
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 13: Celestial Enterprises

A week passed, Emma was not sitting inside an office decorated entirely in white. A heap of paperwork was piled atop her desk, her computer was also flashing with many emails and messages.

Emma turned to look behind her, she watched the bustling streets of Manhattan. Situated on the 31st floor, her office was located at the top of a recently purchased office building.

Full glass, it was the epitome of modern architecture. Looking at her workstation and the current state of her life, Emma could not help but recall the turning point of her whole life.

At first she thought it was the moment she met Giotto, but after a week of working with the mysterious man and understanding her own role, she knew that meeting him was just an opportunity.

What really changed her life was the choice of taking the lead in Celestial Being. From what she found out after going through all the files that Giotto had prepared, Celestial Being could really be run using VEDA.

All of Giotto's words about needing a person to represent the company were nothing more than BS.

But since she took on the responsibility, Giotto gave her full control of many operations.

Mostly the surface operations that involved newly established companies and the like. Emma found that VEDA's plan was, in truth, very efficient but at the same time it created seeds of jealousy and made enemies when they didn't need to.

Interestingly enough, the plans VEDA had for the surface had little impact on the overall goal of Celestial Being. As it stands, all the surface companies served no other purpose but to build a connection to Tony Stark.

On that note, a secondary plan was made by VEDA and Giotto in case the companies fail. If anything, the second plan was more reliable as Giotto planned to directly meet with Stark and do the same thing he did with her. 

Surprising the man with his underground empire, Emma felt at a lost when she went through those files but as quickly as she felt down she immediately got back up.

The knowledge of her current status made her realize that she was not really placed in an important post. But at the same time it was also a challenge to her. If she could turn her unimportant secondary post to a key component of the overall plan, then she would have proved her talent.

Not to Giotto but to herself, she would have taken the golden spoon given to her by Giotto and transformed it to a diamond dining table.

With that, Emma now worked tirelessly to accomplish her goal. 

Following the initial plan, Emma had established Celestial Enterprises, using Giotto's money she bought various office buildings.

The current one she was at was currently under renovation, most of the renovation started on her office which was done by VEDA. Then the follow up was currently being done by a third party company but at night VEDA would do various checks to ensure that no wiretapping or espionage tools were placed in the offices.

As she managed the establishment of Celestial Enterprises, she also started up four companies. Following Giotto's plan, she met with her former companions, those that were in her women's rights movement and offered them the leadership position of the aforementioned companies.

Their meeting was pretty interesting and it did make Emma let out a laugh as she recalled it-


In another regular New York City night, the city that never sleeps was now going to bear witness to a meeting that would forever change the fate of this universe. But this meeting did not occur in some high class restaurant, or some poor man's bar, instead it happened in a remote warehouse far from the bustling city.

Inside the warehouse was a small circular table, around it sat five women.

Emma Frost, dressed in all white sat in a leadership position while the other four equally stunning women sat closer together.

"Emma… I know that the movement is dying, but other groups are popping up! If we're worried about funding there are some politicians who inquired about talking with us"

A red haired girl spoke, among all the four people, she could be considered one of the older members of Emma's social movement. Older by one year, the red haired beauty entered a performing arts college and was aiming to become a hollywood star.

"MJ… you know that those politicians only look at us as idiots. They just want to show that they support our movement, while also using their support as leverage to take advantage of us."

Emma calmly answered MJ, or Mary Jane Watson. In this world although she did not match in ages with Peter Parker, she still existed. Some may say that Michelle Jones-Watson was this world's MJ but in reality Michelle is a different character entirely.

The MJ that sat with Emma now is a hard working college student who's trying her best to get into acting. Unfortunately for her, being raised in New York presented her with limited opportunities. 

The advent of the internet gave her an opportunity but being born in the 90's meant that she was one of the first people to ever mold their personalities on the internet. MJ initially tried to make a name for herself but she only found herself being called to meet at shady establishments with unknown people.

Although she was brave, MJ knew the dangers she could face. Because of this she avoided a lot of shady deals leading to her being shunned by a lot of decent producers. Unfortunately the network of producers, whether they be dirty or clean, was interconnected.

In the end MJ was blacklisted and Emma used this to pull her into her movement. Now, MJ was a stalwart supporter of Emma who gave her the opportunity to shine. With her joining the movement, few people tried to take advantage of her and she now found some gigs here and there.

But she still did not find a path to stardom, now she attended university hoping to meet good natured producers and directors.

She's here because Emma to her was the reason she was able to get up from her challenges. The support that brought her up to where she was. Now though as Emma's own organization was falling she wanted to help out.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she has seen, MJ still had a hint of naivety in her mind.

Emma's words about the politician thus made MJ sigh sadly, the current position of women was not all that bad. They had rights and opportunities, unfortunately, the people in power are mostly men.

'It's not a matter of patriarchy, just a problem with a bunch of horny assholes taking up leadership positions.'

Whether the leadership was under a woman or man the same problems would occur. It was only that women were biologically in the losing end when it comes to sexual acts. If something goes wrong then they are the ones who would end up suffering through pregnancy or abortion.

