
The Magic of Sound

A centuries old war, one woman and her deadly warrior. Her king and husband. Together they will unite with there kind for an epic battle to save there land. But will they bring peace or destruction?

Eona_willow · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

The Guardians gathered a few things in packs for the trip back. It was decided that they would take the Song Maidens back with them. Six elite trained, skilled Ninja Song Maidens. Fern, Natalia, Urmila, Rea, Ira, and Vidora. They where to travel into Gallia. Natalia knew of two other maidens that lived there but had no desire to become a ninja but hopefully with a little persuasion they could get them to travel to the capital with them to find their guardians. Then to Alani to gather the rest of the Guardians for it was time they returned to strengthen their numbers and protect their newly bonded Mother Song Maiden. They arrived a bit after dusk to Gallia; it was probably better that Keith sneak into town under the cover of dark.

Natalia always traveled to the town frequently so she knew the locals. "Mistress Natalia, what brings you back to Gallia so soon?" the man behind the bar asked as he saw her enter looking at her new shadow, Lukas.

"Ah, now if I told you all my secrets, Joseph, you wouldn't be interested in me any longer," Natalia said flirting with him. Then she heard Lukas clear his throat behind her.

"I would still be very interested, Mistress Natalia. How many rooms and how long will you be staying?" He asked only having eyes for her.

"Three rooms and will need them till after dusk tomorrow, will that be possible?" she asked tossing a pouch of money on the bar. He picked it up and tested the weight of the coins inside then placed it in his pocket.

"Joseph, we'll need use of the door out back if we could - away from prying eyes. You understand the company we Song Maidens travel with," she said dropping the hint that he would pick up knowing that he was well aware of the existence of Aurickans.

"Of course, Mistress Natalia, anything I have is at your disposal," Joseph stated as he showed them through the building to the back door. Natalia had already instructed them where it was that they would be let in at. Joseph unlocked and opened the door for the traveling companions then led them up stairs to their rooms, opening the first three rooms of the inn on the right side of the hall. He inspected each room, leaving the pouch of money in the first then handed her the keys.

"Good night, Mistress Natalia," he said and headed down stairs to his post. Fern and Keith took the last room, the girls the middle, and the first was for Damien and Lukas but Natalia joined them. She was too resourceful and dominant to follow so she leads.

She went to Damien as he sat down on one of the beds in the room. "Let me help you, its almost infected and you have been bleeding since we left. That's why you're fatigued and you have more perspiration more than the rest of us." She reached for his wound. He turned his head unable to admit she was right. "I am to assume that this wound was dressed by you, because it's done all wrong," she stated while unwrapping the wound on his leg. The cut was slightly infected and thick blood oozed out; she had seen many wounds but none like this one. Urmila must have charged her blade with magic before the cut.

"Damien, she is right. You have been bleeding since we left. I could smell it." Lukas said seeing the wound.

"A man has to have his dignity after the other night, besides it barely hurts at all," he said trying to laugh off his foolishness. How was he to know she was a maiden? Natalia pressed into the wound and he cried out.

"Barely hurts, huh? You have been fooled twice Aurickan. Urmila charged her blade with magic before she used it on you, not just any magic. Dark magic. It's gonna take me a while to draw it out of your blood," Natalia said as she requested clean linen and hot water from Lukas.

"You are no good to us with the stench of blood on you as we move through the forest. Did you not think about the Hunter? You are more foolish than I thought, Damien. You are a full blooded Aurickan, an ancient. Our blood drifts, calls for us to move. She calls us, she is in her darkest hour and you fool around with your dignity? Honor is above all else, remember that," Lukas said as he stormed out of the room.

"Lukas is right, Damien. You should have seen to this wound sooner; a wounded Aurickan is no protection to us Song Maidens." Natalia paused then asked. "Who is the Hunter?" She ripped the trouser exposing his flesh. Reaching under a fold in her armor she pulled out a small case of salve, applying a small amount to her fingertips.

"The Hunter is a Theron, a phantom from the great war that haunts the forest. That is one of the reasons we protect it. You know if you wanted me naked all you had to do was ask, Sweet Natalia," Damien said grasping strands of her loose hair in his fingertips. Natalia climbed up on the bed with him placing her knee between his legs pushing his chest, forcing him to lie on his back. She leaned in close to his lips, atop him inches from a kiss.

