
The Magic of Sound

A centuries old war, one woman and her deadly warrior. Her king and husband. Together they will unite with there kind for an epic battle to save there land. But will they bring peace or destruction?

Eona_willow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Far off to the west in the land of Cyria was a town called Alani, near it a great forest grew called Hordon. This town thrived from the many gifts the forest gave, but great power and mystery came from the forest. People wondered what was hidden deep in its root tangled depths. Not many people ventured too deep due to the Forest Wardens, mercenaries that lived within, turning away those that traveled too far. An air of mystery shrouded the Forest Wardens as well as the forest itself. Legend told that the forest grew over night long ago after a huge battle raged several leagues away.

Years later the Wardens showed up, some say they were sent by the Mother Song Maiden herself. Not many knew the Wardens other than that they were good men that helped out the community. They hunt where they would not allow others to go, giving the game to the needy families or selling it for low fares. Keepers of the great forest that were protecting whatever lay hidden at its center.

It was an average afternoon some bandits escaped into the forest for coverage, before the Wardens were notified they had already known and sent a small party out to track them. There were only twelve Wardens in all, their leader Tristan.

"There moving fast South West, we cannot allow them to cut to the far West," Keith said, examining the floor of the forest and the broken underbrush. Keith knew every tree, he was of the forest. His straight dirty blonde hair fell into his face, always quite, always listening. The forest spoke to him, it was one of his powers. Being the youngest of the Forest Wardens he was always looked after especially by his older brother Lukas. Lukas was the opposite of Keith, very straightforward and always spoke his mind. They had similar features in their face but Lukas wore his hair short and was bulkier than Keith. Damian the third Forest Warden in the tracking group had a silver tongue and was devilishly handsome, always caught sweet talking the young ladies. His long flowing black hair came to the middle of his back and had a very thin goatee; Damian was the most exocentric out of all the Wardens.

"It would be extremely suburb if we could stay the night in Gallia, the women there are always most accommodating." He said with heavy breath as they moved quickly through the forest on the bandits heels, the other two glared at him.

"How can you be such a womanizer, Damian? I don't know how your Maiden is going to put up with you." Lukas asked following after his younger brother who was tracking the bandits.

"I can't help thinking that I'm drawn to beautiful creatures." He replied with a pout following them around the trees. Keith kept more silent than usual, he had his own reasons for being a part of the tracking group. They did not expect he had an ulterior motive; he was the best tracker. The trees whispered, called to him to come to Gallia but before he could hear what it was the wind carried it away. Lukas knew something was up with his brother so he decided to go as well, plus he hardly went anywhere without him. Someone had to look out for him. The forest cleared and rows of apple trees came into view. They caught up to the bandits and found them surrounding a girl, harassing her with the weapons they had.

Keith stopped in his tracks the others did as well. These trees knew her, they cried at him to help her, help Fern. He removed the green vest he wore his bare chest and back burned a burning he had never felt before as he moved closer to the bandits and the girl. Damian and Lukas would dare not move; they could feel the raging power that radiated off of him. He laid eyes on her for the first time, her long loose brown curls that fell to her slim waist. She stood there defiance in her stance and determination in her gaze as she refused to back down and show them weakness. The bandits were unaware that Keith was behind them until she noticed him, her blue green eyes met his brown ones. A moment of shock flashed through her eyes then concern as the bandits turned to find him behind them. That's all she needed was the split second that their eyes were off her, she slipped her dagger out of the folds of her dress and went for a fatal blow as she attacked one of the bandits. The other one went for her wrist to hold her hostage. That's when Keith's rage bursted out and in blinding speed he dispatched the other two and he was by her side before the bodies fell to the ground.

She knew him; he was the one that came to her in her dreams, called to her then disappeared. She would try to follow him but she could never catch up to him before she woke up. She was drawn to him even more so now that she knew he was flesh and blood. She had to know who he was. What he was.

♪"I am the one the trees call Fern.

You are of the Forest the trees speak too,

I must tame the wild chaos that rages and burns.

