
The Marriage Contract: His Conspiracy

Meeting after many years, my ex-boyfriend had become an extremely powerful man. He asked me, "Do you regret dumping me?" I nodded quietly. Getting the answer that he wanted, the arrogant ex-boyfriend left, leaving me alone at a bustling party full of …people. I thought our fate would end like that. I thought he would continue to put on his cold face and do something to hurt me but he unexpectedly proposed to me. No, he wanted me to sign a marriage contract, to be exact. Without thinking much, I nodded in agreement. Approaching his world, I was startled to discover that his world is not as peaceful as I thought. There were so many unanswered questions in my head: Did he still love me? Why did he marry me? What was he up to? I knew Alex had a plot, he was not the one who could throw all of his pride over and over again to hold on to a girl but I still agreed to marry him. This was the only opportunity for me to be with him again.

_NguyenThao_ · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter two. see you again

Five years later.

"Kaylin, help me copy this."

"Kaylin, is the report I gave you yesterday done?"

"The boss treats everyone to a hearty meal, please help me find a restaurant near the company!"

Commands like that kept repeating in my ears. Anna, the director's assistant kept giving orders as I struggled with papers piled up in front of me.

"Boss will attend a birthday party tonight. I have ordered flowers and gifts, to avoid mistakes, please go get flowers and gifts, especially the flowers, they should be fresh and not crushed. I just sent you the address, it's almost 5 o'clock, you go there quickly." Anna gently patted my shoulder, beaming.

Anna was one of the two assistants of the director. Her job was to help the director with errands, professional work would be handled by another assistant. In fact, she also had another informal job, bullying new employees like me.

Unlike other peers, although I graduated from school five years ago, I had not worked at any company for more than three months. With such a resume, it was difficult for me to be accepted by a good company.

My mother needed a caregiver, the cost of hiring a carer is very high so I could only resign and find online jobs when my mother was seriously ill. That was why I couldn't stick with one company for too long.

My classmates all had certain success in their work, but I was just starting my career.

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said?" Anna raised her voice, obviously displeased with my distraction.

Startled, I turned to look at Anna. I scolded her a thousand times in my mind, but I could smile and accept her words. "Yes, leave it to me."

Normally, Anna wouldn't let me go to parties, even if it was just to deliver the things and not go inside. Parties would be good places to meet the people in the upper society. I didn't understand why she let me go to the party today.

I was an HR but I was actually more like Anna's assistant. My work was a lot but I didn't have money for overtime. Every time I got out of the office, I was almost dead tired.

"Hurry up, don't keep the boss waiting for long!" Anna urged.

Looking at the piles of documents on the desk that needed to be handled, I couldn't help but sigh. I put the document in my hand down on the table, quickly carrying my bag to go to the address that Anna had just sent.

After confirming that the flowers and gifts were fine, I immediately took a taxi to the party venue. On the way, Anna kept calling me urging me to hurry up.

I used the fastest speed to get there, luckily I wasn't late.

The special party venue was located on a hill far from the city center. It took a taxi driver a lot of work to get there.

As soon as I got out of the car, I ran like flying to find my boss. If I kept my boss waiting, maybe I should go back to the office and pack my things.

Standing in front of an ancient iron gate with two guards, I explained the reason for coming here. The guard agreed to let me inside. He also carefully reminded me to only walk on the straight path leading to the main hall of the mansion, not to wander around.

I nodded and immediately followed the path he indicated. Under the cover of the trees, I couldn't see the mansion anywhere, but I thought it wasn't too far away.

It had been five minutes, but I still hadn't seen the mansion. The two sides of the road were densely packed with trees, my vision was not far and I didn't know if someone or something was hiding behind the trees. I wondered if I should continue or stop. In the end, I kept going.

I told myself that this road was very clean, not like a place for bad guys to work illegally.

Most importantly, I went to the correct address Anna sent. She was a petty person but not a bad one.

After thinking clearly, I took a deep breath and rushed forward. Time was running out. If I didn't hurry, I wouldn't be able to deliver flowers and gifts to my boss on time.

As a result of running too fast, I ran into a woman in a very elegant evening gown.

The flower in my hand hit her hard, crushing it.

I looked at her in shock. This road was originally deserted so I didn't pay too much attention. Unexpectedly, a person appeared. Unfortunately I ran into her.

Looking at the bouquet in my hand, my heart broke into pieces. I had to work very hard to get this job and only four more days until I passed the trial. 

The flower in my hand was like my future, there was no way to save it.

"Don't you have eyes?" The woman shouted loudly.

She was wearing an evening gown with rhinestones and a necklace with a large stone pendant. Obviously she was a guest at the party.

"I'm sorry!" I sincerely apologize.

I didn't know who was right and who was wrong, but to avoid trouble, I yielded to her a bit.

"Sorry? My dress is wet and wrinkled by you. Do you know how much this dress costs, do you have enough money to pay it back." She yelled angrily at me.

"I'm so sorry." I lowered my head, trying to suppress my emotions. If I messed up, I'd actually get fired.

Her dress did indeed have a few drops of water on, but only a few, if I didn't look closely, it was completely invisible. As for the other wrinkles, just a few swipes were done, completely not affecting the dress.

"You are just apologizing?" She obviously didn't give up on me that easily.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I calmly asked. We were both not paying attention so we crashed into each other, it was not my fault.

"I can't wear this dress anymore. You have to find me another one." She glanced up at me. "But it has to be as high-class as this dress."

"You mean make me pay you for a similar dress?" I said, confused.

"Yes!" She curled her lips.

I laughed, throwing the flower in my hand to the ground. "I don't know who bumped into who first. Your dress is fine while my flowers are broken, I haven't charged you yet. I'm wondering if you're here to party or to cheat money."

"You!" She blushed furiously and pointed her hand at my face.

"How do I?" I raised my voice.

I didn't want to mess with her because I wantứ to keep the job, but kept the job mainly because I wanted to make money. Her dress was definitely not cheap, my monthly salary was not enough to buy it. Why should I spend so much money to keep a job that I myself didn't know how long I could do.

"Do you know who you angered?" She pulled her hand back and glared at me.

Her whole face was red with anger. She pulled up the sleeves of her dress a little, taking a deep breath as if she was preparing to fight me.

Of course, I was not afraid of her. If she wanted to fight, I was ready to fight

I was already mentally prepared to fight her but unfortunately a voice stopped me

"Don't make it difficult for her. I know you're upset, but don't get mad at strangers."

There were many people coming.

My vision was blocked so I didn't know who was talking. The only thing that I knew was that his voice was very familiar.

The voice that appeared every night in my dreams.

Was it him?

The thought of that shocked me all over. I stood there, bewildered to the extreme.