Which is also why few women in positions of power used their position for sexual activities, though some did use it to cause undue harm and favoritism.

All these women here, aside from MJ, were victims of their own womanhood.

Beside MJ was another platinum blonde haired woman. She had a slim figure and long hair. Her figure was similar to that of Emma but with a bit more of a mature charm.

"Now now Emma, I know you care about MJ but she's just trying to help"

The platinum blonde beside MJ said as she consoled the redhead who felt down when she realized her suggestion was useless.

"Felicia, I understand but… I can't let MJ have such naive thoughts"

Emma answered as she glanced at the other platinum blonde in the room. Felicia Sara Hardy, she's a skilled martial artist and elite gymnast. 

But now she works as a yoga instructor, her classes were completely isolated away from male eyes. Because of this a lot of women attended her class, she made sure that no one was watching and even hired female guards to ensure that the sessions were as private as possible.

Felicia was not a man hater, in fact she even had a boyfriend once… but after said boyfriend tried to force her to have intercourse with her, she felt disgust for men. Fortunately she learned self defense and was able to escape but the effects of that event continue to haunt her until today.

She did not stop practicing martial arts, but this became a problem as any sort of aggression from a man would cause her to lash out. It was unintentional but she did not want to needlessly harm others which was why she avoided men's gazes as much as she could.

"Emma has a point, sometimes men are just too caught up in their own horniness that they stop thinking with their heads and start thinking with their dicks, trust me, I've seen a lot of their kind"

The one who spoke was a seductive black haired beauty, she wore a very tight one piece that showed off her exquisite curves. Each of her actions exuded an excessive level of seduction.

"I am happy that you support me, but Tanya, could you tone down your temptress act outside of work?"

Emma spoked with a sigh as she looked towards Tanya Sealy, many people mistook her for a hooker but in reality she was nothing more than a pole dancer.

She never sold her body, she didn't want to. She almost became a call girl once but decided not to when she saw Emma leading her movement on the television. She followed her guts and went to New York from Chicago where she found employment in a pretty decent establishment.

It was not clean but the boss made sure that the girls were treated properly. No one was forced to sleep with the customers and the most Tanya had to deal with was touching.

Of course the one who introduced her to this job was Emma, at first, Emma introduced her to more common jobs but Tanya did not like the type of work or the pay. Ultimately she found that dancing on a pole wearing skimpy clothing at night was a good source of income.

Emma even taught her how to invest which allowed her to reduce her time dancing.

"Guys! I know we have a lot of things to talk over about the organization but Emma brought us here for a different reason right?"

The one who spoke up and took the everyones attention was a blonde haired young woman. She had shoulder length hair and had an aura of spring around her. 

"Gwen's right, I called you all here not to talk about the organization but to talk about business"

Emma thanked Gwen with a nod, Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, one of the first friends Emma had. She was also the second founding member of the organization. With her help, Emma was able to facilitate her protest peacefully and make a name for their organization.

After all, Gwen's father was the Chief of the New York City Police Department. Her help was integral to protecting all the women in their organization. With her help both as the daughter of the police chief and as a mediator in meetings their small group was able to obtain the strength needed to become as strong as it was.

Now though, their organization was being undermined by various large corporations and overshadowed by new feminist organizations.

Although they took a step back from the movement, they still kept in contact with each other. After all, the things they all went through made them all build bonds stronger than blood.

"Have you all heard about Giotto Giovanni?"

Emma asked the four women who gave different answers-

"I heard some of the customers in the bar talk about him, they called him a young upstart who knew nothing about the world" said Tanya.

"Dad talked about how he appeared out of thin air the moment Kingpin disappeared, he suspects he has something to do with it but has no evidence for it" replied Gwen

"The rich kids in were talking about him, they say he's some lucky bastard or something since he inherited his family's fortune without doing anything" answered MJ

"Some of my students were talking about him, they say he's a hunk who walked into various high class stores and he always left buying the most expensive thing they offered. In other words he's…" Felicia added after hearing all the others.

The four women all looked at each other before nodding as they turned to Emma as they said in unison.


Hearing their words, Emma paused, she looked at them with an interesting expression on her face. But then she gave her sisters a smile as she replied to them-

"I guess his plan really did work huh?"


Recalling the night where she pulled all her sisters into her problem Emma chuckled. Hearing the door to her office open she turned to see her four sisters entering the room.

Unlike that night, they now wore formal clothes but their styles were all personalized greatly emphasizing their own unique features.

Gwen wore a tight fitting formal dress under a light olive green coat, MJ wore a sensual red dress that matched with her hair and lipstick. Following behind the two was Felicia Hardy and Tanya Sealy who both wore black, though Tanya chose to wear an evening gown under a dark green trench coat while Felicia wore a form fitting pure black suit with white accents.

All four women dressed based on their own taste which made the whole room lit up with their different contrasting personalities.

After the four women entered the room and sat on the meeting table in front of Emma's desk, Emma followed them and sat together with her sisters as she asked.

"So, how was the work given to you by the playboy?"

Emma's tone was sarcastic but the four women could only sigh hearing her words.

