
The Manacaust : Mana Insurgent

The Manacaust, an entity which is the source of all Mana has arrived on planet Earth and has transported every living human being to a new world filled with magic. Elves, Vampires and Dragons roam the new world and humanity has been tossed into all this. Will Durale survive in this harsh new unforgiving world where danger lurks in every corner

Aqhmed_Durale · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 : Getting A Job

NB : Dear Readers, moving forward I have decided to write in 3rd person perspective. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for reading thus far.

After bidding farewell to his classmates, Durale went straight to his dorm room but during the brief kiss he had shared with Leanne, he had awakened something in her. In all her life, she had always been treated as second rate or inferior due to her having a Bronze Constitution but Durale was different. Even though she had said that they were pretending to be dating, she only wanted a chance to make it real but she knew that he would never give her that from the interaction she had just had with him. She had seen him giving looks filled with affection towards Annalise that were obvious to everyone. It was clear that he was in love with her, if only he knew what she truly was capable of but it didn't matter anyways because he would soon find out for himself.

Durale headed in the direction of his room met Derek again in the passageway. "Hey, are you headed for our room as well", said Derek. "Yeah. I wanted to go change then grab a bite at the cafeteria later", Durale replied back. He had last ate the day before so he was quite famished. He didn't even know where the cafeteria was since Annalise hadn't shown it to him but then a bright idea struck him. "Why don't we go together, you can show me the way", suggested Durale. It was crystal clear that he didn't know the way and Derek got the hint without a problem. "Of course, meet you at the door in 10 minutes", said Derek rushing off to change. Durale did the same and exactly 10 minutes later he waited by the door. A minute later Derek showed up and boy could he dress. All the clothes Durale had were those donated to him by the Knights so his hand me downs didn't particularly fit him in this kind of fancy school. They started walking towards the cafeteria and everywhere Durale looked, it was all pristine buildings and people dressed in fancy clothes headed in the same direction. Most of them gave him weird looks and mocking glances and the occasional whispers such as, "What is a farmer doing in this school". He was beyond embarrassed so much so that Derek ended up saying, " Durale, no offense but don't you have better clothes to wear. If you want, I can give you some until you buy your own". This guy was one of the kindest people Durale had ever met but Durale was not the kind of guy who took advantage of people's kindness so he politely rejected the offer. "Why don't you tell me where I can get a job instead, that way I can buy my own clothes", said Durale.

"The school secretary is in need of an assistant but the job is way too hard, if you want you might give it a try, that way you'll get paid and earn extra credit as well", said Derek. Durale was elated, he indeed needed money for necessities. The duo arrived at the school cafeteria only for Durale to stand dumbstruck at the entrance. The building was huge and well decorated. It looked more like a 5 star restaurant on Earth than anything else. Mouth watering smells wafted all over the place and Durale's stomach just had to rumble just then which made the few people around him chuckle. It wasn't his fault though, the man was just hungry so what was he supposed to do. "I have to warn you Durale, there's a certain hierarchy which works here Durale", sternly said Derek. "There's a different way in which 1st years and 2nd years are treated here. Even among the students in the same year, your Rank dictates the kind of treatment you receive. For example, if you are a Low Rank 1 Aura Master, you get mediocre food whilst a High Rank 1 Aura Master gets the best food in the cafeteria. Similarly, those with money and connections can just buy their own food and cook it in their kitchens back in the dorm". Whilst Durale was digesting the information he was just told, Liamm then showed up from nowhere. "I almost couldn't recognize you because of those trashy clothes you're wearing. Even the groundsman from our estate dresses better than you", mockingly stated Liamm. As soon as he made that remark , most of the students in the building erupted with laughter but they underestimated Durale's shamelessness because instead of rushing out of the cafeteria like they expected, he instead went towards the servers and ordered his food like he had no care in the world. He then found an empty table and started to eat his food without letting anyone interrupt him. Coincidentally, Leanne arrived in the cafeteria in the same moment and went to sit with him on his table. "We had agreed to meet tomorrow but today works as well don't you think so darling", said Leanne whilst giving Durale a kiss. Obviously this was an unexpected event but Durale was always a quick thinker so he got what she was trying to do and returned her kiss. The number of people who were visibly mocking him went down considerably since they confirmed the rumor that Durale was dating an influential woman so they didn't want any problem with him lest they get on the bad side of the Torkit's.

