
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Movies
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112 Chs

100 Starting a Business and writing a book...

The imprisoned pirates still thought that the crocodiles were the only monsters brought by Paul as well as the small wyverns which they thought were only a few dozen.


Yet deciding to erase their memories about the means in capturing them, Paul did not care much if they are rowdy or behaved.


He did check up on the slaves if they were genuine in joining him which was a bit mixed in opinion as some still were unsure of this new person ruling over them.


They do not know which kingdom or land he hailed from, just that he says that he is from afar. They were mostly commoners with not much knowledge from outside.


He also found time to write a set of laws as well which he implemented here as well as in Yeen since some newly added tribes were quite unruly as of late.


Trade has been going positive between the beastmen tribes, they found the metal tool sold were of good quality and even learned how to use them as Paul gave them ideas in farming.


Paul also ensured these brutes were entertained so he build a fighting pit where there are rules to ensure there are no deaths and had them believe this is a place to prove their honor and might.


He emphasized that there shall be no hard feelings and no insults to be said to the losing side. Making them slowly understand the meaning of sport, but brutes will still seek for blood.


So besides them fighting, he also made a large fighting pit for other animals. Yes, gambling and Paul introduced it to these brindled men and they loved it.


There is no PETA to stop him here, so the pits had Basilisks, Walking lizards and other types of animal battles.


But he placed a schedule on what to show, every day were fights using small animals like cats and dogs but to ensure they fight some used the basilisk blood to induce madness which is a bit of a chore.


So the popular ones were those of animas that do not need such means like small male pheasants which always fight on sight another male pheasant, Paul even made small knives to equip on the pheasants to make it more bloody.


This became popular and since they are gambling, a system of currencies were introduced as Paul gave them the idea of personal belongings.


It was hard at first since they used to live like a tribe that provides the needs of others in a close knit community but when the population started to reach 50 thousand in number then there is need to make things clear.


Though the difficulty lies mostly in the dumb nature of these people so to solve it, Paul had to gather tons of herbs to create a drug that would help in increasing cognitive functions.


But it was a gradual process which was done for the past few months, so he used hundreds of puppets to order these tribesmen to drink a glass every day.


Then he made a mint to make coins similar to those in earth, which he divided into various kinds like copper, bronze, silver and gold.


Green Hell is a treasure throve filled with untapped resources, which was now fully in Paul's hands and coupled with the info of the world's current developments, so he was able to make a systematic banking system.


He based everything of what a single coin of each type could possibly buy then he adjusted the sizes with gold uniform to the size and weight of a single gold dragon.


But to buy things outside Paul had prepared a few tons of silver bars, which was oddly already inside the storage ring.


He was a bit sad he cannot use the scroll world as it was now sealed as well and inside was paused like time has stopped for the beings inside the scroll.


If he could have he would have steamed rolled the whole of world of Westeros with the monsters he has inside.


But thinking about the safety of the others that were taken, Paul reigned in his dissatisfaction as he now rest in large mansion built in the basin.


He had to at least show some power as he now built a town within this basin.


But the houses he made were not normal ones as he made a tower sticking to the side of the cliffs.


He knew if there was a storm then the water level would at least rise about a few meters so he had the buildings built sticking to the cliffs so the top part would be atop the cliff's edge where the warriors could go out to hunt at the forest.


Though he did not have them hunt too much since they were in the smaller island in the Isles of Cedars, he could have some puppets sail Ketches from time to time to hunt for meat there.

By the cliffside he built several other towers with wood as the main body but the top part is connected to a small stone bunker near the edges of the cliff.


He also found caves near the neck of the Flask where he could mine iron, tin and osmium.


This enabled Paul to make some training equipment and sturdy armor, with a large smith he made weapons and armor also to sell.


But he mostly followed the common quality to the eyes of the people of this world since compared to dwarven forging, their quality is piss poor.


Paul did make some using dwarven techniques and he opted to give those to his great warriors.


He also created scutum shields layered with thin stainless steel underneath a quality flexible wood for the warriors.


Because he had created a specialized technique for these warriors to act like a disciplined phalanx with their shields and three meter long spears.


They still have five javelins for ranged attacks but if they want they can go melee using a mace or clubs since other than spears, they liked blunt weapons more.


