
the mech legacy

world top mech fighter and designer return in 20 year in past ,with is an strange AI ,after an unsuccessful attemt to eradicate the envasion of Zergs. But is this all to his story?

Nimblegalaxy · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Class Meeting Part3

While sam was talking to his friends all three friends heard an annoying voice "sam definitely knows this mechs specification isn't it sam"

When all three saw towards the source of sounds it was very unsurprisingly their class leader Edward.

When sam saw it was Edward who asked him he decided to avoid that question as he didn't know which mech they were talking about and most of all he was not in the mood to fight the war of words with him.

But his plans were foiled by what Edward next "after all sam himself said his mother was a mech designer isn't it sam? And given your mother was a mech designer you would definitely pick a skill or two from your mother."

And adding fuel to fire William said "so what if sam said his mother was a mech designer even if she wasn't a mech designer my brother will definitely knows whatever specification of mech you asks"

When other students heard this they almost laughed aloud as most of them were aware William was trying to defend sam but the way he said those things it was like he was trying to provoke sam.

Even sam for one moment thought that William was mocking him but from his past experience about William made him aware that he was defending himself and the way he speaks seem like he was mocking him.

Sam then decisively decided to teach Edward a lesson so he asked "which mech you guys are talking about, as I didn't paid attention to your conversation"

Edward thought happily that this idiot fell for such a simple trick and happily said "oh we were talking about last year "yellow sting" mech"

Sam then thought for a second but couldn't remember a mech of that name thus he said "at least give me a pic of that mech, I don't remember that mech"

Edward in his own fantasy thought that sam was trying to show off that he saw many mechs and didn't remember that particular one he then took a deep breath to calm himself and then sent a picture of the mech.

Sam instantly received that pic mech, the mech in the pick was smaller mech and it has a yellow colour it has slightly thick legs thinner arm and upper body parts. It doesn't have many weapons other than a common blade and some medium-range gun and its overall presence made it look like a hornet. Sam said to himself 'guess where the name came from, huh'.

When sam was thinking about mech and its other specification then Edward mocked "whats up genius what is taking your time, come tell us your thought on the mech"

When other students heard this they felt uncomfortable from their class leader unusual behaviour but they didn't do anything to defend sam this showed how much of a prick sam previously was.

Sam who heard this got irritated from all the insults started to get angry as in his last years spent as solder no one ever mocked him like this for a single time let alone so many time. Thus sam decided to teach this Edward a lesson on a later date.sam calmed himself down and started to give an introduction on the mech

Sam said "while I don't know the name of the company which made this mech, but this definitely is a scout mech, while it is small in size but its upper body is not strong enough to act as an assassin mech as it can only work as a scout with limited damage it can cause.

Edward sneered at sam reply and said: "Everyone here knows that sam, that mech is scout mech you should tell us some technical termes of designer, not this. come on share some of your expert view instead of this."

Sam took a deep breath as he knows that there is no point getting angry over this matter thus he can only tell the details of this mech.

Thus he added "as you see this mech, I don't personally think that this mech can be designed better than this"

When he said these other students were surprised as the first sentence he said after the introduction is criticizing a mech.

But without paying them any mind he continued "to me as a pilot this mech is terribly unbalanced as compared to its bulky lower body its upper body is very skinny. While they did this to increase the speed but it tilts the upper body balance too much and can reduce the speed." after hearing this almost whole class attention was on himself because the thing he said just now was the reason this mech had not a good sale.

He continued "as per me they should strip some crystal fibres from its lower body to its upper body as it will make its body to be more balanced and its overall capability will increase, but this is only my thought as I don't know much about it"

He again added still looking at the pic "as for armour I am totally against this proportion of armour as one high energy shot and its armour will be parsed and internal will suffer damage unless they use very high-grade armour. Which I can't say as I don't know it's price range"

"as for internals I can't look inside it thus I can't give you any advice but for its core, I can predict"

When he said this he looked up towards the whole class and then towards Edward and said with a smile "its core should be "CP76345" variant made by Augustus compony as 6th gen core"

He then looked directly at the stunned Edward and asked "did I say anything wrong Mr class leader"

Edward hearing this became flustered and said "no, he didn't say anything wrong"

After this, he didn't say anything to sam for the whole meeting and without any incident.

After the meeting ended sam told his friends to come early at meeting place and went offline, after coming out of the box he was very tired thus went to sleep and another uneventful night passed.

The next day sam woke up at the time and continued his daily routine till it became 11o clock and it was almost time for him to go to meeting place.

he recalled that this will be the first time he is going out of his house after rebirth and started to become excited with expectation.

I have decided to only update a single novel at a time, so I won't be updating this novel anytime soon

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