
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Ch 02: Trial and Error

After thinking for a while, I head out and step into the bright sunlight. Hopefully this time, I won't be murdered. I navigate the city with the help of my memories. I go to the bank and check my bank account only to find a pitiful amount of 50000 yen.

I didn't expect much since this body was just getting by but it was lesser than expected. Well I just have to increase it and what better than to just ask people.

I wanted to test my ability and this was a good opportunity. I walk around trying to pick a target and I find one seemingly average Japanese salaryman. He looked exhausted and worked to death. His expression also told me that his life is not much fun.

So I walk up to him and say,"Hello there."

"Huh?" he lifts his head to look at me.

"Listen,you feel happy to help me. You want to help me so give me all your bank info or better yet send me your money. After doing so, you will forget me and this encounter and instead will remember sending money to help a sick man. You will feel good about yourself."

His eyes glaze over for a second and then with a happy smile he transfers all his money to my account. Once he is done, he goes away all the while smiling like the buffon he is.

I look at my account and find an additional 150000 yen. It's not much but still better than nothing. Practice makes perfect, I get the hang of it as I keep doing it and it gets easier every time.

My next few victims were easy, all I had to do was walk up to them and say,"Excuse me Sir/Madam, would you be kind enough to give me your money. I am sure you feel happy at the thought of doing so."

And then they go like,"Sure thing. Here you go."

I do the same thing a few more times on unsuspecting victims and soon I find myself becoming 1 million yen richer. I don't take all their money but still take a decent chunk of their savings. It is a bit humiliating to do this as it feels like begging but it is necessary till I become more proficient in using my ability. That's the reason I am using it on only one person at a time.

I also make sure to have my victims forget the encounter and then replace it with something else. I do this to avoid any trace back to me. After testing my control, I found out that I can't modify memories, at least not outright but I can place a sort of mental block on them and then build up new memories from there. I also make sure to add something like 'you are happy to serve me' or ' my orders give you pleasure' because if they are not resisting, the control is more thorough and they do their work more efficiently. Besides, they leave happily and make me happy.

My ability is pretty versatile and I am only limited by my imagination but I can't just only rely on it. As I don't want to remain a glass cannon, I decided to learn some basic hand to hand combat or martial arts and also how to handle a gun because a gun can get rid of most people here. There are people who can shrug bullets off but I was learning to do this so that I could not be totally helpless if faced with a situation where my mind control doesn't work.

But since the laws on guns here are harsh, I can only wait till I have some connections in the black market or so.

I can still learn martial arts so after a quick search on the internet, I found one in my city that is Musutafu City. It was called Miyagi's Dojo which is just hilarious but it seemed to have good ratings which I didn't care about but I joined it anyway.

Now you might think that martial arts don't seem that useful in a world full of superpowers but you are wrong. Just look at the man with a sore throat in a halloween costume aka Batman and tell me that again.

With my newly acquired money, I get some major improvements for my house, mainly a PC with functional internet. I am disappointed looking at all the shit games and hero-villain novels. Now I know the price of coming here i.e. my entertainment. All the anime, games, books and tv shows are gone.

And thus feeling bored I surf through the internet to determine the timeline. I find some articles saying how All Might is the strongest and reasons for his less appearance time and some other news about villains and all. I searched for U.A students and none of them were people I recognized.

With this I can conclude that I am before canon. I tried finding things about All might and all I could find was his history as a hero and how he rose to his current place as the no. 1 hero. It was interesting to read to say the least but it got boring fast. I browsed more about current rankings and top 10s because who doesn't like viewing stats.

Still bored out of mind, I once again went out and did a shopping spree. I got myself a suit, A John Wick suit to be specific and man did I rock it.

This time I used my ability on more than one person and it was still the same. All of them listened to my orders and followed them. I didn't feel any strain or anything of that sort so that means my ability is not nerfed which is good.

Now since I am before canon, I have some time to train and hone my abilities which I will definitely be doing. Also now that I think about it, I could just walk up to Izuku after he gets one for all and ask him to pass it onto me but there are several reasons I can't or won't do that.

One, I am wary of one for all or more specifically it's previous holder's wills. In canon, Izuku resisted Shinshou's brainwashing because of one for all predecessors helping him.

Two, I don't know how it works or the conditions required to pass it on. I think that it has to be given willingly because it wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Also if the previous users of one for all are alive in some sort of force ghost way then I might get rejected by the quirk if I take it by force which will then lead to all sorts of complications.

So one for all for now is a no.

Hmmm. I also don't know when exactly I am in before canon so I have to first learn about that. I don't remember the exact dates of when things happened because I didn't pay much attention when I was watching the show. But hey, it's not like I was expecting that info to be useful.

So the only way that I can think of to find when I am is to look at any of the future students of U.A. I know that Izuku was around 15 or 16 when he tried for U.A and he met all might a year or at least a few months before that.

Assuming that all the others are around Izuku's age, I might be able to determine the timeline roughly.

But now I need to get some sleep in and then try locating the characters. Only then will I be able to plan accordingly and well execute them without too many obstacles.


[Author- Here's the second chapter.

Anyway thanks for reading this and since you can't vote for now, you could consider leaving a review or even a comment. I will be very pleased to receive any form of feedback.

See you guys next chapter]