Especially Ogap who received a mace made using a steel-osmium alloy weighing about 35kgs and was 2 meters long with a steel bar handle.


The giant brute was happy as he smashed large rocks that were at least 100kgs heavy with ease.


Then Paul made a full body armor using Black steel with elements somewhat reminiscent to Juggernaut in the helmet section.


It was because Ogap has an obvious weakness of not minding those behind him, during fights he tunnel-visions towards his enemy not caring about others if his foe is still alive or breathing.


And to ensure he is represented, he made a sigil for himself which was the silhouette of Godzilla curled up which was placed with great detail after making a tower shield for Ogap.


It was distinct and could be easily remembered so he used it, he knew there would be at least some trouble once he arrives and sold all these pirates to the slavers so he needed a guard that would intimidate anyone that would look upon him.


Only person Paul could think might match Ogap would be the future infamous Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, who was said would grow large than the 7'5" Ogap.


They had a high possibility of meeting each other since Ogap as large and brutish as he may be, is only 15 years old but from what Paul could tell these Brindled men mature faster due to their evolutionary nature.


Most normal human males would grow until they are 21 years old but to the Brindled Men they stop at 15 while looking like 30 years old physically.


Paul was shocked when he discovered this and theorized from what he gathered that these Brindled men could live up to 120 years old which he got from tomes made by the Beastmen since they had some Brindled Ghouls that would last longer than that.


But even then, thinking about how the Mountain would reach almost 8 feet in height while weighing almost the same as Ogap right now made him excited to see them fight.


And after seeing the increase of population in Yeen, he decided to not sell the ships as he repaired them and repainted them as it would be now considered as a fleet of his own.


He only needed ten years then he can make a formidable army enough to have others not dare to oppose him once he goes making shit ton of trouble.


Also he needed some ships to at least fish for him, so he appointed 50 puppets and 20 warriors to man 5 cogs to fish in the nearby sea.


These warriors also brought with them their wyvern companions to scout the sea for pirates or gathering of fishes.


With this he has more items to trade, finally the day came when he set sail again leaving Ruka to handle the settlement with 50 warriors and 50 Pouch Tiger riders.


The Elephants with him to carry the goods brought, so he prepared a few portable barges which he can disassemble and assemble with ease once he nears Astapor.


Taking with him only the two brigs carrying tons of products like spices, salted fish, preserved meats, leather, furs, common quality weapons, salt glazed pottery, furniture, Jewelry, amber, iron bars and other metals.


Within Leviathan, he carries mostly were various exotic animals in wooden cages made of sturdy teak wood, there were also tons of teak carried as well as the few sets of quality armor that are to be auctioned off.


Soon a week passed and he was now near Astapor with four more ships behind. Pirates were indeed bold when they saw his fleet, they were all double-mast carracks with 150 pirates though only 100 survived as he let loose Ogap in the captain's ship.


One mast was even broken by his rampage and in his display of pure brute strength, many pirates surrendered after his 20th kill.


These pirates were rather professional since they were rather disciplined like veterans but once the leaders were killed the group surrendered.


Paul got about 20 ship slaves which oddly were all women, a few were warrior slaves from Hyrkoon since they have the notable ruby pierced in their cheeks and their boobs free to the wind.


Paul learned more of the recent events in the city which made him happy learning there were newly delivered slaves in the market.


On his way he passed by a few ships, some were merchants and some were from nobles in westeros, he even saw one ship with the sigil of Yronwood.


Soon he arrived at the port of Astapor wearing only a loose white silk shirt, loose black cotton pants, a leather power belt with a silver buckle with his Godzilla sigil on it, quality soft black leather boots and some jewelry.


That includes a silver wyvern talon choker, a silver bracelet with high quality gemstones inlaid with zircon gemstones making it shine bluish when light pass through and a simple titanium headband to hold his long silky hair as he sat atop Grey Hill on a thinly veiled howdah.


Grey hill was also adorned with silver themes combined with bluish zircon hues while behind him rode Kaash in a meticulously designed armor atop a black warhorse.


Ogap on the other hand is still in his heavy armor atop a gigantic Boar which is also heavily armored like the rider.


