
The marvelous devourer

The devourer returns to swallow all those who have wronged him. My patreon Link, Please check it out https://www.p.atreon.com/user?u=40945542&fan_landing=true. TEST FANFIC

ReaperDZero · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 24: Past

( I am gonna try to do a something where he will experience, having all of which that happened to him. Anyways Enjoy. Also please check out my other book called: Marvel multiversal Gourmet restaurant.)

Jiang Zhentian was shocked to see such an expression on Ling Tian's face.

From the moment Jiang Zhentian met him, Ling Tian always had an easygoing attitude, even when he was beaten up by Jiang Zhentian at the beginning. He never showed any anger or hate towards Jiang Zhentian.

But now, although there is no hate, Jiang Zhentian can feel Ling Tian's anger.

" Ok, kid. Listen, even if I'm pursuing her, she is already in love with you, so I basically have no chance." Jiang Zhentian said as he sighed a bit depressed.

" I see, then there's no problem." Ling Tian said with a smile as he dispersed the energy ball. He then saw that Jiang Zhentian was depressed, so felt that he should at least console him.

" Don't worry about it, little Zhentian. I'm sure you'll meet a girl who is perfect for you." Ling Tian said with a kind smile.

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian, who was smiling at him. For some reason, he got pissed seeing Ling Tian's smile.

" Are you consoling me, or mocking me? And who the hell are you calling little Zhentian?!" Asked Jiang Zhentian in an irritated tone.

" Don't care about small stuff." Ling Tian simply dismissed him.

" Of course it does-" Jiang Zhentian couldn't complete his words as he was interrupted by Ling Tian.

" Wait a second. Didn't you tell me, you were trapped here for thousands of years?" Ling Tian asked in suspicion as soon as he thought of it.

" Yeah, what about it?" Jiang Zhentian asked.

" If you're stuck in here for all this time, then how did you pursue one of my fiancée? If The so called clone technique of yours is similar to the one(shadow clone jutsu) I know of, then you shouldn't have any connection to your real body, since you have your own personality." Ling Tian said while he demanded an answer from Jiang Zhentian.

" I'm surprised you could figure out this much about the soul clone technique. Well I've been stuck for about four thousand years." Jiang Zhentian simply replied.

" Four thousand years?! What the hell?! Then how the fu*k do I have five fiancés from four thousand years ago?! I'm not even sixteen yet. And you think I'll believe such nonsense?!" Ling Tian was pissed. The thoughts he had about his 'fiancés' were instantly shattered.

Jiang Zhentian was confused as to why Ling Tian got angry all of a sudden. He suddenly remembered something, then wryly smiled.

" Ah.... I completely forgot that you don't know anything about your past. Well, although I'm not allowed to say much about your past to you according to the agreement your grandfather made with me. A little bit shouldn't be a problem I guess." Jiang Zhentian said to Ling Tian after he thought for a bit.

" My past?" Ling Tian was startled as well as feeling a bit hesitant.

" Kid, don't lose control of your emotions after you hear what I say." Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian seriously and said.

Ling Tian simply nodded to that.

" Well, first is that you were actually born four thousand years ago." Jiang Zhentian said.

" What?!!"

Ling Tian, no matter how calm he was. He wasn't prepared to hear such a thing.

" Don't interrupt. First, listen to what I say, then you can say whatever you want." Jiang Zhentian said to Ling Tian.

Ling Tian didn't say anything, just stayed silent. Paying all his attention on Jiang Zhentian.

" Nn. You're one of the five Princes of Ixion, the world of Saiyans." Jiang Zhentian said.

" Huh? Ixion? Isn't the world of Saiyans called Ixcerion." Ling Tian couldn't help but ask.

Ling Tian, himself had gone to Ixcerion and even met the ancient Saiyans. Although he was merely a thought at that time.

" You keep surprising me more and more. You are half correct and half wrong. No one knows whether Ixcerion exists or not. It is only considered as a myth among all the Saiyans. In the God's realm, the world, Saiyans reside is named Ixion." Jiang Zhentian said as he looked at Ling Tian in a new light, since he knew of Ixcerion's myth."

" You are Rayne Ashbringer. The First Prince of the Royal Ashbringer Family of Saiyan race. You were born along with two more Saiyans. Three Saiyans born at the same time, with same father and different mothers. And the most terrifying fact is that all three newborn Saiyans had the 'All Seeing Endless Eye', which was never seen for billions of years. Other than founding Saiyan, Saiga Ashbringer, no other Saiyans , not even your grandfather, who is the strongest Saiyan to have ever existed, other than Saiga Ashbringer, had access to the 'All Seeing Endless Eye' that is exclusive only to Saiyans."