I fear nothing for my blades will undo

And my magic will renew." ♪

She sang softly placing her hand on his chest that moved with the rhythm of his ragged breathing that slowed as her song calmed him. They both realized his change together, his skin shades darker than his normal sunkissed glow and the sharp talons that had just moments ago ripped through the remaining bandits. Feathers floated around them and she looked into his eyes again to find very sharp hawk eyes and two beautiful brown wings with white and brown speckled stripes behind him. He stood there unashamed of what he was, knowing that she had to accept him, had to know that he could never harm her and that they were created for each other. She let out her breath not realizing she was even holding it, she knew he was testing her. Testing her strength to see if she could be a part of his ever changing life, she let her dagger fall from her hand and fell even farther into his arms and pulled his lips down on hers in a passionate kiss.

Laughter came from a few trees down a single old woman stood by watching all that took place. Lukas and Damien were not only at a loss for words but baffled at the old woman's laughter.

"Forgive me; I have not seen the likes of an Aurickan Guardian stand against his Maiden allowing her the choice to accept him in his true form in a long time." She said, still chuckling, Fern and Keith pull away at the sound.

"Nana…What are you doing out here?" Fern asked out stretching her arms calling the dagger back to her then tucking it back into its sheath in the folds of her dress.

"I might ask the same yet but by the looks of it, its already known. Come Guardian Knights ye will be more welcome in my home then in the city itself, it is just west of here near the cliffs of the swirling sea. What do ye call yourselves? I be Nana, ye have already met me daughter Fern." The old woman introduced herself.

"I am Keith," he said, bowing seeing her with his Aurickan eyes knowing she too was a Song Maiden. "My brother Lukas and this is Damien," Keith introduced himself and the others gesturing to each, they followed in his action by bowing to her as well.

"Pleased to meet ye all, your name suits ye. He who is of the forest yer ears listen, always trust in that ye have tuned them well." Nana said to him then turned to Damien and Lukas.

"How do you know who we are?" Lukas asked.

"I have eyes, they see many things, some of which the likes of me wish not to have seen. But the brooches ye all wear with the wings on them say it all. It's about time Guardians came this way, ye have a sharp mind Lukas but mine is sharper. Your Maiden will be unbridled do not attempt to harness her with your commanding will or it will wreak disaster for ye both." Nana replied giving him her insight on what she saw. He nodded his head in recognition at her advice, realizing now what Keith knew her to be, a powerful Song Maiden.

"Ooh what of me? I want to know about my Maiden! Does Fern have any sisters? If they look anything like her then I would be quite satisfied." Damien asked, looking at Fern's curves; Keith growled and blocked his view with his wing.

"Ye lecherous eyes are gonna get ye in a heap of trouble with ye Maiden. Ye both have your hands full of each other; remember ye Maidens are made for each of ye. Maiden is day, Guardian is night. Ye cannot have one without the other. Come we waste the day light." She said and turned to walk in the direction of their home but froze in her tracks. She turned back to them and they were frozen too, they all felt the power too. It moved through their bodies, the focused on the power feeling the link between each other and many more, they all looked to Nana. The power rippled through the land and the people were linked once again.

"Praise be to the Goddesses she has been Bonded with her Guardian, the time is near. Ye all must be returning to them soon they will need ye strength and power. Ye all will be welcomed by the Mother and Father." Nana said with a sigh continuing on to her home with them in tow.

A huge house built next to the cliff of the swirling sea, as the got closer the wind picked up and blew the salty sea air into her face. Two women guards stood at the gate entrance dressed in tight leather armor black at night with katana swords at their waist and spears at ready. They did not move as they passed through, not even to look at Keith as if it was a common occurrence. Inside the yard of the large house more women moved about their chores, some dressed like Fern others in the black leather.

Keith heard a small whistle and distinctly grabbed Fern and pulled her back as a single red dagger flew down and landed inches from where she was standing looking up where the dagger came from. Atop one of the houses stood another black leather clad armored masked woman. Keith growled, Fern held out her arm to hold him back.

"Natalia, how dare ye challenge a Maiden who had found her Guardian, ye trying to get yourself killed?" Nana asked, shaking her head turning to the knights. "Forgive her she is young and still requires training, most of my top students are Maidens. Fern if ye wish not to accept it will show no weakness." She said to her daughter.

