
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

The Upper Echelon

/3rd POV/



With the declaration of war made from the strange bring known as "Frank" the majority of the world's government's were in absolute turmoil. He even issued a form of challenge by telling them that if they were anywhere near to being able to kill him, they'd be able to gain some information about the sort of technology that was seen when the Americas were attacked. The problem for them now, was the fact that he was issuing it to the entire world, meaning he definitely had the means to be able to kill them all. There was no other countries trying to take from one another at this point.

So most of the world leaders soon decided to try their hands at a proper amount of unity that might be able to get somewhere against the man. They signed a treaty for the time being, and set their sights for the fleet in the sky, knowing damn well that not even nukes were enough to get to them. The other plans included espionage and other forms of nullification to their strange anti-warhead technology, but they decided to try the former for the time being. This little operation of theirs was going to cost them dearly, and they themselves knew it.

The amount of possible information and the threat of extinction was a very very good reason for them to get off their asses and choose to run for the finish line. And yet, Frank still sat on top of the X5 fleet's flagship as he drank another can of root beer. {Goddamn, these people really do be thinking that I'm a dumbass aren't they? I may not be a very smart individual, but shit brother, I can say with some degree of certainty that I'm capable of taking care of my own.} he thought as he finished the can and threw it into the recycler while walking back to the bridge. (Commander, they're taking an awfully long time to try and make up their minds, should we give them a nice little alarm?) he asked the fleet commander while the man was there looking at numbers and giving out orders to the crew.

(Milord Omega, there doesn't seem to be quite a good reason to give them another round does it? They're just taking their time, and they're like us. Surely there's some amount of compassion that you still feel for them?) the fleet commander said as Frank nodded while looking through the glass again. (I do feel a form of kinship with them commander, it's just, they're not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed is all. We gotta put them to the grinder to really get that lustre out you know?) Frank replied as he looked down at the people and wondered as to whether or not he should just quit and go. It's not like the humans of this world were even anywhere capable of harming him.

{Nah, let's give them the time. I'm still curious as to whether the devils will even try to figure out whatever the fuck is going on here on Earth, and why haven't the gods even tried to go against the giant fucking fleet that's threatening to glass the planet.} Frank chuckled a little until he stopped smiling immediately. (Oh fuck.) he said as he immediately jumped out of the window and dove down in full Slayer gear as he collided with another object that was aiming right for the flagship of the fleet. He punched and shot at the thing as many times as he could, and he could feel something making him slower.

(WELCOME TO HELL YOU FUCKING LOSER!) he shouted as he prepared the being into a wrestling position and immediately crashed straight into the ground below.

Frank got out from the ground as he pulled off all the stops and smiled like a madman. (Hello there you little bastard, or should I say hello weeb me?) he said as the figure groaned and climbed out of the miniature crater that he was indented in. (You baka ningen! Where's your honor? Am I not you? Where is the nakama that I was supposed to finally feel from you huh?!) the other Frank said as our Frank shuddered as the weeb Frank spoke again.

(Hoho!! My aura is more than strong enough to defeat you, for I have the power of Annie May at my side, and I am the true Alpha!) he kept spouting as our Frank looked at the other him motherfuckerly and just shot him as many times as he could with the multibarrel chaingun. (DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU FUCKING WEEB, GO BACK TO MY DARKER PAST, JUST FUCKING DISAPPEAR.) he kept shouting as the other him was trying his best to evade all the bullets. Sadly for him, they were fast little projectiles and they were more than capable of scratching the other Frank more than once.

(Ugh! It appears that you have defeated me, but now, I'm pulling off all the sto- what's that?) he asked as our Frank pulled out a strange creature. (First and foremost "me", fucking Christ, just shut the fuck up with the weeb bullcrap man! We enjoy the Japanese stuff, that's true enough, but fuck bro, what the hell is the point of screaming out your fucking attacks?! It's not a trigger system for the damned attack. And even if that is the case, you could find a method that can trigger it, but it doesn't do anything retarded like tell your enemy your next godsdamned move! A fucking button is better than whatever the hell is going on! Second, you've probably only know about anime for most of your life, so I'll say this, this little beauty right here? Illithid, or as other people would much rather call it, a Mindflayer.) our Frank said as he opened the mouth of the weeb Frank as he showed the Illithid maker down his throat.

(Hold fucking still you little shit! It may feel like you're getting deepthroated, but trust me it's a lot fucking worse than just that.) he said as the weeb Frank was already convulsing from the Illithid spawner rewiring everything in him and turning him into a proper Mindflayer. (Stop fucking struggling you little bastard, you're only making this harder on yourself.) our Frank stated as he still felt the weeb Frank trying to use whatever weird fucking shadow ability against him. (Sharting Christ you little bastard, I really should've went and gotten a better one, shouldn't I? Welp, I suppose that's not really my main issue for the time being. Stay tight little man, we got some shit to do.) Frank said as he then went and grabbed whatever shells he left on the ground. He didn't want the world governments also getting his ammo too quickly after all. This was still a little challenge that he issued them, and he was more than willing to get them to actually do it correctly.

