
The Manacaust : Mana Insurgent

The Manacaust, an entity which is the source of all Mana has arrived on planet Earth and has transported every living human being to a new world filled with magic. Elves, Vampires and Dragons roam the new world and humanity has been tossed into all this. Will Durale survive in this harsh new unforgiving world where danger lurks in every corner

Aqhmed_Durale · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 : A Snob And His Polar Opposite

A smooth and warm sensation woke me up as I opened my eyes, only to discover that it was Faenry who was caressing my bare chest as I had slept shirtless that night. It also didn't help that I was in my boxers and I was trying not to get an erection but the inevitable happened as soon as she started planting small kisses on my neck and chest. Flustered, I asked her what she was doing to which she replied, "Waking you up Master. It is my duty as your familiar to wake you up in the most pleasurable manner". I sat up dumbfounded, I simply could not believe my ears, "Faenry, although I do not know the ways of this world, even I know that if a man and a woman aren't in a relationship, they are not supposed to do what you just did. And why could I feel you physically, aren't you supposed to be in spirit form", I asked her. "Master, I thought you had forgotten about me", she said in her playful manner. Right now she was fully visible wearing her light blue night dress which was lingerie technically speaking. "The reason why you can physically see me right now is because this place has a largely concentrated amount of Mana therefore you absorbed it and I siphoned it from you. Pretty cool right, if you become powerful enough, I could have enough Mana to be more physically than spiritual if you get my drift", she added in a flirting manner.

"That still doesn't answer why you were doing what you were doing to me just now", I reminded her. She looked at me in a way that sent shivers down my spine and said, " We are basically soul mates, our souls are bound together in a way that no other relationship can ever reach, I was just trying to please you since we are now lovers isn't that right".

"LOVERS! What the hell are you talking about, we only just met yet you claim that we are lovers. You know what, we will continue this conversation later after I'm done with class otherwise I'm going to be late". I could see the hurt in her eyes but what was I supposed to do, I barely knew her and worst of she forcefully bound herself to me and trapped me with her for a 1000 years. It was a lot to digest and I needed some time to fully analyze and accept that I truly was no longer on Earth. I quickly went into the bathroom and took a shower, luckily I was given a starter pack so a toothbrush and toothpaste were available as well as fresh pairs of underwear since I couldn't wear dirty ones again. Unfortunately I had no money to buy food so I had to look for a part time job if I didn't want to starve.

Briefly after I had made the bed on my way to class, I met my roomate coming out from the other room and the memories of last night came flooding in. Awkward is an understatement as we both kept looking at each other in silence before I manned up and struck up the conversation. "Hi, man name is Durale. I'm your new roommate and I hope we get along well". "The name is Derek, sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean for you to see that", he replied in an apologetic voice. "You don't need to apologize, I didn't knock and I'm sure they hadn't informed you about my arrival so it's all good", I assured him. "So was that your girlfriend or...", I subtly asked visibly curious. " Yeah, we've been dating for about 15 years now since we were 15 so it was her birthday yesterday and we were celebrating. I want to marry her but my parents say I'm too young being 30 and all, said I had to wait till I was like 350 before I started talking about marriage and to be honest they're right but waiting is such a drag when you find the right one you know".

I honestly couldn't relate since I had never been in a relationship. Growing up I had always concentrated on my studies and dating was just a distraction but I tried to offer him good advice, "You should follow your heart man, do what makes you happy. If marriage is what you want then do it but at least wait till you are both Rank 3 Aura Masters yeah". 'I give good advice if I do say so myself', I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. "Allow me to reintroduce myself, I'm Derek Reyth. I'm 30 years old and currently I have no backer which you will soon find out makes life at this school difficult. I have a Bronze Constitution and I'm an Earth Affinity student. I'm also a Beastkin or more specifically, a Wolf shifter. I hope moving forward we can be friends ". My first impression of the guy was that he was going to be a pain but after this conversation, my view on him had changed. He was kinda tall, with an athletic build, with black hair and green eyes that seemed to be filled with boredom but now it seemed that the guy was just nervous as much as I was. "I'm Durale, Durale Aqhmed and I'm a Bronze Constitution Holder as well though the only backing I have is from Annalise Belmore . I'm human and I possess the Fire Affinity. I'm 21 years old turning 22 , nice to meet you Derek".

Derek just stood there in shock, it seemed like he could barely believe that I had gotten into the school at the tender age of 21 and worse of he might have gotten the misconception that maybe I was super powerful which I was not. Anyways since we attended classes on different campuses, we both decided to talk later after class and hurried onwards since we both didn't want to be late on the first day.

"Well, well, well. Look who came right on time", said Annalise with a smile. "I was starting to think you had gotten cold feet about attending class today". The more she talked is the more I fell in love with her. She was just the perfect woman a man could ever want. "Come on, let us go find our seats before we are made to seat at the front of the class". As soon as I took my seat at the back of the class, a blonde guy suddenly appeared and straight up gave a kiss to Annalise. I instantly hated him and since Annalise was right beside me, he naturally saw me and smirked. He must have sensed my discomfort and used it to mock me. I still had hope that maybe Annalise wouldn't reciprocate that kiss but my gut twisted as she gave the jerk a deep kiss. She then whispered something to him then pointed at me and said, " Durale, this is my boyfriend Liamm. He is the love of my life". I could not believe my ears, the girl I was in love with was smitten with another man.

