


Then the Empire chased him along to wage war on him, then their fossils coming out then another brain dead idiot from a powerful Ancient Clan. Then another great Battle which made him use 8th gate for the first time, then it snowballed from there on until the Coalition of three continents attacked him out of nowhere while taking out their hundreds of old fossils to fight him.


It was there Paul was able to hone how to combine his teleportation technique with his skills with Might Guy. He even got a butt load of treasures from all the people he defeated as he looked at his neck filled with rings of various appearances and a bag by his side with necklaces and wrist bands of various designs.


These were all storage bags that he got from every enemy and sects he looted that tried to kill him. He even got three very interesting artifacts that has a small world in them, a scroll, a orb and an earring. Paul only left cause he got tired fighting when no one could kill him there, there were indeed talented people who were more experienced and got him many times but they just couldn't kill him.


He tired them out before defeating them to near death or outright killing them if he found out their bad deeds. But before he left he made a small memory ball with the reason why the whole thing started as a prank. It was the only thing they found left in the explosion site that was now several dozen kilometers wide, it would be called Demon Dragon Lake in the future.


Unbeknownst to him that made the large part of the righteous sects to get angered by the crimes found within the memory ball after they thought they had defeated the "Demon Dragon Emperor".

First to bear the weight of their anger was the Lin clan that started it all when some ancestors accessed the memories of the clan head and learning he spread bad rumors about Paul calling him "Nut Breaker".


Then the Kingdom where the first brain dead prince came from, then the Empire whose prince also showed signs of being brain deadness and then the Ancient Clans and sects that got too much brain dead young masters and young mistresses.


They all attacked Paul for fame as they thought he was easy prey but since Paul mind reads to get more knowledge he learns who has done bad stuff which was also shown in the Memory Orb. This got many sects and Clans to purge their bad apples and led to the Golden Age of the Cultivators since many bad sects were uprooted during the so called "Calamity of the Demon Dragon."


This also made many smart individuals feel respect to Paul as they thought he was indeed pruning out the evil ones, because those that mostly lived were righteous and brave people who were grateful they were not killed. This led them to making a secret organization that went around and killing evil cultivators.


Many scholars in the future speculated that "Demon Dragon Emperor" was a punishment from the heavens due to the large amount of sins the world has done. It made more cultivators practice honestly as they grew up with their mothers warning them if they do bad then the Demon Dragon will go to you and eat you using rhymes and stories.


So it was a debate whether it was a punishment or a boon since it led to the era of righteousness and made the world into a better place. Many dark Sects hid from there on since so signs of the Demon Dragon Emperor being dead was found.

They speculated that maybe he has purified the world of many evil doers that he left. So now they tread on egg shells as they tried to gather their resources with no harming the innocents at all, making the world a better place since he left.


[Back to Paul in the present]


Paul was now lying in a pond enjoying his time sunbathing as he had rarely had the time to sleep in the other world with many people targeting him. But at least from what he could find is that he now has millions of tons of gold within his necklace of rings alone.


"Damn, I could crash the market with this. Mwuahahaha!! Fury is so gonna be pissed if I did that." Paul stood up and looked at his ragged appearance. He then took out an embroidered jade green Mongolian Deel coat, loose green pants, jade green boots and a black silk belt.


It was complementary to Paul's slight Asian features as he looked like a proper Mongolian man with the attire. But first he must find out where he is because he did not want the people from that other universe to see what he was doing when they were sending a very large annihilation beam to him.


"Okay, let's use a hiding talisman so no one would see me here." Paul took out a small paper with some sort of calligraphy on it and it burned suddenly when he placed it in front of him. It released a small film that covered him and made him unnoticeable to the naked eye.


Though Paul was always alert on the other side for idiots, the whole journey still went for seventy years there as sometime Paul just let the guys land a hit to make them feel better. Which worked badly because it made many gain traumas at his fast regeneration rate.


But still he felt that only three days passed by in the Marvel world because he saw the date changed a bit from January 15 to January 18. Thus time might be different in many places so he took note of that in his mind. Not long Paul found himself in a medieval world as he could see armored men riding on horses on a small city where it looked similar to medieval themed movies he watched.