
The Middle of Us

The Middle of Us is about two people who meet accidentally in their safe havens. They are both longing to know what happiness feels like, they will both soon realize that they are able to find it within each other. Caspian is from a different dimension and he is soon brought to Rune’s safe haven. They are both connected to one another by a simple tulip.

Sxnd_7 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Middle Of Us (6)

Rune walked into the house and went upstairs to her room, she came home around the tie that she normally has dinner. When she opened her room she placed her bag on her desk and took off her cardigan and hung it back in her closet. She took off her shoes and fell back on her bed. Why did I tell him about me....I have never told anyone my life story. But for some reason it felt good to let others know what I was going through even if it was just Caspian. Rune was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a light knock on her door. "Come In." she said still laying on her bed, she soon saw her mother walk in he room which did shock her a little.

"Can we talk."

Rune sat up and looked at her mom, this hardly ever happened before so she was a litte iffy to confine to the talk that her mother wanted to have with her alone. Rune nodded not able to say anything.

"I'm sorry."

That was the first thing that Rune heard come out of her mother's mouth. Rune was looking at her and she noticed the tears brimming her eyes yearning for a chance to escape and roll down her flushed cheeks.

"What for?"

Rune knew what she was apologizing for but she wanted to hear her mother say it.

"I always had an image of what you should be like. I never thought that me trying to get you to be that certain daughter I had in my head was going to ead to us not having a close relationship. I blame my immaturity but I also hate myself for not fixing this long ago. I could have ammended our relationship years ago, but I only worried about myself and not you."

Rune now had those same tears lingering on her water mark threathning to escape and run down her cheeks as well. Rune tried so hard to push them back but she could not help it. She soon had two streams going down her face. Her mother soon noticed adn gently wiped the tears off her daughter's face. She did not want to cause more pain to Rune, she only wanted to get closure.

"I don't blame you."

Rune said and that made her mother's eye gleem with happiness.

"But you not talking to me hurt me the most. No matter what you were suppose to move that certain image of me to the side and try to allign youself with the actual image of me. You left me in the dark for many years and I wish you would have done this earlier than later."

The eyes that were once willed with gleem were wiped away, Rune' s mother realized that the time they lost together was going to be hard to get back and there was no one else to blame but herself. Her mother got up and was leaving her room.

"Dinner will be done in a few."

And with that she left the room and went down to the kitchen. Rune felt bad about what happened but at the same time she wanted her mother to feel guilty for what she had done. The dinner was more awkward than usual, Rune and her mother avoided all eye contact. Rune also did not want to eat anymore, so she just played around with the food on her plate. Her dad was there and he was observing their strange behavior, he knew that they weren't close but for them to not even make eye contact took things to a different level. Her dad was fed up with the problems that they were having constantly, he wanted to enjoy his dinner and not have to worry about their relationship. He put his fork down and pushed his plate away from him. When he did that, he earned looked from both his daughter and wife.

"I do not know what is going on, but it is effecting this dinner right now."

They both carefully looked at eachother and then adverted their gaze to their plate.

"Does anyone care to tell me what has happened. I know that the both of you don't usually talk to one another but today is definatly different than all the other times."

"We talked earlier that is all that happened." Rune said as she was still playing with her food.

Her father's face showed confusion.

"If you talked than why is it very uncomfortable than it used to be?"

Rune's mother decided to say the answer to that specific question. When she was answeing the question the tears once again threaten to leave her eyes, but this time she wasn't going to let them fall especilly not infront of the both of them. She represented strength for the family and she had already shown her weakness infront of her daughter she did not want to show it again infront of everyone.

"I was too late to fix the problem that I started and now I am the one to blame."

"I never put the blame on you." Rune said and she was getting angry about how her mother was plaing the victim right now.

"It is what you implied did you not?" Her mother responded, this time looking straight into her eyes.

Rune could not take the implimations that her mother were making, she was tired of how her mother changed the story everytime. She changed it just so it could benefit her in the long run. Rune let out a scoff, she placed her spoon down and pushed her chair back and walked out of the kitchen. You would think that someone would try to stop her from leaving but not once did she hear either of her parent's voices. To Rune this was the final straw and she headed out the front door to her only escape.