
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
119 Chs

Extremely brave-III

"Stone Island" quickly moved toward the shore.

The approach of this unknown monster brought an invisible sense of oppression. Except for a few people including Lan Wangji, Jin Zixuan, Jiang Cheng, Wen Zhuliu, and others, everyone else was retreating. Just when everyone thought that this thing under the water would suddenly explode, it stopped.

Because he jumped on its back and woke up the sleeping monster, Wei Wuxian couldn't act rashly now, so he stayed as he was and waited to see what would happen.

On the dark water surrounding "Shidao", a few bright red maple leaves floated leisurely.

Under these maple leaves, deep in the black pool, there is a pair of shiny brass mirror-like things.

The pair of brass mirrors were getting bigger and closer. Wei Wuxian felt bad and dragged Wen Chao back two steps. There was a sudden tremor under his feet, and he suddenly rose up, and the "stone island" hung in the air. A huge black beast head lifted up the maple leaves and burst out of the water!

Amidst the screams of varying levels, the monster slowly twisted its neck and stared at the two people standing on its back with its big eyes.

This round animal head is very strange, like a turtle or a snake. Looking at the beast's head alone, it looks more like a giant snake, but looking at its body, which is mostly out of the water, it looks more like...

Wei WuXian said: "...What a big one...bastard..."

This is no ordinary tortoise.

If this bastard were to hit the school grounds at Lotus Pier, the turtle shell alone would occupy the entire martial arts field. Three strong men couldn't hold its dark glans in their arms. Ordinary tortoises will not have an extremely long, curved snake head protruding from the turtle shell, full of protruding and interlaced yellow fangs, nor will they have four sharp claws that look very flexible. Padfoot.

Wei Wuxian stared into those big golden eyes. Its pupils formed a straight line, changing from thick to thin, as if its vision was sometimes condensed and sometimes scattered, and it was unclear what two things were on its back.

It seems that this monster's eyesight is the same as that of a snake, not very good. As long as it doesn't move, it may not be noticeable.

Suddenly, two jets of water vapor spurted out from the monster's two dark nostrils.

The few maple leaves that were originally floating on the water just happened to be close to its nose. Maybe they were tickled by these little things, so it snorted. Wei Wuxian remained motionless, standing like a sculpture, but this small movement frightened Wen Chao.

Wen Chao knew that this monster was murderous, and when he saw its sudden snort, he thought it was about to explode. He ignored the sword at his neck, struggled wildly and screamed at Wen Zhuliu standing by the table: "Don't save me yet! Help me quickly! Why are you still standing there!"

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and cursed: "Idiot!"

Among the two strange things in front of him, one suddenly twisted like a bug and made a harsh sound, which immediately stimulated the monster. The snake-like beast's head shrank back suddenly, then bounced up, its yellow and black fangs opened wide, and bit him on the back!

Wei Wuxian raised his hand and threw Wen Chao's sword towards the seven inches of the beast's head like an arrow leaving its string.

However, the black scales covering the beast's head were as hard as iron armor, and the sword edge seemed to hit the steel plate. There was a clang, a spark was wiped out, and the sword fell into the water. The monster seemed to be stunned for a moment, and its huge eyes turned downwards, looking at the long and thin thing that was still glowing after sinking into the water. Taking this opportunity, Wei Wuxian carried Wen Chao, lifted his feet slightly, jumped into the air, and landed on another stone island. He thought to himself, "Don't tell me, this one is also a big tortoise!"

Suddenly I heard Jiang Cheng shouting: "Watch your back! The alchemist is here!"

Wei Wuxian suddenly turned around and saw a pair of big hands coming towards him silently. He subconsciously clapped his palm and fought with Wen Zhuliu. He felt an unusually strong and gloomy force coming from him, as if something was about to be sucked out of his arm. Wei Wuxian instinctively withdrew his hand, and Wen Zhuliu took this opportunity to kidnap Wen Chao and dropped him back to the shore. Wei Wuxian cursed lowly and jumped onto the shore. All the disciples of the Wen family took off the bows and arrows they carried on their backs, and while retreating, they aimed at the monster. The arrows were like flying rain, hitting the monster's black scales and turtle shells with a clanging sound. Sparks were flying everywhere, and it looked like the battle was going on. It seemed very intense, but in fact it was useless. None of the arrows hit the vital point. It was just tickling the monster. The huge beast's head swayed from side to side, and the skin outside the scales was like a black stone, with pits and pits that even an arrow could not penetrate deep into.