"No, I will accept," she said picking up the dagger and throwing it with lightning speed back to its sender and Natalia caught it. Keith gave her a worried look.

"Do ye think that wise, daughter? Ye Guardian is new to his duties." She advised voicing his concern. Fern nodded her head and slipped from the dress she wore to reveal the black leather armor underneath her dress. Getting a closer look at the armor in concealed spots where daggers and throwing stars, Fern fastened her katana at her waist and fixed the bangles she wore at her wrists.

"Do not be worried my Guardian I have been raised a Ninja since I was a child, Natalia is impulsive. Please trust me, do not interfere." She spoke to him in his mind. Keith felt uncomfortable about the situation and he knew he would never get used to the feeling that came with having her go into battle with him. So he allowed her to be what she was and would assist however he could.

"I will be your eyes mine see more than yours can," he replied to her with a nod of his head. Lukas, aware that they stumbled upon the ancient Maiden Ninja Clan could only speculate at their unique weapons.

"I once long ago saw a Maiden Ninja with her Guardian; they alone hold the secrets in the unique weapons only they can create. How might they work if you don't mind me asking?" Lukas inquired, reaching out so that he may examine Fern's bangles.

"Song magic is in the ore used to make the weapons and bangles at the same time so they are connected. The maiden can call them at will to her hands with the bangles." Fern explained letting Lukas look more closely at them.

"The body gives off vibrations that the bangles pick up on, I can call forth my dagger," she demonstrated as a small throwing dagger flew from one of the hidden sheaths on her boots to her hand.

"I can also call forth a shield from the bangles and block attacks," she then demonstrated as a clear blue watery ice poured from the bangles medium oval shield formed the length of her forearm.

"Shields come in different varieties all depending on who created them and how much magic the Maiden can control to shield her." She finished and let the shield disburse and tied her hair up. All the other girls gathered around to watch the fight. She glanced back at Keith before she moved with lightning speed to the rooftop then to the wall where Natalia waited.

"Finally I was getting bored waiting for you," Natalia said with a yawn, and then lazily did a backflip and pulled two war fans from their sheaths in her boots. Fern placed her mask on and pulled her katana from its sheath. Natalia's long brown hair similar to Ferns was pulled back in a bun her green eyes sparkled with determination.

"You show me such disrespect, that's just fine I shall adjust your attitude," Fern said as she charged.

Natalia spread one of the fans blocking Fern's attack countering with the other fan swinging in at her side. Fern expected the attack shifting her arm down and shielded her body from the blow she called one of the daggers in the multitude of her arsenal. Fern shields her whole arm slipping the dagger in through Natalia's defenses.

"Still forcing your way through defenses, when will you learn to use your wit not your brawn?" Natalia asked, swinging her unopened fan around spreading it hitting Fern's arm up. Natalia's purple shield spread to her fans controlling a large shield. She waved them out away from her releasing powerful energy forcing Fern away from her, Fern also expecting Natalia's tactics flipping backwards. Fern sighed, sheathed her katana and pulled out two of her long daggers, she let her mind connect with Keith's and she saw the throwing daggers through his eyes. Fern looked up at Natalia and for the briefest of moments Natalia saw his eyes in hers.

Fern blocked them with her shields charging at her, Natalia snapped both of her fans shut and sheathed one also pulling out a long dagger. Fern thrusted in with one and cut down with the other, Natalia blocked the thrust with her fan letting it fall open again and the other with her dagger. Fern's dagger jabbed in between the blades of the fan cutting through the tight material covering Natalia's muscle taut body drawing a thin line of blood on her thigh. She gave a slow smile, snapped her fan shut stepping into Fern's frame twisting her caught dagger between the fan blades out of her hand, dropping the fan she shielded her hand with her bangles and dealt two blows to her torso causing her to stumble back.

Natalia reached up with her free hand and twisted Ferns around her back making her drop the dagger she still had. Natalia brought her dagger around up to Ferns neck pulling hard on her arm behind her back. Fern cried out but no sound came out, it echoed in Keith's mind. He glared at the scene unfolding before his eyes.

