
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · Movies
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: Understanding

When things calmed down, Giotto sat Emma down as he explained to her about dying will flames and presented to her the Sky ring he just received.

It has to be noted that Giotto forever saved the memory of Emma Frost acting shy like an innocent teen when she saw the ring. Of course Giotto took his opportunity to tease Emma as he personally wore the ring on her finger.

Normally the ring would be worn on the index or middle finger but Giotto slid the ring directly on Emma's ring finger.

When he did this Emma's blushed turned a deeper red, unable to control himself, Giotto leaned in as he whispered.

"Now your mine"

But such actions seemed to have gone a bit too far as the flames of wrath emerged from Emma's hands blasting towards Giotto.

Knowing the destructive potential of the rings, Giotto used Zero Point Breakthrough as he froze the flames of wrath that shot towards him.

Of course he stopped the ice from freezing Emma but his actions distanced himself from Emma who was able to calm down.

She glared at Giotto but did not change the position of the ring. 

Seeing her actions Giotto smiled which made him receive an annoyed look from Emma. The two had such interactions for a while as Giotto went over all the things he needed to tell her.

After a very long session of explanation Emma sighed as she looked towards the busy streets of Manhattan as she spoke.

"So right now I'm part of the Vongola Famiglia that you plan to build… so you're- a mafia Don?"

Her question made Giotto laugh as he replied.

"Well... technically not... just call me boss. Although the format is that of a mafia, I want this organization to be more like a family."

His words made Emma sigh as she stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Giotto asked but the reply he received was a short-

"Home, I need to prepare all my things"

[A/N: Alright you will now see my true colors, it's too fast I know but you all probably know what kind of feeling Giotto has. Dude has the power to potentially rival a cosmic entity, an AI that is basically a Deus ex Machina in the modern world. So... I hope his next actions don't surprise you. May I also remind you guys that this is the same person who broke down in chapter 1, so... I'll let that sink in and hope you enjoy the next scene]

Hearing her words Giotto paused as he smiled. He vanished and appeared right behind Emma. Although he wanted to hold back, now that she was a member of the Vongola the inhibitions Giotto felt were gone.

Moreover, her earlier reply was reminiscent of the Emma Frost that Giotto remembered. All of these factors added together made Giotto hug Emma from behind.

Unlike before, Emma did not blush like an innocent teen, instead, now that her mind was calm she took Giotto's arms that were hugging her waist as she lowered them near the intimate parts.

[A/N: Things got heated up rather quickly I know, but if you have not already noticed, Emma is quite cunning, playful and she doesn't mind using her own body- well at least against Giotto. I know that just moments ago she was acting shy but that was just an in the moment thing. Her embarrassment due to her childish reaction of crying. 

I know some may only recall Emma Frost as the prideful leader of the Hellfire club but again, this Emma is barely 20, yes, her experiences should have made her a manhater but this Emma surpassed that level of character. This Emma retains her pride, her strength and ambition but still has a few- immature sides to her person.

Also, yes, this will be a recurring theme. These kinds of interactions will happen, not always but there will be many scenes like this. Though comment if you dislike it, personally I like writing these kinds of scenes as it gives more depth to the character and also allows me to play around with their relationship a bit more, but well I could delete them for you guys if you want though~ I'll be keeping my own copy hahahaha!

P.S. If there are any fan artist reading, if you took inspiration from this scene I humbly request a link to your work... for research purposes, yes, research]

"Boss, I know you're excited and all but can't you wait till I sign the contract before taking advantage of your sexytary?" [A/N: Cringe I know but I did write it in the heat of the moment... yes, my blood was rushing to my head picturing this whole scene]

She spoke in a seductive tone as she rubbed her ass on Giotto's dick. 

Giotto gulped as he took a deep breath trying to calm his own mind, blood was rushing to his lower body as he was losing control of his own mind.

"Before being my personal SEXytary you are my dear comrade, a member of my famiglia-"

In response to Emma's actions Giotto pulled her hips in, his strength preventing her from moving. Now, his hands slowly slid down Emma's thighs, he easily reached the hem of her skirt and he raised it slowly.

Emma understood Giotto's actions, at first she felt a bit hesitant but the way Giotto moved slowly and gently reduced her resistance.

