
The Magus Games

Thousands of years ago, The Magus Games were founded, and every young magus from various academies was forced to participate in deadly battles, throwing them into the arena of slaughter. Two kingdoms that stood on a large and ancient continent, it is said that the Gropus Continent was a lost continent called the Blue Continent. But it disappeared without a trace, just a legend passed down from generation to generation. The Magus Games were born from the games of the past that continue to exist in the present and the future. I don't know who started it. Such a terrible game that throws the young Magus into the arena of slaughter. Survive while slaughtering each other and facing something terrible just to achieve victory. Morgan Agathias, could that be his name, or is there another name hidden behind a mystery? Morgan lives in a poor neighborhood in a disadvantaged area. Discrimination and injustice made Morgan want to become the strongest magus and turn his kingdom and birthplace into a peaceful place. Armed with a genius brain and boundless spirit magic power, but not enough to overcome his weaknesses. Just practicing is not enough, let alone facing the strongest enemies that await him in the future. No one knows what secrets lie within. Morgan will find out, and he will be caught in a vortex of vengeance that has existed for thousands of years.

Ayazia27 · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Chapter 5 Mysterious Girl

The pale girl had had a wound on her stomach for who knew how long. It seemed like the wound was still new and fresh blood wouldn't stop coming out. Lyra and I took the girl to my home in the South Valley. Mother is a healer, or she calls herself a Healing Magus. More specifically, a traditional healer.

When I brought the pale girl home, Mother and Gisella were surprised to see me and Lyra bringing an unknown girl into the house, and the girl was injured.

But for the mother, who is a Healing Magus. Whether the person is a criminal or not, I don't care about status if someone gets hurt. Armed with traditional medicine and what she has at her disposal, Mother will continue to help injured patients.

I put the pale girl in a room that is rarely used except for treating patients.

Father is not at home at the moment, Mother said he was hunting in the forest.

"Uncle Jack was here. Mother was very sorry, her son took the money that should have been paid to the thugs in the Hob.

I know Uncle Jack. He was an old man who lived next door to my house, the smallest and shabbiest house with only rotten wood for walls and a rusty roof. Mother said that Uncle Jack had been beaten by Hob's thugs because he couldn't pay his overdue debts.

My father, who was home at the time, saw Uncle Jack being beaten by thugs because of his son's actions in taking money to pay a debt. My father may have a fierce face, but his heart is very kind.

Help Uncle Jack by going to the forest of Zone Zero in the North Valley. A forest full of mythical creatures that have greater magical powers than Magus. It was very dangerous and risky for my father to go to the Zero Zone Forest just to hunt mythical creatures. Besides, there is the possibility of demonic mythical creatures.

"They want to harm Dad," I said with a worried expression.

"Dad will be fine. You know how great he is. Come on. Mom will take care of the poor girl." Mother brought water in a basin and some medical equipment.

Mother is good at medicine and Gisella helps Mother. Do the main operation, clean the wound and stop the blood from coming out. Gisella is the same as me, she is studying to become a magus. But her power is still weak, her spirit magic power is not that great, but she can heal.

The little girl's palm glowed white. Gisella, even though she is only thirteen years old, her magical foundation is already visible. Not very subtle, but able to neutralize the blood coming from behind the wound.

In the room with Lyra. I watched as Mother began the main action of treating the injured patient.

Gisella finished treating the bleeding, the little girl prepared an injection with a small needle, put the liquid in the bottle into the injection, and gave the injection to her mother.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking at the mother who was injecting the needle into the pale girl's wrist.

I don't really understand at all, but Mother can always give me answers that make me understand and understand a little something about medicine. My mother is doing little things to relieve the pain. The pale girl was unconscious, there was no way she could be sick from the wound on her belly. But Mother always has the answer.

"Injecting pain medication will reduce the pain when this girl wakes up."

Little understanding of how to treat. Father was a hunter and worked as a miner, but he was a great magus, mother was a healing magus, a skilled healer in the Hill Valley district. If you want to get the best treatment for mother, you have to pay. But mother, like father, was very noble-hearted and would volunteer to treat people who were in trouble and didn't have a penny.

Therefore, Mother was very dedicated as a Healing Magus who was really needed by the poor people in the Hill Valley.

There was nothing I could do except watch my mother and Gisella treating the pale girl. To this day, I don't know the girl's name. As soon as the girl regains consciousness, I will ask her. I probably wouldn't force it if the girl didn't want to.

The distance between the South Valley and the North Valley is quite far, on opposite sides. I brought Lyra back to her house. Even though the girl insisted that she didn't want me to take her home, I had a responsibility to get her home safely.

"This girl is going to be okay, right? I felt guilty for suddenly hitting her. If I had known she was hurt, maybe I would have talked to her nicely.