Ling Tian was shocked by the information given to him by Jiang Zhentian. But what shocked him more was that he heard the name Saiga. And he was shocked by hearing the last name of Saiga, that is Ashbringer.

Now Ling Tian has confirmed that he is indeed 'Rayne Ashbringer'.

At this point, why wouldn't he acknowledge it. He has heard from one of his ancestors, Raiga himself that Ling Tian or rather Rayne Ashbringer is the descendant of Saiga Ashbringer.

Ling Tian remembers Raiga once uttering 'All Seeing Endless Eye!! Open!!' and his eyes turning starry white. Ling Tian still remember how terrifying it felt when Raiga looked at him with those eyes.

Ling Tian shivered at the very thought of Raiga's gaze.

" So, what about my parents? And what about those brothers of mine?" Ling Tian shook off his thoughts about Raiga and asked Jiang Zhentian about his family.

" About that, according to the agreement between me and your grandfather, I'm not allowed to talk to you about it." Jiang Zhentian said with an apologizing expression.

" I see. So if I was born four thousand years ago, what am I doing in this timeline? Why am I not in God's realm? Most importantly, why am I only 15 years in age when I was born four thousand years ago?!" Ling Tian asked with a maddened tone. He wanted a clear answer, otherwise, he felt that he might lose control of himself.

Jiang Zhentian looked like he was hesitating whether to reveal something. He then sighed and looked at Ling Tian who had a serious look.

" *sigh* You are the most special among all the Saiyans. Not even your monstrous brothers who were born at the same time as you, could compare to you." Jiang Zhentian said.

" What do you mean?" Ling Tian was confused.

Jiang Zhentian continued, " You were a natural born God. A child born with God rank spirit root that had affinity to one of the three origin forces, the Chaotic Force . A child born with a God spark. The moment you were born you had a conscious mind that even God Kings couldn't compete with. You were born with a cultivation of 1st level Celestial Transformation Realm. Only your body was your weakness. Yet your body was comparable to that of a newborn Dragon God. And with All Seeing Endless Eye in your disposal, you were simply an existence , whose talent and potential surpassed everything that has ever existed."

Ling Tian was speechless and extremely confused. " But then, why am I -"

" Since you were born with such talent. Obviously there were people that didn't want you to live. So, there was this time when both your father and mother had to go to an extremely dangerous place to save the lives of thousands of Saiyans trapped there. So they left you with a certain couple they trusted..... Hmph, but that's where your tragedy began." Jiang Zhentian said. When he said the last part, there was anger and frustration in his voice.

Ling Tian only silently sighed internally without saying anything when he saw Jiang Zhentian's face contorted in anger.

" So kid, do you want to know what happened to you, that brought you to this state you're in?" Jiang Zhentian asked with a serious look.

Ling Tian simply nodded and didn't speak anything. Or rather, he didn't know what to say.

" After your Parents energy signature vanished from the Saiyan Ancestral Tablet. The bastard couple that you were entrusted to, plucked out your 'All Seeing Endless Eye', stole your God rank spirit root and God spark. They didn't even spare the God Essence within your body and soul. It was a miracle that you were still alive after losing everything. And it was probably thanks to the fact that you were a natural born god. Even with that you would have still died if you were left like that." Jiang Zhentian said with an emotionless tone.

Absolute Silence.

The entire waste was completely silent for an entire minute.

Ling Tian was absolutely shocked with everything he just heard. He simply couldn't believe that his predecessor actually had suffered such as tragic fate. Ling Tian felt his heart tighten and he was feeling extremely uncomfortable. Ling Tian hated this feeling.

" Wait! Why didn't my gra-" Ling Tian wasn't able to complete his question before it was answered by Jiang Zhentian.

" You're wondering why your grandfather didn't try to save you?.... It's simple, his true body is trapped in an Eternal God killing array. If he could, he would have personally come and took you away from those traitorous couple. He can only create a soul clone at the level of Nirvana Rebirth Realm. Still he somehow managed to come only to find you in a dying condition. So he used his Life bound Artifact 'Dragon Immortal's Coffin' to seal you within it, so that you could have a 'Spirit Rebirth' and will be able to live again. And that was probably why you were sealed in the coffin for four thousand years in an infant state."

Ling Tian was stunned and silent again. No words came to his mind.

" So, Rayne Ashbringer. Do you still not want to come to God's realm?" Jiang Zhentian's voice brought Ling Tian out of his thoughts.

Ling Tian looked at Jiang Zhentian who was looking at him seriously, then thought for a moment. His expression became firm and resolute.

" I won't. I don't want to live a life of revenge and hatred. So, I'd rather keep staying in this planet." Ling Tian said.