Wei Wuxian saw a greenhouse disciple beside him panting and setting up an arrow, straining to draw the bow, which was half-open. Unable to bear it any longer, he snatched the bow and kicked the disciple aside. There were three feather arrows left in the quiver. He put them all in one breath, pulled them to the full position, and took aim intently. The bowstring squeaked in my ears, and I was about to let go when suddenly there was a scream from behind.

The scream was so frightening that Wei Wuxian turned around and saw Wang Lingjiao commanding three servants. Two of them roughly held Mianmian up and lifted her face up. The other raised the iron brand in his hand and burned it directly on her face. !

The front end of the iron iron has been burned until it glows red and makes a sizzling sound. Wei Wuxian was far away, so when he saw this, he immediately turned the arrow and let go of the string.

Three arrows shot out at the same time, hitting three people. They didn't even make a sound and fell to the ground on their backs. Unexpectedly, the bowstring was still trembling, but Wang Lingjiao suddenly grabbed the iron brand that fell on the ground, grabbed her hair, and pressed it towards her face again!

Wang Lingjiao's cultivation was extremely poor, but this attack was fast and poisonous. If she were to get hit by it, even if Mianmian was not blind in one eye, she would be disfigured for life. In this extremely critical moment when she was ready to escape at any moment, this woman still persisted in her thoughts of harming others!

The other children of the aristocratic families were picking up arrows and setting up their bows, concentrating on dealing with the monsters. No one was around the two of them. Wei Wuxian had no arrows in his hand, and it was too late to grab others. In desperation, he rushed away. He went over and split Wang Lingjiao's hair-grabbing hand with one palm, and hit her heart hard with the other.

Wang Lingjiao received a palm from his front, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards.

However, the tip of the iron brand was already pressed against Wei Wuxian's chest.

Wei Wuxian smelled the smell of burnt clothes and skin, as well as the horrible smell of overcooked meat, and felt a crushing pain under his collarbone near his heart.

He gritted his teeth hard, but he still couldn't bite the painful roar in his teeth and let it rush out of his throat.

The force of his palm was so strong that Wang Lingjiao flew away. Blood spurted out, and she fell to the ground and burst into tears. Jiang Cheng raised his hand and struck at Wang Lingjiao's head. Wen Chao shouted wildly: "Jiaojiao! Jiaojiao! Save Jiaojiao quickly!"

Wen Zhuliu frowned slightly and said nothing. As expected, he flew forward, fought off Jiang Cheng, lifted Wang Lingjiao back, and threw her at Wen Chao's feet. Wang Lingjiao threw herself into his arms, vomiting blood and crying loudly. Jiang Cheng caught up and fought with Wen Zhuliu. Wen Chao saw that his eyes were bloodshot and his expression was terrifying. In addition, the other disciples of the aristocratic families were also excited. There was also a giant monster in the pool, and his left front paw had stepped on it. After reaching the shore, he finally became frightened and shouted: "Get out, get out, get back now!"

The men under him were struggling to hold on and had already waited for his old man to give the order to retreat. After hearing the words, they immediately flew away with their swords. Wen Chao's sword was thrown into the water by Wei Wuxian, so he snatched someone else's, jumped on the sword with Wang Lingjiao in his arms, and disappeared out of sight in a whoosh. All the servants followed him closely, Jin Zi Xuan shouted: "Stop fighting! Let's go!"

The disciples of all the aristocratic families had no intention of fighting at first and continued to face this monster like a rocky mountain. But they ran all the way back to the cave, only to see the tree vine they had climbed down coiled on the ground like dead snakes.

Jin Zixuan was furious: "Shameless thieves! They cut off the vines!"

Without this vine, they would not have been able to climb the steep earth wall. The cave was more than thirty feet above the head, and the white light was dazzling. After a while, half of the white light was annihilated like a tengu eclipsing the moon.

Another person exclaimed: "They are blocking the entrance of the cave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the remaining half of the white light was blocked.

Deep underground, only a few burning torches were left, illuminating several bewildered young faces, speechless.

After a long while, Jin Zixuan's curse broke the dead silence: "This couple of bitches are really capable of doing this!"

A young man murmured: "It doesn't matter if you can't go up... My father and mother will come looking for me. When they hear about this, they will definitely find this place."

A few people echoed here and there, and immediately someone else trembled: "They thought we were being taught in Qishan, so why would they come to us... Besides, after the Wen family members escaped, they would definitely not tell the truth, and they would definitely make up something." The reason...we can only stay down here..."

"We can only stay in this cave... without food... with a monster..."

At this time, Jiang Cheng slowly walked over with Wei Wuxian on his back. Just when he heard the words "There is no food," Wei Wuxian said, "Jiang Cheng, there is a piece of cooked meat here, do you want to eat it?"

Jiang Cheng said: "Get out! That iron brand can't burn you to death. How long has it been? I really want to sew your mouth shut."