Seeing this, Annalise was getting mixed feelings. She obviously didn't love Durale since she knew from his glances that he felt something for her but seeing him suddenly switch from loving her to another woman, much less to someone she thought inferior irked her to no end. An idea then popped in her mind, she then started approaching towards the couple who were on their own table. Durale and Leanne seeing Annalise approaching obviously put Leanne in an awkward position since she knew that Durale loved Leanne and not her. As soon as she sat down on the table, Durale beamed towards Annalise with a smile, "Hi Annalise, how are you today", he enquired to which Annalise replied, "I'm good. I didn't see much of you today soon after introducing you to Liamm. I hope you aren't mad at me". Durale felt touched due to the fact that she felt bad for ditching him early in the morning. " I noticed that you and Leanne were holding hands earlier and you are even eating together at the same table alone. Are you guys dating or...", asked Annalise point blank. "We started talking and we found out that we have a lot in common so we decided to give it a try". Since Durale was infatuated with her, only Leanne was able to see Annalise's face scrunch up, she started to wonder if whether Annalise liked Durale or just wanted to own him. From her previous experience with Annalise, the answer seemed to be the latter. "I guess you no longer need my backing now since you found yourself one now", said Annalise with a bitter smile. She clearly intended for Durale to dump Leanne so that he could retain her backing but such an idea never registered in his head at all.

"Ohhh, I didn't mean to offend you Annalise, everything happened so fast that I didn't think things through. We can still be friends right", said Durale who was clearly trying to make amends for his fuck up." Of course. If you ever need anything, you can come to me okay". With that she turned and left leaving both Durale and Leanne perplexed as to what had just happened. Shortly after finishing their meal, Leanne then left whilst Durale waited for Derek who was eating with his friends so they could leave together but Derek waved at him and gave him the signal to come to his table. The people at his table all created some room for him and for once since entering the cafeteria, Durale was greeted with genuine smiles. " Durale, these are my friends Maya, Luke, Aesnir and Lilly. Guys, this is my friend and roommate Durale",he introduced Durale. With equal enthusiasm Durale greeted them back and promised to spend more time with them so that they could get to know each other. Since Derek was going to sleep over at his girlfriend Maya's room, Durale decided to just go and sleep but Faenry then materialized just as he was about to doze off.

"Faenry can we talk about this tomorrow, I have to get some sleep since I've got to talk with the school secretary to get a job", said Durale. He was looking rather miserable considering the fact that his crush only saw him as a friend and the guy who he hated the most was the boyfriend. "Why do you bother yourself with that Dragon girl when you have someone like me. We're soul bound and no one will ever be close to you as much as I will be", surmised Faenry. "If you give me a chance I'll make sure that within the year I'll make you fall in love with me", she added in a sultry voice. She then started crawling towards were he was sleeping and gave him a kiss. It was obviously an attempt at seduction and boy was it working. At first Durale wanted to resist since indulging in this moment would mean betraying his feelings towards Annalise but when he remembered the scene when she kissed that asshole Liamm, he fell prey to Faenry charms and proceeded with kissing her back. He quickly undressed himself then slowly peeled off Faenry's nightdress off. It was truly a sight to behold as her body was just astounding. Durale used every form of willpower to hold himself back from taking her then and there and instead gently laid her on the bed. Being a virgin did not mean that he didn't know what needed to be done as he got to work using his tongue. He used it to kiss her soft plump lips, he kissed, licked and slightly grazed her neck using his canines until he got down to her bellybutton. He used one hand to work her clit whilst the other played with her nipples. He then started fingering her until he could feel her tensing up meaning her orgasm coming. Her then started eating her out using his tongue like no mans business and he could hear her soft moans which got louder and louder as her second orgasm approached. The moment he blew a soft breath on her vagina is the moment she came so hard that she arched her back then collapsed on the bed. She ended up sleeping which was anticlimactic since Durale ended up getting no release. He then cuddled up to her knowing fully well that he had wasted his chance of getting laid and not being a virgin by being too good with his hands. Truly being good with one's fingers and tongue was a crime in this world lamented Durale as sleep soon took him. He woke to find Faenry naked lying on top of him, he tried shaking her off but she clung onto him. He felt good since yesterday's events had given him clarity. Why did he need to fight for a girl who didn't even give him the time of day when he could be with this amazing woman who could do anything for him. If he wanted romance, why not try where he knew he could win. The woman in his arms was the perfect example for that.