Ling Tian's reply shocked Jiang Zhentian so much that his eyes were wide open and his jaws were open as well.

" Are you out of your mind? They did all that to you and you don't want your revenge?! Are you really a Saiyan?!" Jiang Zhentian was shouting at Ling Tian.

" I'm a Saiyan through and through. I just don't want to lose my poor life for a pitiful reason like revenge. I haven't enjoyed my life enough to just throw it away. Besides they only harmed me and no one else, and I'm alive right now, so it can be forgiven." Ling Tian said with a bright smile while thinking, ' It's not like I'm the one who suffered such a fate, and my predecessor didn't even have such a painful memory anyway.'

" Are you sure? You don't want to meet your fiancés?" Jiang Zhentian asked while weirdly looking at Ling Tian.

" Fiancés?... Oh right. You didn't tell me how they fell in love with me and other things." Ling Tian said.

" They fell for you, when they saw you when you were a child." Jiang Zhentian just shrugged his shoulders as he answered to Ling Tian.

" Huh?!"

Ling Tian suddenly trembled after he heard Jiang Zhentian's reply.

" Pe-Pedo?!.... My fiancés are actually pedophiles??!!!" Ling Tian screamed as loud as he can and started punching the ground.

*bam* *bam* *bam* *bam* *bam*

" Dammit!! Why am I always so unlucky?! I thought my spring time had finally arrived. To think my so called fiancés were actually pedophiles! What kind of sins did I commit to deserve this?" Ling Tian was now cursing his own fate.

Jiang Zhentian, on the other hand was completely shocked by Ling Tian's act. He simply couldn't believe that Ling Tian actually called five of the most beautiful women in God's realm, pedos.

Jiang Zhentian was trying his best to hold in his laughter and it took him a while to calm down.

" Say, Rayne. I think you're misunderstanding something here he..he..haha!" Jiang Zhentian said while struggling to hold in his laughter.

" Huh? What do you mean?" Ling Tian asked while still in a bad mood.

" They didn't fall for you for such a stupid reason. Each of the five fiancés of yours are holy maidens of five different races and have extremely high status in God's realm. Before you were born they had a prophecy that you're their destined husband and you'll forever protect them." Jiang Zhentian said with a sigh.

" Destiny? They fell for me because of such a stupid thing like destiny.... *sigh* forget it, it's their decision anyway. Oh yeah, Little Zhentian, when you get back to God's realm, would you mind telling my fiancés that if they have someone else in their heart, they shouldn't wait for me and be with that person. I don't want wives who are forced to be with me." Ling Tian said to Jiang Zhentian in a serious manner.

Jiang Zhentian just nodded and didn't say anything.

Ling Tian suddenly asked a question.

" Hey little Zhentian. Do you know Samsara Eye and Copy-Wheel Eye? Do they exist in God's realm?"

" Wha-?! How do know about them?" Jiang Zhentian looked suspiciously at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian just said that he had seen about them in an old book he found and he wanted to know whether they exist or not. Jiang Zhentian believed Ling Tian's words as there wasn't any thing strange.

Ling Tian always had this question in his mind ever since Raiga pointed it out. Many things he thought were just fictional things actually exist in this world.

" The Samsara Eye and Copy-Wheel Eye are two of the thirteen original Eye-bloodlines, just like your 'All Seeing Endless Eye'." Jiang Zhentian explained.

' Thirteen Original Eye-bloodlines? I remember Raiga saying that as well. Hmm?'

" Hey what do you mean my 'All Seeing Endless Eye'?"

However Jiang Zhentian didn't get the chance to answer Ling Tian's question as his body started shining with bright light.

" Sorry kid. Looks like my time is up." Said Jiang Zhentian as he smiled at Ling Tian.

" What do you mean by that?" Ling asked as he stared at Jiang Zhentian who was now glowing.

" My purpose here was to conduct the 'trial of true self'. Now that the trial is over, it was only a matter of time before I return to my real body." Jiang Zhentian said.

" I see....."

Jiang Zhentian looked at Ling Tian and said, " Hey, Rayne. I will be waiting for you at God's realm, so that I can challenge you the Saiyan of Legends and show you that there is no limit for a human's potential!!"


With a flash of light, Jiang Zhentian disappeared from the place he was standing at.

Ling Tian looked at the place Jiang Zhentian used to be, and muttered, " Human potential, huh?"

Ling Tian suddenly smiled and looked towards the blood red sky and said, " I couldn't be more familiar with it. After all, I came from a world that was literally rebuilt by humans with no special powers. If humans are given power, then it's almost scary to imagine what they will be capable of