"Will you disregard her request Aurickan to not interfere? Will you step in to rescue her? Shall I draw the blade across her pretty little neck?" Natalia taunted through the mask she wore through gritted teeth. Keith made a slight movement, his muscles tensed in anger, his fist clenched. He said nothing as she taunted him with Fern; the knowledge of the mask came to him from the metal pathway that he shares with her. The masks allowed speech but not song or sound preventing the maidens to use their magic relying on skill, but also trained their magic by the controlling of their shields.

He fed Fern his rage through the rage she found the strength to push the dagger away from her neck. Natalia pulled tighter on Fern's arm that she had twisted around her back, she struggled against it Fern twisted Natalia's wrist down causing her to loosen her grip. The surprised Natalia was very intrigued by the emotions they drew from each other, turning it into strength. She had fought Fern since childhood, she knew all of her weaknesses and strengths, never has she fought like this. Now was the time Natalia thought she had to put all of herself into the fight, she had to deal a death blow.

She pushed Fern's arm into her back and kicked the back of the knee causing her to fall forward on the cement tile roof, Fern placed her hands out to brace her fall just in time. Natalia flipped backwards picking up her fan as she flipped again. Favoring her fans she snapped them both shut and took a deep breath. Ferns lungs burned as she got back to her feet, her vision was blurred at the sight that Keith gave her, Natalia rushed her fans drawn.

Fern turned swiftly, too slow to block Natalia's full on assault taking a blow to her back making her gasp for air again inflaming her lungs even more. Then one to her torso again, Natalia with a flick of her wrist swung the fan in low at her legs to trip her.

"JUMP!" Keith cried in her mind and her body reacted as she did a back flip in place, Natalia countered her in mid air knocking her from the roof, tossing three magically charged throwing stars at Ferns back. As he shared the sight of the weapons they both knew she would not be able to block or counter, Keith took to the air with the swiftness of his Aurickan strength. Swooping into her he blocked the sharp objects with his body catching her in the air. He quietly placed her on the ground making sure she was alright and gave her a conflicted expression. He quickly turned to Natalia who was now on the ground with her weapons sheathed, her mask removed.

His rages burst forth in a swift motion as his claws meet her small neck holding her slightly off the ground. Fern gasped as she saw all three of the weapons Natalia had thrown was halfway deep in his back, Natalia made no attempt to attack or reflect his rage.

"Give me one reason why I should not snap your neck?" Keith asked, trying to hold back his anger.

"I have given you every reason to do as you should, but I had to be sure." She replied in gasps not struggling, accepting her fate.

"Had to be sure of what?" He asked, squeezing slightly, making her choke a bit then losing up controlling the rage enough to let her answer.

"I had to be sure that you were good enough for my sister. That you would save her even if it meant your own life. Do as you must Aurickan it is the way of our kind, I accept my fate." Natalia said as tears streamed down the side of her face. The wet tears touched his claw and his rage vanished and he released her, his strength waned and turned and went to walk away but he fell to his knees.

Natalia quickly went to his back and called the weapons back to her, Fern with tears in her eyes from the event that just transpired ran forward to help as he fell forward into her lap. Lukas and Damian went to help but Nana stopped them.

"They must be the only ones in the circle," she said pointing to the golden ring in the sand on the ground around them.

"A healing circle? Only the strongest Healing Maidens can cast such magic. How no song was sung?" Lukas asked, looking closely at the two sisters.

"Me daughters are very powerful, there is much more to Natalia than the ninja in her. She is also a Healing Maiden; she needs not to sing a song. The sound of her falling tears were all that was needed to create the circle." Nana said as the pride swelled up in her as she watched her daughters do what they have been trained so long to do.

Natalia took Ferns tears from her lashes and placed each one into the gaping wounds the weapons left and placed Ferns hands over them.

"Great Healing Goddess Sprite Narinder, spirit companion.

I call upon your aid from across the boundary.

Grant me your wisdom and power.

Tears of love will fill the rift,

And dull the pain."