Walking along the sidewalk at night with only the lantern I brought with me. The houses here are quite far apart, unlike the city below.

"Don't worry. Mom and Gisella will take care of the girl. As soon as she wakes up, I will tell you."

When I was talking about the pale girl who was caught stealing and the item she stole, I was very curious. Why did that girl steal a tablet that belonged to a noble clan? Also, the fat man whose goods were stolen by the pale girl. The fat man was not from a noble clan.

"I'm very curious, why did that girl steal a tablet belonging to a noble clan?" This is the third time Lyra has repeated the same question, and I still haven't found the answer. Before you know it, the journey is quite long and takes an hour.

Finally, we arrive at a small house made of wood. Just like my house, which is made of wood, but this house is very small. Lyra and her mother only live together in this small house, otherwise Lyra's mother is the backbone of the family. Of course, Lyra helps her mother with her daily needs.

The wooden door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman. The woman's jet-black hair was tied back in a bun, and she wore shabby clothes. But there was something strange about the middle-aged woman. There were scratches on the woman's face.

"Mom, what happened to your face?" The girl with the braided hair noticed the wound that was clearly visible on the woman's face, even though the woman smiled in a reassuring manner. Lyra would be worried if something happened to her mother, the only parent the girl has.

"I'm fine, dear. Just a small wound from hunting in the forest of the Zero Zone."

"It's very dangerous there. I thought you hunted in the Ankila Forest."

The girl's face was red and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. How Lyra really worried about her mother, to react like that. But the woman tried to smile in front of her daughter. She tried her best to calm Lyra, who seemed to be holding back the tears that would break out at any moment.

"Must continue hunting. Don't worry, mom's fine." The woman's eyes turned to me, still frozen in the yard. "Morgan, thank you for bringing Lyra home. Why don't you rest in my little house for a while," the middle-aged woman said, distracting her.

"No need. I have to go home right away. My mother and sister are waiting for me at home." My eyes turned to the girl, her face still red. "Lyra, I'll be back tomorrow."

It took two hours on foot to get Lyra home and back. There are no vehicles and I don't even own one. The footpath that cuts through the hills is not suitable for vehicles. The vehicles are on the city streets, but in the city the Hill Valley district is not viable at all. What about other districts or Calista, the capital of the Kingdom of Andalus?

"You better eat. Mom has prepared dinner for you, Morgan."

Tired and weary. But I seem to have forgotten something that I kept in my room. The old bedroom door squeaks, it needs to be fixed immediately. When I opened the bedroom door, I saw a cat with thick white fur sitting on my rotten bed, looking awake.

"Hey, haven't you slept yet? Can't wait to meet Gisella?" I hugged a white shaggy creature.

Just funny. I used to really hate furry creatures, considering them annoying pests. But now that I think about it, it wouldn't hurt if I had a furry creature. Rats will not dare to steal food. As a token of my forgiveness to Gisella, I went too far with Gisella at that time.

Gisella was at the dining table with her mother, who was helping the little girl with her homework. My father, it seems, I haven't seen him come home until now.

"Hey, little girl. I brought you something."

Gisella turned her head, her lips curled into a broad smile. The little girl ran to me and took the shaggy white cat in her arms. Gisella kept saying 'thank you' with tears in her eyes. She remembered Zeo, who had died when she got tangled up while running into the forest.

There is nothing happier than to make my beloved brother happy again, to bring back a replacement for the lost Zeo.

After dinner, I spent some time at the dining table, which had been transformed into a study table. I helped Gisella with her schoolwork that was due tomorrow morning. I'm trying to be a better older brother, I don't want what happened before to happen again.

It was exactly eleven o'clock in the evening when my father came home. The clothes he was wearing were very dirty. My father approached Gisella and me who were sitting at the dinner table. He gently kissed Gisella's head and stroked my head, although I didn't like the touch.

I am no longer a whiny and weak child who has to hide behind my father's big body. I want to be like father, in my place, protecting mother and Gisella. But in father's eyes I was still too weak and couldn't possibly protect mother and Gisella.

Sleepiness attacked me and Gisella too. The girl yawned several times, unable to hold back her sleep. Gisella returned to the room with her mother and father. The little girl still sleeps with her mother and father, there are only three rooms. One is my room, mother and father's room is occupied by the three of them with Gisella, and one room is used by the pale girl.

I went into the room, passing by the room next to mine, whose door was open. The pale girl was not in that room. I went into the room looking for the pale girl who suddenly disappeared and looked around the small room. There is only a wardrobe, a bed and a small closet where she can change clothes.

My head was hit by a very thick book and someone pushed me against the door until it slammed shut. Flames radiated from the black eyeballs of the pale girl. My body was pinned against the door, an injection with a sharp needle pointed at my neck.