In fact, the night they all met, Emma told them of how she met Giotto. How the man was not a playboy or a useless good for nothing. In fact he was a smart man who had grand plans for the future.

None of them could believe her so she challenged them to join her as she works on a project set out by Giotto.

At first they all had some reservations, after all trusting a man, especially one who was giving off a lot of red flags made them hesitate. But their hesitation disappeared as Emma did her best to rope them in.

By the end of the night they all agreed to test the waters. What they didn't expect was that the very next day they would be given the position of CEO in various companies.

Gwen became the head of Karthaion, a technology company whose main products are supercomputers sold to big corporations. They also produce regular electronics from laptops to smartphones, releasing an Iphone copy that had better specs and slimmer form factor.

Felicia took over Innovades, a data company that is actually controlled by VEDA. Felicia simply took the CEO position and worked as the representative talking with others making deals, but most of the work was done by VEDA.

Tanya became the head of Ptolomeo, a motor vehicle company that sold everything from motorbikes, cars and trucks to boats and planes. They boasted state of the art vehicles that ran on electricity, introducing the electric car to the market using high capacity batteries from MJ's company-

Magniataria is the name of the company MJ handled, it is an energy company dealing with solar cells and high capacity batteries. The solar cells sold were not the quantum cells used by Giotto but the high efficiency cells he initially planned to use.

The batteries were also two to three generations below what Giotto was currently using. These batteries used precision nanotechnology. It may not use quantum technology but the application of nanotechnology allowed for really small batteries to contain greater amounts of energy.

Although nanotechnology sounds complex, what was truly science fiction for now was nanobots. Technically, nanotechnology is already being used, from engineering to biological sciences. 

But the applications were limited to areas where development was present. This is where Giotto inserted the idea of improving technology in this manner.

Passing on these plans to Emma, she then passed on the split up plans to her sisters.

The four companies that each woman controlled were all under Celestial Enterprises headed by Emma.

With this kind of system Emma began to show off the power of Celestial Enterprises.

Although the companies under Giotto appeared out of nowhere and introduced products that some would question their feasibility. It did not take long for their products to pick up some interest.

First, environmental activists whom Emma had contact with were roped in by MJ. She showed the power of the solar cells and batteries. The eco-friendly method by which they were produced and with that they got the support of the climate activist.

Immediately orders from all over the globe came in and Magniataria became an overnight sensation.

Capitalizing on this, MJ introduced the other sister companies and soon rich second generation kids were buying electric cars. Some bought phones and others pulled their parents in leading to contracts involving data systems and management.

After prominent figures came in to test their products, positive reviews quickly swamped Celestial Enterprises.

Some negative commentary existed and slander did pop up but the internet was clean of such slander. VEDA worked hard to prevent internet slander, attacks from the media were counteracted by VEDA through youtube and social media.

Some people tried to attack Celestial Enterprises with hackers but their defenses were more powerful quickly taking down the attacks and even returning fire, revealing a bunch of greedy oil giants wanting to take down a sustainable company.

In the span of a week, Celestial enterprises continuously became the topic of headlines. This unfortunately led Emma's four sisters to be swamped with work.

Fortunately they were nothing more than "wall flowers", stand in's whose only job is to act like they do something as most plans and actions were set up by Emma and VEDA. But they did not simply do anything, they at least tried to do the necessary task they had for their position. But, given their lack of experience and knowledge they only ended up following orders as they continued to learn from actual experience.

VEDA handled the technical and information gathering side while Emma formulated strategies to go against the tide. In fact VEDA had more drastic plans to take down the enemies that popped up but Emma stopped its actions.

She allowed for competition, even signed the large purchase of high capacity batteries of some energy and battery companies who were most likely planning to reverse engineer that technology.

This act though would become futile as the infrastructure to produce such batteries were several generations ahead of the world. The expertise necessary was not available and current knowledge on the engineering and technology behind it was still in its infancy, theoretical even, as most were not even in the experimental or testing stages in the most advanced universities and companies. 

All these assurances were given to Emma by Giott but he also added at the end of his claims that-, "unless Tony Stark gets hold of them".

Recalling Tony Stark, Emma sighed helplessly as she began the meeting to tackle the important event that occurred just recently.

"So, now let's talk about how to handle the return of Tony Stark"

[A/N: Michelle Jones-Watson will still exist in this verse, but I will always believe that Mary Jane Watson also exists in the MCU, after all the directors did say that Michelle Jones was not the MJ of the MCU but a new character entirely. That is why I added Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, after all, they should still exist in the MCU but without any connection to Spiderman aka Peter Parker. And the only way to make that possible in my opinion is to make them older and almost impossible for Peter to encounter in his life. Technically, Peter is currently less than 10 years old during the time of this fic.. I think… Anyways, I just wanted to add MJ and her personality, I kinda based it on the comic MJ (The best and original MJ- IMO) but added a bit of connection with Emma that would twist her character a bit. 

Honestly, I wanted to lessen the A/N's but I just wanted to say that the current rush is because I feel like the story was getting too slice of life-ish. Anyway, things are gonna go in turbo rush mode since I do want to start the trials and tribulations, adding more excitement to the story and slowly make all this background stuff be background events.]