
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


As soon as Wei Wuxian opened his eyes, he was kicked.

A thunder blew in his ear: "What are you pretending to die?!"

He was spit with a little bit of blood by his chest, and his head was on the ground, his back facing the sky, and thoughtfully thought: Dare to kick the ancestor, boldly.

Wei Wuxian has no idea how many years I haven't heard the living people talking, not to mention so loud scolding, dizzy, a young male duck whisper echoed in the tinnitus: "I don't think about it, who you live now Homeland, who eats rice, and whose money is spent! What happened to you? It should be mine! "

Immediately afterwards, the sound of turning the box and falling on the ground came from the surrounding area. For a long while, Wei Wuxian's eyes gradually became clear. In the sight, a dim roof appeared, and a glamorous face was spitting above him: "You dare to sue! Do you think me think me I am really afraid of you to sue, do you think this family will really be for you? "

On the side, two strong men who looked like a servant, said, "Son, they are all smashed!"

Gongya voice teenager said: "Why is it so fast?"

Family servant: "This broken house, there is not much thing."

The male duck's voice was very satisfied and turned to Wei Wuxian. He couldn't wait to poke his nose into his head: "There are courage to sue, who is pretending to see now? Well, I will be cleaned up to you, see what kind of sue you will take! After a few years, the fairy family family is great? It is not a funeral dog and was driven back like a family! "

Wei Wuxian thought about it half -dead:

I have been in ancient years, really not pretending.

Who is this?

Where is this? Intersection

When did he do such a thing? Intersection Intersection

The male duck's voice was also kicked, and the house was smashed. He was angry. He took the two servants and shook the door with a big swing. "

The servants outside the door responded. When the people walked away, the house was quiet outside, and Wei Wuxian wanted to sit up, but his limbs did not listen and lay back. He had to turn over, watching the strange environment and the messy ground, and continued to be dazzling.

There was a bronze mirror thrown on the side. Wei Wuxian touched it. A white face appeared in the mirror. A bright red tongue, alive is a hanging ghost.

Wei Wuxian threw away the mirror a little unacceptable, a face, and wiped the white powder with one hand.

Fortunately, this body is not inherently strange, but the taste is strange. A big man actually painted the rouge powder on his face. The key was to be so ugly.

After being shocked, he was shocked and returned to his strength. He finally sat up and noticed that there was a ring mantra under his body. The ring array is scarlet, and the circular shape seems to be used as a medium, drawing with hands, and wet exuding a smell. There are some twisted mantras in the array. And the text is gloomy in evil spirits. Wei Wuxian has also been called the title of Supreme Evil, Magic Patriarch, etc. at first glance. At first glance, he knows that it is not a good array. He naturally knows it.

He did not take the house of others -but was dedicated!

The essence of "Dedication" is a curse. At the cost of the soul, the soul is at the cost of the earth, summoning a ten evil ghost and evil god, and praying for the wicked spirit to fulfill his wishes. This is the "dedication" opposite to the "grabbing". They are all bad reputation, but the latter is not practical and popular in the latter. After all, few wishes can be strong enough to make a living person willing to contribute everything to himself. The examples contained in ancient books have been reliable for thousands of years. There are only three or four people for thousands of years. The desires of these three or four people are all revenge without exception.

Wei Wuxian was dissatisfied.

How could he be divided into "ten evil ghosts and evil gods"?

Although his reputation is poor and the dead shape is very miserable, but he does not make trouble, and the other is not revenge. He dares to swear that he can't find a lonely ghost that is more Anliang than him!

It is tricky that Xian She is first based on the wishes of the surgeon. Even if he is not convinced again ... the upper body is up, this will reached a contract between the two sides. The attached person will destroy the Yuanshen, and it will not be superb forever.

Wei Wuxian pulled his clothes and raised his hand to look at. Sure enough, his wrists staggered a few wounds scarred by several weapons. Although the blood of the wound has stopped, Wei Wuxian knows that these are not ordinary injuries. If you do not fulfill your desire for the body, these wounds will not heal. The longer the dragging, the more serious, and the deadline will allow him to receive this body with a soul to be torn.

After repeated confirmation, Wei Wuxian said in his heart and said ten "How do you have this!", And finally reluctantly hugged the wall.

The house is large, but it is empty and shabby. I do n't know how many days I have been washed in the quilts, which exudes a moldy smell. There is a bamboo basket in the corner. It was originally used to throw waste. Seeing that there seemed to be ink marks on the paper group, Wei Wuxian picked up one and took a look. He was busy collecting all paper groups on the ground.

The word on this paper should be the one that the body of the body is depressed. Some paragraphs are incoherent, upside down, and anxious and nervous came from twisted handwriting. Wei Wuxian looked at it one after another, and the more he looked, the more he felt, and it was too wrong.