20 warriors fully equipped and disciplined followed behind them as they got off the barges and towards the port.


Everything Paul did as soon as he arrived was like screaming 'Look at me' to everyone as he arrived with this entourage.


His arrival brought confusion to many including the good masters of the Astapori, soon as he climbed from the ports on the many stepped pyraminds he was greeted by a middle aged man with amber skin, broad nose and black eyes.


"Please ask the gentlemen what business does he want to bring upon our city." The man said to a timid guy besides him to translate his High Valyrian into the common tongue.


"There is no need for that, I speak High Valyrian." Paul raised his hands as he saw this and rose up from his seat. Grey Hill stopped as soon as Paul moved and knelt to lower his height.


This shocked the Good masters present as they never thought an elephant would be smart enough to do this without a driver.


Which they noticed that there was none in the first place, yet the beast knew where to pass without orders from this visitor of theirs.




As soon as Paul revealed his face, many women gasp from young and to the old as he looked like a prince sculpted with bronze as his eyes seemed to be laden with sorrow as he gazed upon the people around him.


Paul didn't mind it as he walked towards Grey Hill's head as the elephant adjusted himself as Paul passed and let him walk down the trunk of the giant pachyderm.


Soon Paul stood face to face with the one who received him, his tall build as well as his broad shoulders made the man feel little in his presence.


"I would like to sell my wares here, spices, quality weapons and even some unruly pirates that dared to attack me. There are also four ships where all of my captives are held." Paul said as he looked at the man who seemed nervous in his presence.


"I see, then I think it is better if you bring your products in the Market. But with what it is right now it would be hard to find an open area available to set a stall." Even when nervous the Good Master still thought about profits as he hinted something to Paul while staring greedily at the trinkets that seemed to be made by great craftsmen.


"I see, but I might need a large space to sell since I also have some talents I would like to show. I am quite an accomplished healer myself and there are products of mine that are rather feisty without the proper handlers." Paul looked at the man and the other nobles of the city who are behind him.


It seemed this guy might be quite influential within the city as he was not even subtle at hiding his greed as he looked at the many things that caught his eyes.


"Well, that would be hard to find. But with my, Harrak Zi Ullhor's help then things could be arranged for your peaceful stay here in our proud city." The man, Harrak insinuated the word peaceful as he looked at the various boxes carried out from the barges.


"Is that so? It seems I, Paul III Esteban, must thank you for being such a gracious host." Paul then shook the hand of the man who seemed confused at first but then he felt something in his hands.


He looked down and saw five finely carved rubies the size of an eye, the details of the facets of the gemstone awed the man who stood in daze for a few seconds until he was brought back to reality by a fellow Good master nudging him.


"Haha my friend Paul! The journey must have been perilous at sea, come! Let me show you the hospitality us Good Masters are proud of!" the man smiled like he was long lost friends with Paul as he knew for a fact that these rubies alone could cost for about a thousand golden dragons each.


Even more if sold to a customer that looks for such gems to adorn their crowns and these rubies could be centerpieces with their quality.


Soon Paul was led to the high class area of the city aboard a palanquin while few servants led Kaash into an area in the Market.


She was already given instruction on what to do, also S1 was with her wearing a full body clothing as well as a cloak to hide the nature of the puppet.


Soon they were led to a corner of the Market where many high class customers browse.


The servant went and told a merchant which seems to be a man of Harrak.


They then started to build the stall which made some customers curious as to which group this newly arrival belongs to, the sigil was foreign to them as well.


Paul on the other hand was given a hasty welcome party but it was still lavish as many curious ladies went to get close to him as they were smitten at his masculinity.


But many were nervous as the large Ogap intimidated many, only five other warriors followed behind which made the Good Masters surprised as most dignitaries traveling would always bring with them dozens of guards.


Yet from Ogap alone they felt he was worth a hundred men, some drunk enough to try and pick up the mace by his side but they were shocked as it was heavier than they thought it would be.


And from what they saw earlier, Ogap carried it like a normal stick making many want to see the warrior in action.


As Paul was being entertained by other people, Harrak gained a report of what the servants saw as Paul's products and he was shocked hearing that there were 500+ pirates being sold to the slavers.


Harrak immediately ordered some servants to buy them all, but then he heard there were various beasts displayed as well which included a pair of live walking lizards.


