
Chapter 34

Commandant and dark-haired savage leader both turned, walking down the center path that would lead past where she’d been caged. There was no conversation between them. That would require the practically naked male beside the old man to reply to anything that was being said.

It seemed he pointedly ignored the high-ranked escort, staring straight ahead and walking with purpose. Upon their approach, Dianne found these men to be even stranger. Her initial assessment was right; they wore their hair almost as long as she wore hers. On many, scars were prominently displayed: slashes across bared chests, shiny star-shaped splatters of mended skin.

Though she’d never seen a wound of that sort healed, she had seen many of her neighbors die from blaster fire. She’d seen the way the skin around the wound flashed out like a bursting flower.


Was this some ritual? Is that why so much skin was exposed?

Were these elite soldiers?