"Does this feel right to you Damien? Are you mad with lust for me?" She asked placing his hand on her hip and leaning in closer. Her hair fell to one side, "You should not play with fire, you'll get burned," Natalia whispered in his ear. The door creaked and there stood Lukas with an emotionless face on as the scene played out before him. Her hand became transparent as she thrust it into Damien's body. He winced in pain. She whispered ancient words, eyes glossed over looking into his body. Lukas had never seen what she was doing before. He was angry and worried at the same time but he realized that he trusted Natalia.

Damien pulled his hand away and twisted in pain with what was she doing to him. He could feel her moving something around inside him. His wound pushed out dark ooze as she forced the poison out of his body. Natalia sighed deeply and with curiosity. She had reached for his mind in her body's healing state and the vision of a woman came to her, a flash of red hair, green eyes, and a beautiful smile.

"I know who haunts you, Damien," Natalia whispered returning to her whole form still atop him. Lukas moved closer with the supplies she requested with a raised eyebrow. Natalia gave a sly smile and pushed away. She began to clean and wrap the wound, sealing it so that it would not bleed, taking away most of the pain. Lukas chose not to inquire on the matter, it was their conversation and as much as he wanted to know if Damien had found his Song Maiden he would keep silent.

"I shall see to a few things, it shouldn't take long. You need to rest. I don't want to see you on that leg till we leave tomorrow night, understand?" Natalia said with a tone demanding compliance. She picked up the pouch of money on the bed side table, gave a slight smile then turned to find Lukas.

"The Inn Keeper did not keep his payment, why?" Lukas asked in wonderment, moving out of her way as she moved to the door.

"I saved his sisters and mother from his abusive father, ever since then he has evasively not accepted payment from me when I stay here but I manage to always leave it for him. It's a game, a dance we play; he has been devoted to me ever since." Natalia opened the door, paused as if in thought.

"Shall I accompany you at your tasks Natalia?" Lukas asked out of respect but he decided he would follow her anyways.

"Oh, no need for your domineering presence," she said as she swept out the door and headed down. Natalia handed the pouch of coins to a bar maid and instructed food be brought to the rooms and that the last room food should be left outside the door with just a knock to it, and that the rest of the money was for the stay at the room and should be given to Joseph after they had left. The bar maid smiled and nodded when Natalia asked if she could be trusted with this important issue, the maid knew the story and giggled at Natalia's sly ways. The streets still seemed a bit busy the air brought in by the sea chilled the air, summer was almost over. Natalia moved about the streets with ease, she knew the city well. A shadow passed out of the corner of her eye and she knew she was being followed, and knew it was Lukas. A smile crept into her lush lips, she was going to give him more then he bargained for.

The cloak she had donned before leaving the Inn hid her from the view of casual glances. The city was fairly large and could get lost if you didn't know where you where going. Natalia slipped off the main road headed to a bad district usually full of drunks, whores, and cheap thrills. Natalia moved her long dagger to the opening of the cloak so that the blade flashed in the light. Anyone thinking to stop her would get a taste of her blade.

Lukas followed her cloaked head through the crowd. His expression became grim when he noticed the vagabonds on the street she turned down. They seemed to leave them both alone for he always looked dangerous. Natalia turned into a side door to a building down a set of stairs to a crowded underground bar. She zig-zagged through and slipped out the back door trying not to let Lukas catch a glimpse of her. Little did she know that Lukas was following her scent. He did not need the sight of her for he knew her sweet scent. Back out on the street she followed the ally to the end and went back out to one of the main streets. The song maiden she was visiting was a fisherman's daughter who lived above the fish market on the two main cross streets in the market itself. Shops were closing up for the night, but the fish market always closes early. Natalia walked over to the door on the side of the market and knocked. A plum older woman answered the door gave Natalia a scared look.

"Ya should not have come," she said in a hushed tone.

"I must speak with Iara," Natalia said stepping up to the woman not taking no for an answer. Natalia who was much taller then the woman could see over her into the common area behind her. A yell came from somewhere in the room beyond.

"Who be at the door, wife?"

"Aye just the wrong address, I be giving them directions..." She called into the room at him. She moved closer to Natalia pushing her out of the way of sight.