A faintly light blue woman materialized in the circle and kneeled behind Natalia placing a hand on her back and the other hand over Fern's. Narinder drew a white light from Keith and held it out.

"That better not be my brother's spirit." Lukas warned taking another step forward.

"Spirits are light blue, for every emotion drawn from the body is a color of light." Nana explained.

"Who will take his pain?" the spirit asked.

"His pain was caused from my actions; I shall take that which I gave." Natalia stated taking a deep breath; Narinder released the white light of pain that was drawn into Natalia's body. Narinder bowed to her flesh bound healer then disappeared, the circle faded and Natalia fainted.

Keith awoke suddenly remembering what had happened, expecting to be in pain he moved rather smoothly, he looked about the room to see a feminine shadow cast from the glow of the moon. He moved the bed curtain away and the sight took his breath away, she stood near the open window in a sheer nightgown. He gasped as he saw every lush curve of her body, her long loose curls blew away from her back as the night breeze drifted in to cool their hot skin. She heard the rustle of the sheets and knew he was awake, she knew he was watching her and that made her heartbeat quicken.

She gave a slow smile and then turned to him; her full breast followed the rhythm of her pounding heart and heavy breath, she came to him.

"Why has it taken you so long to come to my side?" she asked, touching the side of his face sitting in the chair adjacent to the bed. "I could not grasp you in my dreams, always out of reach. I sent the forest my name in hopes you would hear its call. Tell me, what sweet sounds your ears hear of the peaceful forest." Fern inquired thirsting for knowledge of him, his ways, his secrets, his hopes and fears.

"The wind through the forest has always called to me, your song spanned distance, I have always heard your call but was not sure what it was or its intent. I hear all of the forest, the good and the bad, the apple trees told me who you were, they pleaded with me to help you." He started sitting up swinging his feet over the side of the bed stretching his wings.

"How did I not kill Natalia? How did she have such power over me?" He asked this time sorting through these emotions he had never had before.

"My sister has mother's strength and power; she is a Healing Song Maiden, very rare. She would not have been able to relinquish your rage if you had not wanted it to. You thought it honorable that she would test you, it was your decision she just made the process faster so that she could heal you. She called her Spirit Healer, the Goddess Sprite Narinder. Few maidens have such rights, you would think I live in her shadow, but I do not. I feel for her because she will not know the feeling of being plain, the small simple things that she will never get to know because much is expected of her. So I try to live that for her so she will know the simple things that I know." Fern gave a sad smile as a solitary tear fell from her eye.

"You are not as simple as you claim to be 'mi naren', you are Song Maiden of the Forest, Fern. I shall create you a lavish tree house in the forest so that we may share all the sounds of it together." Keith said, pulling her from the chair into his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed, the sweet smell of fresh rain came from her skin as he pulled her close. His arms wrapped around her soft body pressed into his hard one made his senses go wild, she leaned back into his embrace the thin nightgown burned her flesh. He pulled her long hair aside and kissed the back of her neck, his lips tasted the sweet skin that smelled of rain. Fern closed her eyes at the touch and her already fast heart beat jumped. She reached up behind her and ran her finger through his hair welcoming the intoxicating touch. He turned her head so he could kiss her lips again, tasting the sweetness of each other. Her skin on fire she pulled at the thin cloth between them, feeling her need he slowly pulled the fabric up, running his hands against her smooth legs. She went to help remove it but he held it tight just before her hips with one of his hands, her long bare legs moved to accommodate his tantalizing touch that the other one gave.

She moaned and he followed her sound with his own, pulling the rest of the night gown slowly over her head. Her bare skin against his excited them both, she clenched at his pants as he trailed his lips down her spin. She stood and turned exposing herself to his keen eyes. She pulled him from the bed and pressed her naked body into his, running her hands around to his back and down. Her lips tasted his hard muscles as she worked at his belt; she wanted him naked to her gaze as he had of her. As his pants fell to the ground he grasped her head and kissed her strong and passionately. She clung to him as he kissed her, her hands as soft as his feathers teased his skin as she explored with her fingertips.