That is, until he felt something go through his chest and turned around with annoyed expression at the weirder version of himself. (Hah! Finally! I have finally defeated you! Now my harem can incre-) the weeb version of Frank tried to speak but our Frank simply pulled out the shadow like weapon that went through his gut and rolled his eyes. (Really *gamer word*? You really gonna do that? Well, can't have an Illithid, guess I'll just have to do with performing a dissection on myself.) he said as he pulled out the metal dildo and knocked the other Frank upside as he quickly pulled out the BFG and primed it.

(Next time gamer, don't say a fucking thing, and don't try to play games if you don't even have a get out of jail free card.) our Frank said as he shot out a barrage of pure Argent energy as the other Frank was pretty much completely disintegrated. He then grabbed the soul that was akin to his own as he wondered how was he supposed to merge this with his own. {You know what? Even if I did merge this damned thing, what in the hell would I have ever gotten from it? More sociopathy? No thank you, I'll just sell this off.} the other Frank said as he then went and sold the soul while humming happily. The amount that the other him was worth was quite, well, pricey.



/Frank POV/



You know I was actually half worried there for the amount of fucking Luck I still had, bur then I realized that if I were to, sell the other me that has more than enough sins to last for a fucking million years, I could get a pretty penny out of it, and oh fucking boy did I hit the jackpot. That shit, was worth at the very least a couple sextillion Luck. Do I know what sort of crimes he did in order for this to somewhat happen? No, no I don't, and I don't really intend to try and find out.

I may be a sinner, but fuck bro, at the very least I don't mindwash to fucking rape people. I mindwash to get them to figure for me. I already got myself a girl that I love and that she loves me as well.

{Okie dokie, what else is on the fuckin itinerary? Is it me trying to break someone's fucking limbs again? Or do I look for something much more entertaining? Or maybe, I COULD JUST GO AND KILL THE ENTIRETY OF THE SUPERNATURAL WORLD! EXCEPT FOR THE PEOPLE THAT I still somewhat care about yeah that seems like a very concrete plan.} I thought as I walked my ass back to wherever the hell I originally fell down from and looked to the fucking flagship waiting for them to bring me back up. Issue is, how the fuck do I get to heaven via an unorthodox method? The normal method is umm, well most of you guys have an iota of what's the requirements for that, but it varies from person to person.

The unorthodox method requires me to try and figure out whatever the hell there is that I could also work with while up above. I my have killed the Shinto's, but I wasn't going to completely go into this fight like a dumbass, well, not as much of a dumbass as I normally was.

There were a couple ideas that I could possibly think of, and one of them was threatening the fucking pope. I am not joking, that's genuinely a fuckin thought that could work. But then again, the religion is pretty divided right now, and if I don't get on the right person's good side, I might not actually be able to get close to the guy and force Gabriel to come down. Hell, there might actually be a fucking occasion where it might need me to hurt the poor bastard before Gabriel fucking orbital lasers the entirety of the Vatican to make sure that I didn't "infect it".

They're still Archangels, and they're still with their own skills. However if I can't get them to bring me to them, that could just lead me to bring them to me. So, what plans to try and cook up that could be half-decent enough to get the angels of Heaven to leave and allow me to slaughter? Hmm, questions questions questions, so many, and yet so little fucking answers, it's getting fucking frustrating you do know that?

{Or maybe, I could just-} I thought as something finally hit. So I blasted out as much of my fucking Argent and Eldritch Energy as best as I could, and I watched as the green of the Slayer's armor slowly but surely turned more into a black with dark purple. Mind you, I wasn't really picky guy with colours, but come on, this was just, well, it felt weird to see it change that quickly.

(COME ON OUT YOU LITTLE SHITS! I'M HERE SINGLE AND READY TO FUCKING MINGLE. THAT IS A LIE, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND I DO NOT FUCKING INTEND TO SEE YOU GUYS ALIVE IN THE NEXT FEW SECONDS. FUCK THE PEACE TREATY, I WANT A FUCKING WAR.) I shouted out as I waited and waited and waited for a little longer. I waited for so long, that a new dropship was brought down to me as I was disappointed in them. And here I genuinely fucking thought that they'd might have the fucking cojones to do something for once. Fucking supernaturals. Welp, looks like I'll just have to visit Yasaka again for her final answer.

2121 words. Yeap, this, this is getting a tad bit boring for me. I would say that there's gonna be a bit more to it, but monkey brain feel tired, and me wanna go and rest. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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