"Iara not here no longer, all your talk about legendary Mistresses of Song got me Jack all riled up, sent her off he did, to be married to that no good fat rich man who always comes here to watch her with his lecherous eye. You come to take my Iara to the big city in the East tonight; you have to save my Iara from the likes of that horrible man. The Barons house is up the street in the richer part of town the house with the red doors." The old woman said with sadness in her eyes, she loved her daughter and didn't want to see her off that way. Fisherman Jack was a hard man and would sell his daughter off to the highest bidder.

Natalia nodded and pressed a sack of coins in to her hand and whispered into her ear, "Make your way to my home Nana will take you in give you a place to stay, you know as well as I Jack wont be too pleased." Natalia reached up with her gloved hand and caressed the side of the woman's face along the jagged scar. A tear came from her eye and she whispered, "Thank you."

Lukas lurked in the shadows from across the street; his superior hearing heard their conversation when others would not have. Natalia cared much for the innocent despite the hard leather-like heart she showed to the world. Underneath that armor was the soft pink scared flesh of woman who was hardened by experience. What was her story? What caused her to lock her emotions away? He was intrigued, but most things intrigued him. Lost in his thought he didn't even see her leave but the mental alarm in the smell of her sweet scent had moved so he knew to pursue. She was going to need his help to rescue this girl.

Natalia stood out side of the red doors to Baron Brackasu's estate wondering how she was going to proceed. Directly or indirectly? She weighed her options carefully. Some women of the night where walking up the street to the entrance laughing amongst one another. What a perfect opportunity.

"Excuse me, but are you headed up to the estate?" Natalia asked, as she examined the Red Women. That's what they were commonly referred to as. The taller one, about Natalia's height, was fairly well dressed; these were not just Red Women, they where Courtesans. No, they were too drunk to be true Courtesans, these were Red Women dressed up to be Courtesans.

"What business would it be to ye if we where?" the shorter one snarled.

"Well I have a bag of five that says you are and to turn and walk away, I also got me another three for your dress. That's more money then that fat pig would have given you for the acts he would have wanted you to perform." Natalia offered showing them the money. The two women looked at each other and silently agreed. Natalia parted with her cloak for the dress, concealing all of her weapons under it exposing a woman's best assets, which Natalia was well endowed with. The big red doors of the outer gate where a bit threatening, she knew what went on behind them, she wouldn't be surprised if the red paint was actually blood instead of paint. She drew her arm up to knock but her arm was grasped, with her free hand she pulled a favourite dagger into her hand and pointed it into his flesh of his chest.

"Do you ever play nicely?" Lukas asked releasing her.

"Not with those who are bigger then me. I was sure I lost you back there, I requested you not to come for a reason." Natalia started.

"Would the reason be to get killed?" He finished.

"No. Iara is leery about men, let alone an Aurican, and I can handle myself. Your lucky I am a finely tuned blade wielder, if I wasn't you would surly be dead." She said pulling the weapon away. "How exactly did you find me? I know I lost you..."

Lukas leaned in close to whisper in here ear he took a deep breath of her scent and exhaled. "We Auricans have suburb sense of smell, and you my dear have a great scent, clean with a hint of sweet and salty." He grinned at her shock and she pushed him away. "I will be your shadow little sister, I am very well aware of what a Ninja Maiden is capable of." He said with a grim awareness, his expression softened as he turned to face her. "I only wish the Goddesses would have granted me such a beautiful creature."

Natalia scoffed, "You could not handle a Ninja Maiden. Our paths our intertwined Lukas we are connected you and I, I am to show you where your Maiden is and you are to help me find my Guardian. It is the way of things." She said placing her hand on his arm. "Come Shadow, we will see what fun we can have tonight" she said with a grin, as she knocked at the door and Lukas faded into the shadows around the corner and easily climbed up the wall.

Natalia fooled the guard at the gate and was told where the festivities where being held. A guard out side of the room where she was told to go stopped her.

"Hey, you! Wench! I need to have a go at you." He staggered obviously drunk. "Sorry Hon'" I said as I patted my privates, "My Lord wishes me nice and fresh, unless you want to answer why I'm not?" Natalia replied. The guard figured not to question and went about his business.

The Baron had never seen Natalia before only knew of her by reputation, she on the other hand had seen him on many occasions. She navigated herself to the large dinning room and the guards pushed open the doors for her.