The Good Masters were also informed by their own servants making them want to go and buy the exotic animals.


Paul smiled as he had real time reports from S1 as he connected to this puppet.


There were several puppets acting as the store keepers, cashier and porters. 20 warriors were on guard while two elephants were on the sides, this display caught the eyes of many while also shocking some due to its security.


The puppets were connected to Paul as well as some small ones so he could see those with itchy fingers. The young thieves he just had them lashed while some bold ones were instead punished by cutting off two fingers.


People were shocked at how quick the thieves were caught not knowing in the helmets of the warriors Paul placed a formation where he can send orders in real time.


The puppets were also connected to this so even without Paul's orders, the warriors were alerted in an instant about the theft.


They were shocked when Paul gave the Helmets to them showing them the uses and thought that he was indeed a god being able to do these magical things every day, thus their fervor in punishing those that dared steal from their leader was displayed for all.


This display deterred many of those with evil thoughts, but Paul was surprised when even one noble of the city thought it was okay to just pick up a piece of jewelry and leave.


It almost escalated to a large affair had not Harrak arrived with the others wanting to buy the exotic animals themselves.


The thief was known to be of low reputation and him trying to steal from the guest of Harrak would be taken as an insult if he does not relent so he angrily threw away a ring he said he stole but then it was pointed out what was missing is a necklace.


This made the man pale as he was looked upon by other Good Masters who then saw a warrior slash his spear cutting off the sleeve cleanly without even wounding the thief.


There they saw the said necklace which the warrior retrieved, the ring thrown earlier was ignored as it was just some crude trinket not even worth a single silver coin.


Those with discerning eyes could see that he jewelry sold by Paul was of high quality even the rings while the one the man threw away did not even come close.


The man was pale as he felt death at the sudden slash from the warrior, he was then fearful as he realized this new guest seemed to not fear them at all.


Some of the nobles thought that Paul was ignorant and does not fear the Good masters of Astapor but those with Harrak knew better, they can tell that Paul knew much of Astapor and even the reputation of the Unsullied from their earlier talks.


Yet he does not fear them meaning that he has confidence in his forces, they can see that the warriors were of great quality as well like their own Unsullied.


And they were bigger as well as equipped with quality weapons and armor.


But that did not distract them as they saw various cages with healthy beasts brought from the Basilisk Isles.


Soon a bidding war ensued as some were avid collectors while there are others like measters from old town who wanted a live specimen.


There were also poisonous insects, snakes and even spiders for sale which were displayed inside clear forest glass cases which intrigued the merchants and nobles alike.


They could tell the glass was well made and almost rivals that of the glass sold by Myrrish Merchants.


Paul knew there was already clear glass present but he did not want to compete and went for second best yet it was enough for merchants to go nuts as they went and bought the glasses sold in many forms.


There were also paintings sold which were made by Paul as he was bored at sea, though many were landscape paintings there were others that caused fervor amongst the nobles.


"My friend, may I inquire as to who and where is this beauty residing?" Harrak was red eyed as he pointed at a painting of a woman with Asian features in an elegant hanfu dress sitting near a pavilion looking forlorn which evoked certain feeling of protectiveness amongst the men.


'Well looks like I am a very talented artist, I knew I was special.' as Paul stroked his ego, he rather showed an expression of understanding towards the men present.


"This is but a young lady in Yi Ti, I saw her once near a pond within a prefecture lord's garden. I do not know her name but she inspired me to paint this as soon as I was with my brushes." Paul went using bullshit-no-jutsu to the nobles of Astapor.


But they believed it, though in reality it was a young cultivator girl who had a nasty personality and one of the young masters or young ladies punished during his trolling in that cultivation world.


Good thing about cultivation is that there were rarely any ugly women there as they became beauties as they grew stronger, so showing this painting while also emulating the feeling of seeing the girl was too much for mortal men.


The painting earned him a lot of gold coins as some horny idiots went to buy it and declare a promise they will go to Yi Ti and find this woman to marry her.


This gave Paul an idea as he pulled out some paintings of the young masters he faced which brought hornier noble women to spend a lot of money.


Though some were bought by strangely giggling macho men with full mustachio beards, but Paul didn't care since they are entitled to their tastes.


