
Chapter 33

“I will scratch you, make you bleed.”

The bright-eyed male nearest the front licked his lips.

Locking eyes with him, she hissed, “I will hate you and cry the whole time. You and all Alphas disgust me.”

“Silence, feral, before you earn yourself more punishment than you can handle.”

One thing Dianne was good at on this ship was digging her own grave. It seemed the perfect time to pick up the shovel. “I would rather be burned at the stake in front of everyone I loved, than feel the touch of a single one of you.”

Thoughts a riot of ugly things and evil outcomes, she became stone, ignoring their growled responses to her rudeness, refusing to answer questions. They grew bored of her, and over the hours, began to scatter.

Dianne had done her reputation harm, but she did not care.

There was nothing in the world to care about.