Inside the large room were dancing, music, food, and drink. Brackasu sat at the head of the table and as soon as the doors opened up on the one thing he waited for his eyes glowed.

"Mistress Courtesan please, join me." He said as he motioned to the other side of him, for to his right sat Iara, his new wife. Natalia moved to join them as she glanced around the room noting all of the exits and the number of guards and ran though a couple of spells in her head.

Natalia reached the table to have Iara's eyes widen, then go back to not noticing at all.

"I thought that I had asked for two women?" Brackasu asked, appraising Natalia's assets.

"Mistress of the house only sent me, pretty busy and I'm the price of 2 women because of my talents." Natalia said grinning.

"Is that so? I guess we shall find out." He grinned back. "This is my wife," he said gesturing to Iara. "She is what you would call new to the ways of pleasure and before I would take her innocents I want her well experienced in the arts. But I still want her in tact, if you know what I mean, Mistress." He said as he chucked, and Iara cringed.

"Oh, my lord I would be more then happy to show your new bride the art of pleasure with out tearing her veil." Natalia exclaimed.

"Great, you have until tomorrow night." Brackasu said as he barked orders at his guards and one grabbed Iara by the arm and another asked me to follow him.

"My lord has instructed us to guard this door only you are free to come and go no one else enters or leaves." The guard had instructed as he showed us to a huge comfortable room made for a queen.

"I understand; my lord doesn't want his bride tainted. But when would you be off duty?" Natalia asked placing her hand on the guard's arm. The guard grumbled and pushed me though the door and closed it.

"Playing hard to get," Natalia laughed. Then moved to the far end of the room and opened the window, to find that it was covered in bars.

"I cannot thank you enough for coming to my rescue, Natalia." Iara whispered. "My mother was very brave to tell you at the risk of my father's scorn."

"Your mother if she knows what's good for her is on her way to my home where, Nana will protect her." Natalia said as she looked around the room for anything she could use.

"You will need some travel clothes if you could please change we should be out of here shortly." Natalia said as she stripped the bed and started tying the sheets together.

"Don't be shy with me little one, our bodies are the same" Natalia said loudly giggling to keep up the pretence, as Iara looked at her strangely.

"What are you talking about? There are bars on that window! How do you plan on getting past them?" Iara said as she pulled clothes from the closet for something that was suitable to travel in as well as placing all the jewels in a bag to take with her.

"I have a strong shadow coming to bend the bars for us," Natalia replied as she finished with the sheets and closed the curtains to the bed then went to the window annoyed that he had not showed up just yet. Iara dressed to travel joined her at the window. Natalia had removed her disguise and now stood in her black leather armour her bangles sparkled in the moon light. A shadow had fallen over them and Iara had gasped.

"Your, your, an Aurican..." She said with shock and fear on her face as she gazed at the shadowy figure standing on the ledge outside the window.

"So it appears that I am, would you wish that I not help you little sister from the slow death that awaits you? Surely your Guardian would not be so kind to me if he found that I did not help you when you where in need." Lukas said.

"Lukas stop fooling around and bend the metal," Natalia said. "Iara you trust me don't you?" Iara nodded her head as she continued to stair at Lukas as he pulled the two center bars apart enough for them both to get through.

"Ok then Lukas is helping us so that you can go to your guardian. I know that you didn't want to come to the estate to join us but you must still fell the pull to our mother?" Natalia asked. Iara lowered her head then nodded again.

"Its not that I didn't want to join, Father wouldn't let me he said that women where suppose to stay home and cook and clean after there husbands. I knew my feet needed to move in the direction that my heart flew but I did not have the courage," she sobbed. Lukas tied the sheets to the iron bars as Natalia talked with Iara.

"Courage is something you find in yourself when you can no longer stand the unjust, you had your reasons for staying and none shall judge you for them." Natalia said moving to the window looking around it was the East tower not far from the east wall but they needed to get around to the West side and back to the inn. Lukas asked for her permission to pick her up to help her escape to which she agreed.

"Get her to the wall I will clear the path North around to the North West wall where we can climb down there I will then take Iara outside the city and wait for you to notify the others and we shall meet Just outside the North wall of the city at the edge of the forest." Natalia instructed he nodded his head in agreement and Natalia fell from the window with a song on her lips.

