
The Masked Oath

When Casimir's mother was killed before he could even count, his life took a turn for the worst. His early maturity was not a choice and neither was honing his sharp mind especially when being an orphan in an unforgiving world at such an age, was a death sentence. But against whatever odds pitted against him Casimir made it to the age of awakening mostly intact, that is if you chose to ignore his mental capabilities. Despite the early misfortune, his already dark fate would take another defining turn when he would awaken with a dreadful and terrible origin.

Croppedtrolley · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Oscar Mario

It took Casimir two months to find out he was not as talented with a spear as he was with a sword. His schedule did not change much and he performed sufficiently enough to log in first And second across all rankings he was eligible for. For the most part, their lessons were simple and their physicals were yet to include any field tasks however that would change after two months. he had already begun to fill his core from the resources he received for his performances.

Of course, he had made some acquaintances along the way. Although his being an orphan did obstruct his chances of making friends in the first month, his performances did little to add to that. Quite the opposite happened. Him being as good as he was, to some extent, made others look past him being an orphan. But that wasn't enough to completely have people disregard his status. he didn't mind the list the better.

Casimir was currently training with one of the said acquaintances during their personal sessions. A young man named Oscar Mario who was a gifted fighter and relatively intelligent was one of the three acquaintances Casimir had made. Out of the four, he was the most remarkable. Along with the others they became acquainted after finding out they had been drafted into the same squad for their field assignments that would be beginning very soon. Casimir had reservations about whether it was safe to have sixteen and seventeen-year-olds thrust into subjugation assignments so early on. But then again those before them didn't have the luxury of waiting to get ready or old enough before having to fight terrors that crawled from out of the abyss.

Oscar was as tall as Casimir and just as lean. He had short black hair and deep blue eyes that went really well with his fair skin. Overall, he was handsome. Aside from being handsome, he was also a fiery character. He was competitive and not as laid back and also somewhat impulsive. Usually, that would put off Casimir but during his time here in the military, he had somewhat lost his sense of self that he once held onto for reasons even he was trying to remember. Maybe it was strange that he didn't know but what he did know was that they were getting along just fine and he hoped it would stay that way.

"What's the matter you're not yourself are you nervous about the field assignments?"

Casimir levelled a silent gaze towards Oscar. Perhaps in his mind, he judged too quickly

"Going silent on me again… I don't think I'd ever get used to that."

Oscar replied with a sigh. During their interactions Oscar realised that his odd sparring partner did not say much, he kept himself. Whatever went on in his mind was a mystery for all but Casimir himself to ponder. Oscar brandished his spear and went again this time with a vertical slash. Out of all the cadets Casimir undoubtedly had the best footwork. Oscar always wondered how and since they had all begun at the same time it didn't make sense. Considering he was an orphan he definitely did not receive any private training so Oscar relegated it to him being very talented. The vertical slash found no purchase as Casimir sidestepped and thrust the butt of his spear towards Oscar. Fortunately, Oscar had enough time to dodge and dodge he did however that seemed to be exactly what Casimir was looking for. He swept the shaft of his spear across, finding purchase on the young man's abdomen. Oscar collapsed onto the floor and looked up to find the shaft of a very familiar spear coming down towards his head.

Although he didn't expect the outcome to be any different from the usual it did dishearten him that he hadn't gotten close but rather fell for another trap. The shaft stopped short of his head and Casimir offered his arm towards Oscar

"Well done I think we can call it today. You're improving much like myself but I think the problem you have is you fight too much in the now and your moves are reactionary, if you want to win a fight then make your opponent fight your fight, don't fight his that is the problem you have."

"Jeez, thanks I didn't know, who would have thought."

Casimir wasn't offended by Oscar's sarcasm. He knew how hard his peer worked so he would allow him to feel frustrated especially when pitted against himself who by normal standards had an uncanny knack for fighting. Maybe it was because of his mother's background but that didn't matter to him he couldn't care less. Oscar took Casimir's hand and rose to his feet. After discussing a little bit about their ether management, Oscar bid Casimir farewell and left the training hall. Casimir looked around and found himself alone again bar the obvious watchful eyes of those that sat behind the cameras. Up until a month ago, their training had been monitored by their officers but when they finally got the hang of it training became their responsibility.

Casimir put his spear down and stood quietly within the space. After a deep breath, he began to dance the same dance that he had seen the Obsidian knight dance. For two months he was still trying to find the purpose of the initial stages of the dance the initial stages of the dance and what they served to achieve in an actual fight. When put together, yes, the dance made sense but alone it was just chaos. He continued the dance and reached the marvelous climax and with the horizontal slash of an imaginary sword he stopped. But instead of being pleased with his impeccable form, he sighed in frustration.

"If I can't understand this then how will this be useful to me? All I know is just one final horizontal slash after struggling with what looks like confused footwork. I doubt it's to fool the enemy because you're much more aesthetically pleasing ways to do that given how beautiful the climax of the sword dance is so saying the chaos serves the purpose of confusion is not a strong enough argument… I'm tired"

He picked up his spear and made his way out of the trading hall, he was exhausted and frustrated and maybe rest was a solution to all his troubles.