
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Ring-A-Ding-Ding Where The Fuck is My Chicken Wing

/Frank POV/



Well, as you all can remember, I had little flies going around seeing the sights, getting me information that would normally be insane to find, and you know what I found? A little chat between the heroes that I "pacified" a couple hours ago and with Detective Tsukauchi.

You know, that little talk of theirs really made me think, since I can't really do that anymore due to the fact that I'm most likely applicable for being called clinically insane, they hated me for the exact same reason, I killed millions for nothing, but Tsukauchi still had his morals on him and didn't want to use people who would be connected to me as leverage to kill me.

It was a nice sentiment, despite the fact that I have absolutely nobody that's still on the surface. Well, nobody that I truly actually care about. So you know what I did? I just kept listening in and holy shit is Nighteye going fucking insane.

Like, he's starting to think like a villain to try and get rid of me. Well all I have to say to that is good fucking luck trying to kill me. There's way too much shit that exists within my walls that could wipe out fucking cities and yet you think that you could draw me out with people that I've interacted with?

Wow, just fucking wow. I never thought that these cunts could actually stick their hand into the cow shit. But I was wrong! Well, I mean, some of them agreed and there were also a few who disagreed. The few that went against were asking the others to go and look for the good within their hearts since it was technically the bad thing to do.

Well, not my problem until they muster up enough fight in them to attempt to not die a painful death. But right now, I have other issues that I'm tackling and putting out of their misery. One of them is related to I-Island v2. Well, it's useful as shit, but the issue that exists is the people. No I'm not talking about the Orkz, they're cool. The humans are my issue there.

They take up precious mats that could be used to make the dungeon stronger. And you know what? I'm sort of okay with that. But I need them to pull their own fucking weights since souls are limited, except they're not since there are way too many gods that are shoved into the soul gen.

Oh well, more zeroes are always welcome within the count. But you know what, the scientists, oh fucking boy the scientists. They're the biggest pain in my ass at this very moment due to the fact that they can't even do anything aside from drooling at the possible things that they could do with 3199. Yes, that 3199, the SCP that was made through mixing multiple animals and making them fucking insane.

Not to mention they're only going to get stronger due to the number of souls being shoved into that bitch.

Oh well, I warned them that if they ever, ad I mean ever tried to fuck around with the giant chicken thing, they would be fed to their pack. And that shut a good number of them up really good. But now, I have to make sure that I have some people on my side, and that included the Shields and Stain.

Stain could be considered easy since I could just explain that there were a sleuth of fuckers going around calling themselves heroes (I'm talking about cultivators.) yet they never would give a shit about the people that they would affect. That made him really pissed and I asked him if he would join.

He said yes and I drew up a book and quill for me to make a written agreement just to make sure. The contents included that he'd work for me, he won't try and backstab me, and he'll try his best not to get his emotions out of control, unless the situation calls for it.

Now trying to make his Quirk a little better, I thought of what I could do. His Quirk inherently requires him to lick the blood of his enemies to paralyze them and I could tell that it was a power of will and speed. How fast did he need to lick and how much will was needed to make sure that the target stayed down.

Naturally I could just shove a couple dozen Quirks-worth of energy and it could get evolved, but then again, I'm lazy, and I'll deal with that later on in time. (Well Stain, I suppose that's all the time that we have for now, I have to go and meet with a father-daughter pair this moment since I also need them along with us.) I said a m the man then nodded at my words as he then walked out of the room.

(Oh yeah by the way, you could go and ask the Domainfor directions to a really good blacksmith that I know, tell her that Frank sent you over for some new swords.) I said as he nodded and walked out of the room that we were having a conversation in.

(Now then, time to go and try to understand what exactly would those two want instead of freedom.) I muttered to myself as I then got up and had the Domain teleport me out and into the island. The current state of this place isn't all that bad to be fair, it's just that there's a bit of a large number of Orks just getting spawned here.

But come on! It's not as if there's such a thing as too many of the Boyz. That's just illogical and we all know it. So I go into the science area, look for the elevator and go up the David's office, and then I knocked onto his door.

