
The Master (A MHA Fanfic){DROPPED}

A budding psychopath dies in a mugging gone wrong and floats in limbo for a long time. After a fortuitous encounter with an unknown entity, he gets the chance to reincarnate in a world with a power. Now thrown in a world full of superpowers with the power to control minds, he sets on an epic journey of world conquest for fun and proceeds to create a new faction thus becoming the greatest villain the world has ever known. Disclaimer: I don't own My hero Academia as it is already owned by Kohei Horikoshi. Also I don't own Marvel and the cover that I am using. Note: This is my first story ever and my spoken language is not English. Constructive criticism appreciated. Thank you for reading this. Also posting on royalroad.

Klazy_Labbit · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Abilities and stats

Auxilary chapter explaining some of Mc's abilities. Information taken from Marvel wiki and powerlisting wiki. I have modified it slightly to aptly describe Mc's ability.

MC's ability:

Mind control: The power to control the minds of others. Sub-power of Mental Manipulation.

CapabilitiesUser can control the minds of others with targets being completely subject to their mental control. If the victims were placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under its effect.


1. Command Inducement:The user can command other beings by giving them orders to do their bidding no matter what the victim thinks or feels

2. Persuasion: The user can compel people by speaking, the victims are unable to disobey; the seemingly cogent commandment is far too compelling. At high level, user can persuade people into hurting/killing themselves or even flip around sense of logic, but can never cause victims to achieve what they are not capable of (ex. Flight).

3. Mental Inducement: User is able to cause the target's mind/brain to go into a desired state, causing short-term change in emotions, sensations, memories, etc. The exact length of the effect depends on both the user's skill and power and the target's mental state.

4. Mental implantation: User can implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into the minds of others in order to manipulate them. They are able to make a person do anything they desire.


1. Convinced Inevitability: The user can convince other people into action or inaction, giving up their own counter-arguments no matter how factual or preposterous the argument they give. Whether the reason given actually manifests as true or not depends on the user.

For example, when a person wishes to go on a quest and their friends wish to join them, the user could simply say "(they) must do this alone", everybody immediately giving up their counterargument as a result.


1. Hypnosis: The user can affect or directly influence other people's minds to their commands.


1. May be limited to a certain range to work

2. May be weakened/ineffective against a target which doesn't have a mind or has low intelligence.

3. May wear off over time if not reinforced.

4. May not be able to remove implanted information, but can suppress or nullify them by implanting other information instead.

5.Users of Control Immunity are immune.

6. Users of Indomitable Will are highly resistant.

7. Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).

8. Can be negated by Control Negation.

The ability that the Mc in this fic is the viral kind that Kilgrave, the villain, from Marvel's Jessica Jones has.

Kilgrave's Mind Control: Kilgrave had the ability to control another person's mind through literal verbal commands and make them completely obedient to him, thanks to a virus that he emits through microparticles in the air. His power was revealed to be a side-effect of the viral treatment used to cure his childhood degenerative disease. His ability is always active as he cannot stop his body from producing the virus and anyone within his immediate proximity is affected but don't realize it until he issues a command. The nature of Kilgrave's viral mind control required him to be physically present for his commands to have an immediate effect. Speaking over a phone or through a physical barrier like a sealed room did not enthrall his victim. Once his thrall left his vicinity Kilgrave's power had a time limit of ten to twelve hours before the victim began to regain his or her own will unless he reestablished control before the time limit was up. Until the time limit was up, the victims would continue to follow Kilgrave's commands unless he interrupted them and gave them a different order to follow.

When under Kilgrave's control people would do anything he commanded to the best of their ability, even working non-stop to the point of passing out and forgoing using the bathroom or eating in favor of following his commands.

His thralls seemed overwhelmed with anxiety and panic when unable to carry out Kilgrave's wishes, feeling they "have to" do as he instructs. Kilgrave's thralls must fulfill his words specifically, which can leave them open to interpretation.

Kilgrave's thralls remain under his control when he is sleeping or unconscious but certain anesthetics such as propofol or sufentanil shut down the bodily functions necessary to keep others under his control.

If a person suffered a significantly traumatic event while under Kilgrave's control it was possible for them to break free of it and become immune to the virus and its mind control effect.

Kilgrave could only determine if someone was under his thrall by observing them obeying his commands.
