
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Though She Heard

/Frank POV/



(Alright, so what you wanna do when you get the meat out of the smoker is make sure that you don't lose any of the juices, all that flavor, fat and all the good stuff is gonna run off if you don't handle it correctly, and I can assure you, it will be a waste. Alright that's very good right there Dagg! Good job laddie, you'll be wearing the "Kiss The Chef" apron sooner than what you think.) I said as I was overseeing a fucking smoke out for whatever pieces of meat that were there.

(No you stupid fucking cultivator! STOP FUCKING CIRCULATING THAT BULLSHIT INTO THE MEAT! THIS IS A FAIR COMPETITION AND IT WILL ONLY INCLUDE SKILLS.) I shouted at another fucking cultivator that had the smart idea of circulating the meat with their shit PE. (Don't ever come back to this establishment if you can't even do the recipe without the need of your dog water cultivation!) I said as the cultivator then ran away from the place as I then looked at the others and nodded at what they were doing.

(Remember this little cooks, I can respect a burnt meal from your skills, because you actually put your heart and soul into that dish. But I WILL NEVER I MEAN NEVER, respect a cultivator chef who tries to cheap their way into the better leagues with the use of their "special" energy.) I said to the little cooks as they then nodded and went back to cooking as I walked my way out of the kitchen and looked at the dining room. The customers were all happy and they were having a grand old time with what was going on.

And then I woke the hell up after greeting almost all of them. I was back in my chair as I then looked at the office in front of my eyes as I realized that I was still here on Blue Pole Star. {Well, that was a literal waste of time. Or was it? It was a dream either fucking way. And now Anti feels angry yet again.} I think to myself as I wondered what would have happened if I ever chose to be the good guy and be all nakama and all that shit. {I might just be the worst guy when it comes to that. And for sure as hell, there ain't no fucking chance that I might get a harem if that was the case. I guess there's only really one literal parallel I could draw from that scenario.}I thought once more as I then saw that my phone was ringing and once again, it was good old Deku with his little harem calling me up.

(Yello?) I said into the phone as I stood up and listened to his words. (Deku you gotta be fucking with me right? You actually fucking found the place? Okay okay, stay put right there. There's something bad that could happen if you don't come with me to keep you guys protected from whatever the hell is in that place. No it's not a fucking monster, it's a flower that makes you lose your memory.) I said as I was putting on my suit and mask as I gave quick orders to the soldier outside o the room to say that I was out doing something.

(Listen it's very imperative that you don't just go into the damned thing without any fucking protection. Wait a fucking minute, how in the nine circles of fucking hell did you even get to that place anyways. It was literally only like twenty or so minutes since we talked!) I said to him as he then replied back to me on the phone (. . . . Franku-san, it's been about three hours since we last met. We were going around in the ship that you allowed us to make use of and we made the discovery of this place.) he said as I then pinched the bridge of my nose and tried to remind myself to set at the very least a 30 minute timer just in case I ever fall asleep for too long.

(You know what, fine. But you are going to stay the fucking hell put, you get me you stupid bastard! Seriously, it's as if you guys can't take two minutes of quiet and painful paperwork before you need to go and have a walk into a cliff that literally contains flowers that give you amnesia at the bottom.) I said to them as I then gave a good bye as I closed the phone and started to fly with the MC powers and made my way to the fucking cliff.

(Alright you four, I need a very good fucking explanation about how in the actual hell did yo-) and as I was talking, I noticed that there were Citadel soldiers that were all surrounding me as I then looked at Midoriya and made the realization. (Looks like the amnestics finally came off huh?) I said as I smiled (No fucking wonder you wanted me here, and what was all of that "You're my friend!" bullshit huh? I'm pretty sure now that was also a complete lie wasn't it?) I asked him as Midoriya then nodded at me as he then took off his mask and showed face with eyes that were dead as hell.

(You were, and still are, one of the greatest threats that ever existed within this world and the last one, Franku-san. If anything, I should thank you, I finally got the chance to get revenge for all of my classmates that you ki-) and as he was about to finish talking, I was already in front of him with a claw inside of his chest, and his heart turned into fucking ribbons on the other side. (You know my first rule Deku, never talk, just kill them when they're a threat, and you, you're the biggest threat so damned far.) I said to him as Belle then screamed at me as she fell to her knees.

(And you wanna know something that's just downright pitiful? Your little girlfriend over there, Miss Cranel, I gotta say bruv, I didn't really think you actually had downriver swimming salmon in yah, cuz she's definitely preggers as shit.) I said to him as his eyes then shrank down as I then rubbed my chin and then finally thought of a good solution. (You dying is just way too much of a waste, and I can say with certainty that I'm not exactly the type that gets rid of toys that could come back. So I'll just have to fix you again, and then break you if necessary, then try and fix you once more. It'll work just as fine as I imagine it to be.) I said as he then slowly raised his hand as I didn't even give him the chance to do any form of magic as I then cut his head off, kept his dead body in my system inventory, and immediately took out his soul.