The first day was a great success as Paul earned about a worth of 200 thousand gold dragons and it was 70% from the paintings. Who knew these people were so down bad?


But the next day was much boisterous as yesterday's events was heard all over the city as many bragged about having such beautiful paintings hung over their walls.


And the first to be displayed shocked many as it was a large painting about two meters tall and four meters wide, Paul made it last night but it was something made with his whole focus on the subject.


There were no beauties or princes painted as it was a scene of carnage as the painting showed the battle of two dragons, Paul made it thinking of what he remembered from the talks of his uncles.


How the battle of Caraxes and Vhagar unfolded, it showed the moment Daemon had just jumped from a bleeding Caraxes towards Aemond who is still atop a bloodied Vhagar wielding his sword Dark Sister.


The details alone were so vivid that viewers thought they had seen the moment of the fight as well while hearing the death throes of the dragons in their fall.


The painting was soon sold for 50,000 gold dragons to a maester present which made Paul amazed at how rich these old people are, but it was understandable since the city of Old Town is considered the second largest port of Westeros.


It was easy to tell when the maester is accompanied by a group of merchants, so Paul went on the auction as his second piece was an ornate long sword made like a Damascus blade.


"Now now folks, this is not Valyrian steel if you want to ask but it is a sword of great quality I assure you. Here a demonstration." Paul held a thin piece of cloth and had the sword cut through easily shocking the people around his stall.


He also had a customer up front to do the same, then to the surprise of many, a plate armor on a wooden log was placed behind Paul and he suddenly slashed backwards without looking at the armor.




The lower part of the armor fell while the top part stayed still, Paul then pushed the top part making it fall back showing the people behind the smooth cut of the wood.


*Gasps!* The crowd was shocked seeing this as they did not see or hear the armor being hit at all. Some guards besides the Good Masters squinted their eyes as they can tell Paul was a very skill swordsman as well making them whisper upon the ears of the masters.


This made many surprised at the rather generous appraisal of their guards knowing that they were also skill fighters having slain at least a hundred men in battle.


"If anyone is curious, you can inspect the armor as well." Paul said while also repeating the earlier process of cutting a cloth using the sword showing it was still sharp.


Usually castle forged swords would only go about 10 gold dragons at most while ancestral swords would reach about 500 or more yet this ornate sword which is both pretty and sharp was sold for 5,000 gold dragons.


That was enough to buy a century of Unsullied.


Paul then showed various weapons of similar quality as well as armors which he had the viewers to try and attack with their weapons if they want to try.


Paul only made on of each type from a long sword, short sword, mace, war hammer, Battle axe, spear and a pair of daggers.


Then there was four sets of armor with different motifs, like grey wolf(Grey colored with wolf theme), Bronze tiger, Silver Steed and Green Turtle.


The rest were wares that also got the eyes of many, like forest glass dining set, standard quality weapons which were better than most, marble statues, detailed wooden figurines and other exotic animals.


Then there were the whole sales like the teak wood, baskets of herbs, barrels of lard, crates of fresh fruits, smoked ham, salted fishes and other things.


Oddly enough the medicines he made did not garner much attention as he hoped they would be but one day they would be in high demand so he didn't worry.


By the end of the day Paul got more gold than the first day, this time he also traveled around after the Auction and found the slave traders.


There he purchased 500 slave kids with ages between 5-10, then 100 other types of slaves for other duties like cooks, builders, smiths, tanners, farmers, teachers and servants.


Then knowing he might need some to ensure the slaves are not stressed or bricked up, he bought a hundred bed slaves as well.


This made Paul realize the beauty standard here is quite higher than he expected, they were at least at least an 8/10 on average while there were many pretty faces that could pass on as super models back in earth.


It was when a Good Master was bragging about how they have a place to selectively breed these slaves to ensure quality. He was proud to have a standard almost as good as those bed slaves sold in Yunkai and Lys.


Paul just nodded as he was being fawned over by many Good Master's recently as they had heard he was the painter of those master pieces as well as some getting to try some performance 'enhancers' made by him.


They loved it but they decided to keep it between themselves as it was rare for them to force their concubines to work together to stop them, many masters felt Paul was their savior thus bought the medicine themselves in large amounts.


