
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

The Things He'd Done

/Frank POV/



(And that, is why I would honestly prefer it if you guys just, let this one go for the time being. I'll deal with anything else that grows up from this situation, and rest assured, I'll be very careful with how I handle the people.) I said as I was then scrutinized by the newer members of the council as it was technically time for the older members to step down, cuz, you know, they're already fucking dead.

(With all due respect, Lord Omega, what exactly happened that made the general go against you?) one of the council members said as I scratched the back of my head and sucked on my teeth. (I'm gonna be real with all of you, that's what I'm heading to my personal lab to try and find out. It's most likely related towards the other prisoner generals that betrayed me. That, or it's something related to the enemy.) I gave them my final thoughts on the matter as I returned back into the car and said to the driver that we were headed back to my personal lab.

Now personally speaking, I have a couple braincells, but sometimes they don't work. But right now, I'm trying to exercise them as great as I possibly could by thinking about that went wrong. {Could it have been Hestia's Falna? Maybe, maybe not, it's too widespread and I don't really see why it wouldn't work that greatly. Couldn't have been the amnestics losing efficacy, I made sure to get the really good ones. Well, if anything, this means that I could get myself a very new and improved warrior, and it's gonna be one that can, hopefully, never betray me again. Can't go anywhere wrong with making a robot and shoving the guy's altered soul into it? Right?} I thought as I then went inside of my lab as I thanked the driver for the ride back.

I turned on the lights and waited to see what exactly is it that I could do to make sure that he wouldn't do anything again. (Alright then Midoriya, I guess we're gonna have to do this shit all over again. First and foremost, the suggestion-based mind control isn't as effective unless you most likely are running with a "Dojutsu" or something along those lines, so, we'll be going with either of the two. We can go with something like a sleeper agent, or we can do it the old fashioned way. Coin flips are going to be the choice.) I said as I looked at the floating soul that was still seemingly shrieking at me as I then flipped the coin. And it fell on heads. (Well, honestly speaking, looks like we're going with sleeper agent style then. You'll still count me as a good friend, but with the correct trigger, you'll even willingly kill your own lovers and children. Doesn't that sound absolutely ecstatic?) I said to the soul as it was already shaking as I then had some printers get the correct body parts and measurements to make his new metal body.

(Let's have done good old fashioned fun, shall we, old friend?) I said as the door closed as all that was heard were the sounds of tools being used and occasionally cursing.



/Three Days Later/



/3rd POV/



(Hmm, alright, I think that's just about enough for you to get something this good.) Frank said to the metal form of creature in front of him as he then clapped as it turned on. (Hey dumbass, you awake?) he asked as the robot in front of him broke off from the chains that were holding it upwards as it's sheer weight dented the metal ground beneath it. (I've never felt better, old friend, thanks for changing my body, by the way, I can't believe that I ended up losing it from an attack. Thanks for fishing my body out of that landslide after you killed those other threats.) the robotically enhanced Midoriya said as Frank chuckled and patted the robot's shoulder.

(That's what friends are for aren't they? They gotta find a good way to make sure that their friends don't end up dead, ya know?) he said to the now robotic Midoriya as it then looked around and said (It feels so weird to be in a robot's body though, I can't really feel it, but I think you might start planning to give me skin right? At the very least, it'll make me seem a little bit more human.) he said as Frank nodded at the words of his friend and spoke (Don't worry, the meat farm's still cultivating the skin you'll be working with, and it still needs to weave in the good stuff to make it even stronger than before.)

And as Midoriya then continued to look at his new body, Frank then looked at his phone as he has something to attend to. (Well, it seems like my attention is needed elsewhere for now, just remember, your body may be made of metal now, but it doesn't mean that it's gonna be impervious to everything. This isn't an Omnissiah thing that's gonna protect you. You're still gonna need new limbs, recharging, and the occasional maintenance. It's gonna be a lot more busy with that new body, I can say that for sure.) Frank gave his final words to the man as he then pulled out his mask and tux.

(Alright, I gotta go and check up on something, you stay here and don't do anything stupid with your body.) Frank said as Midoriya then looked at his body even more as Frank immediately went to where they were keeping the three that tried to betray him. It was a slow jog to get to their cells, but ten minutes just to make sure that they don't do it again is a very simple cost. (Alright then you three, what do I wanna learn?) he said as he then pulled out his "implements" as he viewed the three people that tried to make his "friend" turn on him.