And then there were Orks who were sitting on the floor getting a bit of a lesson from Mr. Shield as he tries to explain the idea that I'm a bad guy. (Hey Shield.) I said as I waved my hand. He then quickly turns towards me and gets visibly terrified that I was there. (Oh come on, don't worry about that, I'm just here to have yet another talk with you.) I said as I then ordered the Orks to go back to their posts.

(Besides, it's pointless to try and get the good out of the Orks, they're bred to fight, and they need to fight to live in a literal sense.) I said as I looked at them and they smiled back at me. (And I make sure that they don't completely die out when this happens.) I said to him as he then clicks his tongue and sighs.

(You need a drink?) I asked as I then pull out a bourbon from the Exchange. (No it's not that, I just, I just thought that I could have done something good for this world.) he said to me as I just shrugged and place the bottle on the table. (Everybody has their limits David, it's just that yours can't really compare to mine.) I said as I then grabbed the bottle and put it into my system inventory.

(So then, what shall we have a chat about now? Oh I know! We coul talk about you not speaking a single word about our connection should anyone try and get ahold of you, whether it be in a good way, or a bad one.) I said as I placed the bottle back. (You're gonna need that after we're done.) I said as we begun our talks once again.

That is, until his daughter came in bursting through the door. (Dad! We have to go now! The Japanese brought a team to save u-) she shouted out until she saw me. I then smiled with the same aura with the Shrek frame where he smiles but it looks like he's about to get punished.

(. . . . . so David umm, the weather right?) I said trying to lessen the tension in the air. She then looks at me and tries to leave the door but she was blocked by the Orks that were also inside the room. (What the hell are you doing here?) she said with venom seeping out of her voice. (Sheesh girl, calm the hell down! I was just here because there was a little thing that concerned me.)

I said as she then clenched her hands and said with gritted teeth (What exactly is it that was supposed to concern you enough to come over here and have a "talk" with my father?) I whistled as I then look back at David (Dude your daughter looks like she could wrestle a bear and win by ripping it's heart out with her bare hands right now.)

I then looked back at her and fixed my clothes, wait a minute, I'm still in my pajamas. Oh well, it's not as if she's trying to to say anything at the moment. (Well Melissa, the thing is, it concerns with your safety. You see, a little birdie went and whispered into my ear that a group of heroes turned vigilantes have decided to take people that I've interacted with as hostage. Now that would normally be a bad thing but thankfully, I had enough foresight to think that's tis would be possible, so I went and did a couple things that would be needed to keep you both safe.) I finished my little speech as she then looked at me again with confusion.

(I'm assuming that your confusion is related to why would I be scared of fighting against a bunch of heroes when I've killed the number one?) I asked her as she the coughed and nodded. I sighed as I then pulled up the chair that was in David's office and spoke (Well, you see, this little group was affected by AllMight in one way or another. The thing is, they're mostly consisting of people that respected and even saw him as a friend. Now they want to try and hurt me by hurting the people that I've interacted with. You guys are a part of that list.)

Melissa then scrunched up her eyebrows trying to see if I'm lying. (I know you two don't trust me enough, but let me say this, death, is not a fun thing.) I said as they both got confused as I shrugged.

(Anyways, you're gonna have to stay in this little spot for the time being because I want to make sure that nothing bad occurs to you. In exchange, I won't take any liberties that you may have here, AND, allow you to examine some of the monsters that are within the deeper levels.) I said as Melissa became wide-eyed at my proposal. (Plus, you're going to end up seeing so many realities, even different versions of your own, so what do you say? You wanna go on an adventure?)

When I finished my little business spiel I half expected them to spit in my face and tell me to go and fuck myself. Truth be told I didn't really know if I wanted them aboard this train of crazy. That is, until I remember that they're dummy smart and they're probably gonna be as good as advertised.

Until I get a sigh from both of them as they nodded. (Fine, but we'll want our Island along all of our researchers.) David said as I then smiled (Well I always planned to take this entire along with me, so I'll still consider that as your little request.) I said as they then tried to take a different choice, but unfortunately for them, I was already prepared to leave, and I gave them one last little quip before I teleported myself out of there.

(Alrighty lad and lassie no takebacksies!) I said as Melissa tried to run at me to strangle me as I then waves them both goodbye as I laughed one more time.

2028 words. Well, I'm a little spent after writing this chapter so I'll be taking a little couple hour rest known as my sleep schedule. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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