He spun her around with ease and placed her gently on the bed. The cool satin sheets felt good to her hot skin, the moon shined in just enough to light the bed. Her olive colored skin fell under his articulate gaze noticing her ribs were bruised from the fight earlier. He placed his lips on the damaged flesh soothing the pain away. He noticed much more scars than just the bruise, some faint barely recognizable, others deep and painful. Tracing each one with the tip of his feathered wing, each told a story and he wanted to know everyone. Lightning raced through her veins from his feathers as the found every scar she adorned touching the sensitive skin. Keith joined her on the bed atop her bringing his strong hands into her sensual play, kissing her slowly trailing his soft lips down her neck lavishing her lush breast with his tongue. Holding one with his hand he teased the nipple between his fingers, tasting the other with his mouth. She gasped as he gently raked it between his teeth, a slow smile spread across his lips as her body quaked with need and excitement.

"Why do I tremble at your touch?" Fern asked, trying not to drown in the waves of pleasure that pulled her under. She tried to figure out the logic, desperately, frantically grasping for thoughts that escaped her. He moved his lips down her torso stopping just before the junction of her thighs, she panted at the anticipation feeling the core of her body reacted to all that he did. She ached for something that she knew only he could give her.

"You crave me with all your being 'mi naren', do you trust me to give you what your body desires?" Keith asked his voice rough with desire in his tone caressing the side of her thigh coaxing the shy plant to bloom exotic flowers.

"I trust you with my soul," Fern confessed, placing her hand on the side of his face then fell away as he lifted her leg opening her to him, he discovered that by her wetness she was ready but he wanted to push her over the edge. They would have several more moonlit nights to be together under. He tasted her sex slowly, she sat up and cried out with pleasure a bit shocked by the sensation he gave her sensitive parts. He reached his hand up her torso gently pushing her back down onto the mattress. Her legs relaxed from their ridged state opening more to his touch, she moaned as he gripped her hips and vigorously continued knowing very well that he could be a gentle lover but preferred it a bit more tangible. Keith realized that she was created just for him the light to his darkness, and that she would also prefer not being so gentle.

Her cries of passion he could no longer stand, for they teased him beyond consciousness. He instructed that they switch spots and he took the position on the bed with his wings stretched out on either side. He placed her astride him.

"Your body craves mine Fern, and mine craves yours." Keith explained placing her hands on his fully erect shaft. "I fit inside you…" He continued between the caresses of her hands on his member. "I want it to be your choice to continue before we are bound. Choose…" Keith pleaded with her as her strokes began to quicken and tortured him even more. He would die if she chose otherwise.

His eyes tightly shut from her touch she slows and adjusts above him placing him between her wet thighs she slowly placed him inside of her, her body was tight around his shaft and he moaned wanting to continue the rhythm but didn't want to harm her. Fern moved when she felt comfortable, he held onto her hips and showed her how to move atop him. Rocking in the ancient flow as time seemed to stand still and the world revolved around them. She cried out his name as her body tensed squeezing him tight then relaxed causing him to spill himself within her. He gripped her hips hard and buried deep in her as she collapsed atop him, there exhausted bodies fell into the welcoming arms of mistress sleep.

"mi naren," he whispered into her ear meaning 'my love' in their ancient language.

Lukas carried her limp body into the lush room fit for the princess that she was and laid her on the bed, the skin around her neck beginning to darken and bruise. She was still bleeding from her leg; Lukas searched the room for some linen that he easily stripped into bandages and began the task of cleaning the wound and wrapping it. Natalia woke suddenly and gasped for air unable to breath brought on by the pain she so willingly accepted as hers to bare.

"Calm yourself!" He said holding her still with her shoulders. "You'll start bleeding again," she coughed trying desperately to fend him off but his strength was more than hers and she panicked and her mind brought back tortured memories. Defensively she brought up one of her fans, he countered grabbing her wrists before she got farther he spun her around in his arms. Natalia's back against his chest she still struggled to breathe, he held her still placing his hand on her chest and whispered in her ear.