Lan Wangji's pale eyes fell on them, and then on Mianmian, who was following them helplessly. Her face was wet with tears, she was sobbing, her hands were twisting her skirt, and she kept saying "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry." Wei WuXian plugged his ears and said, "Hey, stop crying, okay? It's me who's getting burned, not you. Do you still want me to coax you? Can you coax me? Okay, Jiang Cheng. Farewell Let's fight, it's not like I broke my leg."

Several girls gathered around Mianmian, and started making love together.

Lan Wangji withdrew his gaze and turned back.

Jiang Cheng said: "Second Young Master Lan, where are you going? That monster is still guarding the black pool."

Lan Wangji said: "Go back to the pool. There is a way to leave."

When I heard that there was a way to leave, even the crying stopped suddenly. Wei Wuxian asked, "What can we do?"

Lan Wangji said: "There are maple leaves in the pond."

This statement sounded inexplicable at first, but Wei Wuxian was immediately enlightened.

There were indeed a few maple leaves floating in the black pool where the monster beast was entrenched. But there are no maple trees in the cave, and there are no traces of people there. There are only banyan trees near the entrance of the cave. The maple leaves are as bright red as fire, very fresh. When they went up the mountain, they also saw the maple flowing with the water in a stream.

Jiang Cheng also understood and said: "There is probably a hole at the bottom of the black pool that is connected to the water source from the outside. This is why the maple leaves in the mountain forest and stream were brought in."

One person timidly said: "But...how do we know whether this hole is big enough for someone to get out? What if it is small, what if it is just a crack?"

Jin Zixuan frowned and said, "And that monster is still staying in the black pool and refuses to come out."

Wei Wuxian pulled up his clothes and kept fanning the wounds under his clothes with one hand, saying, "It's better to move if you have some hope than to just sit and wait for your parents to come to save you. So what if it's guarding the Black Pool?" It just leads to it."

After some discussion, half an hour later, a group of disciples from aristocratic families returned the same way.

They hid in the cave and secretly watched the monster.

Most of its body is still soaked in the black pool. A long snake body protruded from the turtle shell, came to the shore, opened and closed its fangs, gently bit the body, then shrunk its neck, and dragged it into the black hole of its fortress-like turtle shell, as if to slumber inside. Enjoy.

Wei Wuxian threw a torch and smashed it into a corner of the cave.

This movement was extremely exaggerated in the dead silence of the ground, and the monster's head immediately emerged from the turtle shell again. His pupils were narrow, reflecting the dancing and burning torch. He was instinctively attracted to the glowing and hot things, and he slowly stretched his neck towards it.

Behind it, Jiang Cheng quietly dived into the water.

The Yunmeng Jiang family lives by the water, and the water quality of the family's children is only one in a hundred. When Jiang Cheng enters the water, the ripples disappear, and there are not even a few water waves to be seen. Everyone stared closely at the water, glancing at the monster from time to time. I saw the huge black snake head hesitatingly circling around the torch, looking like it couldn't get enough, which made my heart become more and more tense.

Suddenly, it seemed to make up its mind to learn about this thing, and put its nose up to it. But it was slightly burned by the hot flame.

The monster's neck immediately flicked back, sprayed out two jets of angry steam from its nostrils, and extinguished the torch.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng surfaced and took a deep breath. The demonic beast realized that its territory was being invaded. It tossed its head and turned towards Jiang Cheng.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Wei Wuxian bit his finger, quickly scrawled a few lines on his palm, rushed out of the hole, and slapped the ground with his palm. The palm of his hand left the ground, and a ball of flame that was as tall as a person suddenly jumped up!

The monster was startled and turned back to look this way. Jiang Cheng took the opportunity to go ashore and shouted: "There is a hole at the bottom of the pool, it's not small!"

Wei WuXian asked, "How small is not small?"

Jiang Cheng said: "I can pass five or six at a time!"

Wei Wuxian shouted: "Everyone, listen up, follow Jiang Cheng closely, enter the water and get out of the cave. Take the uninjured ones with the injured ones who can swim, and take the ones that can't swim. No one can get through five or six at a time! Now, Get in the water!"

After saying that, the flames that shot up into the sky gradually extinguished. He took a dozen steps back in the other direction, struck the ground with his palm again, and another burst of earthly fire exploded. The monster's big golden eyes were reflected red by the flames, and it burned like crazy. It moved its four claws, dragging its body as heavy as a mountain, and crawled towards this side.

Jiang Cheng said angrily: "What are you doing?!"

Wei Wuxian said, "What are you doing?! Leading people into the water!"

