
The marvelous devourer

The devourer returns to swallow all those who have wronged him. My patreon Link, Please check it out https://www.p.atreon.com/user?u=40945542&fan_landing=true. TEST FANFIC

ReaperDZero · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 25: Adamant emperor spirit root

Ling Tian looked at the place Jiang Zhentian vanished from , then stood there silent for a moment.

Suddenly he felt suffocating feeling and a weird type of emotion he had never felt.


Ling Tian's Ki flared up violently and his face was contorted in anger.

" Dammit, I hate this damn feeling! Urghh!!! " Ling Tian was feeling very agitated and uneasy ever since Jiang Zhentian told him what happened to his predecessor.

His Saiyan blood was boiling in rage and he could feel the aura it's emitting, since it was affecting his mind.

When Ling Tian said that he didn't want revenge to Jiang Zhentian, his Saiyan blood started revolting against his will, to express its displeasure to his decision.

" Kukhh.... Hnghh... Oh Fine!!! I'll get the damn revenge when I get strong enough. You happy now?!" Ling Tian shouted.

But his body still continued to ache because, his blood was flowing inside his body at an extremely quick rate. If it was a human or any other race with average physique, they would have long have their body explode and die a painful death.

It took an entire two hours for his raging Saiyan blood to calm.

Ling Tian was laying on the red ground fully covered in sweat, which had slowly wiped away the bloodstains on his bare upper body that was caused by his fight against Jiang Zhentian.

" Dammit!! Does my Saiyan bloodline have it's own consciousness?! There was no such thing in anime, manga and even those exaggerated fan fictions!!.... Fu*k!! Why is my luck so rotten?!" Ling Tian was cursing his own fate, as always.

Ling Tian raised his head and looked at the blood red sky and tears started streaming down from his eyes.

" All I did was, make a wish to become a Saiyan when I was given the chance, so that I could fulfil my imaginary dream. Why did a single wish get me into all the troubles I went through and all the trouble that's about to come?"

" Hm?" Ling Tian suddenly realized that he was still holding on to the Divine rank Spirit Root inheritance, that was handed to him by Jiang Zhentian.

Ling Tian's eyes shone with bright light when he noticed the crystal in his hand.

" Haha, If what little Zhentian said is true, then if I successfully integrate with this Spirit root inheritance, my cultivation will reach the peak of Spirit Refinement Realm. If I reach Spirit Refinement Realm, I'll get my System back. After that, it shouldn't be too difficult to get out of this place. Even the revenge for my predecessor is not a distant dream, if I have the system." Ling Tian mumbled with an excited smile on his face.

" Now then, how do integrate with this crystal?"

The crystal was already in his hand so, Ling Tian didn't find the need to hold it again. But nothing happened.

" Ah, if I remember correctly, I should place my hand on top it."

Ling Tian thought as he placed his palm on the head of the crystal. He stood there like that for five minutes, but.....

" Nothing's happening! Did that guy fool me? ... No, there shouldn't be any reason for him to fool me."

Ling Tian was getting impatient. He waited for ten more minutes, but nothing happened. The shining crystal still in his hand without any changes.

Suddenly a thought came to Ling Tian's mind.

Ling Tian used his soul to sense inside the crystal while using his spirit energy to connect to the crystal.

The crystal started to shine even more than it already was, as it started to emit a rainbow like light and the light covered Ling Tian.

Ling Tian felt something invade his sea of consciousness. When he searched for what it was that invaded his sea of consciousness, he saw a white light condensing on the depths of his sea of consciousness. It was the same light that is being emitted by the Spirit root inheritance crystal.

Ling Tian knew that a new spirit root is being formed within his sea of consciousness.

His body started to be filled with spirit energy and he felt every part of his body being refined by spirit energy. His cultivation base started increase which was followed by continuous breakthroughs.

Initial 7th level Body Refinement Realm....

Mid 7th level Body Refinement Realm....

Late 7th level Body Refinement Realm....

Peak 7th level Body Refinement Realm....

Initial 8th level Body Refinement Realm....

Mid 8th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Ling Tian's consecutive breakthroughs stopped at mid stage 8th level Body Refinement Realm. Ling Tian waited patiently for 5 minutes, but the breakthroughs in his cultivation didn't continue.

