
The Master of Multiverse (Tensura)

After 5 trillion years of peace in the reincarnation world Militia, the universe is about to come to a natural end. As the entire reality is destroyed, the only person who survived this ordeal is Anos Voldigoad, who decided that it was best if he created a new multiverse. However, due to creating this multiverse, which put a lot of strain on his body and depleted his mana dangerously low, he entered a deep sleep for about 20,000 years to recover. What would happen when he wakes up in this new world and goes on an adventure with a certain slime in a certain forest? There is only one way to know. Read and follow Anos on his new journey. I do not own any of the characters. It is just a fanfic that I thought would be so much fun, and I didn't find any stories similar to this one. Notice: This will be a slow-update story. I am also thinking of starting a YouTube channel. From April 2022, that is. ------------------------ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9gI1GVR5O1orwDG7WNemg

PhantomNoobster69 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Life of Earth

So, I tried doing something unique since I didn't want to straight out remove Rimuru from the story. The actual story will begin in the next chapter. I am trying to update more frequently, but the chapter length will decrease due to it. Hope you will like it.


(A Year before Canon Starts)

~~~~~Anos' POV~~~~~


I activated the spell and fast-forwarded time to more than twenty-four thousand years. After that, I decided to first visit Earth, I am very much interested in seeing the progress of the humans on Earth. So, I just teleported myself to the outer atmosphere of the Earth, and would you look at that? They already have satellites. In my Universe, it wasn't a necessity because of magic, but we still had those for fun. With that, I teleported to the surface of the Earth and landed in what is called Japan.

Looking at this country, seeing almost everyone having a peaceful life and enjoying their time, I decided that I would live in this country for a bit and enjoy life at a slow pace.

(3 months before Canon Starts)

It's been about a year since I started living in Japan, and I have to say that although humans are weak physically, they use their brains to hide their weaknesses. I have also been curious about all this science that was the talk of the town when I came to this planet, and it is indeed a fascinating subject, not that I did not already know all this stuff. The study of living beings is called Biology, the study of the Laws of the Universe is called Physics, and the study of non-living things is called Chemistry. I was even amused when a man said to me that science is not for your average university student. So, I amused myself by 'learning' Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

I had to the magic <Venejiara> that can interchange between reality and possibility to get my citizenship in Japan. After that, I obliterated University, Graduate School, and Ph.D. all in less than a year. By the time I reached '19' years of age, I was already a renowned prodigy in Japan, but one thing that caught my attention other than science was mangas and animes. I wanted to see what all this fuss was on about. So, once I stopped time using <Rivide> and binge-watched every anime and read every manga in existence in a single day.

But now it was getting boring with the same repetitive lifestyle, I think it is about time I go visit Arber, that Planet is definitely going to amuse me, but before that, I still had one thing to do on this planet. Currently, I was walking on the busy streets of Tokyo thinking of what flavor of milkshake I should have after the delicious Mushroom Gratin at a nearby restaurant when I suddenly came face to face with a man being stabbed by a burglar. Seeing the scene, I just sighed.

No matter how impressive the achievements and development of humanity may be, there is still one thing that I hate about humans, which is their selfishness. Just like I said to Hero Kanon in my Universe.

(Flashback) [In the Mythical Age]

"Did you say 'peace'? After all that's happened, do you really think I can trust such a word? Just how many humans have you killed until now... Demon King Anos Voldigoad?" asked Hero Kanon when I said that I was tired of the war and wanted peace.

"Let me ask you, Hero Kanon. Just how many demons have you killed until now?" I asked him a question that humans oh so casually ignored, but Kanon seems like he realized what I'm trying to say.

"Humans seem convinced that by defeating me, they can bring peace to the world, but is that really true? It must be clear to you by now that until either the humans or the demons are rooted out for good, this war can never end." I said pointing out the flaw in his thinking, he finally must have realized that humans are not the only race that has emotions, we demons have emotions as well.