Like any sane person, Durale had a dream of building his own harem so first things first was to train hard and become powerful enough. But for now he had to take a bath then head towards the admin block for that job. He placed the naked sleeping Faenry onto one side then he slipped out the other way. He took a nice long bath and half an hour later he appeared out of his room looking neat and proper. He had styled his dreadlocks in a nice way so he looked really handsome. His passive skill Engulf had absorbed a large amount of Mana so he was brimming with power which made him have a certain glow to him. Walking into class, most of the students stared wide eyed at him since he looked better than he did the day before. The one who was shocked most of all was Annalise, she hadn't realized how good looking Durale was. She was about to go talk to him when one of the girls in class named Shelby came up to him and started shamelessly flirting with him. Durale was feeling uncomfortable as his face said it all. He looked pleadingly at Annalise and as she was about to go save him Leanne beat her to it. " I'd appreciate it if you could stay away from my boyfriend", sternly said Leanne. " We wouldn't want anything happening to you or your friends now would we", she added menacingly. The way she said those words made Durale see her in a new light. Even though they were just pretending, the way she said it felt like she meant it and he couldn't help but look at her in a new light. He had always seen her in a way that was like he was the older brother but now he finally saw her as a woman. A strong, sexy, beautiful woman at that.

In order to stop things from escalating, Durale ended up whispering something to her which made her feel aroused in seconds. For what those words were, I guess we shall never know but from what I as an omnipotent writer heard, it went along the lines of kissing her in wet places to keep quiet but I could be wrong. After Leanne had calmed down, Durale asked her help in escorting him towards the admin block. As they headed out, most of the females in the class were filled with envy as the couple looked genuinely happy in their relationship whilst theirs sucked, Annalise included. She wasn't happy that Durale had moved on but she consoled herself by saying that her boyfriend was better than Durale but deep down she knew she was lying to herself.

A short walk later, Durale and Leanne arrived at the admin block but Leanne said she had some errands she had to take care of so Durale proceeded on his own into the building. He walked straight until he found a lady seating at the reception. "Hello. How may I help you today", said the beautiful lady clad in all white. She seemed similar to Mrs Thornton save for the red tips as her hair was black with blue tips. "Hi I'm Durale. I heard there was a vacancy here in the admin block and I'd like to apply for the job". "Have you ever worked by filing paperwork before Durale", asked the lady. "Indeed I have. I've worked countless jobs like those before", Durale lied through his teeth. "That's ok then, the pay is good. It's 5 gold pieces and 80 silver pieces each month. Is that ok with you", she enquired. Durale naturally didn't understand how much money it was but it was better than nothing. From the vague statements he had heard so far , 1 gold piece was equal to 100 silver pieces. 1 silver piece was equivalent to 100 copper pieces. In American dollars, 1 silver piece was equivalent to $1 in American dollars back on Earth so his payment was approximately $580 which was quite a lot considering that fancy clothes cost about 2 gold pieces and food was barely 40 to 50 silver pieces if he wanted to live lavishly so it was a good deal. "The pay is more than good Miss Uhhh...". " Thornton. It's Nadia Thornton but you can call me Nadia. When can you start by the way, I need help as soon as possible". " I can start tomorrow morning, and thank you for the opportunity. Are you by any chance related to Miss Edna Thornton", asked Durale nosy as ever. Nadia herself seemed surprised, I guess not many people saw the resemblance considering that Edna was dark and gloomy whilst she was all clouds and rainbows. She also didn't regularly use profanities. " Edna is my older sister even though we are twins. I'm surprised you were able to put two and two together. I think you and I will get along swimmingly". I'm pretty sure Durale thought that too but as the writer I shall no longer interfere in his story since I am righteous and all that. Probably.

Durale went back to tell Leanne the good news and she was so happy that she gave him a deep kiss on the lips. This time Durale didn't hold back and gave as good as he got. To Durale, this was the first time he was fully enjoying her kisses and he had to admit that she had one of the softest lips he had ever tasted, not that he had a lot to compare them to. On Leanne's side, this was the first time that she felt passion from Durale's kisses so she was more than elated by this development. It seemed like Durale was finally becoming more receptive of her advances. All over the class, the couple could hear claps and whistling whilst some even openly admitted how jealous they were of the two. One girl even went as far as to say that Durale and Leanne were the best couple in their class but not everyone was happy about this as Liamm was grimacing, clearly in a bad mood whilst Annalise seemed to be relaxed on the surface, although it was all a facade as she was seething underneath that happy exterior . To her, Durale was hers and she was angry that he was being taken from her by Leanne. She planned to bide her time before she would strike and take him back.

The rest of the day was uneventful as Durale attended his classes, went to the cafeteria then went to bed in the evening were his beautiful companion Faenry was waiting for him with open arms. He seriously was a lucky guy. That night he slept more peacefully than he ever had in a long time with Faenry in his arms.