
Chapter 61

This was unlike the familiar pain Dianne had been plagued with back at the settlement. Yes, there were shooting cramps that stole her breath and left her sweating, but they didn’t hurt so much as gnaw at her. Between her legs was a swamp of angry shocks and leaking need.

Empty, she was so empty.

Confined in her cubicle, she paced, arranged the fur on her bedding, and moved it again. Over and over, all the while feeling as if none of this would do.

Where was the necessary pit full of soft things that must be arranged to ease the sting on her skin? Where was the man who might purr and lessen the tension that kept her teeth clacking together?

It was as if she could already taste spice cake on her tongue.

To just see him, to hear his voice, would ease the consuming need and refresh her. But over and over she had been told he could not come.