(Oh don't be like that, I can still smell something off from all of you. That's the best way to describe it. My first thoughts as to how he got free were because, of little miss Hestia over here.) he said as he lightly grazed the scalpel across the bound goddess's face as she looked at Frank with hate. (Hestia Hestia Hestia, I really thought that you were at an accord with me. This misery that permeates the cultivators? It's nowhere and truthfully, fucking nowhere close to the pain that they've wrought on these innocent people. And yet, you still try and see the goodness in them? I can respect the fact that you still have more balls than ever to go and remove the mind controlled that he had on him, but for that, you still need a punishment.) he said as he then picked up a gas canister as he then looked at her. (I suppose a couple hundred CC's will have to suffice for what's gonna be done.) Frank said as he then looked at the goddess as she turned her head towards the other two.

(I'm sorry, I'm sorry Belle-chan.) she said as Frank then hushed her words as he then placed the mask on her face as she was fighting the effects of the gas. (Don't worry, she'll be asleep, and as for you two-) he said as he then looked at the two of them as Frank sighed (-oh don't worry, I'll just have to make you forget about her, and then make sure that you never see her again, and make sure that she'll never remember about you.) he said to the two of them as he then pulled out two more gas canisters as he strapped them up to their face.

(Now then, another operation, but for now, I guess I could use a little bit of down time before I do this shit again.) Frank said as he then went outside to go and get himself a quick little snack for himself. {Alright, now what do I feel like? Chicken seems good, I can see it that much, and as for the three, I'll just let Belle keep her little kid, and as for Stain, maybe I need to double think as to where the guy's loyalty lies in. If he's still a threat, then another mind erasure seems to be in order.} Frank kept thinking as he then inserted his card and got a sandwich to eat really quick as he then went back to the operating room that was there.

(Alright then you three, I'll have to make sure that none of you are the same, so please don't make this even more annoying than it requires to be.) he said as he then put on a fresh pair of gloves as he sighed and shook his head as he then started to change them once more.



/One Week Later/



(Alright then everyone, do you guys all have your gear with you?) I asked them as Midoriya was standing right behind Belle hugging her as gently as he could as I could tell that his body was trying it's best to show joy and affection. (Alright lovebirds, keep the show in the personal rooms, and Stain, we got even more sects to burn the hell down now. Now take into consideration that you guys are actually gonna be killing people. They may not be good people, but it's still something that will weigh a lot on your mind. I won't blame any of you if you wanna pull out for this little mission. And I, will personally be the one to go and investigate the cliff, understood?) I said to them as I was already looking at all of them as they nodded to my words. (Alright you three, go and get those sons of bitches and give the glory of being a normal person to all of them!) I said as they nodded at me as Midoriya powered up the artificial magical circuits that I willfully had carved into every, single, part of his fucking body, holy shit, it's so god-awfully annoying to do that for every single piece of spare high quality metal on his body.

Now don't worry, the effects of tampering with his soul are now permanent, and unfixable, I should know, I reinforced his soul after fucking with it to make a stronger and yet still controllable soul that I could have doing anything that I fucking needed. But shit, it was a pain in the ass to do. Also, he finally has his newly woven skin that's been mixed in with even better materials than what could possibly ever be shown in the short term.

And I made sure of it, since I oversaw the damned meat weaver whenever I wasn't busy. And thanks be to the Big Man above that his fucking circuits actually work, I was genuinely concerned about whether or not it would function as intended. And before any of you ask, yes I technically may or may not have made a robot that could use magic and the only real downside to it was processing power, and that's limited. Up until I finally got this world under enough control to give him a literal Matrioshka brain's worth of it to just go buck wild on all of the cultivators. And don't worry, his power source is going to be any of the latent energies that are still present within the air. And there's absolutely nothing that anyone can do to stop me from doing it. Well, anyone from this planet. If I was running a solo show, I would've just flew to all of the other planets and "Star Realms" and throw down with all of them as quickly as I could to juut make it easier for me to not have to deal with them.

But no, I dug my grave by setting up a city, and now I guess I'll just have to vibe with it. Nothing wrong with that obviously! It's just a bit more time consuming than what's normal.

2041 words. Oh yeah, that was fixed, real goddamn quick wasn't it? Anyways, and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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