"Your body cannot handle all the pain; share it with me so that I may help you breathe. Feel the rhythm of my chest on your back. In, out. Relax your hold on it; let me help you or your stubbornness will be the death of you?" He asked gently, applying pressure to her chest then letting it rise. Natalia closed her eyes and tears came from the sides of them and she released some of the pain. White light seeped from her and drifted into his body, he inhaled sharply faintly recognizing the smell of her hair. The brick that was on her chest began to be lifted and she let air into her lungs slowly coming aware of her surroundings and that she was so intimately close with Lukas.

His grip tightened on her and she realized her hold on the pain she was to bear was drifting too much and too fast into him. She pulled it back and tightly locked it away in herself gasping at its full fury but feeling it had immensely dissipated. They relished the feeling of each other for a moment longer, he lightly caressed her collarbone and she inhaled raggedly from both her ordeal and his touch. They each pulled away from each other feeling the stolen moments forbiddingly wrong, their skin afire in shame that their thoughts would lead them to cross that line.

"Foolish Healing Song Maiden, you are lucky I do not look as old as I am." Lukas said, turning the emotions in the air to anger. Putting distance between them he went over to the hearth and poked at the fire. Her skin blushed with the emotions she normally would never outwardly have shown before, who was he? He could not be her Guardian. Hers was lost, so very, very lost. She needed to find him, was Lukas the key to finding her Guardian?

"I warn you never to attempt that again without your Guardian. The pain must be shared to ease the healing, your body is strong but it cannot hold all of it. I know much of our ways, I am now linked to you sister. If the need arises for such a fiscal again without your Guardian I will step in." He said turning around finding she was not where he left her but in the back of the room behind a thin divider, naked getting into a bath. Her long auburn hair cascaded down her back and she looked over her shoulder at him, he caught his breath.

"I will only allow your interference when I deem it necessary, you may know a lot of our ways but I am flesh and blood. I feel my actions pulling on instinct not over analytical thought, I am a lot stronger than you would presume me to be." She stated as her hair whisked away from her shoulder enough for him to get a glimpse of a spiral tattoo. She climbed into the bath and her bangles clanged against the metal tub. He instinctively pulled his gaze away, turning back to the fire.

"Fine, have it your way princess, but remember it's quite a lonely way up atop your pedestal." Lukas said, poking at the fire more vigorously.

"May I remind you that this princess just saved your brother's life?" she started bitterly washing away the filth of the day quickly.

"And I just saved yours," he pointed out knowing she was in a defensive state of mind, a cat with its fur raised, a viper ready to strike. They were alike in so many ways, attracted to each other but not the way others would think. They were of like minds, they could tell the moment they met.

"Thank you, I'm sorry I'm so defensive. I don't trust people so easily," she replied standing behind him. She moved silently from where she was wet dripping water on the wood floor wrapped in a soft cotton towel.

"Ghost! Woman! You are my sister now. Guardian Knights are bound by honor to protect all maidens, it is our duty. Do not worry little sister much is expected of you, but you shall always find me behind you." He said, placing his arm around her giving her a kiss on the top of her wet hair. He was drawn to her alright but not the thread that binds them as night and day, light to dark. He felt she had a part of darkness in her, unrequited rage like they Guardians have. She pulled away and went into the closet, emerging a few moments later wearing a skirt and blouse.

"How are they made?" Lukas inquired referring to her bangles taking her hands in his large ones, noticing the scars on her wrists. Where are they from the bangles? Turning her hands over he examined the vastly intricate detail weaved into the brightly polished silver beautiful gems where in several of the settings around the bracelets recognizing the stones, Amethyst, Peridot, Rhodolite and Emeralds. Purples and greens that matched the deep stormy green eyes she held. Purple for the magical shield she was able to form to her partiality. He moved them aside slightly and found the unmistakable mark of braided rope scared into her flesh he caressed its path around her wrist.

"Not far from here is our ore mine where we sit and sing. You sing for the right ore to come out of the mountain into your cart, some maidens sing for days. Depending on how strong your song magic is that's the quality of ore you get. The magic soaks into the ore like a sponge, you then take your cart to the weaponsmith and they create what weapons with what ore you assign. It took Fern three days before she came out of the mine." Natalia explained pulling her hands away from him as if he were fired.

