
The Middle of Us

The Middle of Us is about two people who meet accidentally in their safe havens. They are both longing to know what happiness feels like, they will both soon realize that they are able to find it within each other. Caspian is from a different dimension and he is soon brought to Rune’s safe haven. They are both connected to one another by a simple tulip.

Sxnd_7 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Middle Of Us (5)

When Rune woke up she had a mission that had to be accomplished, she was going to figure out who Caspian was. She got herself dressed, she put on some light denim jeans that had rips at th knees and a plain black t shirt. She grabbed a cardigain before she left the house. She put on some colorful socks which had pizza slices on it and put on her black low cut converse. She grabbed a random bag out of her closet and put in her wallet and some other random items to make the bag look like it has a lot of stuff. Rune headed downstairs and made her way towards the kitchen for breakfast. To her surprise she saw her mother sitting at the table. She looked towards the clock. It's already 9 why isn't she at work. Rune headed towards the pantry to grab her favorite cereal, which was fruity pebbles. She grabbed a bowl and poured the cereal first and then the milk. Rune picked up her bowl and sat infront of her mom at the table. There was never any conversation between them. Rune ate her cereal in silence while her mom drank her coffee. It was getting awkward between them and it shouldn't be awkward between a mom and a daughter.Rune decided to be the one to break the silence. "Why aren't you at work?" she asked not making any eye contact with her mom. " I don't have to go in until noon." Rune just nodded her head and drank the milk in her bowl. When she finished she got up and placed the empty bowl in the sink. "Is dad off too?" "No, but he is suppose to get off early." "Oh okay, then I'm going to head to the library." Rune then started to make her way towards the front door. "Be back before 6 we are going to start dinner at that time. Hopefully your dad will make it." Rune did not say anything, she did not like having the "family dinners" it was awkward as hell and she wasn't that close with her parents. The family dinner would be silent the only thing that would be heard is the utensils hitting the plates. "Okay." And with that Rune headed out the door for her quest.

Since the town was anaverage size town everthing Rune needed was in walking distance which was convient for Rune who did not know how to drive and needed to take her test so she could leave the hell hole of this town. The library was the furethest location from her house. However, it did not bother her since she got to admire the nature around her. When she arrived to the library she immediatly went to the history section that tells her information about the town. She grabbed seven books to start off with and went to a stuy desk and started to read away. When she would find something that could connect to Caspian she wrote it down in her notebook. Rune spent three hours in the library her notebook was now a third of the way full and she believed that one of her notes had to be a link to Caspian the only thing left to do was to get the answer from him. She put the books back and made her way to the exit. Once outside she made her way to the cafe, she needed some type of energy boost for being in the library for three hours. Her hair was now in a high loose ponytail, and her shirt and pants now had wrinkles from her leaning down looking at the book. Once inside she looked around at the sweets that the cafe offered. She looked up and met eyes with the barista that had told her to change. She pointed to an oreo brownie and ordered a vanilla milkshake. She sat down and waited for her stuff once again. She paid little to no attention to the barista she pulled out her phone and played a game while waiting for her name to be called. "Order for Rune." Rune put her phone in her bag and headed up towards the counter. She grabbed he brownie and milkshake and left the cafe. Rune decided to take her snack with her to her not so secret secret place. When she hit the barier she carefully climbed over trying not to drop her milkshake or her borwnie. With success of not dropping anything she continued on her way to the center of the forrest. When she made it there she expected to see him but he wasn't there and Rune was happy that he was not there and that she could spend some time relaxing in her favorite spot. She took off her cardigan and placed it on the ground next to the tulip and sat down and pulled out her brownie and started to devour it. Rune loved chocolate but sometimes she had a limit on the amount of chocalte she could have. While she sat there she pulled out he notebook and looked at all the notes she had written down and carefully went through them to figure out which ones were a far catch and which ones could be close to figuring out this place and Caspian. Rune finished he borwnie and was now slurping down her milkshake. She soon saw feet appear next to her and she knew that it had to be Caspian. "You know I can see you right?" She asked as she still had the straw in her moth from her milkshake. "Of course, if I wanted to scare you I wouldn't just stand behind you." Rune rolled her eyes and continued to study and analyze her notes. "I see that you have done some digging about this place." "Yeah, I want to know what it is and why does the tulip do abdnormal things." Caspian sat next to her and he was now studying the notes himself. Rune heard a few chuckles here and there. "You know that these are out of reach." "That is why I am re analyzing them trying to figure out which ones could be close to figuring this place out. Or you can just tell be about it and I can stop wasting my time." "I rather not, go ahead and waste your time if you didn't do this then you would probably be doing nothing right now." He said with a smirk. Rune knew he was right, she would probably be in the comic store right now looking for another comic or reading them right there in the store. Rune turned to look at him and she wanted to wipe that smirk off of him so bad but she did not want to let him know that he was right. Rune turned back around and looked back at her notes once again. She picked up her milkshake and began to drink it until it was pulled out of her hands. "Hey!" Rune turned towards Caspian and saw him drinking what was once hers is not his drink. "Oh my I'm sorry. Do you want it back?" Rune was absolutely finished with him and she could not take his snarkyness anymore. Caspian could tell that he hit the right spot he had been waiting for her to blow off and it was finally going to happen. Rune grabbed the milkshake out of his hand and took off the top and poured it over his head. Rune was now standing with complete victory over her. The smirk that was once on his face is now proudly on hers. And she could not be anymore happier. "That was not nice." Caspian said as he ran his hand through his milky hair. "Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't mean to drop it on you." Caspian was now getting his own medicine and he was not enjoying it one bit. Caspian now knows what Rune felt like when he was doing this to her. Caspian started to shake his hair to get out majority of the milkshake out but he soon stopped when he heard a high pitch shriek. he turned and looked over to Rune who now had the vanilla shake on her. Caspian could not help but start to laugh at Rune, who was now furious with him and she was about to choke him. Rune stood up and looked down at Caspian with an evil look in her eyes. "Hey whatever you are thinking is not going to end up good for you. You should stop that little brain of yours before it turns into smush." With that warning Rune threw it away, Caspian saw how her demenor did not change and he slowly and carefully got up and backed away from her. Rune started to chase him around the area. The chase lasted a good forty seconds before Rune sat down on the floor becuase of the lack of oxygen that was circulating in her body. "No more, Im' done." SHe said with heavy sighs between each word. Caspian walked up to her and put his hand out to help her up. "Truce?" Rune shook her head still unable to speak. Caspian hed onto her hand still he waited for her to get up instead she held onto his hand and still sat on the ground. Caspian soon joined her and sat down next to her. As soon as he sat down Rune layed down on the ground. "That was my excercise for today." They both laughed at Rune's words and just layed there for a little longer until Rune decided to get up. When Rune got up she grabbed her cardigan and bag. "I have to go to a family dinner." Rune said sarcastically and with quotations around the family dinner part. Caspian looked at her with confusion. "If it is a family dinner than why don't you seem happy about it." Caspian asked with a confused look on his face. Rune looked at him now with her cardigan on and the bag on her shoulder. "My family isn't really a family....its more like a group of strangers. My mom doesn't really approve of me and that is where my family clashes. I have a close bond with my dad and my mom has never really tried to understand me." "Why haven't you talked to her." Rune let out a scoff, "Talking to her is pointless, she already has the picture perfect me embeded into her mind and I'm the complete opposite so she doesn't really like me for that." Caspian just stood there not realy able to say anything, Caspian had no family he only imagined what a family looked like he never expected a family to be seperate.