Paul sold it to them rather secretly as he knew that he needed to protect the dignity of his customers while also giving a warning of not taking too much as he still wanted live customers.


Then they saw him paint a portrait of Harrak when he asked for it while going to pay the price worthy of the result.


In the end they saw him work for three hours and making a very realistic painting of life like proportions with a little adjustments by Paul to give a more dignified look for the man. Harrak was so pleased about it and paid Paul a great amount which was enough to buy two ships.


The earnings made him rethink if he should buy some Unsullied as it was enough for about a thousand if he used the total gold that he has now.


But Paul thought about it and decided not to bother, he would rather go to Yunkai and Mereen to buy out the young blood available.


He could go there the next week once the message he sent to the settlement is received, this was a good thing about the puppets is that they could also think independently.


So seeing the sales from yesterday, he had a smaller puppet as tall as a hand(18cm) ride atop a healthy golden eagle to fly as fast as they could to send the message of having ten ships brought to meet up at Yunkai.


It was a rather fast way of sending a message as the eagle could probably reach the Isle of Cedars two hours and were given special care to become fast and enduring of harsh weather while flying.


Paul received the affirmation that night, making him smile at how fast his way of messaging was compared to the ravens of westeros.


But that was still slow as he dearly missed having phones, he could have created another puppet or magic tool to use for communication but that would take days to make.


Maybe in the future but for now he had the golden eagles, but for longer distances he already trained a group of doves to send the messages.


Soon he bought a rather sizable mansion which could be kept clean with only a few slaves and the upkeep only needed 5,000 gold dragons a year which was currently affordable for Paul.


It wasn't until the seventh day he closed shop and said he'll be back after four months to restock his wares while the quality armor and weapons will only be sold once a year as they were quite 'rare' to make.


Paul earned a very respectable reputation as his prices were not too overly high and that there would be less likely to be swindled by his wares as they were of great quality.


He also bought a large shop where he would sell glass wares, lard, fruits, smoked meats, fur and various wholesale products every month. But it would be his people who would handle such things, while he only appears every six months.


Though Paul still paid 10% of his earnings as taxes, he still earned a lot which was enough for a few years even without the future earnings.


He left five Servant puppets with good managerial skills instilled in them and a 100 Unsullied which he still bought to ensure the security of his mansion and shop.


To differentiate them to the other unsullied, he gave them better leather armor and a Scutum shield with his sigil.


He also had a barracks built for them where he had one fighting puppet ensure they will not slack in their training.


They too were given skills in fighting(mainly pole arms, knife arts, spear techniques and archery), medical knowledge coupled with herbalism, enhanced intelligence, equestrianism and made with great care. Paul used at least a hundred souls to make the puppet much intelligent and better at fighting.


Lately Paul found that the puppet core made using souls were able to learn and even behave like humans. It seemed better than AI but it has no advanced calculation abilities but at least it could make some logical decisions depending on what it knows.


Though Paul had to do some programming like he did in making an Ai, all he could reach was a puppet with an IQ of 95, average in terms of humans.


But still smarter than the brutes he is usually with and enough in handling training matters and leading the security of the employees.


They were also puppets but all focused on business management, so at least with a 119 IQ but only in handling business, totally no fighting skills.


If not for the lack of the sense of taste and touch as well as the ability to reproduce, then they could easily pass as humans if they are covered properly.


He was able to give them a sense of smell since he tweaked an identification spell circle to identify only the materials present in the air passing through the puppet's nostril.


He made these ones able to emulate breathing as well, so he only needed to make them look like fully covered assassins that made them appear mysterious to the customers.


This technique he made is still being refined but maybe someday he can make more lifelike puppets yet he did not plan to do so. Dozens of movies had warned him enough of such actions and the effects of reaching that far.


Soon Paul was seen leaving riding Grey Hill back to a barge towards his large ship which also got the curiosity of the Good Masters but no one had been allowed access by Kaash and the warriors.


Some thieves did try though but the next day their heads were put to the spike on the front of the ships.


And then the time to leave has come as Paul now set sail towards Yunkai and Meeren to buy slaves.


The next two weeks went well as the resources placed by Paul on the ships when they converged on the way were sold out.