"Do you always wear them? I was interested in the small red throwing daggers but even more interested in how long it took you in the mine? He asked, trying to state his curious mind with information he was always looking to obtain.

"Always worn, always ready," she said, giving him a 'you should have known that look'.

"Caught your eye did they?" she inquired of him calling the daggers to her from the crumpled up armor on the floor.

"It took me a half a day to call ore out of the mountain. Not only was it ore but rare gems and these." She showed him some of the red throwing daggers. "They are very rare and very poisonous; these are actually made from a rare creature. Only the powerful can call on them, because they are actually in a deep sleep. That was the day I knew I was much more than an average Songstress." She said taking them back moving to an armorer placing all of her weapons in it.

"Such power? Are you sure you're not the Mother Song Maiden herself?" Lukas said jokingly, gesturing to the food that was brought up earlier that caught his eye.

"My family can trace their lineage back to the royal house, if you could even speak of such things! It is a strong healing bloodline, The House of Haydara" she said glancing at the food then moving to the bed her leg was feeling the stress of the cut Fern gave her, she placed her hand over it as she sat down.

"I have heard that name before, that house disappeared over night like ghosts. Before the knights were assigned to protect the forest, many stories surround your family name." he said, pouring a drink and offering it to her.

"Perhaps? But I could say the same of you and the forest?" she replied accepting the spiced rum, her favorite. It was always a constant adornment to her room. Lukas went for his own glass and helped himself to the bread, meat, and cheese.

"Our souls are not interlocking matches, Natalia. Why are we drawn to each other if we are not a pair?" He asked her bluntly, tired of the circle of words they danced in. It was not in his nature to play coy with his reason or motive, he bent towards her whim but he was stressed beyond what he would normally tolerate and had snapped back.

"This much I know, but you must hear your Maidens call." She replied knowing that her mysterious words and ways were done. "You are the key to finding my Guardian that is why I'm drawn to you," she finally replied.

"I see," he said plainly. Lukas knew maidens had psychic dreams of their guardians as well as other vivid premonitions if the maiden was powerful enough. Lukas went to ask more of her but they both heard yelling and the crashing of things down the hall. Both of them ran out to find Damien blocking blows from one of the other ninjas smashing into tables and chairs in the sitting room.

It was a cunning dance of attraction between the two as they fought each other, Urmila swung at him with her blade and a rage stormed in her eyes. Damien had a devilish grin on his face as he caught her wrists, spun her around in his embrace and stole a caress from her hip drawing his fingertips up along her side over her ribs. The thin black armor fit each warrior like a glove showing her lush provocative curve, he breathed in deep her scent.

"Damien! Release her at once." Lukas commanded glaring at him. Urmila swiftly took advantage of his distraction and dug her heel into his foot and an elbow to his ribs causing him to collapse spinning she unsheathed a long dagger and pressed it to his neck.

"Urmila, it is finished. Victory was yours." Natalia said stepping forward watching the opposing forces that raged in her. Urmila was a unique Song Maiden conflicted with light and dark magic, like Natalia her story was dark. Urmila plunged the dagger down in the floorboards between Damian's legs.

"It is my right to take justice from the disgrace he caused." She stated plainly glaring at them both. Natalia judged the rage rippling within her, Urmila had control of it.

"Commence your justice, but his action is not worth his life. Just a reminder that he must look deeper than the flesh if he is to find his maiden," Natalia said, sharing a silent moment with Urmila. She pulled the blade from the wood drawing it across the inside of his thigh as she did drawing blood. Not too deep just enough to leave a scar. Urmila like the ninja she was disappeared into the shadows.

"You choose foolishly Aurickan, Urmila is a Ciara Luan, a very rare Song Mistress. Light and dark magic flow within her, she is both Maiden and Mage. Very deadly, you were lucky she didn't kill you for what you did. Let that be a lesson to you for trying to bridle another Aurickan's Maiden." Natalia said returning to her room, closing the door behind her, leaving the two rogue Aurickans out in the hall.