Lukas and Iara watched as she glided to the wall and landed with great accuracy. "I don't suppose you could do that?" Lukas asked. Iara shook her head from his back. "Don't worry little sister songs will come to you in time," he replied as he began to climb down the wall with her on his back.

Natalia caught the attention of one of the guard towers as she landed then moved swiftly to silence them.

"Night full of shadows, night full of darkness

Cloak me with your presence; hold me in your arms

Make me cold and unseen, but guided by your sweet moon light." She moved with blinding speed and none saw the beauty that brought them their quick death. Her hands moved in for quick kills moving through the ranks along the wall leaving the corpse at her feet and behind her like a trail of bread crumbs.

It was before dawn that the others joined Natalia and Iara at the edge of the forest north of the city. The sun would be coming up and the sleepy sea side town would soon awaken. Each one of them felt it, the need to go to her side the Mother Song Maiden and her Aurican.

"These trees hold a secret," Fern said as she waked through them touching them slightly. "You guard this secret." She asked.

"We are ancient Auricans the pervious Mother Song Maiden sent us here to guard a powerful monument deep in this forest," Lukas said guiding them through the trees.

"These trees are not normal they are magical?" Fern said touching another one.

"Correct they where created with strong song magic, do any of you know the story of Alani and Hordon?" Keith asked guiding Fern along the path his brother guided them. None seemed to know.

"Long ago there was a war in these parts and the last of the [pair] was sent to fight off a race of man who where full of blood lust. The last of the [pair] was the strongest the Mother Song Maidens personal guards. She knew in sending them off she would be welcoming her own death because the land was starting to claim her.

Alani and Hordon fought with much bravery but the sheer numbers where overwhelming them, they where sadden that the last thing their Mother Song Maiden asked of them they could not hold off the armies. Hordon finally could no longer protect even his maiden as they advanced him and was breaking his line. Distracted by protecting his heart, his light, he was dealt a blow that no Aurican could recover from. Alani was born from a strong line of magic and called forth great power as she gathered her love into her arms roots begin to lock the warriors in place and flowers and plants started to grow up out of them all around.

For miles around the blood lust warriors where frozen in place by the roots as trees burst forth through the ground, entangling them as the forest grew rapidly entrapping every single one till their last breath she held him in the center of the new forest that grew over night." Lukas said telling the story.

"What happened to Alani? Why dose the forest need to be guarded?" Ira asked.

"After she heard every last warrior die as she held her Aurican who was also dying, her heart ached and slowly begin to leave her body and she held the light blue diamond in her hands for him to see. She could not follow him into the mist but she could follow him to the gate and wait for his return. So we sit and wait for Hordon to return, protecting his maiden from discovery. If some one where to take her heart she could not be re awakened." Lukas said continuing the end of the story.

"What of this Hunter?" Natalia asked.

"The magic that Alani used had some side affects, it made the warrior ghosts who haunt the forest only one can dispatch the ghost and kill the beast is the reincarnation of her Aurican Horton, that is who she is waiting for." Lukas explained.

"oh," Ira said, "So you guard the forest to keep the people safe?"

"That is the ideal," Damian said feeling much better after Natalia's healing hands last night. Hopefully he did not draw the beast's attention.

"So in other words we should be on guard? Not just any forest we are traveling through." Natalia said.

"It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye out," Lukas said stopping and listing. It was well after noon and they had covered much ground.

"How far are we away from your brothers?" Natalia asked.

"A couple of leagues," Lukas said smelling the air as he looked to his brother Keith. He smelled it too, they where being tracked. Natalia knew something was going on, Auricans with there superior sense of smell.

"Ladies be ready," Natalia commanded, and then they heard it. The Scavenger trampling through the forest, it was big huge as the trees crashed to the forest floor as it headed for them.

Tristan had gathered the rest of his wardens he knew something was amiss, a change in the air. It was very subtle something a hatchling wouldn't recognize.

"We'll be off now," he said taking a whiff of the air. Procuring the lead at a swift pace into the woods in the direction the other wardens went off chasing the thieves. The four wardens sensing the imminent danger headed off to help their brothers.

"My lord, the beast is on the move, three leagues to the Southwest." Shane said as the bounded through the forest. Auricans are not only strong but fast as well. They could travel the length of the forest in no time.