In Yunkai he got 200 bed slaves with 10 mature ones that would teach the younger slaves, but Paul told them only to become sex education teachers and not teach how to please a man but if they wanted to learn who is he to stop them.


There were other kinds of slaves as well which amounted to 150 which were quite a lot.


The young ones from 5-9 were only about 300 since a Volantene merchant bought a lot last week.


The trip to Meeren was also similar but only got 50 bed slaves, 100 assorted worker slaves and 250 5-9 kid slaves.


But Paul was intrigued by the warrior slaves which were different from the Unsullied. Though not as good they were at least decent, also they were all without balls.


And he bought 200 young warrior slaves who were between 14-18 years old.


Journey back took Paul ten days and it was bountiful as he got 10 more pirate ships, he then sold the pirates on the way back at Astapor along with the smaller vessels.


The 2 cogs were kept by Paul, then they were back at the settlement with almost 2000 slaves of various kinds.


He made sure that there were no other ships tailing him on the way back so his presence would still be a mystery to those of Slaver's bay.


And as he promised, he sent Four cogs to each city filled with products a month which earned him 20,000 gold dragons after taxes and tariffs as well as buying other things like cheap copper ores in Meeren.


Barrels of pitch which was crude oil which Paul could turn into gasoline as well as other things, like jet fuel but that would depend if these level of technological advancement in chemistry is allowed by the bracelet.


Paul also got seeds of various plants around the world, books and even information of current affairs in the world.


The slaves brought had been put to work as well as more buildings attached to the cliffs were built as well as more bunkers atop.


Then Paul had started to make ten stone towers right in the middle of the Flask Basin, they would then be connected to the other buildings with rope bridges.


Then platforms were made every 5 meters of a building where aeroponic gardens were made. The slaves were confused at first but they obeyed as they were awed by their master to be a Wyvern rider.


Even the warriors here were formidable that the slave warriors bought were outclassed. But they were soon brought under training with Paul since he needed to cover a lacking part of the forces.


An archer legion, which is why most of the warrior slaves he bought had experience in handling the bow.


Their training was immense and to ensure muscle development, because their nuts were cut off so less testosterone, he added specialized medicines in their food.


Also due to curiosity as a rather learned man, Paul experimented as he transplanted one nut to another to see if the guy would produce testosterone.


It took a few weeks of observation but the experiment was a success after surgery, yet the DNA of the nut juice was still of the original owner of the nut.


The Slaves were shocked about this but Paul gave them some simple lessons about biology which he also taught in detail to the older bed slaves so they can become the sex education teachers.


He also told them about the diseases one could get from having too many partners or how some sicknesses are passed through oral and other ways of transmission.


The slaves were then ordered to learn how to read as well as placed in a rather militaristic way of living.


And seeing the result of the slave gaining a nut, which made him gain more muscles faster and at least the possibility to become a father again made many want to gain a nut as well which became a form of reward to them.


So the saying "Give a slave a nut and they will be loyal to you forever" was passed down on Paul's slaves, only they say that between themselves.


Then news about the situation in the disputed lands arrived, it was then Paul remembered details about the current King who was a wise and kind to the smallfolk/commoners.


One of the news received is that some nobles back in Westeros did not agree in the King's words that the marriages between siblings were dangerous and harmful to the family.


They thought the king was laughable and that he should stop hanging with the small folk, this made the King desperate for support so he arranged betrothals to other house with his children.


But it seems generations of churning the same gene pool made some dumb kids, the eldest went and married a commoner which he fancied. This also caused him to lose his qualifications for the throne.


A pretty girl but somewhat of a weird one as she was rumored to be friends with a dwarf girl and a woods witch. This caused a rebellion from the Baratheons, whose daughter was supposed to marry the first prince, which would have lasted had Duncan the Tall not bested Lyonel Baratheon in singly combat.


The second eldest was a horny brother who still believes in the 'traditional ways' since he was young as had the same thoughts with his sister to role play the famous scenes of 'Step-bro I'm stuck'.


This feeling for each other even started when they have not even gotten their pubic hairs grown. Their puberty is still years away and these two already planned to bone each other.


This made the house of Tully and Tyrells mad causing the King's plan to go rock bottom in getting the supports of the large houses for his reforms.


