
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs


/ Current Frank POV/



Well, that little review of the past me's memories was odd at best. There isn't all that much that I could think about it aside from the fact that it was decent I suppose. Well, as decent as you could get when you don't cultivate in a world where things would try to proactively kill you.

Albeit, there was a bit of a skip during those memories. During that time that he'd been working on the city, he's been keeping the old bunker a secret, plus he's got caches of gear just about scattered all way round the world. Well, at least in the continent. Right now I'm just running away from the spot to try and triangulate one such cache. If the past memories serve me correctly, it's in about a couple miles away. And I'll be located near a pebble. Ah scheiße, where the fuck am I suppose to find a pebble, WHEN YOU LITERALLY FILLED THE ENTIRE PLACE WITH THEM!

You know what, let's just stop talking and start to search. Alright, not that one. That is not it, that is a fucking turd and I'm starting to hate this place. Wait, a turd? What animal would ever come t- oh wait. There's probably some animal that keeps this place as territory. Now that I think about it, there's an odd smell around. Musky, oh fuck.

Please don't let it be wolves. Please don't let it be wolves. Please don't let it be wolves. Son of a bitch it's wolves. They're strong to the level of this world, but unfortunately for them, they've met the one person who hates cultivation. Alright, so, past me made use of nullifiers by finding a method to suck up as much of the Profound Energy in the area as possible.

Fuck, guess I'll just try to overload the area with Argent, it may end badly but fuck it, I want them dead. (Come and get me you fucking mutts!) I said as I then pulled out my SSG and blasted out as much Argent as possible. That is, I thought I would have to fight but they soon started to go crazy. They were ripping each other apart and mutilating their fucking genitals. Hell, they were even running straight into the trees.

{What the fuck? Is Argent that bad? I mean, sure it's really corrupting, but, it can't be that bad right? Unless their wills are shit and they're not that good at fighting back.} I thought as I then just put them out of their misery. A shot to the head may have also toe through to their upper bodies, but that's expected, they're weakened by that, and they're not gonna be that able to handle my shit.

Well, cache time. I just opted to grab an iron shovel and then enchanted it with Unbreaking 800 and Efficiency 2000. It worked like a fuckin dream and there was a box right there. It wasn't all that big, but it was made of metal. There was a fucking screen on it and I had to input the code that past me placed onto it. Holy shit, how much of a badass were you? Different codes for these things and you've got them scattered around the continent.

{Well, no time to waste I suppose.} I thought as I tried my best to remember it. Wow, just wow. 69420. I mean, nice but, you could have chosen something else? Sure they don't know what it means, but still though. Well, not my place right now to talk about it. I then opened it and there were purple coins in there. That city that past me made exchanged these things for a single credit each.

Credits were the value that the city made use of. I think even the cultivators were scared of pissing me off since there were rumours circulating that I hated them to the bone and tried their best to not do anything dumb while there. Oh boy, this is going to be fun. I then noticed that there was a radio in there and I was mildly surprised that he actually found the way to distinguish the radio waves from a fucking cultivateable energy's wavelength.

Thank God that he did since they're directions. A couple kilometers to the west and I'd find a safehouse for me to work in. Thank fucking god, I need the shelter immediately. I then took the coins and anything else in the box, reburied it and started to run again. I'm on the run since I don't wanna have any interactions with anyone just yet.

Alright, I'm coming up to the location and things are good so far. All I need to do is just input the access code and I'll be safe for now. As I come up to it, I noticed that there was a little unlit lamp and stopped in my tracks. I, past me didn't make use of lamps. He had solar panels connected to bulbs. Who the fuck used this place? You know what? Fuck it, it's time for the axe.

I just pulled out the netherite axe and input the code only to see that the damned thing was smashed. Okay, not cool. I then started to hack down the door. It was designed to handle Profound Energy attacks as best as possible but it doesn't account for the fact that I have sheer brute force. (HERE'S FRANKY!) I said as I then pulled the metal door apart as best as I could. The place wasn't dusty. Oh no, oh no no no no no. There's someone here. {Fuck, there's nobody that the past me gave the codes to. Who the fuck would be able to get in here? Unless-} as I was thinking I then heard the table creak a little and pulled out a shield alongside my axe, took a deep breath, and ran straight in to find two kids huddling up with each other.