The experience of men trying to force themselves on her replayed in her mind but she did not feel the same disgust and fear she did when Giotto moved.

Instead she felt a weird warmth, a tingling sensation ran all over her body as she felt Giotto's lower head harden and press against her ass.

Giotto's actions were slow, intimate and warm, unlike the other men who charged at her, with blood red eyes, heavy breaths. Their mouths watering, hungry to feast upon her body, their actions forceful and causing her pain.

Compared to those experiences, Giotto's every action took her into consideration. Even when he pulled her close and stopped her from moving. He controlled his strength and all she felt was his dick digging into her skirt.

What truly made her lose her resistance were the words Giotto spoke.

"Emma, you know- I was just joking… but I really can't hold myself back. Tell me, if you want to stop. Before I can't anymore."

He spoke with bated breaths, she could feel it, the same type of anticipation and desire from the men that used to attack her. But once again the difference between those men and Giotto was glaring. 

Unlike the men who let their animalistic instincts take over screaming, "Shut up!" or "Quiet down bitch!", Giotto did his best to speak coherent words. 

Although he was obviously excited she could feel him doing his best to control himself. Even now her skirt was already raised but Giotto had long stopped his hands that were now tightly hugging her abdomen.

'This… feels warm'

Emma longed for something, for so long she wanted to experience love. Lust was a normal emotion but for Emma that was all she experienced and saw from other men. It was only now that she felt a little bit of love.

But even then she was still hesitant, in her heart there were still some walls which did not break yet.

"Mr. Giov-"

"Call me Giotto, Emma… could we call each other that way?"

A trace of warmth appeared in Emma's heart when she heard his words. He stopped her from speaking, interrupting her words but his interruption held not desire or lust but a familiar longing. Moreover, instead of his dick, the reaction she felt came from his embrace.

His arms tightened ever so slightly, his desire showing, not a desire for her body, but a desire to keep her, Emma Frost, not wanting to let her go. It was a desire that was familiar to her-

"Giotto… What made you desire me?"

She asked, she did not want to ask, but given the current situation she wanted to know. Before she answered, whether she wanted to stop it now or proceed further. She did not want to have any regrets. 

Emma was not the type of woman to shy away, she faced everything head on. Even her own emotions, she wanted to face them head on and not hide. Things may be going a bit too fast but this was simply a result of Giotto and Emma having similar thoughts.


Giotto was about to talk but he paused, he did not want to lose control and talk about his past life. This hesitation was picked up by Emma who reacted by slightly loosening her hands strength grabbing onto his own.

Feeling this change Giotto closed his hyper intuition as he answered softly.

"To be honest I did not desire you specifically, I wished for companionship, whether it was a lover or a friend. I wanted somebody to bond with, talk with and… live with"

Giotto paused, he released his embrace as he raised his hands. Emma was a full head shorter than him so he gently pressed her ears to his chest before continuing.

"But I know that few people could give up everything to be with me. I am not normal, my life is destined to be filled with trouble… Why did I desire you?"

Pausing once more, Giotto bit his lip as he tried his best to hold back his own emotions before he continued to talk. 

As he calmed down, he changed his tone, his soft words turned self deprecating as he explained-

"I saw that I could take you in, you have no other way out. I could give you what you want and keep you. I could bring you into my troubles as I jump into yours. I saw your vulnerabilities and wanted to take advantage of that to take you in!"

As he spoke his voice was slowly getting higher, his soft voice got louder and more powerful as he spoke.

"I threw away all the other applicants with stable lives, I did not care if they had the best qualifications for the job. I burned all their resumes the moment I did a background check and found that they had families, lovers, children… bonds that held them back, I… chose you because you were unfortunate, suffering and vulnerable… I'm an asshole aren't I?"

His words got stronger, from calm it turned to anger until it finally turned to a sob at the end. 

Hearing his words, feeling his emotions, Emma silently listened as she felt water droplets on her face and shoulders.

When she felt the wet drops on her body, Emma's barriers. The walls that barred her emotions and made her hesitate, they all shattered.

'He's… I see'

Emma felt Giotto's embrace weaken, she also felt his arousal disappear. When she regained control of her body, Emma felt Giotto slowly move.

'No… I won't let him get away!'