Then the second brother went and believed some prophecy of the woods witch brought by the rumored crazy commoner girl the eldest married. And he believed it like an idiot so he had his son and daughter marry each other, while the princess already fancied another man, quite the dad of the year.


Then there was the other prince who liked to get stabbed or rear ended by other men's swords, dumb shit went and died with his swordmate during a rebellion a few years ago, maybe got stabbed by a man's real sword.


The King then had to betroth his other daughter to the Baratheons which calmed them down because this one was at least dutiful.


Now from what he can tell in the news, the King seems obsessed with the notion of hatching a dragon as it would seem to be the only solution for him to gain enough say to push his reforms and make the various noble house behave as long as he has a dragon.


"Hmm, if I help this guy then he might survive and lead the westeros to prosperity. But the nobles were too prideful to follow the orders of a king they consider half a commoner…" Paul mused as he laid in the bed combing the hair of Kaash as she purred in content feeling full.


"…which would still not be a surefire way to go since a lot of rather traditional nobles still exist believing the old ways. Hmph, more like the old ways are profitable to them. Bunch of dumb people, but if I don't do anything then shit will hit the fan which will spread more shit around…" Paul then pulled out a bundle of paper and a pen thinking of what he could do to at least change things a bit.


"…hmm, wait. Those nobles won't believe it because they do not have a clear idea what the effects of incestuous marriages are for now, but what if I publish a book with details of the effects and how it was observed? I could then have it printed with many copies then send it all around Westeros." Paul nodded as he felt it was a good plan.


Maybe once they read this then it might change the minds of the nobles but to ensure validity Paul made it seem he had been buying slaves to do this experiment for years.


He did have some history here now which many had witnessed, a scholarly person with unknown backgrounds and great talent in art as well as business.


Paul then wrote various stories using hypothetical characters which were Slaves he bought. He made the notes sound like he was apathetic and played with the lives of slaves for the sake of studying.


It might make him sound brutal to the minds of others but at least that would evoke a scary image to others and would think twice in messing with him.


Thus other than the notes, Paul made artistic drawings of autopsies as well as medical examinations done on the subjects.


He even added a detailed recount of different surgeries which could be easily achieved with the era's technology. This included the nut transfer surgery which he stated how he gave a nutless slave another man's nut.


Then he wrote how he had a few men with new nuts go and make kids with bed slaves bought, he noted how different the original owner to the recipient like giving a nut of a volantene slave to an andal slave then have him mate with another andal woman yet the child born had obvious Volantene features.


His skill as an artist has been heard already anyways so it would just bolster the claims in this book he is writing.


He also made another book about the effects of different poisons towards the body of a person and he also made stories up of him using the slaves as materials for experiments about how they reacted to different amounts of certain poisons.


He even put on how a person could develop an immunity to poisons if they are fed small amounts every day until one day they can resist amounts that are normally deadly to others.


Soon a week passed and Paul finished writing two books, he then made more copies using the puppets.


They were great printers since Paul could just give them calligraphy and art skills while also have the entire memory of the details in the book.


But for the art works he made some prints carve in wood tiles so he could just make a simple form of printing.


In another week time he was able to make a thousand copies all freshly bound in leather covers. This made Paul think of providing a printing service which he would like to extend to the measters of Old Town.


And to spread these books all over the world, Paul just had the best people for the job, the Maesters themselves.

(A/N: I really think it was apt to have the MC publish the book, at least no more thoughts from others that he was training his own army. This would make even the Slavers fear him while also giving him notoriety and time to develop without other people questioning what happens to the slaves.

Let's be honest, most discoveries within the human body were done under inhumane conditions which is a fact that many are uncomfortable with. But these were done mostly in times of war, like what the Japanese did to China with their experiments that appalled many. Or how the Geneva convention existed because the Canadians were too creative in making new traumas for their enemies.

But there is also discoveries during war that was because many doctors discovered various facts trying to save many dying soldier's lives. They learned so they could save more, especially surgeons who had to watch many patients die on the table left and right.

War would change a man, but it is thanks to war we now have gundam and various figurines that show their pantsu with kawaii faces. Yey!! Banzai!! Oppai!!)