
Hugo, Sebastian, and Charlotte

I stared in shock. This castle is huge! It's all white with a tall wall around it.

We walked in and went to the medical room.

The doctor checked me and told the guards that, other than my injury on my head, I was fine and should regain my memories soon.

I highly doubt that.

"I'll take you to your room so that you can rest. My name is Elijah" Elijah said

"Okay. I don't know what my name is" I replied

"Oh! Your name is Hero" he told me

"Seriously?" I asked

"Seriously" he said

We stopped at a door with a tall golden door.

"This is your room. Please rest and tomorrow someone will show you around." Elijah said

"Okay" I replied as I opened the door.

The room was huge with a queen size bed in the middle. Other than the bed, there were no decorations.

*This guy is so...plain* I thought

Back in my old room, I had posters of every one of my favorite shows and was covered in random objects. I called it my trash cave.

I went to the bathroom and washed up. I looked into the mirror and saw a man with lightning blue eyes almost completely covered by wavy black hair.

*How can this guy see through all this hair? This is so weird* I thought to my self. I shrugged it off and went to bed.


I opened my eyes to see the same room I went to sleep in.

*so it wasn't a dream* I thought to myself *but just to make sure…*

I pinched myself. Nope. Not a dream.

Suddenly, the two guys barged into my room.

"Good morning, Sleeping Fugly!" One of them yelled

"Please refrain from using immature language" the other said

He didn't deny it though…

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is Hugo. I will be teaching you about this kingdom and your role here." Hugo said

He had a long robe and white hair that went down to his waist. His hair is probably white from the stress of being smart and is long because he's a hippie. He also has glasses. Are those real? Or just for show?

"I'm Sebastian. I will show you around and teach you how to fight alongside the other guards." Sebastian said

Sebastian had on silver armor and a sword attached to the hip. He looked like a real knight. He also had blond hair that was half shaven from the right side and went down to his shoulder on the left.

Their names sounded familiar. But from where?

"What if I don't want to become a knight?" I asked

Hugo looked me dead in the eyes and said "You want to be a knight. Otherwise you die"

*Da Fawk?*

"What do you mean "die"?" I asked

"Every knight is sworn by oath to never leave the castle or to betray the king in any way." Sebastian explained "Since knights have valuable information about the king, we are not allowed to "quit" and the only way out is..."

He held a finger towards his through and made a slicing sound.

"Oh…" I said

"But, there should be no issue as long as you stay here and do what your told" Hugo tried to comfort me

Yeah. No. That's not going to happen. First chance I get, I'm bolting out of here.

We walk through the castle towards the training center. Hugo told me about the castle history but if I'm being honest, I don't remember what he said. I just smiled and nodded like I understood. Who cares about that the first king built this place from magic? Who cares about the escape route under the castle? Who cares about the many treasures in the king's room? Actually that last one may be important.

"We have arrived!" Sebastian announced

"No need to make a grand entrance." Hugo said

We walked towards the girl from yesterday.

"Hero, this is Charlotte. She's your fighting partner. She's also the princess" Hugo told me

I stared in shock. I finally knew who these people were.

Hugo, the brains of the group. He's the one who came up with the plan to kill the villain.

Sebastian, he's the hero's best friend. He fights beside the hero against the villain.

Charlotte, she's the female lead. She's also the hero's love interest.

*I need to get out of here. Fast* I thought to myself