Emma could already tell what Giotto was going to do, everything she experience today made her understand Giotto deeper than any of the men she had met in her whole life.

Turning around Emma caught Giotto, she was not far from the cough in the lobby, and when she saw that she did not hesitate as she pushed Giotto down.

Shocked Giotto gazed up at Emma who stared into his eyes, the woman before him did not have the seductive and playful air from a while ago. Instead she had a resolute gaze on her face.

Giotto tried to get up and speak but as he tried to move Emma moved quicker. Without any hesitation, Emma's face moved forward as her lips puckered.

Normally this would have led to a romantic kiss, but both Giotto and Emma were amateurs. Giotto had a quick reaction time but his stupor prevented him from reacting in time while Emma simply aimed for his lips not knowing that she had to look into his eyes.

What happened was simple, Emma slammed her forehead into Giotto's lips, fortunately Giotto's durability was near celestial level as such he did not get injured and Emma's strength was too low so she did not receive any damage either.

Unfortunately the kiss did not happen but this small failure made Giotto and Emma calm down. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before laughing loudly.

"You… you really failed badly! You know that failure of yours will live rent free in my head for all eternity right?"

Giotto teased as he raised his upper body and stared lovingly into Emma's eyes.

"Hmph! All I need to do is overwrite those memories with something even more shocking!"

Emma said coquettishly as she took off her blazer and unbuttoned her blouse.

Seeing her actions Giotto pulled her in as he asked.

"Are you sure about this? We just met today, we barely talked for 24 hours and now you want to do that?"

In response to his question, Emma opened up her blouse, showing off her abundant chest that was being held tightly by her bra that matched with her stockings and suspen-

"Are you… wearing THAT kind of lingerie?"

Giotto asked as he recalled the infamous sexy lingerie that he only ever saw in magazines, movies, comic, anime and manga. But now that he saw the bra that Emma was wearing he felt a bit dizzy as an image appeared in his mind that would make certain characters have a wild nosebleed.

"Of course, I did prepare for this kind of thing"

Emma explained as she rubbed her ass on Giotto's thighs seductively. But her response made Giotto pushed her slightly, putting some distance between them, his head was turned away as he replied.

"You know, we're rushing things- I know what I said and I'm not taking them back but- I think this is going too fast."

Giotto said as he tried to move further away, but in response to his actions Emma clung to Giotto tightly as she gave him a stare while saying.

"Pussying out? A beautiful woman is offering herself to you and you run away? Where did all your talk about will and determination go? The leader who advocates determination equals power is now running away hiding his dick?"

Giotto sighed as he answered. [A/N: JP protag? Nah, just adding some limits to the character. I don't want to turn this into a full blown hentai. Need some relationship building, if you know what I mean. Also, I just wanted to put Emma in the lead... yeah, think about what I just said and you'll understand]

"Emma, this is just-"

But Emma cut him off as she said-

"Not right?! I'm half naked, your boners been pulsating for a while now, your eyes peaked at my chest 10 times while I was talking and your hands are still fondling my ass until now"

Emma's words made Giotto let out an embarrassed chuckle as he responded.

"Well… okay I admit, I want to do this but- are you sure?"

Rolling her eyes, Emma let out a sigh as she answered

"I literally pushed you down, what do you think?"

Giotto, once again turned his gaze away in embarrassment but he quickly recovered as he stared into Emma's eyes filled with resolution as he spoke.

"Well then, I hope you don't regret what's about to happen"

To his words Emma replied smugly

"Then make sure you satisfy me big boy~"

[A/N: From this moment on readers could choose to skip, I just wanted to write a sex scene and things got… well long. If you want to read it be my guess but nothing that happens here is of any importance.

TLDR: You guys can skip this part but I'm not saying you can't read it

P.S. If readers complain about the sex I'm gonna delete it, but again, I like it so I'm keeping it for myself hahahahaha!


Hearing her words Giotto smiled as he gently pulled Emma's head for a kiss. As their lips touched a battle ensued. Giotto and Emma were both fighting for control.

Emma's hands extended towards Giotto's shirt, rapidly unbuttoning his dress shirt.

When Giotto's shirt was fully unbuttoned, Emma tried to pull them off, she tried to force Giotto to spread his arms and release her ass but he did not comply. Instead he pulled Emma in, her hands being trapped in between his chest and hers.