He has successfully led the monster from the water to the shore. If he doesn't leave now, he will wait until later! Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, come here. Those who can swim by themselves stand on the left, and those who can't stand on the right!"

Wei Wuxian was observing the terrain while drawing fire and retreating. Suddenly, there was a sudden pain in my arm. When I looked down, I saw that I had been hit by an arrow. It turned out that the disciple of the Lan family who had been glared at by Lan Wangji just now picked up a bow and arrow discarded by the Wen family and shot an arrow at the monster. But maybe because he saw it's ferocious appearance and nimble movements, he became flustered and his hands were unsteady, so the arrow missed his target and hit him. Wei Wuxian had no time to pull it out, so he slapped the ground with his palm again, causing flames and then cursed: "Back off!! Don't cause trouble for me!"

The disciple originally wanted to hit the vital part of the monster with an arrow and save a little face, but unexpectedly it turned out like this. His face became paler, and he threw himself into the water and ran away. Jiang Cheng urged: "Come here quickly!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Come right away!"

Jiang Cheng also had three children from aristocratic families who didn't know how to swim. This was almost the last batch. He couldn't delay, so he had to go into the water first. Wei Wuxian pulled out the arrow. After pulling it out, he suddenly thought: "This is not good!"

The smell of blood greatly stimulated the monster. Its neck suddenly grew longer and its fangs opened wide!

Before Wei Wuxian could think of a countermeasure, he turned aside and was sent away with a palm.

Lan Wangji pushed him away.

The monster's upper and lower jaws closed together and bit his right leg.

Just looking at it made Wei Wuxian's right leg hurt, but Lan Wangji remained expressionless, only frowning slightly. Then, he was immediately dragged back!

With the size of this monster and the bite force of its fangs, it can easily bite a person in half. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to like eating broken pieces. After it bites a person, whether dead or alive, it will retract into its shell, drag it in and enjoy it slowly. Otherwise, as long as it exerts a little force with its teeth, Lan Wangji's leg will be broken directly. This tortoise shell is extremely hard and invulnerable to swords. Once it takes Lan Wangji in, I'm afraid he will never be able to get it out again!

Wei Wuxian ran wildly, and before the beast's head could retract, he swooped down and grabbed a fang on its upper jaw.

Originally, his strength could not compete with this monster, but his life was at stake, and a burst of inhuman terrifying power actually broke out. He put his feet against the monster's turtle shell, and held the tooth tightly with both hands, like a thorn, stuck there, preventing it from shrinking in and preventing it from having a chance to enjoy this delicious meal.

Lan Wangji didn't expect that he could catch up in this situation, and was extremely shocked.

Wei Wuxian was afraid that the monsters would go crazy and either eat them alive or bite off one of Lan Wangji's legs. He continued to hold the upper fangs with his right hand and the lower fangs with his left hand. He used both hands to exert force in opposite directions at the same time. He exerted so much force that he was about to die, and the veins on his forehead were almost bursting, and his face was blood red.

Those two sets of sharp teeth penetrated deeply into Lan Wangji's flesh and bones, and they were actually forced to gradually open his teeth!

His teeth could no longer bite the prey, and Lan Wangji fell into the pool. Seeing that he was out of danger, Wei Wuxian's strength that was like a god's upper body suddenly disappeared, and he could no longer support the monster's upper and lower jaws. He suddenly let go, and the two rows of protruding fangs bite fiercely, making a huge sound like cracking gold and stone. ring!

Wei Wuxian also fell into the water and landed next to Lan Wangji. He flipped over and adjusted his posture, grabbed Lan Wangji, paddled with one hand, and swam several feet in an instant, creating a long and beautiful huge wave in the pool, rolling it onto the shore, and carried Lan Wangji away. Throw it on your back and run away.

Lan Wangji blurted out: "You?"

Wei Wuxian said, "It's me! What a surprise!"

Lan Wangji crouched behind him, with a rare and obvious fluctuation in his tone: "Why are you so happy?! Let me down!"

Wei Wuxian kept talking as he ran for his life, saying, "If you let me go, wouldn't I be very embarrassed?"

The roar of the monster behind him shook their eardrums and chests, and they both felt a burst of blood rush into their throats and noses. Wei Wuxian hurriedly shut up and concentrated on escaping. In order to prevent the angry beast from catching up, he specially drilled into narrow tunnels that the turtle shell could not fit into. I ran for an unknown amount of time without taking a breath, until I couldn't hear any sound anymore, and then I slowed down.

His heartstrings relaxed, his speed slowed down, and Wei Wuxian smelled a smell of blood. When I touched it with my backhand, my right hand was wet and red.

Wei Wuxian thought to himself, "It's going to be worse. Lan Zhan's injuries have doubled and worsened."