I then looked at the other three as they had their weapons drawn out as I then went over to see that the guards that were once surrounding me were now shaking their heads as they looked to see me.

(These people are to be brought to the closest brig within the ship, and I will personally deal with them, understood soldiers?) I asked them as they saluted me and turned on the nullifier as two of them, namely Belle and Stain, fell down and were most likely feeling weaker than ever. (Oh would you just look at that, I guess you weren't completely in the wrong here Stain, and as for you-) I looked towards Hestia as she was already blasting out almost every single mote of her power and divinity as she was trying her best to hurt me.

But sadly for her, her tears didn't mean all that much as I just used Full Transformation to blast a couple of my bones and change them to be able to hold her down as I then looked at poor Deku's soul.

(Now why exactly did you betray me, my good friends, were you not satisfied with my transparency to the matter known as me being, most likely, the most evil motherfucker this side of reality? Were you not happy when you released millions of normal people from the oppression that was cultivation and all who practice it! DID I NOT ALLOW YOU ALL TO LIVE, EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT LONGER?! I GAVE YOU SO MANY CHANCES, SO MANY APOLOGIES AND FORGIVENESS ALL OF THE FUCKING TIMES YOU INSULTED ME INTO MY FACE. And yet you still want to feel like heroes, when you all already know that we're just, too far gone for any of that to be real.) I said as I then looked at the squirming soul as I wanted a friend again.

(You were such a good friend, so why don't we just, make sure that's how it stays, shall we?) I said to the chosen soul of MHA as I then turned one of my hands back into the Claws of the Deep as I then looked at them.

(Hasn't it been so long, old friend? Perhaps, you need a little bit of a taste to wake up.) I said as I started to toy around with Midoriya's soul and transmute it into something that I will enjoy talking with. {A little bit of that, a bit more of this, and finally, a final safety measure.} I thought as I hummed to a happy little melody as I saw the soul in front of me shrieking from the suffering of it's nature being twisted into something very new.

(Oh yes, yes that will do. Mhm, oh yeah, I guess I can also give you something else.) I said as I was almost done with the soul as I then heard someone clear their throat as they looked at me. (Lord Omega, we've arrived back at the Citadel.) the captain of the ship said as I then queried (Is this one of the better ships with the drives on them? I could've sworn that it was only a few minutes ago since I killed my own general.) I said to the captain as they then nodded as I was humming in approvement.

If we can get even more of these things online, then shit, that's gonna be a huge increase in the blitzkrieg-styled assaults that we're pulling. (Tell them that I'm back, and with new that's just downright bad.) I said to the captain as they then saluted me once more as they hailed the consoles and called in for the closest docking bay that they had right now. And thankfully it didn't take all that much time for us to finally get into the Citadel itself.

And when I went down, they all saluted me as I then waved over one of the soldiers. (I need you to do something very important right now soldier, and it's of the upmost priority, aside from keeping the guns clean and everything needed to keep this beautiful city still in the sky, understand me?) I asked the soldier almost shook their helmet off as I nodded. (Good then, I want you to go and show me where the closest cell is on this docking bay and bring the prisoners within the ship's brig to there. You'll need about twenty others with you at the very minimum since it's gonna be hard as hell sonny, you think you up for that?) I asked the good soldier once more as they saluted and nodded me at almost the same time.

(Good lad, go get some of your friends to help you out with this. Preferably the strong ones, since you might end up breaking your limbs if you ever got your hands on them.) I finalized some of my orders as I then walked off and then stopped all of a sudden as I almost forgot something. (Oh yeah, and if I were you lad, getting a burlap sack might not be the worst plan for what you're about to go through. And I say this with certainty.) I said as the soldier looked back as they immediately nodded at my words as I smiled.

I then walked off as I was then greeted by a hovercar and a couple security personnel. (Omega sir, we have orders to escort you to Central, the council wishes to see you, sir!) one of the personnel said as I sighed and climbed into the car as they were about to get in as well. (Oh there's no need for that lads, I know my duty, you don't need to worry about your leader. After all, if I wasn't a hardy bastard then how the hell was I going to get the brain to actually fight against the cultivators?) I gave a little small talk as they chuckled a little and agreed to ride in the back of the other hovercar that was also in the escort.

(Oh yeah, could you cover up the back seats? I got some stuff that's a little dangerous if passively exposed. It's better if you just keep a little barrier up, don't wanna end up growing a second testicle or something sonny!) I lied right through my teeth as the driver then smiled and tipped his head as he then let the partition window go up. {Now then old friend, what am I supposed to do with you?} I thought as I smiled as I knew that I'll have to leave his soul in my inventory for the time being.

First and foremost, trying to figure out how exactly did he even get out of the effects of the amnestics.

2320 words. Yep, I really went and did that. And I genuinely do not regret it, I wanted a tormented warrior that follows all orders, and him? Oh boy, he fit the bill really fucking well. I have a couple ideas on what I wanna do to him, cuz yeah. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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