Taking this opportunity Giotto clumsily unhooked Emma's bra, this caused their kiss to pause as Emma smiled and chuckled.

Her reaction lit a flame in Giotto, as such when he finally unhooked her bra, he quickly removed it. Using his strength to control Emma, when her bra was taken off Giotto dived into her abundant breast.

He played with Emma's abundant peaks causing her to moan. His actions also excited her causing her to continuously rub her hips on his.

Giotto took this opportunity to take off his own shirt, once he did he returned to kissing Emma as they rubbed their upper bodies together. The warmth of each other's skin further increased their arousal.

"Emma… haa… let me-"

Giotto did not finish his words as he quickly took action, Emma's body felt like it was floating as she was unable to react when Giotto moved.

She felt her body fly and land softly on the sofa the next thing she knew Giotto was already on top of her. But instead of stripping his pants, he proceeded to caress and lick her body. Giotto then raised her tight skirt revealing her underwear and garter belt.

"Really now… you really planned to seduce me?"

Giotto teased but Emma responded in a coy tone saying-

"I worked, didn't I?"

With a smirk Giotto answered-


He then began to release the clips on the garter belt. After which he quickly pulled off Emma's panties. But, interestingly Giotto returned the garter belts clips which prompted Emma to tease him.

"I now know your kink"

Giotto was not fazed though as he answered.

"One of them"

Emma smiled as she responded seductively.

"Then let me know more daddy~"

Giotto, hearing her words responded by diving into Emma's exposed pussy.

Although his actions were simply based on porn and hentai, since Emma was also an amateur, Giotto's actions were surprisingly effective. 

Moreover, since this was Emma's very first experience, moreover aside from a weird new feeling, she also felt embarrassed that Giotto was licking her down there. This mix of tension, arousal and embarrassment caused Emma to climax in less than a minute.

Unfortunately, Giotto did not really know how to predict a climax so he ended up being drenched in a clear fluid.

Although it was not as over the top as what he watched in japanese videos, it still gave Giotto a new experience.

Giotto raised his body, he would have wanted to do more but the earlier climax left Emma limp. She did not pass out but Giotto did not want to force her to continue, it was her first time after all. But what Giotto did not expect was Emma to grab his hand.

"Let's go to the bathroom… in the shower… let's clean you up and continue there…"

Hearing her words Giotto smiled as a golden flame washed over his face, he kissed Emma who looked shocked as she asked.

"That works?"

Giotto simply smiled as he answered.


The two looked at each other for a while and Emma removed Giotto's pants, pulling down his underwear, Emma was shocked to see the size of Giotto's second head. But her words were a mix of shock and relief.

"Thankfully it's not twelve inches"

To her words Giotto replied.

"Bigger is not always better after all, but well too small and it would not be that enjoyable right?"

Emma scoffed as she replied.

"I haven't experience it yet, but I heard average is good, its deep enough for pleasure but not too deep that I'll be screaming in pain the whole time"

Giotto smirked as he removed his pants and underwear completely, he positioned himself in a on top of Emma. The two were in a missionary position, he stared into her eyes, as he slowly inserted his dick into her.

The moment the tip went in Emma quickly reacted with a jolt as she clenched the couch tightly. Giotto moves slowly; he made sure that Emma was not in pain and soon his dick was fully inserted.

"I… can't feel my legs…"

Emma said to which Giotto replied.

"It's not even that long"

His words did not receive a reply, instead Emma glared at him but Giotto smiled as he kissed her. As the two kissed, Giotto started to move, small and slow motions to get Emma used to it. Soon Emma started to moan, her voice only got even more seductive as time passed and Giotto continued to increase his pace.

Time passed and the two idiots did not stop at one climax. Whenever they climaxed one of them would ask for another round.

In the end they went from missionary to cowgirl, doggy style and various other positions. Giotto even tried positions he saw in hentai such as the mating press and others more obscure and weird positions.

The next day, the job interview that started early in the morning the day before had ended at the same time today. What kind of job and the other details about it were, interestingly enough, still unknown to both the boss and the hired employee.

Sorry for the rampant Author notes, I just wanted to explain mysself that's all. Well if you guys hate it I could remove them.

Alexander_Wildecreators' thoughts