
The man of her dreams

sanahasan12 · Urban
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5 Chs

Flashback Sasha’s memory

( 6 years ago .... )It was 10:30 in the evening. Sasha was super excited . She got her first assignment in the surgical ward . She was allowed to shadow a surgeon and his team. Being a first year student of medicine she was limited to going to labs and lectures and the anatomy dissection lab at most . But being in a real ward with real life patients..... that was the dream . So she felt extremely important and she followed the surgeon who was surrounded by a group of residents , interns , final year students and she herself . She was allocated the job of collecting all the data , the current status of a few post op patients their current medications , and other follow up advice . So she went to a few patients in the ward and collected some data . She then found a file a Mr. Ryan Ora . She went to his bed and saw a really handsome guy sitting . He seemed to be fine but his eyes .. His intense eyes had the saddest expression. She looked at him and introduced herself as a first year student who was just collecting data . Did he have any complaints ? Or any post op symptoms . He just looked past her and nodded a no . She couldn't help herself and said "Mr Ryan I am really sorry for what you have just gone through . I can't even presume to understand what you are going through but I know you will get through this ". He looked at her the piercing gaze as if he looked through her soul . And he said "how do you know that I will get through this . I have just had a surgery and my doctors told me that I won't be able to have children. So tell me first year student how will I get through this" . She felt taken aback for a moment before she replied . "Mr Ora , I know this is a very big setback and I have no idea what you are going through , but I can promise you this .. one day you will find your life partner, the most perfect one . She will look at you and feel that she is the luckiest girl to be by your side and you will look at her and feel that you are the luckiest guy to be by her side . So please don't give up . She is out there somewhere" .He looked at her coldly and said bitterly "would you marry a guy who is infertile ? If you can't do it why would you want me to inflict this torture on some other girl ? Every one has the right to have a normal life ". Sasha replied - "Mr Ora you don't know me so please don't presume about me . Though I would love to have a big family with many children, the man by my side matters more . For the right man I can give up my dreams to have many kids , but he needs to be worth it ". He just looked at her coldly and said indifferently "well it's easy to say . Let's see if you would really do it "and then turned away and motioned her that he was done talking . She just replied professionally. "Mr. Ora . I really wish the best for you in life in everything. I really hope you can get through this difficult time . Bye now ."