"Even if the Demons are wiped out, humans are just going to make new enemies. The spirits, the Gods... until finally, you humans turn on each other" I said to hero Kanon which must have made him realize that humans are not all that good either.

(Flashback Ends)

Just like I predicted, in this world humans have fought against each just for some land, calling it the world war. Well anyway back to the matter at hand, the burglar just pulled his dagger from the guy that was stabbed at rushed towards me because I was walking casually towards the stabbed fellow. He tried stabbing me but I just held the dagger with two fingers and with my other hand flicked the burglar as he fainted. From the corner of my eye, I could see some people recording the whole incident, and no one was even trying to help the wounded except his junior.

As I reached near the stabbed man that was telling his junior to dump his computer in the bathtub, I asked "Do you not want to live more Saturo Mikami?" I read his mind to find out his name and also numbed his pain so that he could think straight.

"Of course, I want to live but I am going to die from blood loss, I cannot even feel the pain anymore meaning that my body is dying," Saturo Mikami said in a weak tone. Ignoring his stupid logic, he is a good-natured man from what I have seen in his memory. I had already had enough sightseeing on Earth, it was now time to take control of it. At the rate at which humans are destroying this planet, at most they would be able to survive till 2100, and that is if they do not start World War 3 in the next hundred years. I had to make sure that Humans don't go out of control, they are my subjects, after all, I was not going to abandon them.

This Saturo Mikami had a strong enough soul to handle several Ultimate Skills, he will be the ideal person to lead Earth towards equality and harmony, a utopia for the humans. "Say, Mr. Mikami, if you were given a chance would you like to lead humanity towards a better future?" I wanted to leave a person on Earth that would be capable of resolving problems if humans started the war again.

"Well, If I were given a chance then I would like to make a world where there is no Racism, no Cruelty, where every human is equal. I think I am hallucinating, man people can have different experiences when they are dying, I feel like I am being interrogated." Saturo said in a weak tone before he passed away. His junior started crying and some people were looking at me weirdly for asking such a question from a dying person.

I just stood up from my crouched position, dusted my hands, and pointed a finger toward the dead body. "<Ingall>" as soon as I said that, a magic circle appeared beneath the dead body of Saturo, and the wound in his back healed like it wasn't even there. The spectators were awestruck by the miracle happening in front of them, many were recording this incredible feat, while Saturo Mikami himself was wondering how he came back to life after dying from a stab wound.

"Saturo Mikami, I have revived you so that you could lead humanity to a better future," I said grabbing the attention of everyone present on the street.

"Wait, how is this even possible? I was sure I had died. What is going on?" Saturo asked, looking at me and frantically asking questions.

"First, let's go to a more private location," I said and teleported both of us to my current apartment.

"So, are you God? Why did you save me? Who was the person that was asking me questions before my death?" Saturo said completely losing his cool.

"Let's start slow, okay. Firstly I am Anos Voldigoad and I am the one that created this Universe. Secondly, I revived you because I wanted you to be my apostle, and lastly, I was the person asking you questions before your death." I answered calmly while sitting on my sofa and drinking the strawberry milkshake that I got from the fridge.

"So, what do you want me to do God-Sama?" Saturo asked while prostrating in front of me.

"No need to do that stuff, also call me Anos," I sighed and said after seeing the behavior of this fella.

"So listen up Saturo, I am going to take over the world and then join all the continents together, your job will be to maintain peace and harmony on this supercontinent," I said while sipping some milkshake.

"So, why are you joining the continents exactly?" asked Saturo with an almost comical expression like he didn't believe a word I have said till now.

"Well, the two world wars have been fought for land in general, whatever the reason for the start of the war, it still stands that the countries just want to expand their land. I will dissolve all the countries and bring about a monarchy rule with you at the top." I said all this very leisurely while watching the new viral video of a person reviving a dead man, the title of the video is, 'A God amongst Man'. It was amusing to see that the video already had 4.5 billion views. I was already known by more than half of the human population.

