
Introduction "2"

He opened his eyes in a strange place. It was a void filled with stars and cosmic dust. He looked at his body and found it transparent.

"I don't hear any sounds, and I can't move. Where am I?" he wondered.

After a while, which felt like hundreds of years, all he did was float in space.

At some point, the brightness disappeared in front of him and was replaced by darkness. There was nothing strange except for the pain he felt, as if it was "a pain gnawing at his bones and reaching his soul."

"Wait, did I have a body?" he questioned.

He lost consciousness, only to wake up and find himself in a different place. He opened his eyes, greeted by the bright sunlight that he had missed for many years.

He lay on the ground, gazing at the sky he had longed for. Although it was different from what he remembered, the sky was a radiant blue, and a large, beautiful moon could be seen. Unusually, there were visible stars despite it being morning.

He felt a wonderful sensation, thinking, "Finally, the war is over," which triggered several questions in his mind.

"But where am I?"

"What happened after the war?"

He stood up from the ground and found himself in the middle of a flat land covered in green grass, contrasting the seas of blood he had left behind.

About 500 meters away from him, there was a forest with giant and diverse trees.

On the horizon, a range of extended mountains with snowy peaks could be seen, creating a beautiful sight that pleased the onlookers.

Thoughts rushed through his mind, "Where am I? Am I in a beautiful dream, or have I died and entered paradise?"

"I couldn't find an answer to this question."

"Suddenly, a plausible scenario crossed my mind. Was I resurrected in this world? No, how could that happen?"

"Or perhaps I was transported to this world? It's hard to believe."

"But how can the moon be visible during the day? That's also something strange. Damn, what am I thinking?"

"To dispel doubt, I must see my reflection. It will tell me if I have been transferred to another world or if I have been resurrected in this world."

He turned his head left and right, but to no avail. He couldn't see any puddle or reflective surface.

As he stood there, he felt something strange, as if he were lighter than usual. The gravity in this world seemed lighter, and there was an abundance of oxygen. He began to run towards the forest until he reached it, and then he started walking.

From a distance, I saw the reflection of the sun and headed towards it. It was a small lake, reflecting everything like a mirror. I saw my face, which wasn't much different from before, with only a slight change.

Dark eyes, black hair, wheat-colored skin, an average and untrained body, and Arab features.

The only difference from my previous body was the eyes. They used to be green, but now they had turned dark.

I don't remember much, except that I was in a war and was stabbed from behind, losing consciousness and waking up in a strange continent. Even if I tried to remember, I couldn't. I raised my hands to scoop up some water and drink it because I felt thirsty from intense thinking.

I noticed a small tattoo on my right hand, above my ring finger. It was a light brown tattoo that was barely visible. It was a tattoo of a small heart.

It wasn't there before I lost consciousness.

So I must have gotten it when I moved, or rather, I don't know if I moved or not, but let's assume that I did.

Something in my mind urged me to focus on it.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the tattoo on my hand. After a while, I began to feel the heat rising in the tattoo.

Nothing else happened, but after a few seconds, I felt a pain in my head and several questions haunted me, intensifying the pain. As the pain subsided, memories of my family appeared, memories of them dying in front of me, one by one.

I must find a way to return, even if it costs me my life. I will seek revenge for them. I don't know how I came to this place, but I must return.

I will come back to destroy you. Just wait for me.

(Demonic features appeared on his face, emanating a dark aura that spread across dimensions. Behind him, a black scythe with strange inscriptions appeared. The scythe couldn't be seen with the naked eye, but those who were perceptive could see it. The scythe was directed towards his head, as if he wanted to decapitate himself, but he didn't. It glowed and disappeared, and the aura vanished, indicating that it had leaked from the scythe.)

In sync with the appearance of the scythe, several changes occurred in the dimensions. In the void, a celestial being could be seen. It had a humanoid form, but it was gigantic and wore black attire. This is the Lord of Nothingness, a being frolicking in the void. It soared towards nothingness, and its purpose was unknown. There were no expressions on its face. It continued to hover in the void until it stopped and said after a moment of silence,

"It seems it has finally begun. It is approaching rapidly. I must hurry."

In another place, a sealed creature was inside a bottle amidst a sea of magma, resembling hell. The distinct difference was that this creature was the size of a mouse, while the bottle was small. The creature spoke to itself,

"It's getting closer. Damn it, I won't be able to intervene anytime soon. Damn you all."

The scene changes to a small green planet with only one house. Inside the house, there is a creature holding a device. The creature speaks to itself,

"Oh, finally things are escalating."

A strange laughter could be heard coming from this creature, and a devilish smile overtakes its face as it stares at the device.

"The timeline is set, unbreakable. After branching into infinite paths, the signs are starting to appear. How will you move, defenders? I must prepare myself for what is to come."

The scene changes once again. Now, on a massive ship with a skull flag and a sword in its center, the ship sails in a sea or rather, a void.

"Comrades, the change has begun. Steer the helm towards that place."

"Do you really want to go there? I doubt anything exciting will happen."

"Hahaha, are you afraid?"

In another place, specifically on an unknown island near the shore, a vehicle shaped like a black drop is anchored. The strange thing is that the vehicle is floating.

A creature addresses several entities, saying,

"Pack your belongings!

If they are going to start their wars...

I prefer to reap the spoils."

These were divergent paths for several characters, and there are many more. All of these individuals are connected by an unknown relationship. They have become free from the laws of dimensions, as well as from the yet-to-awaken entity.

"If there is a mistake in the writing, or if you want to give your opinion, write it in the comments."

Josakocreators' thoughts