
The Man Who Refrained

Dying was not fun, but hey, turns out reincarnation is a thing. The catch? I am now Danzo. - This is a point of view story. The synopsis is the only first person writing on the part of Danzo, probably. He is reincarnated as Danzo. He is unreasonably overpowered, has a bunch of ridiculously strong underlings. It starts off with Danzo in his 40s, during the time of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

wellaintyatrippin · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Within the confines of the prestigious Hokage's Office, Hiruzen Sarutobi cast his discerning gaze upon the multitude of eyes that encircled him, keenly absorbing the visage of the assorted leaders hailing from the influential clans and the revered Jonin, all of whom possessed the authority to voice their opinions. It became abundantly clear to any observant individual that this was no ordinary gathering, as even the capable Chunin were barred from entry, signifying the gravity and exclusivity of the occasion.

With an intensity that could make the most stout-hearted squirm in their seat, Hiruzen Sarutobi locked eyes with an unfortunate soul who had inadvertently fallen victim to his disapproving and apprehensive gaze. Sensing the discomfort radiating from the individual, the aging Hokage momentarily cast aside his scowl, transforming it into a more neutral expression, thereby alleviating the palpable tension that had permeated the room and bringing solace to the majority of those in attendance, as evidenced by the collective exhalation of breath that had been unwittingly held.

In an effort to shatter the suffocating silence that had settled upon the chamber, Hiruzen's voice pierced through the air like a resounding bell, breaking the spell of unease that had gripped the assembly. "Where is Danzo?" he inquired, his tone conveying a mixture of annoyance and concern, effectively initiating a long-awaited conversation and offering a sense of respite to those present.

With impeccable timing, Danzo materialized in the doorway, his presence immediately acknowledged by a response of "Here" that escaped his lips. Stepping forward into the room, he humbly expressed his regret for his tardiness, offering an explanation for his delay by disclosing his unexpected involvement in overseeing the arduous training regimen of the fresh recruits under his jurisdiction within the clandestine organization known as Root.

As those words reverberated through the air, a flood of memories surged within Hiruzen's mind, transporting him back to the pivotal moment when his close companion, Danzo, had boldly declined the revered Tobirama's mandate to assume the mantle of Hokage, instead opting to take charge of Root. It was a decision that ultimately resulted in Hiruzen ascending to the coveted position of leadership. Although the true composition and inner workings of Root remained veiled in mystery to Hiruzen, he recognized with unwavering conviction that Danzo possessed an unwavering commitment to excellence and would settle for nothing less. Pushing aside those meandering thoughts, the seasoned Hokage redirected his attention to the present, surveying the room once more and expelling a deep breath laden with solemnity.

"It has become abundantly clear that the tempest of war is bearing down upon us," he intoned with a gravity that matched the weight of the impending conflict. Yet, these words seemed to have minimal impact on the individuals gathered within the chamber, as if they had long anticipated such a dire prognosis. The atmosphere had been saturated with tension, both within and beyond the borders, as incessant clashes over coveted territories persisted, with no nation truly content with their current holdings.

A resolute determination infused Hiruzen's voice as he continued addressing the assembly, firmly asserting, "No longer can we idly endure the relentless erosion of our resources by our adversaries. The time has come for us to shed our passive stance and declare war." Astonishingly, his proclamation was met with an absence of opposition or indignant outcry, with even the esteemed leader of the Uchiha clan, Tayuki, visibly displaying agreement, his lips curving into an approving smile.

"Our forces will be mobilized extensively," Hiruzen declared, his tone carrying the weight of imminent action. "Our primary targets shall be Sunagakure and Iwagakure, as they stand in opposition to our cause. Amegakure shall serve as the primary theatre of battle, with Danzo spearheading the ground operations in the Eastern Ame front against Iwa, while Sakumo Hatake and Nara Shikada shall oversee the efforts in the Southern Ame front against Suna." Pausing briefly to allow his words to resonate, the seasoned Hokage continued, "Detailed discussions regarding troop numbers and logistical provisions shall be held at a later time. For now, it is imperative that orders be swiftly disseminated, summoning all able-bodied individuals to report for duty in this war effort."

The room remained cloaked in a charged silence, as the gravity of the forthcoming conflict settled upon the hearts of those present. A somber determination enveloped the assembly, prompting a shared understanding that the time for passive observation had elapsed, and the call of duty beckoned each individual to rally behind the cause, preparing to engage in the imminent struggle that lay ahead.

Hey y'all! I'd appreciate comments telling me where I can improve and where I've messed up the plot. It's been a while since I've seen Naruto :))

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