" That's it?" Ling Tian was confused and was starting to get worried.

" Come on. Don't let me down. All my hopes are on you, my new spirit root." Ling Tian said a bit expectantly.

If anyone sees the breakthroughs of Ling Tian and hears Ling Tian's dissatisfaction, they would probably go mad from rage. After all, Ling Tian has no cultivation technique at the moment.(Although he has memorized all of the manuals in the Martial arts Library, he is too stupid to realize that he could use those spirit techniques to have better result in this situation.)

And on top of it all, Ling Tian has no idea on how he is achieving breakthroughs in his Spirit Energy Cultivation. Basically, the breakthroughs he has achieved so far is the result of extremely condensed Spirit energy entering his body at once and refining his body, at the same time, eradicating impurities within his body.

If it was a human who was going through the same way of breaking through in cultivation, his/her body would have been ruined by the immense potency of such extremely condensed spirit energy. But Ling Tian is lucky to have the physique of a Saiyan. This process not only helps him breakthrough in his spirit energy cultivation, but also strengthens his foundation to an almost impossible level.

One could even say that, Ling Tian is an ignorant fool, who doesn't even realise the blessings he has.

Ling Tian, depressed, inspected his sea of consciousness and saw that the new spirit root has started to form a definite shape. The white light was condensing at a faster rate.

Ling Tian didn't realize that the shining crystal in his hand had vanished, or rather vaporized.

After half of an hour.

The spirit root had finally completely formed. It's structure was just like his other spirit root, but this one had no definite colour and had a crystalline structure with rainbow coloured shine on them, unlike his ice attribute Spirit root, which has a similar crystalline structure, but icy blue in colour.

" What is the attribute of this spirit root?" Ling Tian observed his newly formed spirit root, trying to figure out what it's attribute was. He was sure that his new spirit root has an attribute.

After observing for a bit, Ling Tian came to a realization.

" Diamond?!"

Indeed, after observing the spirit root, Ling Tian found that it's structure was just like diamond from his past life.

Ling Tian was very familiar with diamonds, because in his past life on earth, he had worked part-time in a jewellery Store for two years in order to earn something while studying.

" To think the attribute of my new spirit root would be diamond, or rather, I guess I should call it adamant, since it looks more purer than the diamonds in my past life." Ling Tian said with a smile as he observed the newly formed spirit root.

" I've decided. I'll call my new spirit root, 'Adamant Emperor Spirit Root'." Ling Tian said as he nodded his head twice in satisfaction.

" Indeed. A perfect name for a Spirit root of mine. I was kinda annoyed that I couldn't name my other two spirit roots since they already had names(Glazed Ice Spirit Root and Nine Sun Fire Spirit Root). Now I'm satisfied."

Suddenly his 'Adamant Emperor Spirit Root' started to release a large amount of spirit energy and overload Ling Tian's body with spirit energy.

" ?! " Ling Tian was startled by this phenomenon.

Ling Tian didn't have the cultivation of Foundation Establishment Realm. So he couldn't store the spirit energy, since his dantian hasn't been established.

Ling Tian felt bloated with spirit energy and the black vortex within his soul which had ceased it's activities sometime ago, started to show some signs of activity. However, this was completely unnoticed by Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's cultivation base started breakthrough the limits.

Late 8th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Peak 8th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Initial 9th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Mid 9th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Ling Tian was elated at his sudden consecutive breakthroughs in spirit energy cultivation. He suddenly remembered what Jiang Zhentian said. " If you completely integrate with the spirit root inheritance, your cultivation level will increase by leaps and bounds. You reaching the peak of Spirit Refinement Realm is the minimum. As for maximum, I've got no idea."

Ling Tian's cultivation continued to increase at an inhuman speed.

Late 9th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Peak 9th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Initial 10th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Mid 10th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Late 10th level Body Refinement Realm.....

Peak 10th level Body Refinement Realm...

His breakthroughs finally stopped at the peak 10th level Body Refinement Realm. The overflowing spirit energy within Ling Tian's body was also used up. But Ling Tian.....

" Go on! Don't stop now. Just one more. Just~ one~ more~"

Ling Tian was standing there with a face full of expectation. But unfortunately for him, there was no further breakthroughs for the time being.