
Just like Glue


The Glade

Newt's perspective

When I wake up, I relize that I've been holding the greenie's hand. Probably since I dozed of last night, well it doesn't really matter when it happened, cause' it's definitely not happening again. For a while I just sit and think to myself, I haven't moved my hand yet, the greenie seems to have a touch. It gives me sort of this warm fuzzy feeling, I'll talk to Clint about it later I think. I finally retract my hand when the greenie begins to wake. "Tommy?" I say, hundred percent sure that there's no trace of us holding hands. "Morning Newt" He says smiling up at me. I chuckle a bit. "Your with Wiston today," I pack all of the blankets and pillows together before turning back to Thomas. "Just leave em' up here" I feel around for the ladder with my feet and begin to climb down. Even though it's only eight o'clock everyone is already up and working, seems like me and Thomas were the last. "Good to see no shank is slacking," I mutter, looking around at the array of glader boys planting, feeding, working and cutting. I set of walking to the homestead as I need to see Clint but don't even get half way before Tommy chatches up with me. "Are you sure your ankle is ok?" He pants, I look down and realised my limp is worse that usual. "Fine, doesn't even hurt" As I say this a sharp pain cuts out in my bad ankle and I ,very obviously, wince. "And shuck it they're back"

"Who's back?"

"Every now and again I get pains in my ankle, never gave it enough time to heal before I was up on my feet again," Thomas looks around before playing hero, he takes my arm and wraps it round his shoulders as he guides me to the homestead. When we get there Clint is just coming out and he instantly turns around to go back in, this tells me he went to go prepare a room or something for me. For now, Thomas helps me onto the small sofa in the lounge, if you can evan call it a lounge, there's a thin window, a sofa and a small table used to hold all off Clint's and Jeff's things (the med jacks). Speaking of medjacks Jeff walks into the room and kneels down next to me, "pains again?" He asks before I slowly nod my head. I think for a second while Jeff examines my ankle, I've never actually thought about what my home life was like. Did I have a sister, a brother mabey, I could have had a dog or even a cat. I try to remember something, but it's no use, "Newt?"

"What, sorry I was in a world of my own"

"I said does this hurt?"

"No not really"


"Ow! Shuck! Shank! Klunk!"

"I'll take that as a yes" I lay my head back and realised Thomas is still stood next to me, "go to the bloodhouse" I say as Jeff notes something down in a small notebook. "And leave you here?" Yes? I think. "No way" He then takes a seat next to me on the old sofa and I look at him with a stern look, hopefully stern enough to make him realise I'm being serious now. "Thomas bloodhouse now. Winston is waiting for you!"

"I'm not leaving until I know your ok"

"I'm fine, OW! Jeff stop doing that!"

"Your clearly not fine"

"Thomas, go to the bloodhouse, Winston is the final keeper we need you to see,"

"No!" God this new greenie is starting to get on my last shuck nerve "Go. To. The. Bloodhouse. Now! Direct orders from second in command." At this, Thomas

reluctantly stands to his feet, he walks to the door and turns back around. "Can I get breakfast first?" I give him another stern look. "Ok I'm going!" As he leaves I turn to Clint, "hey I need to talk to you about something,"

"What is it now Newt?"

"I think there's something wrong with me."

"You mean apart from your shattered ankle?"

"Every time I'm around the greenie I get this, like, it's sort of a warm fuzzy feeling," After I finish Jeff and Clint look at each other and smile. "What?" They then laugh "Newt your in love" Clint says as my cheeks grow hot and I can feel them going red. "What with the greenie!? I don't think so!"

"Denial is the second stage" Jeff says chuckling more than before, I cross my arms and lean back. "It does make sense" Clint smiles, "yeah you two have been inseparable since he got here, like magnet and magnet" Jeff joins in. I slowly die in misery and embarrassment, "just like glue" Clint says handing me a slip of paper. "Jeez I don't need a shuck first aid slip," I laugh, "do you want to give me a shuckin' sticker while your at it?" Clint smiles again, "trying to change the subject, ah I see,"

"No!" I then rise to my feet and head for the door, I don't get far before my ankle gives another sharp pain. I wince. "I dunno where your going slinthead," I turn around to see Jeff, walking towards me "Your going up there Mr lover," he then points to the stairs, "But what about-"

"No shuckin' buts," he then leads me up the stairs to the first room in the corridor and sets me on the bed. "Rest it," Jeff nods to my ankle and walks out of the room.