

Alex began to sweat profusely. He found it hard to breathe at this point.

['Why are being so stubborn now? You have already exhausted every energy you can squeeze out of the fire bloodline and your core. Switch with Lex or Xander, they can use the energy from space and lightning bloodline, respectively. I don't understand why you have to be stubborn about switching now.'] Al disapproved of Alex's decision.

['Let him be Al. he should push himself to the limit. Only then would he be better.'] Xander interjected.

Xander knew why Alex was acting this way. He knew that he had come to a realization that they, his alters, could choose not to obey his wishes. Anyone would be scared if their body gets seized by personalities that isn't theirs.

But one thing that Alex still hasn't realized is that his alters liked him.