Lian Meng guess, roughly clear something. First of all, the owner of this body is Mo Xuanyu, which is called Mojiazhuang.

Mo Xuanyu's grandfather is a large local household. The people in the tribe are thin and have no children. They have only had two daughters for many years. The two women's names are not mentioned. Anyway, the eldest girl is from the lady of the main room, and she is recruited. Although the two women are outstanding in appearance, they are made by the slave. Therefore, the Mo family originally intends to send her to marry casually. People treat Mojiazhuang as a private place. One year later, Mo Er gave birth to a son, and it was Mo Xuanyu.

The people in Mojiazhuang were quite different about this kind of thing. However, when people admired the immortal, Xuanmen family who asked Xiu Xian asked the people in the world to be cared for by heaven. The wind direction is completely different. Not only is the Mo family proud of this, others are also envious.

Of course, the good times didn't last long. The owner was greedy for a while, and he was tired of eating it for two years. After Mo Xuanyu was four years old, he never came again.

In recent years, Mojiazhuang's tone has changed again. The original non -toothed and ridicule returned, and it also added with disdain. Although Mo Er was unwilling, he firmly believed that everyone would not be ignored by the biological son. Sure enough, when Mo Xuanyu was 14 years old, the owner sent many people and solemnly picked up the boy back.

Mo Er's head was raised again. Although she couldn't follow, she swept up before and raised her eyebrows. Everyone proudly preached that her son would be the head of Xuanmen Xianxian and flying Huang Tengdang. As a result, Mojiazhuang's people have discussed for the third time and have changed their attitudes.

However, before Mo Xuanyu Xiu Xian was successful and inherited his father's family business, he was driven back.

And was rushed back by extremely ugly. Because Mo Xuanyu was a broken sleeve, he was also bold and harassing the same door. This ugly thing was broken in public. In addition, he was unprecedented and built, and he did not let him stay in the family.

What I worshiped was that Mo Xuanyu didn't know what stimulation was suffered. After returning, the whole person was crazy.

Seeing this, Wei Wuxian's eyebrows twice.

The broken sleeve is just, it is still a lunatic. No wonder the face is painted with old -fashioned powder. No wonder such a large bloody array on the ground just now, no one feels wrong. I am afraid that even if Mo Xuanyu is painted from the floor tiles to the wall to the roof, it is not surprising to others. Because everyone knows that he is sick!

After Mo Xuanyu returned to his hometown, he mocked the sky. This time, there seemed to be no room for turning. Mo Er couldn't bear this kind of blow. He couldn't get out of his chest, and he choked him alive.

At this time, Grandpa Mo Xuanyu had gone, and Master Mo was holding his house. Mrs. Mo probably couldn't see her sister from an early age, and she was even more white -eyed to the younger son of her sister. She has a solo seedling, the one who came in just now, called Mo Ziyuan. When Mo Xuanyu was picked up by the scenery, Mrs. Mo was consciously able to pull a little relative relationship with Xianmen, and she expected that Xianmen messenger who came to pick up people brought Mo Ziyuan to Xiu Xian. Of course, I was rejected, or I was ignored.

Nonsense. This is not a bargaining cabbage, buying one and sending one!

I don't know where this family is confident. There is a strange idea. I firmly believe that Mo Ziyuan must have immortal bones and talents. If he was going to him, he would be appreciated by the fairy family. Fight. When Mo Xuanyu left, although Mo Ziyuan was young, he was repeatedly instilled in such an unreasonable idea since he was a child. He was also convinced of this. Seeking immortal roads, but for those runes, elixir, and small magic weapons brought back from Xianmen, they all should be used as things in their own pockets. Although Mo Xuanyu was often sick, he also knew that he was being insulted, endured and endured, but Mo Ziyuan intensified, almost moving his entire room. Mo Xuanyu finally couldn't bear to stand in front of her uncle and aunt. So Mo Ziyuan came to the door today.

The words on the paper were small and dense. Wei Wuxian saw his eyesache, and he said what the fucking life was. No wonder Mo Xuanyu would also ask Li Gui Xie to revenge as himself.

Eyes began to have headaches after the pain was finished. It stands to reason that during the battlefield, the spiers must meditate in their hearts. As the summoned evil spirits, Wei Wuxian should be able to hear his detailed requirements. But this ban is afraid that Mo Xuanyu sneaked from the remnants of the remnants from the sneaky. Although Wei Wuxian guessed that he probably wanted to retaliate against Mo's family, how should he retaliate? To what extent? What is the caught? Mo Family?

Or ... destroying the door?

Most of them are destroyed! After all, as long as you have mixed the cultivation world, you should know what words Wei Wuxian uses the most: forgetfulness, madness, and candidates who are more in line with "fierce evil" than him? Now that he dares to call him, there will be no desire to easily pass.

Wei Wuxian said helplessly: "You are looking for the wrong person ..."