
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Girl

As the dusk enveloped the world, I pondered upon the lessons learned in the past few days. Life, in its capricious nature, often denies us our desires, but it surely bestows upon us what is our due. The fox boys, with their eyes gleaming with malice, glared at us, the embers of their animosity towards our family burning bright. I averted my gaze, but one of them approached us with a sneer.

"Morgen and his cowardly cousin?!" he taunted, his voice dripping with venom. "Has the Rabbit Family truly lost all sense of fear to dare tread here?"

Morgen, his face flushed with rage, exclaimed, "How dare you insult our family?!"

The fox boy ignored him, his gaze fixed on me. "Aren't you going to flee like last time, scurrying away into the forest?" he asked with a cruel smirk.

He raised his hand to place it on my shoulder, but I swiftly caught his wrist and uttered in a cold voice, "I may tolerate your meaningless drivel, but I will not let your filthy hand touch me. Lest I sever it."

The air around me crackled with a palpable bloodlust, and everyone present felt a chill run down their spines.

The two swords in my hands awakened a primal fire within me, stirring lost memories that clamored to be heard. When the fox boy called me a coward and accused me of running away, his words ignited a spark of anger and bloodlust in my veins. It was as if the freedom fighters within me yearned to break free and answer the call to battle.

The fox boy's gaze was laced with fear and hatred, but I met his eyes with unwavering defiance. My attention turned to a girl standing nearby, her long red hair cascading down her shoulders and her green eyes sparkling with curiosity. Her human features were more prominent than her bestial traits, and her serene expression contrasted sharply with her long rabbit ears. She studied me intently, as if she could see through my very soul.

I felt a strange connection to this girl, a sense of kinship that defied explanation. Perhaps it was because we shared the same blood, or perhaps it was something deeper.

Morgan put his hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Don't attract attention."

I nodded and released the fox boy's hand. "Go," I said.

The boy scurried away without a word. The bloodlust that had emanated from me was not the aura of a young boy sheltered from the world, but of a seasoned warrior who had faced death countless times and taken many lives. He had been on the brink of death and fallen into its depths, and shock and instinct had made him flee.

I turned to Morgan and asked, "Who is that girl?" She was a rabbit, yet she sat among the foxes and wolves.

"She is the daughter of the traitor who has allied himself with our enemies," he replied. "The girl for whom you would lose your life, you idiot."

In the ethereal realm where memories dance and dreams take flight, I stood, my soul shrouded in a veil of oblivion. A forgotten past whispered in the breeze, but its secrets remained elusive.

A girl with haunting eyes and an enigmatic smile lingered on the periphery of my vision, her presence both alluring and unsettling. What connection did she hold to my forgotten past? And why did her presence evoke a sense of foreboding?

A shiver ran down my spine as I realized that my life was inextricably intertwined with hers. And that my very existence was threatened by the shadows of the past.

"The dungeon has opened...!" Morgen's voice echoed through the ethereal realm, shattering my reverie. "We must enter now. Try to stay alive and do not have mercy on those who do not have mercy on you. This is the motto of our house."

I nodded, my resolve hardening. I would enter the vestibule, face my demons, and uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As we stepped into the tower, I felt a strange energy coursing through my veins. The air around us shimmered and danced, like a living entity.

The walls of the tower were adorned with cryptic symbols and ancient carvings, their meaning lost to the ages. I felt a sense of awe and wonder as I gazed upon these enigmatic relics.

As I found myself alone in the cold and desolate place, the voice echoed in my mind once again: "Run away."

But I refused to flee. I had come here to face my destiny, to fight the battle that awaited me.

And then it came.

A bull-shaped monster, its horns gleaming in the dim light, charged at me with a thunderous roar. I raised my swords, ready to meet its challenge.

The monster's horns struck my swords with a deafening clang, but I held my ground. I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins, and I knew that I was ready for this battle.

The monster roared again and lunged at me, its horns aimed at my heart. I dodged its attack and slashed at its side, leaving a deep wound.

The monster staggered back, but it did not fall. It turned and charged at me again, its eyes burning with fury.

We clashed back and forth, our blades ringing in the air. The monster was strong and powerful, but I was faster and more agile. I dodged its attacks and countered with my own, slowly but surely gaining the upper hand.

Finally, I saw my opening. I feinted to the left, then spun around and plunged my sword into the monster's heart.

The monster roared in pain and collapsed to the ground, dead.

As more bulls appeared and headed towards me, 

The battle raged around me, but I didn't feel afraid. I didn't feel hesitant. I only felt one thing: ecstasy.

I loved fighting. I loved the thrill of the battle, the rush of adrenaline, the clash of steel against steel. It felt like I was doing something I was completely familiar with, something I loved.

My swords flashed like lightning as I cut down my foes. I moved with the grace and precision of a dancer, my body seemingly on autopilot. I was completely in the moment, lost in the ecstasy of battle.

I felt like a god of war, unstoppable and invincible. I could have fought for days, maybe even weeks. I was so alive, so exhilarated, that I didn't want the battle to end.

But eventually, it did. The last of my enemies fell before me, and I stood alone in the center of the battlefield, panting heavily.

I looked down at my bloodied swords and smiled. I had won. I had survived. And I had loved every minute of it