"Pick up the pace men there is a fight on the breeze and the beast is in the middle of it." Anthony said breaking into an all-out run. The four wardens ran into the clearing and into the middle of a standoff between his brothers and armour clad women, no ninjas, their eyes widened Keith and transcended, these were no ordinary women or ninjas they were Song Maidens.

The air in the clearing crackled with fire and electricity. Rea had her bow pulled taught her gold and pink bangles glimmered in the sun rays light her up like an angel she had turned to the other men entering the clearing her eyes locked on his and then all she could hear was the beating of his heart, his bright light blue eyes.

Anthony breath refused to leave his body, the magnetic pull to her was instantaneous, he needed to be by her side and no one would stop him.

"Dear Goddess," he finally breathed. In the moment of distraction, the beast decided to go after Rea taking a swipe at her with his sharp claws. The image of her was in her eyes and she was able to see the claws coming. Tumbling out of the way she fell into his arms as she looked up to see him transformed, his wings snow white with specks of grey just like a snow owl.

"Stare at each other later we got to get out of here!" Natalia yelled as she threw a few of her red tipped daggers at the beast.

Rea turned notched an arrow in her bow whispering a song on it as she let it fly. Anthony pulled her back as the beast took another swipe at her the arrow hit him right between the eyes, it fell in a heap snoring.

"I have placed a sleep spell on it but it won't last long the arrow is already starting to disintegrate, let's get out of here." Rea said taking Anthony's hand and running with the others. They were soon out of the forest when they heard the howling of the great beast.

Everyone looked around at each of them Tristan the Legionnaire of his flock could only laugh. Not only did he have just one feathered Aurickan but four. Michael and Shane had also turned when they locked eyes with their Song Maidens.

"Come my friends, we shall celebrate! There is much to talk about. Come brothers and little sisters." Tristan motioned them in the directions of home. The leader of his flock, guardian of the forest. He was larger than the rest of the guardian's full shoulders and blonde hair, very well built. His maiden was not among the songstresses here, but he knew his time was near.

Anthony fawned over Rae like a princess as they walked after Tristan. Shane's transformation was different than the rest of the Auricans, he was a burning bird, a phoenix, there were both fire in his and Urmila's eyes. She was unafraid of his flames as she reached for him and kissed his lips, his flames flickered and he turned to smoke when it cleared his skin and hair was the color of charcoal and his wings where the brightest red and orange you ever saw. Two elemental beings tangled into one was both frightening and exhilarating.

Urmila is short stature with coal black hair with streaks of white that falls to the middle of her back. Her stormy silver eyes that swirl when she casts magic. They were very overwhelming, two very powerful mages as well as Aurican and songstress.

The other pair Michael and Ira could have been twins, they had the exact same hair colour of a deep chestnut brown and they both had one green eye and one blue, they could have been twins but they were much rarer than that they were soul mirrors. As with all Song maidens and Auricans they are of the same soul one light the maiden one dark the Aurican but sometimes, there are two lights that match as one. It is a mirror of the soul and with two lights their magic that they weave will be sweet and pure. It is one of the truest form of magic there is. Michael being a twin soul did not transform into his Aurican form.

"Soul mirror, huh who would have thought, some have all the luck" Damian said to Lukas patting him on the back.

"Yeah, like we need another soul like you around here." Lukas replied chuckling as he smiled at Natalia.

"To think that we were only leagues away from our Guardians" Natalia chimed back.

Vidora observed the soul mirrors, "The Eye has seen it. Twin souls can merge as one and become a white dragon that has a breath of fire that burns as hot as the sun."

"You are not a song ninja, you are a Twahal from the volcanic mountain island in the swirling sea." Tristan said appraising her. Vadora was extremely tall for a woman, she had dark skin and brown eyes. Hair was boyishly short, and had a thick accent. The leather headband she wore that accented orange, yellow, and brown stones, with a large odd shaped stone in the center, she calls the Eye. The eye gives her prophetic visions.

"You are correct, general. The Eye told me to journey to this land where I will find my destiny to serve under the Mother Song Maiden." Vadora stated.

"It has been a long time since I was called General, Mistress Vadora. Please just call me Tristan, until the mother calls me to be one again. You read others and hold lots of secrets and information, we should guard you well little sister." Tristan said.

That night there was much drink and food at the Guardians tower at the edge of the forest, four of the ancient guards had bonded with their mate.