"Wait wait wait, how am I supposed to rule the entire world. I am not even the smartest man alive that you selected me for this job. I am just a General Contractor, what can I even amount to in the grand scheme of things."

"You Saturo have a soul strong enough to handle multiple Ultimate Skills, which I have not seen in any humans on this planet," I said while pointing a finger at him and giving him the necessary information on the Voice of The World, the skill system and the existence of a Universe above theirs, that is also created by me.

"So, you mean to say that I can become one of the most powerful beings to exist in this Multiverse?" he asked excitedly with stars in his eyes. I just nodded my head in response.

"But for that, you will have to discard this human body that cannot handle such high output of power, the other thing is that you would become immortal, which can be a curse if the soul of the person is not strong enough to handle the trauma of seeing their loved ones die," I beforehand mentioned all the things that he will be loosing.

Saturo took some time to think about all his odds, then after about fifteen minutes, he stood up with a face full of 'hero syndrome' like determination. "I'll do it, if it means that there will be less corruption and more equality then I don't mind being immortal to achieve that goal," he had made his resolve and I was happy to have found such a good candidate for being the leader of Earth.

"Alright Saturo, firstly I am going to change your race from human that can handle the amount of energy I am going to give. Although your soul is strong enough to take on multiple Ultimate skills, your body is not." with that I stood up and came in front of Saturo

"<Azheb>," I said this and a magic circle formed beneath Saturo, his entire body was engulfed in light, and when it disappeared he looked the same except for his hairs and eyes, which were now silvery blue and golden respectively.

[Notice: The species of Individual named Saturo Mikami has changed from 'Human' to 'Dragonoid'] the robotic voice rang inside the head of 'Saturo', as he understood that it was the system of this Multiverse.

"Wow, I feel a lot more agile and strong, it feels like I can run around the world without getting tired or that I can destroy a mountain with just a simple punch." 'Saturo' analyzed his looks in the mirror and noticed the two distinct changes in his appearance.

"Now that your body can handle the strain of the Ultimate Skills, let me give them to you. It will help you in some of the tight spots." I said and suddenly the VotW rang inside his head.

[Notice: the Individual Dragonoid has received

Ultimate Skill: Wisdom King Raphael

Ultimate Skill: Gluttonous King Beelzebuth

Ultimate Skill: Covenant King Uriel

from the Omni King Anos Voldigoad]

Just like that 'Saturo' became one of the strongest beings alive in this Multiverse. "Wow, the names of these skills are much cooler than I thought, I really am grateful for everything that you have done for me, Lord Anos," 'Saturo' did a bow to show his appreciation for everything that was done for him.

"Well, let me give you one last gift, I Anos Voldigoad name you Rimuru Tempest as of today. Since your species have changed you will need a new name," I controlled the amount of magicule that went for his evolution, by this he will reach a mid catastrophe disaster rating. While I was thinking this Rimuru was enveloped in a cacoon of magicules, the magicule capacity of the now named Rimuru also increased tenfold.

"By the way, don't think that I won't give you any missions in the future Rimuru, for now, your first mission will be to conquer this planet and create a Utopia where everyone can live in peace," I said which made Rimuru quite a bit shocked.

"But Lord Anos weren't you going to conquer the planet yourself?" He asked while tilting his head in confusion.

"Well, I thought about it but concluded that it would be too easy for you then, consider this a test. I want to see what you can do in three years." I said and got out of the apartment and started walking away, this would allow Rimuru to get some real-life experience for his new type of life.

"Where are you going, Lord Anos?" Rimuru asked while hurriedly running behind me.

"Well, I will be in the second Universe, I will see you in three years from now. Take care Rimuru", I said and teleported to my Dimension.

~~~~~Anos' POV ends~~~~~

This was just the beginning of a new renaissance on Earth, The people of Earth had no idea that their lives were going to change so drastically, In the future, it will be known as the age of Utopia.


Yup, that's it. Rimuru in this story will be the Ruler of Earth. I will leave the imagination part of how Earth would turn out under Rimuru's reign to you all, so comment and let me know.

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With that Author-Kun is signing off.

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