
The Marakese - Part 4

The continuation in the Plato Saga

DaoistTO1iU9 · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Argos in the neighboring kingdom of Arakanese that once was. He sat there amidst a dying township. A once flourishing kingdom like the Arakanese, faced the same fate as the other. Their gold and armor all lay to waste. The people of this small kingdom slowly migrated towards the rule of Maximus. His own sons and daughters did not respect him. A once commanding figure sat there in the shadows of his former powerful self. He contemplated inflicting pain to the world that he inhabited. That was the only thing that occupied his mind and spend the days. An Ageing man he was Argos, and had not seen the bright side of a sword nor a gun in decades. His General had stayed loyal with him even when others deserted him. General Bordos, a once seasoned swordsman now worshipped the guns and the other ammunition that lay before him. Bordos was not from this planet, he was from elsewhere. Where the guns poured like the river, in his home planet. Bordos swam in it. There were fast cruisers that roamed in his planet. Land crafts that could sometimes even break the sound barrier. There were rogues and villains that misused these vehicles a lot. And the young Bordos took a liking to these vehicles that hand ammunition fit on it. Guns from the vehicle that caused mayhem to the whole region, sometimes. Bordos was in such a clan that wreaked havoc wherever they went. They destroyed cities, communities and families like. Bordos sat in the first vehicle always and went head on colliding with whatever came on his bath. Even his crew members were scared of Bordos. They refrained from talking up to him when ever there was an altercation.

"And from where Bordos came from even his crew members did not know" There was a strange theory that he was from elsewhere and he had somehow landed on this planet as a mistake. He does not look like a person from this galaxy, some one said. This reached the ears of Bordos, who mashed that persons head into the concrete below. That was the last of him, and the last of anyone who questioned his identity. Thereafter they accepted him as their own, mainly because they did not have another choice. The planet offered everything to him, Bordos. However one thing was always missing in his life. He searched for it everywhere, all across the planet he searched for the ships , like the one he had come into this planet in. But no matter how far and long he searched , there were no ships on this planet. He grew tired of searching for the ship and never took part on the demolition much like he used to do. His trips on the vehicles became sparse and his mind grew obsessed with the ships. And slowly the clan stopped seeing altogether. When they went to his house, it was always locked. The windows were blindsided and nothing could be seen. After a while, they stopped looking for him and Bordos left the memory of the clan. There were rumor that he had gone to the furthest corners of the planet and someone else had said that he was not in the planet anymore. By that time the crew had given up on him and they did not really care about his whereabouts.

"So when Bordos came to Argos for a job" Argos did not know where he came from or who he was. He just saw the fire and determination in his eyes. More so, he saw through his eyes the evil this man was capable of. Ardos had a huge bag with him and that was something Ardos was curiosu about. What is that? he asked him. Ammunition, replied Bordos. I cannot live without this, said Bordos. So be it, said Argos and that was the end of it.

Present day.....

There is a man there with the Harakans, he said to Bordos. I need you to go and kill him, he said. Alright, replied Bordos simply and took his guns and left for the Harakans. Argos sat there a bit worried about what the outcome would be. I despise them, he said to himself. The Harakans, the Brok , those people who do not deserve a life on this planet, he uttered. The old man was senile now and did not even mind losing the life of his trusted general to an unknown quantity. Only one man from the troupe of arrow men had returned. And he too returned with hardly any life in him. Speak fool! Argos had said to him. The thing that hunted is no man, nor being , he said to Argos. It hunted us like an animal would and tore into us in a matter of seconds, he said to Argos. What are you talking about? said a frustrated Argos. " They have a protector" the soldier said. I have never seen anything like it , a wild beast, said the soldier. Take him away! said Argos.

So it was normal for Argos to be worried about the outcome. But if it could be anyone that can kill that beast, is is Argos, he said and tried to pacify himself. He got up from his chair and paced the hall sideways! If that is not Arakanese, and it surely is not. Then who could it be? he wondered!