
The Mansion {Maders Mansion}

The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My arms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me. My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs. My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called my driver to come get me!. This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!. I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in frenzy I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster. The road fairly lit by moonlight, my heart in my mouth and prayers of help and mercy escaping my lips. Finally, I hear music playing from loud speakers. I'm close to civilization!. I keep running frantically. One of my pumps gone. Soon I see a club in sight with a few people outside. I begin to scream for help when a figure suddenly appears before me. In fear, I make to run in the opposite direction but another figure is right behind me. Next thing I know; i'm surrounded by darkness. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Imagine waking up in an abandoned Gothic castle in the middle of no where. With an immortal creap as your new 'mother' and over a hundred strangers as your new siblings. Where love is a crime, hope is a dream and rebelion is a death contract. A dark tunnel with no light whatsoever, would you survive?? Let's follow our protagonist into this breath taking journey and find out what could possibly be worst than this.

Aider Kwin · Horror
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103 Chs

Rise and shine

The heat I feel makes my entire body feel as though I have been dipped in water, but the smell that fills my nose makes it well known that this is not water. The fact that I can breathe makes it clear that I am definately not under water.

I slowly pull my heavy eyelids up my equally heavy eyes. My vision is at first blur but slowly begins to get cleared.

My gaze is first meet by my white dress~that's now not so white. Rumpuled and unsettled on my laps. I feel my head banging and the brass smell of blood fills my nose.

Being a runner in school, and having sustained many injuries, I definately know what blood smells like~ at least my blood. odd?.

I slowly raise my head as it's hanging over my laps. My eyes are welcomed by darkness but as soon as they adjust to the darkness, I begin to make sense of the room~atleast a little.

All that's before me is a door. Proberbly wooden, I can't make out much as the dominant theme of this room currently is darkness. I lift my head up and I am almost blinded by the light bulb hanging over my head. It's the only form of light in here.

I look to my left and I find a little bed on an iron bed carrier. More like the ones you see in prisons. Am I in jail!?. What did I do!?.I look to my right and I see a rocking chair. And that's just it. All that's in this room.

I can at least tell that the room is painted pink. And.... Is... Do I see blood on the wall!!?.

Fear suddenly grips me as this very scenario reminds me of a story 'Mommy's House' by z0mbies I read this story on wattpad some days back. And now I feel like I am in the same story. What's going on!?.

I try to get up and only then do I realize that I have been tied to the chair on which I am sitting. What on earth is going on!?. I struggle with the chair taking care not to alert anyone around. Especial those responsible for my current state. Although I have no idea who is behind this.

My heart begins pounding furiously and fear begins to hold every single sense in my body. Is Harry responsible for this!?

Let me think back on what happened earlier this night. Maybe... just maybe I could connect some dots.

I close my eyes and let my head roll back as I try to picture earlier this night. But then the door begins to creek. It is opening so slowly one would doubt a person is actually responsible for its movement. Anyways, I am ready to lash out on Harry once he Steps through that door. He can't go about things this way. What the hell was he thinking!?. That if he went about things this way I would forgive him!?... He...

My thoughts are caught in my throat once I see who or what just came into the room. I practically chock on my thoughts!? ~ yeah. I chocked on my Thoughts, not words!. That's how scared this image made me!. I am chocking but am too scared to cough.

What did I see? This image, thing, person, animal or creature~ I'll go with creature, is dressed in a black robe. A long robe at that. So long it follows him, her, it... Whatever this is, on the floor behind and around it. It has a hood that covers most of its face but its crooked and long nose could be seen. This nose has a black mole on it. A really big Ikky one.

It's eyes, dark and beady. Although staring at me, seem so dark and distant as though the usefulness of those eyes are beyond normal understanding.

This creature keeps moving closer to me. But you know that point in your life when you want to scream but every single muscle in your body seems dead and fear has the upper hand?. If you don't know what this feels like, trust me, you are very lucky~ I mean very.

With long bony fingers and dark nails that are equally long, this creature cuts the ropes holding me bound to my seat. Should I push it and run?. Hell no! There could be a dozen more out there.

It looks at me and I can't tell if it's smiling or smirking. So much confidence! It discharges a feeling of dominion. Like this is it's home.

If my life is about to be anything like the kids from the story 'Mommy's House' I read on wattpad, death please do the honor of taking me now.

The creature slowly but nothing near gracefully walks out of the room. Quietly letting the door shut behind it.

I am left alone in this small creepy room and I don't even know if to stand or remain sitted.

The possibility of Harry being behind this drops....a bit, but it's still there.

Hey, my name is Deborah. And you are about to follow me into a journey of how my life went from a cute daydream to a horrid nightmare after just one night.

Welcome to THE MANSION, where every child has a story.