I could somehow sense that he was also a Mid Rank 1 Aura Master and he was using some kind of technique to try to suppress me. It seriously pissed me off mainly because of the fact that I was weak at the moment against someone of his caliber. " My name is Liamm Torkit. First born of Rhizore Torkit and heir to the Rhiannon Dukedom of Zendar. I'm a Vampire as well as a Silver Constitution. My affinities are Fire and Earth though Fire is more dominant hence why I'm in the Fire Affinity Campus. Ohh, I'm also 30 years old and the future husband of Annalise if she would have me", he added in a charming voice. He was also annoyingly handsome as well that it irked me with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also taller and more powerful than me which meant that I already had a disadvantage in this scenario. I couldn't let him see that I felt inferior so I put on my poker face and cordially replied back, " Nice to meet you Liamm, I'm Durale Aqhmed and I'm Human. I'm from the North and I possess a Bronze Constitution meaning that I can only harness the Fire Affinity". When I mentioned that I was a Bronze Constitution holder, he seemed to look down on me further especially when I told him that I was from the North. "So you are not from any Noble family then?", he asked to which I replied, "No. I am merely an orphan now and the only backer I have is Annalise".

"Annalise! You dare call her by her first name you commoner. I'll have you whipped if I see you doing such a thing again. She is way above your station and I suggest you stay in your lane befitting a servant such as yourself isn't that right darling", he said towards Annalise to which she replied, " There's no need for that Liamm. I explicitly gave him permission to call me by my name. He is not a servant but a friend of mine and I'd like for you to treat him as such. Understood?". The fact that she had stood up for me only enhanced my love for her and at this point I just wanted nothing more than to propose to her but the time was not right since I wasn't yet deserving of her." Tch, if you say so my dear but know that hanging out with trash such as him will only embarrass you", he said to Annalise. "And you, if you try anything funny I'll have you expelled. Now get out of my sight".

I felt wronged but there was nothing I could do since not only had he taken my seat from me, he had also kissed my crush right in front of me. I vowed to later on take revenge against him if the opportunity ever came. I moved further back were I saw an empty seat and all but tucked my head so that I could relax since I was in a bad mood. "You ok, I just saw you being scolded by that douche Liamm", said a sweet voice. The voice belonged to a Blonde haired girl with blue eyes. I looked back at Liamm and yes, the resemblance was uncanny. The only difference was that instead of being tall, the girl was actually quite short but her body was just perfect. Everything about her screamed adorable and I couldn't even understand why she was talking to me. "I'm sorry my brother did that to you, he has always been like that. I'm Leanne by the way, the 2nd child of Duke Rhizore of Zendar. By the way how old are you Durale". Clearly she had overhead my previous conversation with her brother so there was no need to reintroduce myself to her. "I'm 21, I'm turning 22 next year. How about you?". " I'm turning 29 this year. I do have to say, you are quite young to be attending this school, how did you even manage it but don't worry, I won't expose your age if you don't want to on the condition that you become my friend ", she replied in a way that seemed to just wash away my worries.

She later on confessed that she was quite nervous since she didn't know anyone here in class except for Annalise and her brother who had been dating for quite some years. The more we talked is the more we got to know and understand each so much so that we became something close to being best friends. She was also a Bronze Constitution Holder as well as a Low Rank 1 Aura Master like me so we had a lot to relate to. It seemed as though Leanne and Liamm were on bad terms, they hated each other so I had found an ally in her but on another note, Liamm had walked around persuading our classmates not to link with me so on the first day of school both Leanne and I had become social outcasts which to be honest sucked. I thought that I was going to get a fresh start but Liamm apparently wasn't going to let me have any of that.

A few moments later, our homeroom teacher Mrs Thornton appeared. She was clad in black from top to bottom and at first glance I could see that she was a no nonsense type of teacher.She had black hair with red tips, yellow eyes and a dark tan. She was also curvaceous and well built. "Silence all of you, I want you to shut the fuck up and return to your fucking seats". It seemed like she had a unique way with words. "Since today is the first day allow me to introduce myself and I will not fucking repeat myself. I'm Edna Thornton, I'm a Low Rank 5 Silver Constitution Holder Aura Master and I possess a Fire and Air Affinity so don't forget it. I'm also a Vampire so in terms of noise I'd suggest you tone it down before I make you. When the bell rings, either your Offensive Spells teacher or Defensive Spells teacher will come to teach you depending on the schedule. You can also add extra curricular activities such as Enchantments or Forging. Your teachers will tell you whether you are to head to the arena or not. As for me, I'll only be teaching you History and other basic studies so I expect everyone to be on time. For today I shall let you guys off so that you can mingle and interact with each other or even get to know each other. Tomorrow is when the real fun begins". With that she spun on her heels and vacated the classroom leaving everyone wide mouthed.

"Well that was new, so Durale do you want to get out of here and walk around campus". "My dear Leanne, do you really have to ask", I replied offering her my hand and as we stood up hand in hand, a lot of people clearly had questions about what was going on but I didn't even give them an opportunity to do that. As we were about to head out the door, Liamm blocked our way and asked point blank, "Leanne, what are you doing holding hands with him". "I'm afraid it's non of your business Liamm, although if you really want to know then all I can say is that me and Durale are in a special kind of relationship". Everything in the class went quiet as everyone tried to grasp what they had heard, as if teasing them Leanne and I then ran outside the classroom leaving everyone hanging. "Well that was a funny prank you pulled there, almost had me for a second ", I stated in a joking way in which Leanne then replied, "Liamm deserved that, at least people will leave us alone if they think that we are together don't you think". What she said made perfect sense, if people thought that I was dating someone of Leanne's caliber then no one was going to mess with me. No one would approach her as well so she wouldn't be bothered which was a win-win situation for us both. " So we just pretend that we are dating then", I asked for confirmation. "Yes. See you later tomorrow darling", she replied as she gave me a peck on the lips. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow", she said as she fled towards the dorms in a flustered manner.

I then went back to class to collect my things then introduced myself to a few people before eventually retiring to my room as well, it had been quite a tiresome day.