I looked in surprise that there were actual kids who were capable of getting into my base, which was SUPPOSEDLY DESIGNED TO KEEP CULTIVATORS OUT. (Elder Brother!) one of them said as the other kid sheltered the first with their body. (You will not harm my sister foul beast!) he said as he then charged up an attack at me and it just whiffed and sputtered out in the air. {The fuck? How the hell did these? You know what, fuck it, just let it be.} I thought as I then let out a deep breath and placed my axe down and slung the shield on my back. (Hey, how did . . you guys get in here?) I asked them as the boy then tried to talk before I then sighed. (Well, you look starving, and from what I could tell, you were only eating the things that were on the table. Those were just biscuits, they're not actually gonna satiate you for long. So who are you kids, and how the hell did you get into my home?) I said as I then opened a cupboard and found some basic instant noodles.

I saw that there was a stove and checked if it was connected to gas and it was. Good, I have something else to do with this. I checked if there was water in the faucet and then just plopped the noodles and their flavors in and just started to boil it. I then dusted the one chair on the table and for the sake of etiquette I grabbed two more chairs and let them sit down there.

(Come on, I'm not a beast, I'm just another homo sapiens sapiens like any of our kind.) I said as I then sat down and stretched a little. God this place looks depressing. (Oh yeah, by the way, if you two are just here because somebody's chasing you down, don't work, doesn't matter what realm or step or whatever the fuck they're at. They can't bust down a door that completely nullifies the same energy that make them strong.) I said as I then leaned back into the chair. There wasn't all that much that was here, too many possible things could go wrong with this place and I'm not exactly all for it.

The older brother of the two scoffed and said (If that is the case, then how did I find the code to that strange door?) he said as I then looked at him with a blank expression (Kid, you didn't find any door. And frankly speaking, I would like an answer right now, before I kick the two of you out.) I said as I stood up and he then kept his sister behind him. (You will die for that t-) and right before he could finish I threw the netherite axe straight above his head, slightly cutting off a few strands.

(You wanna bet on that kid? Or do you want to feed your sister?) I said as I then took the pot off the stove, placed a little plank of wood and set the hot ass pot on top of that. I then looked around the cupboards and strangely enough there were chopsticks. I never really used them but these were noodles, of course I'm gonna use them. I grabbed two pairs and gave them to the brother. (Eat up while I go and fix up the door kid. After that, I want your explanation.) I said as I got up and looked at my handiwork. Oh fuck, I really screwed this one up. From what my memory tells me, there are usually spare parts in the basement that was built inside of the place. Thank fucking god there is one since I'm gonna need to restart this place up.

So, I looked around the place and found some stairs that led down, so I took them, brought out a lantern from creative mode and found the light switch for it. There were a lot of things down here, including extra screens, doors and a lot of fucking wiring. {Oh boy, this ain't gonna be a huge pain in my ass after all.} I thought sarcastically as I then grabbed a door, a fresh screen, a screwdriver and some duct tape. Also some fresh screws. I got out and I saw that they already finished the noodles and were going on to finish the soup. They then looked at me as I said (If you wanna help with what you two did to my home, by all means you're welcome to help.) I said with a mildly angry smile as I then got out of the door and then removed it. I unscrewed the bits that's weren't supposed to be there, I swapped it out with the fresh door, levelled it correctly and then fixed it in. For the screen, swap out, remove wiring, add the new one and then do a bunch of other shit that you won't necessarily care about.

After all of that I checked on the nullifier and noticed that it was full. Fuck, no wonder why the thing wasn't working right. I needed to remove the energy and place in a fresh empty battery into it. (Hey! Come over here for a minute!) I shouted out as I then pulled out the battery and the reactor shut down for a moment. The older brother came in cautiously as I then tossed him the battery. (I need that battery empty so that we don't end up getting caught without a nullifying field for us to survive in.) I said as he then looked confused as I groaned and twisted it to reveal very pure Profound Energy in it. The kid was shocked as I then shoved the thing back to him.

(Don't be so surprised, I designed it so that the energy won't last for long. Doesn't matter how long you "circulate" it within your "veins". It's only a temporary buff, albeit a good one. I need that thing empty so that we have safety.) I said as he then sucked in the energy and I could tell that he probably skipped a couple steps or so. (How could this be?! This arr-) he was speaking until I butted in (It's not an array, that's what those idiotic cultivators use and abuse. They don't have the slightest idea what the word patience is. This thing, this is a reactor. It'll take in ambient Profound Energy and eventually create a field that's void of it. I don't like having my plants grow with Profound shit in it, it makes them worthless to me.) I said as I then place the battery back in, pressed a couple buttons, and now we had a field working full time, sucking up all the ambient Profound Energy in about a mile.

The kid was visibly shocked by what I did and I just walked out of the room. (Alright kid, for your and your sister's sake, I need a little backstory as to why the hell are you here in my home?) I said as he then looked nervous as I sighed. This is going to take a long damned time for me to handle.

2211 words Wow, I didn't expect that I could write so much in such little time. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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