

In the Great Regiard Castle no one, absolutely no one was close to him.

Even Arnold and Lucia had to overcome a lot of hurdles just to become his personal guards.

This time they had come to the Rumield Empire to attend the Manifestation Festival scheduled to be held three days from now.

A grand ball at the palace will be held in the presence of the king and his trusted subordinates. Essentially speaking no one should dare to criticize the monarchy if they wanted to live.

Unfortunately Austin did not have the patience to play by the rules.

He had come to Rumield a few days ago after exploiting his prime minister and had already gotten into a fight with the imperial knights simply because they tried to scam him, failing which used force.

In the Star Pavilion.

"Princess, you are beautiful today."

"I heard that the young king of Regiard will also attend."

"He is handsome too, you know."

"He is too bloody and cold."

The maids chattered on while Catherine secretly stole a glance at Jane who was standing in a corner.

She was unusually quiet today-not that she spoke much anyway but....

Catherine had a hunch.

No. she was sure something might happen.

Jane had not come to see her recently and when she did it was always with maids she did not share a good rapport with.

Catherine was puzzled.

The day of the ball.

Jane quietly sneaked into the still room with only light breathing.

She stalked towards the sleeping Catherine and slowly extended her hand towards her.

Suddenly she felt a dagger at her throat and reflexively she grabbed the wrist and threw the person forward.

'Thud' . Catherine landed on the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow…It hurts!"

"Cathy you have improved."

Catherine pouted her lips and complained, "Says the one and only genius!"

"It's too much. Since you knew it was me, why did you throw me?"

"To kill you."


"To teach you not to trust even your most trusted comrade."

"Always leave your ultimate trump card to yourself."

With an "Oh" sound she got up and dusted herself.

"So what's going on?" She probed Jane.

"I think it's time."

"Really?" Catherine was wide-eyed.


Ronald was planning on a marital alliance with the Regiard Empire with Catherine.

Ronald had given away the northern mines to Regiard in return for their help in his succession.

Those mines were the lifeline of Rumield and Regiard's prosperity was in line with Rumield's decline.

Sooner than later the empire was bound to go downhill.

Ronald planned to take back those mines as dowry for the princess.

He was confident that the new king would surely like his daughter.

"So that's how it is."

"The ball is on the day of Manifestation.

Catherine stiffened.

"It is on purpose."

Jane answered her doubts.

"Yes. Sprits are at their weakest on this particular day."

"And it is my fifteenth manifestation."

Jane threw the bomb.


"I am going to overthrow him on that day."

The last bit of restraint vanished and Catherine threw herself on Jane.

"You're crazy!!!"

The Rumield family recognizes only female successors because magic is possessed only by the females. This magical ability greatly varies and over the generations - each queen possessed unique magical abilities.

Jane was an exceptional case mentioned only in legends- an ability that surpasses the human's magical knowledge.

All known magic –elemental, psychological and summoning types were possessed by her.

Catherine possessed both psychological and summoning magic along with ice elemental magic.

The more powerful the magic greater the risk of losing control.

The founding queen was known to have gone berserk before imprisoning herself in her own self-made vortex. She was the one whose powers greatly resembled Jane's but even she was no match for her.

This was why Catherine was extremely worried and pale.

She sat doing with a horror stricken face and did not dare look up.

"Speak up."

Catherine remained quiet.

"I'll just read your mind then."

"Wait! I am telling you I am against this."

"That day might be the day I undergo manifestation but it is also when my powers are at the peak. The manifestation might be a curse to others but it is a boon to me. My powers increase exponentially."

Jane took a deep breath.

"That is why I am willing to take the risk."

Catherine stayed silent and pondered.

"What do I do then?"

"Stay safe."


"Then nothing."

"Then I'll impose on you. Thank you."


Jane was a little choked and touched – she had prepared for Catherine to be far away from the scene of action but…..

"You need someone to calm you down when you go berserk right? I have psychological magic. "

"Fine if you insist…but stay close."

"As you wish."